Goodwin Islands Paddle 7/28/2015

Despite a dubious weather forecast threatening a 40% chance of rain, the Tuesday Group showed up in force today for one of our very favorite paddles. We've done this one many times and have seen just about everything from clear sunny skies to thunderstorms and high winds. We've had days with water clear and still as glass and days with 2 foot waves to paddle over. Today was no different. A little bit of everything. We had 27 paddlers in 26 boats (Ron and Sue in their trusty canoe, Ellis, Marti, JaneO, JohnO, John F, Bruce J, Bruce G, Bruce D, Mark C, Faye, Mark B, Jean, Carol, Sandy, Bob M, Buck, Jack, Steve, Bev, Margaret P, Vic, Brian,Gayle, Bill and Phyllis) gather for launch at 9:30. It was a 3 Bruce paddle. Our safety briefing included a brief acknowledgement to the TG administrators by our photog Bill with an unexpected award of 2 pair of the amazing "Singing Magnets". Thank you Bill for this surprising and unanticipated honor!

No sooner had we begun to launch our boats when the heavens opened. Baby, it poured. Not a sprinkle. Not a drizzle. It was a gully-washer. Or as we used to call it in Texas: a frog strangler. So, you know what we did? We put put our hats on and launched our boats. This is one of the things I LOVE about the Tuesday Group. By the time we'd gotten all the boats into Back Creek-the rain had stopped. We were wet but the sun soon took care of that.

Despite the leader's pleas for everyone to stay close to another...nobody did. But we did rendezvous just before heading into the Thoroughfare for our group photo. Then on to the Goodwin Islands and our first stop at a welcoming beach. The tide was in our favor and with little wind we made good time. Nearly everyone got out of their boats (not Bill who continued to take pictures from his kayak) to stretch their legs and get a snack. A few of us tried swimming but were only able to wade as the water was so shallow. After a short break we were back in our boats and headed for the old rusted remains of a structure we'd visited on our last paddle. But where was it? We paddled out to where it ought to have been but nothing was there. We started to head in the direction of some distant structures but it's a good thing the lead kayaks stopped at a fishing boat to ask directions (a rare thing with this group). No, the "spider" was gone. Removed due to its precarious and hazardous nature. We headed back to join the rest of the group (a bit chagrined by our attempt) and proceeded to cross the bay to our lunch beach. Along the way we met a VIMS scientist out doing research in the shallows.

"On what ?" questioned curious Ellis. "Bull Sharks!" came the scientist's reply. (Soon to be followed by the real answer of seagrass. )

We reached our beach and spread out for lunch. Bill flew his kite. Bruce D. took a floating nap in the shallow water. Bruce J decided to "save him" and wound up in the water himself! Bruce is very sad and lonely because Margaret is off exploring cross-country with Dottie and he is left home to tend to her cats. All the women tried to make him feel less lonely and I think it worked. He is awfully attached to those cats though.

We bid our beach adieu and with the tide once again in our favor headed back to the dock. Next stop was the sno-zone where most of us gathered for our ice cream reward. We ate our ice cream as we were entertained by Bill's performing magnets.

Another great day for the Tuesday Group!


View Bill's photos: