Homework for Thursday, September 19, 2014

Post date: Sep 18, 2014 9:54:11 PM

Math: Lesson 8 Math Homework

Review old math Practice Sets, Homework, and Quizzes. We will have a review activity over Module 1 on Monday. There will be a Module 1 Unit test next week. Please have your son or daughter look over all past practice sets, homework, and quizzes to prepare for this test.


*Homeward Bound books - please read on a nightly basis. Students are required to read these books at home. Each student needs to turn in 2 reading log sheets per Interim, and a total of 4 reading log sheets per report card. Your child will receive a grade for turning in his/her completed reading logs.

Spelling: Study red and green words. Spelling test tomorrow!!!

Once again, your son/daughter will be required to spell three more “red words” on his/her final spelling test on Friday. Our red words for the week are does, don’t, and each.

We will also be learning about syllabication which is a strategy employed in order to become a more accurate reader. A syllable is a word or a part of a word that consists of an uninterrupted expression of sound and includes at least one vowel. By breaking a word into small, manageable syllables, identifying the vowel sounds within each syllable, and sounding out a word syllable by syllable, the reader learns the process of syllabication step by step. Students can learn to see the parts of a word, hear the individual sounds, and then read the word. Our “green word” focus this week will be on “open” and “closed” syllables building background for syllabication with detached syllables. We will practice words with detached syllables on Monday and Tuesday during class. Students will have these words to practice as well as words we have blended and studied during class. Students, in addition to the open and closed syllable words, will be spelling words that have phonetic spelling patterns. These words are listed below. The student’s final spelling test will be on Friday, September 19, 2014.

Green Words: December, January, Wednesday, Thursday, five, six, tall tale, hyperbole