Rev 1

Rev 1:1 A-shrouding-off of-an-Iêsous of-Anointed to-which it-gave unto-it, the-one a-Deity, to-have-en-showed unto-the-ones unto-bondees of-it, to-which it-bindeth to-have-had-became in unto-a-quickness, and it-signified having-set-off through of-the-one of-a-leadeeer of-it unto-the-one unto-a-bondee of-it unto-an-Iôaneus,

Rev 1:2 which it-witnessed-unto to-the-one to-a-forthee of-the-one of-a-Deity and to-the-one to-a-witnessing-unto of-an-Iêsous of-Anointed, to-which-a-which it-had-seen.

Rev 1:3 Bless-belonged the-one acquainting-up and the-ones hearing to-the-ones to-forthees of-the-one of-a-declaring-before-of and keeping-unto to-the-ones in unto-it to-having-had-come-to-be-scribed; the-one too-thus a-time neared.

Rev 1:4 An-Iôanês unto-the-ones unto-seven unto-callings-out-unto unto-the-ones in unto-the-one unto-an-Asia; a-granting unto-ye and a-joinifying off of-a-THE-ONE-BEING-AND-THE-ONE-IT-WAS-AND-THE-ONE-COMING, and off of-the-ones of-seven of-currentings-to which to-in-look-belonged of-the-one of-a-throne of-it,

Rev 1:5 and off of-an-Iêsous of-Anointed, the-one a-witness the-one trusted the-one most-before-creationed of-the-ones of-en-deaded and the-one firsting of-the-ones of-rulers-of of-the-one of-a-soil. Unto-the-one unto-excessing-off-unto to-us and unto-having-loosed to-us out of-the-ones of-un-adjustings-along-unto [of-us] in unto-the-one unto-a-rushering-to of-it,

Rev 1:6 and it-did-unto to-us to-a-ruling-of to-sacreders-of unto-the-one unto-a-Deity and unto-a-Father of-it, unto-it the-one a-reckonedness and the-one a-securement into to-the-ones to-ages, amên.

Rev 1:7 Thou-should-have-had-seen, it-cometh with of-the-ones of-cloudings, and it-shall-behold to-it, all an-eye and which-ones to-it they-pricked-out-unto, and they-shall-fell upon to-it, all the-ones tribings of-the-one of-a-soil. Yea, amên.

Rev 1:8 I I-be the-one an-Alfa and the-one an-Ô, it-fortheth, Authority-belonged, the-one a-Deity, a-THE-ONE-BEING-AND-THE-ONE-IT-WAS-AND-THE-ONE-COMING, the-one an-All-Securer.

Rev 1:9 I an-Iôanês the-one brethrened of-ye and en-together-belonged-to-together in unto-the-one unto-a-pressing and unto-a-ruling-of and unto-a-staying-under in unto-an-Iêsous, I-had-became in unto-the-one unto-an-isle unto-the-one unto-being-called-unto unto-a-Patmos through to-the-one to-a-forthee of-the-one of-a-Deity and to-the-one to-a-witnessing-untoof-an-Iêsous.

Rev 1:10 I-had-became in unto-a-currenting-to in unto-the-one unto-authority-belonged-of unto-a-dayedness, and I-heard aback-unto-which of-me to-a-sound to-great as of-a-trumpet,

Rev 1:11 of-forthing, To-which thou-view thou-should-have-scribed into to-a-paperlet and thou-should-have-volleyed unto-the-ones unto-seven unto-callings-out-unto, into to-an-Efesosand into to-a-Smurna and into to-a-Pergamos and into to-Thuateiron' and into to-Sardis' and into to-a-Filadelfia and into to-a-Laodikia.

Rev 1:12 And I-beturned-upon to-view to-the-one to-a-sound which-a-one it-was-speaking-unto with of-ME, and having-beturned-upon I-had-seen to-seven to-luminatings-of-unto to-golden,

Rev 1:13 and in unto-middle of-the-ones of-luminatings-of-unto to-along-belonged to-a-Son of-a-mankind to-having-had-come-to-sink-in to-foot-adapted and to-having-had-come-to-be-en-girded-about toward unto-the-ones unto-breasts to-a-girding to-golden;

Rev 1:14 the-one then-also a-head of-it and the-ones hairs whited as a-wool whited as a-snow, and the-ones eyes of-it as a-blaze of-a-fire,

Rev 1:15 and the-ones feet of-it along-belonged unto-a-Lebanese-copper as in unto-a-furnace of-having-had-come-to-be-en-fired, and the-one a-sound of-it as a-sound of-waters of-much,

Rev 1:16 and holding in unto-the-one unto-right-belonged unto-a-hand of-it to-stars to-seven, and out of-the-one of-a-becutteeing-to of-it a-sabre two-becutteeing-toed sharp traversing-out-of, and the-one a-beholding of-it as the-one a-sun it-manifesteth in unto-the-one unto-an-ability of-it.

Rev 1:17 And which-also I-had-seen to-it, I-had-fallen toward to-the-ones to-feet of-it as en-deaded; and it-placed to-the-one to-right-belonged of-it upon to-ME forthing, Lest thou-should-fearee-unto, I I-be the-one most-before and the-one most-bordered,

Rev 1:18 and the-one lifing-unto and I-had-became en-deaded, and thou-should-have-had-seen, lifing-unto I-be into to-the-ones to-ages of-the-ones of-ages, and I-hold to-the-ones to-latches of-the-one of-a-death and of-the-one of-a-hadês.

Note: to-latches : used to refer to a latch or to a latch-bracket, later to a latch-key, i.e. a more intricate latch-bracket.

Rev 1:19 Thou-should-have-scribed accordingly to-which thou-had-seen and to-which they-be and to-which it-pendeth to-become with to-the-ones-these.

Rev 1:20 The-one a-flexerlet of-the-ones of-seven of-stars to-which thou-had-seen upon of-the-one of-right-belonged of-me, and to-the-ones to-seven to-luminatings-of-unto to-the-ones to-golden; the-ones seven stars, leadeeers of-the-ones of-seven of-callings-out-unto they-be, and the-ones luminatings-of-unto the-ones seven, seven callings-out-unto they-be.

Note: a-flexerlet : used to refer to things requiring thought flex to understand.

Phm 1 Rev 2