Lake Drummond Paddle 6/4/2019

We had a great day for the Tuesday Group Paddle to Lake Drummond, starting from the put-in at Ballahack Rd in Chesapeake, and paddling the 4 mile feeder ditch to the Lake. There were 11 of us (Bruce & Margaret, Buck, Steve L., Don, Margaret & Vic, Bob A., Mark & Faye, and yours truly, Bob M) enjoying the beautiful sunny day with very moderate temperatures and a nice breeze. We stopped and ate our lunch at the Corps of Engineer facility even though it was only 11:15, we didn’t want to eat in our boats on the Lake, or wait until we returned after paddling for two hours. As usual the lake was magical, with the beautiful cypress trees growing out of the water and the slight breeze and clear sky. I never get tired of this place. For a change we paddled clockwise or South around the lake, just to see different sights, every other time we paddled North. We paddled about 1/3 around when many of us realized that it would be too far to do the entire lake, so we headed back, 3 of us (Bruce, Margaret, and me) going straight across the lake, and the rest sticking closer to the edge of the shore. We made it back on the other side after searching a bit for the sign for the entrance, and reversed course back to the Crop of Engineers. After a 5-10 minute rest, we headed back via the feeder ditch, and passed some other paddlers heading to the Lake. A very popular paddle that day. As we paddled closer to the put-in we also encountered a black angus bull, who was cooling himself off in the water. Good thing he wasn’t paying any attention to us, this sucker was hugh. A kayak would have been nothing for him to flip!

We arrived back at Ballahack Rd around 3pm after paddling 13 miles. We were all too tired for ice cream, as hard as it is to believe, and decided to call it a day. Another successful and great Tuesday Group adventure.

Bob M

View Bob's photos (thanks Bob!):