Bike NN Park to Yorktown 3/3/2020

We had great weather for a winter’s day in early March: the temperature rose from 60 to 67 degrees, no rain, and cloudy skies that turned to blue skies just after the start. Jill led this ride as Jack wasn’t able to be there. Eight riders showed up: Jill, Dave, Ed, Curt, Mark and Jean, Jake, and Pete.

We rode the usual route starting at Newport News Park Campsite, riding 2.5 miles to Washington’s Headquarters, and on to the Visitor Center at Yorktown National Park. From the Visitor Center, everybody rode the Tobacco Road trail down to the York River. Along the ride, we saw a deer, two blue herons, and lots of turtles at the Wormley Creek Dam.

Due to the forecast of showers, we completed the ride, going back to the Campground and then eating lunch. Everybody enjoyed their meal at the Yorktown Pub - great food!

(Many thanks to Jack and Jill for this ride!!!)