Chickahominy Bike and Swim 8/28/2018

Temperatures were in the high 90s and the humidity wasn't far behind for our bike ride today. It's been a pretty hot summer so far but that does little to cool the spirits of the Tuesday Group. Nineteen rendezvoused at Chickahominy Riverfront Park (CRP) for the ride today-a couple more than had signed up but that's okay. Riding today were: Bill B, Sandy, Bob Saff, Steve Ra, Stephanie and Steve, Bruce D and Nancy, Jack, JP, Jacob, Pete, Vic and Margaret, Bruce M, Tricia, Ed F, Ken and me, Phyllis. We pedaled the 7 or so miles to Jamestown Settlement taking advantage of what shade and breezes the trail had to offer. We stopped to visit with a doe on the side of the trail-she was no more that 8 feet away before crossing the road. At the settlement we took a short break to rest, snack and hydrate. A couple riders opted to hang out here while the rest did the loop around Jamestown Island. We did not stop at Black Point which caused confusion for some but I was thinking of lunch and a swim! We picked up our 2 settlement sitters and rode back to CRP where we gathered under the picnic shelter to eat our lunches. Bill shared his 3D photo viewer-reminded me of the Viewmaster-remember those? Everybody had one.

I was surprised that nearly everybody left without visiting the pool! But 5 of us couldn't resist and headed for the cool water. We splashed, tried out the slide and just relaxed. It was sweet-a perfect end to the day!



Bill Billings picture link: