Oxy 1081

<Oxy 840 Oxy 1224>

Oxy1081 1:1 ... γεγόνοσι [...] ἐμφανές [... πολ]λὴ λυθεῖσα [... φθο]ρά τε πολλὴ [...] των ἀφθάρ[τ]ω[ν τυγχά]νει.

... unto-having-hath-had-come-to-become ... manifestinged-in ... much having-been-loosed ... a-degradedness also much ... of-the-ones of-un-degradable it-actuateth.

Oxy1081 1:2 ὁ ἔχων ὦ[τ]α τ[ὰ ὄντα] πέραν τῶν [ἀ]κο[ῶ]ν ἀκουέτω.

The-one holding to-ears to-the-ones to-being to-across of-the-ones of-hearings it-should-hear.

Oxy1081 1:3 κα[ὶ] τοῖς ἀγρηγοροῦσιν [ἐγ]ὼ λαλῶ.

And unto-the-ones unto-un-watching-unto I I-speak-unto.

Oxy1081 1:4 ἔτι πρὸ[ς αὐτοὺς ε]ἶπεν· Πᾶν τὸ γε[ινόμεν]ον ἀπὸ τῆς [φθορᾶς] ἀπογείνετ[αι ὡς ἀπ]ὸ φθορᾶς γεγ[ονός.]

If-to-a-one toward to-them it-had-said, All the-one becoming off of-the-one of-a-degradedness it-becometh-off as off of-a-degradedness having-hath-had-come-to-become.

Oxy1081 1:5 [τὸ] δὲ γε[ι]νόμεν[ον ἀπὸ] ἀφ[θ]αρσίας [οὐκ ἀπο]γείν[εται, ἀλλ[ὰ μ]έν[ει] ἄφ[θαρ]τον ὡς ἀπὸ ἀ[φ]θ[αρσία]ς γεγονός·

The-one then-also becoming off of-an-un-degrading-unto not it-becometh-off, other it-stayeth un-degradable as off of-an-un-degrading-unto having-hath-had-come-to-become.

Oxy1081 1:6 τ[ινὲς [δὲ] τῶν ἀν[θρ]ώ[πων] ἐπλανήθ[ησαν ...] μὴ εἰδότ[ες ...] φ[θο]ρὰν [... ἀπέ]θανον ...

Ones then-also of-the-ones of-mankinds they-were-wandered-unto ... lest having-had-come-to-see ... to-a-degradedness ... they-had-died-off ...

Oxy1081 2:1 [οἱ μαθητα]ὶ· Κ(ύρι)ε, πῶς οὖν [πίστιν εὑρ]ίσκομεν;

The-ones learners, Authority-belonged, unto-whither accordingly to-a-trust we-find?

Oxy1081 2:2 λέγε[ι αὐτοῖς ὁ σ]ωτήρ· Διελθο[ῦσιν ἐκ τῶν] ἀφανῶν κα[ὶ εἰ]ς τὸ [φῶ]ς τῶν φαινο[μέ]νων καὶ αὐτὴ ἡ ἀπό(ρ)ροια τῆ[ς ἐ]ννοίας ἀναδείξει ὑ[μῖ]ν, πῶς ἡ πίστ[ις] εὑρ[ετ]έ[α] ἢφαινομένη τοῦ ἀ[ντιδί]κου π(ατ)ρ(ό)ς.

It-fortheth unto-them, the-one a-Savior, Unto-having-had-came-through out of-the-ones of-un-manifestinged and into to-the-one to-a-light of-the-ones of-being-manifested, and the-one-this the-one a-flowing-off-unto of-the-one of-an-en-mulling-in-unto it-shall-en-show-up unto-ye unto-whither the-one a-trust found or being-manifested of-the-one of-ever-a-one-coursedof-a-Father.

Oxy1081 2:3 ὁ ἔχων ὦτ[α ἀκού]ειν ἀκουέτω.

The-one holding to-ears to-hear it-should-hear.

Oxy1081 2:4 [ὁ τῶν ὅλ]ων δεσπότης ο[ὐκ ἔστ]ι π(ατή)ρ, ἀλλὰ προπά[τωρ· ὁ γὰ]ρ π(ατή)ρ ἀρχή ἐ[σ]τ[ιν τῶν μ]ελλόν[των ... ἐ]κεινο[ς] ... προ]πάτω[ρ ...] ἀπὸ γ[ε]νεᾶς ...

The-one of-the-ones of-whole of-a-Bind-doer not it-be a-Father, other a-father-before; the-one too-thus a-father a-firsting it-be of-the-ones of-pending ... the-one-thither ... a-father-before... off of-a-becomedness ...

Oxy1081 2:5 ...

Oxy1081 2:6 [προπάτ]ωρ θεὸς πατή[ρ] ... ἀγεννητ[...

A-father-before a-Deity a-Father ... un-generated ...