Farm Walk-Abouts 11-11-14

Our Veteran’s Day farm walk-about was perfect in many respects. It was packed with 33 great active Tuesday Groupers and two lovely dogs who had the time of their life playing together and running free. Also, the day was blessed, finally, with great hiking weather. Of course, Mother Nature did not want us to get off scot free particularly since the two previous farm walk-about’s were rain-filled from start to finish. This time, however, she permitted a light rain to fall but only after we had all returned to the Big Belly Hunt Club and the ice cream social. How fun it was to sit inside with our filled bowls of ice cream and toppings knowing this hike finally had been a dry one!!!.

The dry weather permitted us to make the complete 6+ mile hike planned for the day. We started by first walking the long country road leading to the farm house and pastures. In one pasture the group got to see from a distance ponies Jade and Roxy and donkey Eeyore, all from Diamonds in the Rough Equine Rescue whose volunteers care for rescued horses from Isle of Wight and surrounding counties. Unfortunately, although carrots, apples and butterscotch hard candy (Eeyore’s favorite) were available for the hikers to give the animals, the three would not approach the fence. Later their owners (who are tenants of the farm house) explained that large crowds to rescued animals usually means a round-up prior to being loaded on a trailer thus their desire to stay as far away from us as possible.

At the next pasture there was no hesitation by the cows whatsoever about approaching us….as you see from the great pictures Bill B. took that day.

Actually one even got upset enough with one of the little dogs that it charged it even though the dog was on his leash at the time. Thankfully his owner was fast enough to sweep up the dog in his arms so all was well. The cows, to include one Galloway (one with a white stripe around its stomach), won’t be

around on the next farm walk-about. They’ve all been sold, and the farm’s tenants do not plan on replacing them.

The remaining parts of the hike took us past cultivated fields of winter wheat, beaver-dropped trees, through woods and past large clear-cut sections….

And while we saw many tracks of different types of wildlife, I cannot recall anyone saying they saw any wildlife. Bow-hunting season was in so that may have had something to do with that. Good for the animals, it’s nice to know they are in hiding. I personally hope they stay that way until January.

Lunch was by a lovely lake where we did experience a light passing shower before returning to the club house for our ice cream social and the heavier rain.

Great day, great group, great way to spend this day of remembrance…..after all, it is only because of our veterans that we have the opportunity to experience such wonderful freedoms on a daily basis here in America. sac

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