Homework for Friday, October 9, 2015

Post date: Oct 10, 2015 2:39:46 AM

Reading: Complete "Reading Logs."

4 Reading Logs should be turned in by the end of the quarter, October 23, 2015.

Science: Nature Quest activities - One Nature Quest activity is due on a weekly basis.


Spelling Information for the Week of October 12-16, 2015

Dear Parents,

“Red Words”

Red words for the week will be first grade review words. These words are as follows: once, been, could, done.

Please note, if a student did not master a second grade red word for the first quarter on his/her test last week, they will receive these additional words to also practice for the final test on Friday. Mastery is required of all second grade words; therefore, students will be tested weekly on these words until they are mastered.

“Green Words”

This week begins our green word review for the first quarter. We will be reviewing “magic e” and –ng words. As stated previously, the concept of magic e is a difficult one for many children. They have learned the name of each vowel and its short sound. The students, conditioned to respond to the symbols of the vowels with a short sound, are now asked to change their response to the established cue. When the one-syllable word ends in e, they must change their response to the long sound of the vowel. Last week the students learned about –ng word endings. The combinations of sounds –ing, –ang, –ong, –ung are taught as endings to simplify the breaking down of words for spelling and reading.

Students will be expected to apply this information to “magic e” words and –ng words on their Friday spelling test. There will be several diction sheets completed during class throughout the week that the students will bring home for practice.

Please review all classroom activates sheets at home to be prepared for this week’s final spelling test on Friday, October 16, 2015.

Homework: 1st grade “Red Words” 5 times each for homework. Missed 2nd grade “Red Words” from last week’s spelling test 10 times each for homework. This homework is due on Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Thank you,

Mrs. Arp