Waller Mill 11/15/22

Cool temperatures and rain could not keep the Tuesday Group from what may likely be the last paddle of the season. Paddling today were Jack, Bruce D, Bruce J, Steve, Sandy, Bill,Sherri and Phyllis. We all met at the park and launched our craft under overcast skies and temperatures in the 40s. Fortunately there was very little breeze and we were all dressed for a cool day. We paddled the nooks and crannies of the area north of Airport Road taking our time as we explored the various fingers of the reservoir. Sherri found an eroded area of bank with some huge scallop shell fossils! We had a kingfisher keep us company for most of the morning as he/she flitted back and forth across the water. We even got to see two bald eagles! We arrived back at the put-in around noon just as a light drizzle briefly teased the water. Lunch on the picnic tables was unappealing so we loaded up our kayaks and headed to Pierce's BBQ for lunch! Another great day for the Tuesday Group!


View Bills' Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/gmC3TQpXWoCPPnUM6 It was a cold and dreary day with threats of rain but we still had fun paddling! Thanks Phyllis for leading us. Sheri took some great pictures. I was less inspired that day.I did take a minute during the paddle to promote the movie* that impressed me about four young women who rowed across the Pacific Ocean without any support vessels! San Francisco, Honolulu, Samoa, and Cairns, Australia,After the paddle, the group convinced me to give up my can of Vienna Sausage and join them for lunch at Pierce's Barbecue since it started raining.*Losing Sight of Shore.Streaming on Amazon Prime and freevee

View Sherri's Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/boSz1uc7yowCkgkJA