Jamestown Island Paddle 9/22/2015

The weather forecast was for overcast skies, little chance of rain, ten to twelve mph winds out of the North Northeast, and temperature in the high 60’s - that was what we got - almost. Nine Tuesday Groupers showed up at the Jamestown Marina at the appointed nine o’clock hour. The marina now has a floating kayak launch facility, complete with one of those slide things, which Brian used without incident. The participants included Sandra, Ken, Jim, Bill B, two Johns (G and F), Brian, Jack and Buck.Our first interesting event was meeting a French couple and their two small children. They were on a bicycle adventure that had begun in Vancouver BC and had already taken them across the entire US. As we launched, they headed out for the NC Outer Banks, then on to Florida. They were carrying everything on their very special bikes (see Bill’s pictures) and were planning to go on to Cuba after finishing the US – tougher than me.

We left with the tide and quickly passed under the bridge and into the James. The water was beautifully quiet as we were under the shelter of Jamestown Island. This first section was a paddler’s dream: no blazing sun, calm sea, and a great ebbing tide carrying us along at four to four and a half mph with little effort. Two bald eagles later we reached the Eastern end of the island and made our turn to the North - that is when situation changed. We were expecting a rougher ride heading North into the wind, but the velocity had been increasing while we were blissfully under the shelter of the island. The seaway had been building for two days and was running about two feet, right on the nose. Paddling against wind and waves, our speed dropped from four plus down to about two and a half, at best. Oh well, we needed the exercise.

We made the beach at about 11:30, still faster than usual for the 5.8 miles, ate lunch and kicked back for a while. We made the decision to head straight across the Back River for the shelter of the North shore – an easy one after the beating we had just taken off the Eastern tip of Jamestown Island. Heading back home under cover once again, Brian suggested we take a side trip up Mill Creek, as we were well ahead of schedule. It turned out to be a delightful little jaunt up a pretty salt marsh creek. Saw lots of wading birds and another Eagle, and got to explore a little.

Back out in the Back River the trip back to the marina was pretty standard. The ebbing tide had gone slack, and by the time we reached Powhatan Creek we were getting a little push.

We were back at the marina by 2:45 after a total of 12.5 miles. Ice cream from the snack bar finished it off. All and all a great trip, just enough challenge to make it interesting and even got some unplanned exploring in.

Buck Holder

View Bill's photos: https://picasaweb.google.com/117475145040031402609/TuesJamestownIsland125MilesSeptember222015Buck?authkey=Gv1sRgCKDrz6LRp6GMLA&feat=email

View Jim's photos: https://jimarendphotography.smugmug.com/Sports/Kayaking/Jamestown-Island-20150922/