Lynnhaven River 7/16/19

Lynnhaven River Paddle 7-16-19

Thirteen dedicated folks joined me in paddling the Lynnhaven River. The extreme temperatures and full sun kept us at a slow pace with several stops to cool off in the water. Putting in at the Lynnhaven Boat Ramp, we followed the shoreline out of Crab Creek, along Pleasure House Point up to Shore Drive then along Church Point. Herons, Egrets and Osprey greeted us. We waded off Pleasure House Point then continued out into Lynnhaven Inlet and under the Lesner Bridge. I opted to turn us around and head back to the put in as everyone agreed the heat was brutal. Several of us did veer a bit up river to check out a sandbar full of seabirds. Be sure to look at Bill’s terrific shots of this. Taking out, several folks headed on. Those remaining enjoyed a picnic lunch under Lesner Bridge watching the swimmers, fisherman and boat traffic. Bill and Jack took a swim and bobbed along in the currant. Everyone enjoyed the ~ 4.5 mile paddle. My thanks to everyone for coming out to another beautiful area we are able to explore. Marti

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