Homework for Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Post date: Feb 18, 2015 9:47:18 PM

Reading: Vocabulary Sentences

*Reading Logs from Homeward Bound books - please read on a nightly basis. Students are required to read these books at home. Each student needs to turn in 2 reading log sheets per Interim, and a total of 4 reading log sheets per report card. Your child will receive a grade for turning in his/her completed reading logs.

Spelling: "Study Dictation Sheets 1 and 2," vowel team "ai"

and "ee"

Additional Spelling Information for the Week of February 17, 2015

*Don't forget to study the 10 review -ck words for the test also on Friday.

Once again, the students will be learning about “vowel teams.” The vowel teams are often introduced by simply noting that “When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking.”

The two vowel teams we will be focusing on this week will be “ee” and “ai.” The vowel team “ee” says long e, and the vowel team “ai” says long a.

There will be no red words or no gold words due to the shortened school week. There will be no spelling practice other than the vowel team dictation pages that will be completed on Tuesday and Wednesday in the classroom. Please practice these pages as your child brings them home.

Please note that this week’s final spelling test will be on Friday, February 20, 2015.

Math: Lesson 7 Homework

Continue to study multiplication math facts for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

These multiplication math facts were sent home last week to review

on a nightly basis.

Continue to save all "Problem Set" homework activities to review for testing and to answer homework questions.