Queen's Creek Paddle 6/21/16

We had 12 paddlers in 11 boats this fine day in Williamsburg (Brian, Buck, Bill, Jack, Jay, JP, Michelle, Sandra, Dottie, Jim A, John and Phyllis). Molly had warned me that there was a boy scout camp going on today but that it shouldn't interfere with our day. Well, there were 2 folks fishing at our put-in at the point near Loop 7. They'd been displaced by the scouts at their usual fishing spot and had been assured that no one would bother them here. Surprise! Well, they seemed a bit annoyed at first but we won them over with our charming personalities and we were able to launch and get out of their way. We headed up Cubb Creek where for once there was enough water for us to follow this narrow creek a fair distance. After this we retraced our path back out to the York River where Brian expressed his desire (again) to cross to the other side. Instead, we took a break on the small beach near Cheatham Annex. . We were even surprised by a hiker ad his two sons who were camping at the Annex. After our break we paddled up Queen's Creek. It was getting pretty hot by then...but not nearly as HOT as it had been last year when we did this paddle. The tide was with us but the wind and current were not so we had to put some muscle into our efforts. We saw plenty of egret, heron, one bald eagle and lots of jumping fish. We decided to have lunch at the floating dock as it was after noon by the time we got there. We arrived just ahead of the boy scouts though who were getting all set up to have a fishing class off of the dock. We managed to find a spot for ourselves and tried not to scare the boys when they arrived for their fishing lesson. We decided to head back after this as the wind was getting pretty strong and it was starting to get pretty hot...but not nearly as HOT as it had been last year when we did this paddle. We made it back to our put-in (the fisher folk were gone by now), loaded our boats and headed to the Queen Anne dari-Snak for our ice cream reward. We were all very sad to hear that the Queen Anne plans to close soon. This is one of our favorite ice cream stops. The reporter from Channel 13 was there reporting on the imminent closure. He looked really hot. We had to eat our ice creams pretty fast because it was so hot...but not nearly as HOT as it had been last year when....well, you get the idea.

Another most excellent day of fresh air and friendship with the Tuesday Group. It doesn't get any better!


View Bill's pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bill_billings/sets/72157667373230404/

View Jim's pictures: https://imagesbyjimarend.smugmug.com/Sports/Kayaking/-