Paddle Bob's Fishing Hole 5/27/14

On Tuesday, May 27 th, 18 hearty paddlers met at Bob's Fishing Hole. We paddled 8.5 miles on the flat, nearly empty Northwest River. Lots of beautiful peaceful waters on an 80 degree day. With four Bobs, three Bills and two Margaret's, we headed toward NW River Park where we found a new kayak dock and another cool 'drive on' ramp. The park was nearly empty with shaded picnic tables near the river and a gaggle of goslings at our feet. With clean bathrooms and stretched legs we hiked to the 'Kon Tiki' Bridge prior to lunch on the shore.

Lots of birds, turtles, and wilderness. I'm happy to report no spills, no pills and no emergency rooms today! We returned to Bob's in early afternoon and most snuck across the state line for ice cream and country culture at Southland.

Belatedly submitted by Kayak Don.