Shingle Creek Paddle 7/22/2014

As always we were watching the weather forecast before going out on the water in our paddle boats. First it was going to rain on Tuesday then 20 percent chance and finely no chance of rain, what good is a future forecast if they change it every day. So much for the weather, we had a great paddle with a cool breeze, very little sunshine, a great group of paddlers and NO RAIN ! Sue and Dave came up from Currituck to paddle with us in waters they live on, just to be with the Tuesday Group. We also had Bill B, Bob S, John F, Mark C, Buck H, Richard T, Ken V, Jack S and Bruce J.

Breakfast, this was a first for our little Breakfast Group that meets before each outing of our Tuesday Group. Everyone that had signed up but one met us there at the Hardess in Moyock, not for the reason to eat but to help them find the Put-in. I made a little mistake on the name of the road leading to the put-in and some could not find it on the map so they had to meet there at the Hardess and follow us down to the boat ramp. There is a difference between Moyock Landing Rd. and Shingles Landing Rd. about .2 of a mile. Sorry about the mistake !

We all were at the put-in and ready to paddle by 9:15 A.M. and we headed north on Shingles Creek with plenty of water in the creek. We had been there before and the water level was down about 4 or 5 feet. Today it was only about 14 or 16 in. low. When the wind blows out of the north it takes the water out of the creeks and rivers and makes it hard to paddles in some of these places. Today we had enough water to paddle on our little cut-through that John F. and myself found last year which makes a real nice place to paddle to get off of the Northwest River.

Stopping at the dock at Northwest River City Park, here we had our lunch before heading back to the put-in. We all got back around 2 P.M. and all but three stopped at Southland for ice cream. All had 2 scoops and one had 4 scoops, he just couldn’t get enough of that good stuff and no it was not me ! We had a great day and hope to see everyone on next Tuesday’s Paddle.


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