Monday, October 8, 2012

Post date: Oct 08, 2012 9:20:2 PM

AM Language Arts:

Students will complete the following activity for homework: “What superpower would you like to possess? Choose one from his/her list or invent one. Write a paragraph describing his/her chosen superpower, telling why they want it, and explaining what he/she would do with it. This is due on Tuesday, October 9.

PM Language Arts:

Students will write a descriptive paragraph regarding his/her own personal drawing of a space colony. This is due on Tuesday, October 9.

Study for a reading test over the following selections: “Weather That’s Out of This World,”(magazine article) “Space Settlements,” (online article) and “Artists’ Views of a Space Colony” (illustration)

AM and PM Social Studies:

The reading activity with questions for the continent of Africa including the map identification is due tomorrow, Tuesday, October 9. The separate map activity of Africa will be completed in class on Tuesday, October 9.

Additional Homework:

Spelling packet due on Friday, October 12.

Cursive packet is due on Friday, October 12.