11th Annual Triathlon 9/19/2017

With 3 major storms coming up the East Coast within a 2 week time frame, I wasn’t sure we would be able to pull off the 11th Annual Triathlon. We had one of them about 200 miles off False Cape and the outer bands were over top of the park and most of Back Bay. With the wind pushing the water out of the bay I didn’t know how much water would be there for us to paddle in. The day came and I headed down to the park meeting Bob M. there waiting for me at 8:30 A.M. then Bob S. drove up follow by Mark & Faye. Sandra had called me twice and was on Indian River Rd. she was having a little trouble with traffic. She arrived shortly after 9:00 A.M.

With the strong north winds blowing between 20 and 25 mph and we only having 5 cars I told everyone to stay in their cars and follow me into Back Bay Wildlife Refuge and we would park at the Maintenance Area and that would save us fighting the wind for 4 miles. As we unloaded our bikes a little rain began to fall but not enough to stop the Tuesday group. Headed south with the north wind behind us we made it to the boat dock in record time, but in the back of our minds we all were thinking about the return trip later that day.

As I said earlyer the wind had pushed the water out almost 200 feet from the shore line so with the strong wind we decided to skip the paddling and extend the biking and hiking part of the trip. We road to the office and took our first break talking with Kyle & Patty about the weather and our plan not to use their kayaks this time. Heading from here our next stop was at Wash Woods bike rack where we left our bikes and hike to the cemetery where we ate our lunch. After a long lunch eating & talking we started hiking on the Cemetery Trail and made another stop at the platform, where we thought we could see the ocean and the bay but with the misting rain and fog we could barely see either. Hiking back to where we had left our bikes we began the 8 miles ride out of the park and wildlife refuge. With one last stop at the office for pictures and a bathroom break we headed out into the strong north wind. We all made it back to our cars and most used the water hose to wash their bikes before loading them.

As always we decided to get ice cream, this time at the new Ben & Jerry’s shop there in Sandbridge. At 4:00 P.M. I was to picket up a group of High School Kids with the park bus and drive them down to the EEC for a 3 day stay, so I had to cut my stay at the ice cream shop short. We all got a little wet but still had a great time on our outing of the 11th Annual Triathlon. Bruce

P.S. the kids were suppose to have a one hour kayak trip and guess what, the wind had died down just a little and they said they didn’t mind pulling the boats out to the water so 17 of us paddle for almost 2 hours before I took them down to the EEC, and they love it. They were a great group of kids and help me with all the kayaks, paddles and PFD’S putting them away.

View Bob's pictures: https://photos.app.goo.gl/UjMxqOuWTPPRybaH2