Homework for Monday, October 13, 2014

Post date: Oct 12, 2014 10:48:8 PM

Math: *****Homework Help Link*********

Please note that I have added a link to this website at the top of this page to help with math homework questions. Our main focus for the next several weeks will be measurement. Please continue to save all practice sets and homework activities for the end-of-the module assessment.

Reading: Cats Long Ago; Reading Logs

This is the final week to turn in reading logs. Friday is the end of the first quarter. Please make sure you have turned in four reading logs by Friday, October 17, 2014.

*Homeward Bound books - please read on a nightly basis. Students are required to read these books at home. Each student needs to turn in 2 reading log sheets per Interim, and a total of 4 reading log sheets per report card. Your child will receive a grade for turning in his/her completed reading logs.

Social Studies: Personal Timeline of Student - Due Friday, October 17, 2014

A detailed rubric was sent home on Friday, October 10, 2014, regarding this project.

Spelling: Spelling 3 times each for all red words, new and review. This is due on Tuesday, October 14, 2014.

Once again, we will be learning about consonant blends. Blends this week will be “s” blends. Unlike the digraphs (ch-, sh-, wh-, th-) where the two letters make one sound, each sound of a blend is heard, but the sounds are blended together. Your child will use the practiced words in class to identify consonant “s” blends within words on the Friday spelling test.

Students will be required to spell three more “red words” on his/her final spelling test on Friday. Our red words for this week are knew, many, and often. Our spelling test this week will also include a review of our previous red words on our “Word Wall.” These words are as follows: above, almost, also, always, around, black, brother, buy, call, does, don’t, each, eight, eye, father, floor, friend, ghost, girl, goes, and its.

Please write each red word and green word three times each for homework. Return the completed spelling practice on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. Please note that this week’s final spelling test will be on Friday, October 17, 2014.

New Red Words: knew, many, often

Red Word Review: above, almost, also, always, around, black, brother, buy, call, does, don’t, each, eight, eye, father, floor, friend, ghost, girl, goes, and its.