Capital Trail 7/9/24

The Tuesday Group braved Africa temperatures for our bike ride today.  Eight hardy souls arrived at Jamestown Settlement early this morning, trying to beat the heat for a ride on the Capital Trail.  Temperatures were predicted for the mid to high 90s.  Add in high humidity and dewpoint (which I don't understand but Bill or Bruce can explain it to you) and it was pretty darn hot!  We gathered in the meager shade waiting for all of our brave cyclists to arrive catching up with one another and occasionally exclaiming "Hot enough for ya?"  Riding today were Ellis, Vic, Kevin, Bill, Catherine, Carl, Bruce D and me, Phyllis.  We had our safety talk, chugged some water and hit the trail.  The trail itself was not too busy though we were passed several times by a very cranky "trail ambassador" who obviously hadn't gotten the memo that the Tuesday Group had reserved the trail for today.  We set a leisurely pace taking breaks for water and to make frequent comments about the heat. We took an extended break at Chickahominy Riverfront Park.  The pool was full of kids and the picnic tables full of their stuff. (They hadn't gotten the memo either).  But we managed to find a spot of shade for a few minutes.  We didn't stay long though as the cops arrived (not because of us) to figure out some potential law-breaking incident.  And also, it was really hot-even in the shade.  At least we had a breeze while we were riding!  We stopped at the top of the Chickahominy Bride (AKA Judith Stewart Dresser Memorial Bridge) to marvel at the growing Osprey chicks.  Then we continued on to our turn around point at Mile Marker 10.  We took another water break there but even in the shade-dare I say-it was really hot!  So after getting a very cool picture from Carl's phone and watch, we started back.  Our next break was at Spoke 'N Art.  They were closed but we were able to hang out on the porch for a little bit before pedaling the final 2.5 miles back to our vehicles.  Everybody crossed the street for the lovely air-conditioned Billsburg Brewery where ate our lunches and sampled some of the local brew.Another fine day (albeit hot) for the Tuesday Group!


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