Paddling Lake Drummond 10/29/2013

Paddling Lake Drummond

October 29, 2013

Today was Tuesday and of course the Tuesday Group went out on one of their trips. On this Tuesday we paddle out to Lake Drummond and at 9 A.M. we had 10 kayakers and one canoe ready to go. On this trip we had Sandra C, Sandy B, John F, Mark C, Bill B, Milton B, Bob A, Bob Alex, Bruce D, and Bruce J, and for his first paddle with the Tuesday Group Buck Holder from Williamsburg. I just got off the phone with him and he said he had a great time and would defiantly be back for more. We paddle out into the Canal and headed south down towards the Feeder Ditch that would take us to the lake. We met one Sail Boat which had turned around at the feeder Ditch and was heading back out to the Chesapeake Bay for a few days before heading south towards Florida, guess he wanted to check out the canal first.

Reaching the Spillway around 10:30 we took out our boats and had a break to stretch our legs. The Dam Keeper was leaving as we got there and he told us that the trolley was broken but we inform him that we didn’t need it anyway for our kayaks. Resting for about 15 minutes we then put our boats into the water on the Lake side and headed out. I had been coming to Lake Drummond since the 1970’s and have seen the lake as slick as glass more than once. While with the Tuesday Group for the passed 10 years I have not got to see the lake without some winds blowing one way or another, until today. We had a perfect day with sunshine, cool temps, and no wind. Everyone talked about how beautiful the lake was and how slick the water was.

Turning north and paddling around the shore line we first saw a large bird which some though to be an Osprey and others thinking it was a young bald Eagle, can’t be sure what it was. Reaching the Portsmouth Ditch we tried paddling up it, but found to many trees across it so we back out to the lake and headed west. Reaching the Washington Ditch we got out of our boats once again and here we had our lunch. Walking around the shore line I found a 4 ft Cottonmouth and for an October day he was full of life. He went into the water and we never saw him again and we were glad of that.

After lunch some were ready to head back while other on this beautiful day wanted to press on around the lake. Here we split into 2 groups and 6 headed back while the other 5 headed on. The group going back got to the take out around 4:00 P.M. and our group was back by 5:00 P.M.. As we paddle on towards the area that had been burn a few years earlier we had another stop at the dock there on the Suffolk side. Staying here for about 15 minutes we again was on our way. Just passed the Riddick Ditch we spotted a raccoon and he was not camera shy so Bill got a lot of pictures. We had been looking for a bear but all we found was Ricky the Raccoon. There were a lot of ducks and Swan’s on the lake and some flying over head. On this trip we covered 17.6 miles in about 8 hours with some of us not wanting the day to end, because it was beautiful on Lake Drummond today. I would like to think everyone for coming out today making this one of the best trips ever.

Bruce Julian

Bill B's wonderful picture link: