Lake Cohoon 8-17-21

Tuesday Group Paddle this Tuesday Aug. 17, 2021 was at Lake Cohoon in Suffolk just off of Hwy. 58 By-pas on Pitch Kettle Rd. We had paddled there twice but with only 3 boats and 6 boats this time we had 9 boats and the lake was beautiful for all 3 trips. With all the rain we have had lately the water was up about 16 in. higher from the first 2 trips. We met at 8:30 but 4 were there at 8:00 ready to go. The leader came in at 8:20 thinking he would be first but not this time. We had a Safety Talk about today’s paddle mainly to let everyone know about the Dam and not getting to close so not to go over the wall down to Lake Meade, it’s about 30 feet drop.

We started out about 9:15 heading West looking for some wildlife along the shore like we had seen before but on this trip we couldn’t find any. We did see a few Great Blue Heron, Egrets, Geese and 3 or 4 Green Heron. We had decided to get back about 12:30 or 1:00 load up our boats and eat lunch there at the lake. There was a bridge about 3 miles west of the put-in that I wanted to paddle to so we skipped a few of the creeks and paddle to what we found out was 2 bridges on different creeks and we paddle under both bridges for a short distance and then turn back. I found out after getting home that the gun fire we heard was at The Nansemond Suffolk Shooting Club and it was about 1 mile from us. Some thought we were being shot at from close range but it was about a mile away, no Good Ole Boys and their toys were shooting at us.

We loaded our boats onto our trucks/ cars and had a nice lunch and conversation for about 45 minutes and then headed home before the rain came (at our house about 4:30) to beat the rain. We had Ellis & Marti, Vic & Margaret, Jack and Jay, Carolyn and Margaret & Bruce. After checking the map again we paddle a little over 6 miles, we didn’t have Bill and his GPS on this trip. Thanks to everyone for coming out on a beautiful day with the Tuesday Group. Bruce