FLSP 2/28/23

First Landing State Park Part 2 Hike Feb 28, 2023

I had 40 Tuesday Groupers turn out for my First Landing State Park Hike Part 2 as a follow-up to Ellis’ hike there a few weeks ago in a different area. Having hiked my route and then returning the day before to double check a few turns, I still managed to lead us astray a bit. Fortunately, my wrong turn ultimately took us on a new trail for everyone including me which ended back where I had intended to go. Vic and I did scout ahead at one point to see if we were going to run out of the trail. Bruce then came past us, continued across a marsh area & laid down some boards he found to make passage easier for all. Thank you to both of them for their support. We began our return hike after getting on the right trail to keep our distance close to my original plan - ~ 6 miles. Everyone got back to their vehicles and 21 stayed to eat their packed lunches overlooking Broad Bay.

The group kept an adventurous attitude and seemed to enjoy the new route. I will plan to lead another hike in the future with the route I had hoped to do. I promise to go the right way! Thank you to everyone for joining me. I hope you will come out again as I really wanted to share the great area I had thought I was taking you all to that day.


Top Left Photo by Bob M



Lower Left Photos by Bill Billings

Thanks to Marti for a grand 6 mile adventure to places we have never been before. Great weather and 40 hikers!


Bill B

Picture link by Sherri McQueen
