Homework for Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Post date: Dec 14, 2016 1:46:37 PM

Reading: 1. December Reading Log (20 Reads)

Math: 1. Lessons 6 - 8 Review, Module 4

2. Continue to study all addition and subtraction math facts

Spelling: Study all 2nd quarter red words for the test on Friday. (many, also, black, these, why, around, don’t, push, its, it’s, eye, above) Study the words from our dictation sheets for the Green Word Pattern "ew." Study the three vocabulary words from our text, herd, transplant, and intermission.

Dear Parents,

Green Word Study

Our “Green Word” pattern for the week will be –ew. The students know one way to spell /oo/ ---oo as in zoo, and now they will learn another way to spell it –ew as in few. Students will be given words that contain this –ew pattern on a daily basis. Please practice these words as your child brings them home on dictation pages. Weekly spelling words may come from the dictation pages. Students will be expected to apply all classroom information to ten or more “-ew” words on their Friday spelling test.

Vocabulary Study

Our spelling test will also include the reading vocabulary words herd, transplant, and intermission from our reading text, Miss Holly is Too Jolly!

Red Word Study

Our red words this week will be a review test over all of the 2nd quarter Red Words. These words are as follows: many, also, black, these, why, around, don’t push, its, it’s, eye, and above. These words are non-decodable words and do not follow the rules of phonics.

Please note that our final spelling test will be on Friday, December 16, 2016.

Thank you,

Mrs. Arp