Yorktown Battlefield Bike Ride 6/5/2018

Mild temperatures and low humidity greeted us for our ride to the Yorktown Battlefield today. This was a welcome break from the recent heat, humidity and rain we've been having lately. About 2 dozen joined the ride today and we did the usual route from NN Park to the visitor center at the battlefield. We posed for our picture at the Victory monument and then headed to the Yorktown Pub for lunch. Afterwards most of us pedaled to the cannons--which are no longer there. Then we headed back to our starting point. We covered about 20 miles today and it was a fun ride with fun folks.


View Bill's photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bill_billings/sets/72157694559264372/

View Bob's photos: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMTbMxGq27nVbrs_VF9C7_R6pg-3qGha4w8WVxs_ynpQMD2dULcvexMK6nIyIIT1A?key=ZC1zWU9JQnpYNk5vU25yMTdDUVlpbXZ4YzVlUE9B