Urban Hike 1/29/2019

Urban Hike and Elizabeth River Trail (ERT) Briefing

About 30 of us met for this urban hike at the Larchmont Library on Hampton Blvd. We started on the ERT behind the library and were moved by the multiple cut-out, life-size sculptures of veterans who succumbed to suicide - drawing attention to the fact there are 22 suicides daily among veterans.

We walked through the Edgewater neighborhood, several times along the banks of the Elizabeth River. We crossed Hampton Blvd. into the Larchmont neighborhood and its prominent waterway - the Lafayette River.

After lunch at two nearby restaurants, we returned to the library for a briefing by John Garrett, board member of the ERT Foundation. We learned this foundation has raised about $3.5M from public and private donors to make major investments in this 10.5 mile urban trail - extending from the Hermitage neighborhood (Lochaven) through West Ghent, Chelsea, Freemason, Waterside and over to NSU. Extensive informative and educational signage is planned, especially at trailheads in about a dozen neighborhoods on the route. Fitness stations, benches, kayak launches, bike repair stations, public art projects, meadowland restoration and sponsored events - like “bike, brew and ballgame” and “Tour de Orf" - are just some of the things planned. Many of the infrastructure improvements will be completed in the next 2-3 months.

Following the presentation, we retreated to be treated by Steve and Mimi Rosenthal to an ice cream extravaganza at their nearby house. A warm and delicious end to a fun day.

View Bob's photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qqiCzGigXSHJwDv8A