York River State Park Hike 1-7-2014

Bitter cold greeted the Tuesday Group as we rendezvoused at York River State Park this crisp sunny morning. Below freezing temperatures brought out woolly hats, scarves, gloves, rainpants and multiple layers for those tough enough to hike this day. We all looked like Ralphie's little brother from "A Christmas Story". (Fortunately, no light poles around to tempt us!) Braving the frigid weather were Brian, Dottie, Bob M, Jack, Vic, Margaret P, Ellis, Marti, Bob A, Evelyn, Martha, Bruce, Margaret J, JP, Steve Ro, Judy, Sandy C, Dylan, Steve C, Stephanie, Mark C, John F , Diane and Phyllis. We started our hike on the Backbone Trail setting a fairly rapid pace. Bright sun and little wind helped to warm us up as we trotted along. We turned onto the Majestic Oak Trail and viewed....the Majestic Oak! We then took a brief snack break to look down upon the York River marvelling at the iced grasses at the water's edge. The break didn't last long however as we started to frost over while standing still. So we continued our trek across the marsh to the Powhatan Forks Trail and then back to the Backbone. We picked up the Woodstock Pond Trail and then back to our starting point at the Visitor Center. We'd covered ~6 miles in a little over two hours! The best was yet to come however as we caravanned to Brian's house where Cheryl awaited with crockpots full of hot steaming chili. The aromatic goodness filled our senses and warmed our hearts--and thawed our chilblains. Sweet and savory cornbread accompanied the chili but neither lasted long as hungry hikers devoured every last yummy bit. But, there was still ice cream! Ice cream on such a cold day you say? Yes, indeed, because the chili had warmed us right up. Then, we sang Happy Birthday to Cheryl who had just turned 35 (or maybe 36?). Bellies full and frostbite averted we bid each other farewell and promised to return another day.

Another great adventure for the Tuesday Group!
