Caulry GAA PRO Notes 9th Dec 2013 -

Post date: Dec 09, 2013 6:40:19 PM


There was a large attendance at Caulry's AGM which was held in the Community Hall, Mount Temple on Friday evening last. Club Executive Officers for 2014 elected on the night were as follows :-

President Ger Muldoon

Chairman Ger O'Kelly-Lynch

Vice-Chairman Richie Higgins

Hon Secretary Ronan Carroll

Assistant Secretary Damien Keenan

Lotto Treasurer Irvine Allen

Registration Officer Danny Muldoon

PRO & Irish Language Officer TJ Dunning

Child Officer /ASAP John Lawless

County Board Delegates George Hatton, Jody Malynn, Danny Muldoon, Richie Higgins

Park Maintenance Officer James Casey

Social & Culture Officer Jack Allen

Coaching Development Officer TJ Dunning

Matchday Co-Ordinators Pat McMenamin & Pat Malone.

Other Officer positions i.e. Hon Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Club Development Officer, Players Representative, Team Management Representative, Minor Board Representative etc will be filled by the Club Executive in the coming weeks.

Intermediate Team Manager

At a recent Club Executive Meeting, Francie Grehan (former Roscommon Player & All-Star) was ratified for a second term as the Caulry Intermediate Team Manager for 2014. Selectors for the Intermediate Team and the Junior Team Manager & Selectors for 2014 will be appointed by the Club Executive over the coming weeks.

Caulry Lotto

No winner of the Jackpot (€ 4,800) in the draw on December 2nd, 2013.

Numbers drawn were : 12, 15, 26 & 28.

€30 Prizewinners were : Michael Allen, A Clogher, Noel Flynn, Martina Parker, Olga Reynolds.

Seller's Prize : June Daly