Gospel of Thomas

Gospel of the Nazarenes>

(P.Oxy. 654.1-3; cf. Luke 1:1-2; 8:10; John 21:25)

GTh 0 οἱ τοῖοι οἱ λόγοι οἱ [ἀπόκρυφοι οὓς ἐλά]λησεν Ἰη(σοῦ)ς ὁ ζῶν κ[αὶ ἔγραψεν Ἰοῦδα ὁ] καὶ Θωμᾶ(ς).

The-ones the-ones-which-belonged the-ones forthees the-ones hidened-off to-which it-spoke-unto, an-Iêsous the-one lifing-unto, and it-scribed, an-Ioudas the-one and a-Thômas.

Note: The-ones the-ones-which-belonged the-ones : P.OXY 654 line 1 reads OITOI[O]ILOGOIO[I]. Some transcriptions offer OUTOI OI [OI] LOGOI OI. Some transcriptions offer OUTOIOI LOGOI OI, completely leaving out [O]I. There is no U in line 1 of the manuscript, so these transcriptions are assuming OITOI to be an error for OUTOI; however the text works as is,and the scribe reveals himself third removed paraphrasing a supposed text which he has not seen.

(P.Oxy. 654.3-5; Isa 25:8; Luke 9:27; John 8:51)

GTh 1 καὶ εἶπεν· [ὃς ἂν τὴν ἑρμηνεί]αν τῶν λόγων τούτ[ων εὕρῃ, θανάτου] οὐ μὴ γεύσηται.

And it-had-said, Which ever to-the-one to-a-clearifying-of of-the-ones of-forthees of-the-ones-these it-might-have-had-found, of-a-death not lest it-might-have-tasted-of.

(POxy 654.5-9; cf. Dan 7:27; Luke 1:29; Rev 1:6; 3:21; 5:10; 20:4)

GTh 2 [λέγει Ἰη(σοῦ)ς]· μὴ παυσάσθω ὁ ζη[τῶν τοῦ ζητεῖν ἕως ἂν] εὕρῃ, καὶ ὅταν εὕρῃ [θαμβηθήσεται, καὶ θαμ]βηθεὶς βασιλεύσει, κα[ὶ βασιλεύσας ἀναπα]ήσεται.

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, Lest it-should-have-ceased, the-one seeking-unto, of-the-one to-seek-unto, unto-if-which ever it-might-have-had-found, and which-also-ever it-might-have-had-found it-shall-be-stupored-out-unto, and having-been-stupored-out-unto it-shall-ruler-of, and having-ruled-of it-shall-have-been-ceased-up.

(P.Oxy. 654.9-21; cf. Deut 30:11-14; Mal 2:10; Luke 17:21)

GTh 3 λέγει Ἰ[η(σοῦ)ς· ἐὰν] οἱ ἕλκοντες ἡμᾶς [εἴπωσιν ὑμῖν· ἰδοὺ] ἡ βασιλεία ἐν οὐρα[νῷ, ὑμᾶς φθήσεται] τὰ πετεινὰ τοῦ οὐρ[ανοῦ· ἐὰν δ᾿ εἴπωσιν ὅ]τι ὑπὸ τὴν γῆν ἐστ[ιν, εἰσελεύσονται]οἱ ἰχθύες τῆς θαλά[σσης προφθάσαν]τες ὑμᾶς· καὶ ἡ βασ[ιλεία τοῦ θεοῦ] ἐντὸς ὑμῶν [ἐσ]τι [κἀκτός. ὃς ἂν ἑαυτὸν] γνῷ, ταύτην εὑρή[σει, καὶ ὅτε ὑμεῖς] ἑαυτοὺς γνώσεσθε, [γνώσεσθε ὅτιυἱοί] ἐστε ὑμεῖς τοῦ πατρὸς τοῦ ζ[ῶντος· εἰ δὲ μὴ] γνώσ(εσ)θε ἑαυτούς, ἐν [τῇ πτωχείᾳ ἐστὲ] καὶ ὑμεῖς ἐστε ἡ πτω[χεία].

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, If-ever the-ones hauling to-ye they-might-have-had-said unto-ye, Thou-should-have-had-seen, the-one a-ruling-of in unto-a-sky, to-ye it-shall-prior, the-onesflying-belonged-to of-the-one of-a-sky; if-ever then-also they-might-have-had-said to-which-a-one under to-the-one to-a-soil it-be, they-shall-come-into, the-ones fishes of-the-one of-a-sea, having-priored-before to-ye; and the-one a-ruling-of of-the-one of-a-Deity in-unto-the-one-which of-ye it-be and-out-unto-the-one-which. Which ever to-self it-might-have-had-acquainted, to-the-one-this it-shall-find, and which-also ye to-selves ye-shall-acquaint, ye-shall-acquaint, to-which-a-one sons ye-be ye of-the-one of-a-Father of-the-one of-lifing-unto; ifthen-also lest ye-shall-acquaint to-selves, in unto-the-one unto-a-beggaring-of ye-be and ye ye-be the-one a-beggaring-of.

(P.Oxy. 654.21-27; cf. Gen 2:2-3; 17:12; Matt 11:25-26; Luke 10:21)

GTh 4 [λέγει Ἰη(σοῦ)ς]· οὐκ ἀποκνήσει ἄνθ[ρωπος πλήρης ἡμε]ρῶν ἐπερωτῆσαι πα[ιδίον ἑπτὰ ἡμε]ρῶν περὶ τοῦ τόπου τῆ[ς ζωῆς, καὶ ζή]σετε· ὅτι πολλοὶ ἔσονται π[ρῶτοι ἔσχατοι καὶ] οἱἔσχατοι πρῶτοι, καὶ [εἰς ἓν καταντήσου]σιν.

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, Not it-shall-hesitate-off-unto, a-mankind fullinged of-dayednesses, to-have-upon-entreated-unto to-a-childlet of-seven of-dayednesses about of-the-one of-an-occasion of-the-one of-a-lifing, and ye-shall-life-unto; to-which-a-one much they-shall-be most-before most-bordered and most-bordered most-before, and into to-one they-shall-down-ever-a-one-unto.

(P.Oxy. 654.27-31; cf. Matt 10:26)

GTh 5 λέγει Ἰη(σοῦ)ς· γ[νῶθι τὸ ὃν ἔμπροσ]θεν τῆς ὄψεώς σου, καὶ [τὸ κεκαλυμμένον] ἀπό σου ἀποκαλυφ(θ)ήσετ[αί σοι· οὐ γάρ ἐσ]τιν κρυπτὸν ὃ οὐ φανε[ρὸν γενήσεται], καὶ τεθαμμένονὃ ο[ὐκ ἐγερθήσεται].

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, Thou-should-have-had-acquainted to-the-one to-which in-toward-from of-the-one of-a-beholding of-thee, and the-one having-had-come-to-be-shrouded off of-theeit-shall-be-shrouded-off unto-thee; not too-thus it-be hidened which not en-manifested it-shall-become, and having-had-come-to-be-burialed which not it-shall-be-roused.

(P.Oxy. 654.32-40; cf. Matt 6:1-18)

GTh 6 [ἐξ]ετάζουσιν αὐτὸν ο[ἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ καὶ λέ]γουσιν· πῶς νηστεύ[σομεν, καὶ πῶς προσευξό]μεθα, καὶ πῶς [ἐλεημοσύνην ποιήσομεν κ]αὶ τὶ παρατηρήσ[ομεν περὶ τῶν βρωμάτω]ν·λέγει Ἰη(σοῦ)ς· [μὴ ψεύδεσθε καὶ ὅτι μισ]εῖται, μὴ ποιεῖτ[ε· πάντα γὰρ ἐνώπιον τ]ῆς ἀληθ[ε]ίας ἀν[αφαίνεται. οὐδὲν γάρ ἐστίν ἀ[π]οκεκρ[υμμένον ὃ οὐ φανερὸν ἔσται].

They-out-test-to to-it, the-ones learners of-it, and they-forth, Unto-whither we-shall-non-eat-of, and unto-whither we-shall-goodly-hold-toward, and unto-whither to-a-besectionatingedness we-shall-do-unto and to-what-one we-shall-keep-beside-unto about of-the-ones of-feedeeings-to? It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, Lest ye-should-falsify, and to-which-a-oneit-be-hated-unto lest ye-should-do-unto; all too-thus to-in-look-belonged of-the-one of-an-un-secluding-of it-be-manifested-up. Not-then-also-one too-thus it-be having-had-come-to-be-hidened-off which not en-manifested it-shall-be.

(P.Oxy. 654.40-42)

GTh 7 . . . μα]κάρι[ός] ἐστιν [ὁ λέων ὃν ἄνθρωπος ἐσθίει καὶ ὁ λέ]ων ἔστα[ι ἄνθρωπος καὶ ἀνάθεμα ὁ ἄνθρωπος] ὃν [ἐσθίει λέων . . .]

... bless-belonged it-be the-one a-lion to-which a-mankind it-eat-belongeth, and the-one a-lion it-shall-be a-mankind; and a-placing-up-to the-one a-mankind to-which it-eat-belongeth, a-lion, ...

GTh 8-10 Coptic.

(Hippolytus, Refutation 5.8.32)

GTh 11 εἰ νεκρὰ ἐφάγετε καὶ ζῶντα ἐποιήσατε, τί, ἂν ζῶντα φάγητε, ποιήσετε; ζῶντα δὲ λέγουσι καὶ λόγους καὶ νόας καὶ ἀνθρώπους, τοὺς μαργαρίτας ἐκείνου τοῦ ἀχαρακτηρίστουἐριμμένους εἰς τὸ πλάσμα καρπούς.

If to-en-deaded ye-had-devoured and to-lifing-unto ye-did-unto, to-what-one ever to-lifing-unto ye-might-have-had-devoured ye-shall-do-unto? To-lifing-unto then-also they-forth andto-forthees and to-en-mullings-of and to-mankinds, to-the-ones to-oyster-belongnesses of-the-one-thither of-the-one of-un-palered to-having-had-come-to-be-flung into to-the-one to-a-fashioning-to to-fruits.

Note: of-un-palered : refers to someone or something not having made an impression.

GTh 12-23 Coptic.

(P.Oxy. 655 frag. d; cf. Matt 5:14-16; John 13:36)

GTh 24 . . . εἰ φῶς ἐσ]τιν [ἐν ἀνθρώπῳ φ]ωτεινῷ, [ἐν ὅλῳ τῷ κ]όσμῳ [φωτίζει· εἰ δὲ μ]ή, [σκοτεινός ἐ]στιν.

... if a-light it-be in unto-a-mankind unto-lighted-belonged-to, in unto-whole unto-the-one unto-an-orderation it-lighteth-to; if then-also lest, dimmeed-belonged-to it-be.

GTh 25 Coptic.

(P.Oxy. 1.1-4; cf. Matt 7:3-5)

GTh 26 καὶ τότε διαβλέψεις ἐκβαλεῖν τὸ κάρφος τὸ ἐν τῷ ὀφθαλμῷ τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ σου.

And to-the-one-which-also thou-shall-view-through to-have-had-casted-out to-the-one to-a-sliver to-the-one in unto-the-one unto-an-eye of-the-one of-brethrened of-thee.

(P.Oxy. 1.4-11; cf. Mark 1:13; John 5:19)

GTh 27 λέγει Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς· ἐὰν μὴ νηστεύσηται τὸν κόσμον, οὐ μὴ εὕρηται τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ θ(εο)ῦ· καὶ ἐὰν μὴ σαββατίσητε τὸ σάββατον, οὐκ ὄψεσθε τὸ(ν) π(ατέ)ρα.

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, If-ever lest it-might-have-non-ate-of to-the-one to-an-orderation, not lest it-might-have-found to-the-one to-a-ruling-of of-the-one of-a-Deity; and if-ever lest ye-might-sabbath-to to-the-one to-sabbatos, not ye-shall-behold to-the-one to-a-Father.

(P.Oxy. 1.11-21; cf. Eccl 6:15)

GTh 28 λέγει Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς· ἔ[σ]την ἐν μέσῳ τοῦ κόσμου καὶ ἐν σαρκὶ ὤφθην αὐτοῖς καὶ εὗρον πάντας μεθύοντας καὶ οὐδένα εὗρον δειψώ(ν)τα ἐν αὐτοῖς καὶ πονεῖ ἡ ψυχή μου ἐπὶ τοῖς υἱοῖςτῶν ἀν(θρώπ)ων ὅτι τυφλοί εἰσιν τῇ καρδίᾳ αὐτῶ[ν] καὶ [οὐ] βλέπ[ουσιν ὅτι . . .]

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, I-had-stood in unto-middle of-the-one of-an-orderation and in unto-a-flesh I-was-beheld unto-them and I-had-found to-all to-toxinating and to-not-then-also-oneI-had-found to-thirsting-unto in unto-them and it-necessitateth-unto, the-one a-breathing of-me, upon unto-the-ones unto-sons of-the-ones of-mankinds to-which-a-one blind they-beunto-the-one unto-a-heart of-them and not they-view to-which-a-one ...

(P.Oxy. 1.22)

GTh 29 . . . ἐνοικ]εῖ [ταύτ]η[ν τ]ὴν πτωχεία(ν).

... it-houseth-in-unto to-the-one-this to-the-one to-a-beggaring-of.

(P.Oxy. 1.23-27)

GTh 30 [λέγ]ει [Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς· ὅπ]ου ἐὰν ὦσιν [τρ]ε[ῖς], ε[ἰσὶ]ν ἄθεοι· καὶ [ὅ]που ε[ἷς] ἐστιν μόνος, [λ]έγω· ἐγώ εἰμι μετ᾿ αὐτ[οῦ].

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, To-which-of-whither if-ever they-might-be three, they-be un-deitied; and to-which-of-whither one it-be stayeed, I-forth, I I-be with of-it.

(P.Oxy. 1.30-35; cf. Mark 6:4)

GTh 31 λέγει Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς· οὐκ ἔστιν δεκτὸς προφήτης ἐν τῇ π(ατ)ρίδι αὐτ[ο]ῦ, οὐδὲ ἰατρὸς ποιεῖ θεραπείας εἰς τοὺς γεινώσκοντας αὐτό(ν).

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, Not it-be receivable a-declarer-before in unto-the-one unto-fathering of-it, not-then-also an-en-curer it-doeth-unto to-ministerings-of into to-the-ones to-acquainting to-it.

Note: to-acquainting (GEINWSKONTAS) : phoentic variance of GINWSKONTAS.

(P.Oxy. 1.36-41; cf. Matt 5:14)

GTh 32 λέγει Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς· πόλις οἰκοδομημένη ἐπ᾿ ἄκρον [ὄ]ρους ὑψηλοῦ καὶ ἐστηριγμένη οὔτε πε[σ]εῖν δύναται οὔτε κρυ[β]ῆναι.

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, A-city having-hath-had-come-to-be-house-built-unto upon of-extremitied of-a-jutteedness of-lofteed-of and having-had-come-to-be-stablished-to not-also to-have-had-fallen it-ableth not-also to-have-had-been-hidened.

(P.Oxy. 1.41-43; cf. Matt 5:15; 10:27 = Mark 4:21)

GTh 33 λέγει Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς· ὃ ἀκούεις [ε]ἰς τὸ ἓν ὠτίον σου το[ῦτο κήρυξον . . .]

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, To-which thou-hear into to-the-one to-one to-an-earlet of-thee to-the-one-this thou-should-have-heraldered ...

GTh 34-35 Coptic.

(P.Oxy. 6551:1-17; cf. Matt 6:25)

GTh 36 [λέγει Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς· μὴ μεριμνᾶτε ἀπὸ πρωὶ ἕ[ως ὀψὲ, μήτ]ε ἀφ᾿ ἑσπ[έρας ἕως π]ρωί, μήτε [τῇ τροφῇ ὑ]μῶν τὶ φάγητε, [μήτ]ε τῇ στ[ολῇ ὑμῶν τὶ ἐνδύση]σθε. [πολ]λῷ κρεί[σσον]έςἐ[στε] τῶν [κρί]νων, ἅτι[να ο]ὐ ξα[ί]νει οὐδὲ ν[ήθ]ει. μ[ηδ]ὲν ἔχοντ[ες ἔ]νδ[υ]μα, τὶ ἐν[δύεσθε] καὶ ὑμεῖς; τίς ἂν προσθείη ἐπὶ τὴν εἱλικίαν ὑμῶν; αὐτὸ[ς δ]ώσει ὑμεῖν τὸ ἔνδυμα ὑμῶν.

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, Lest ye-should-portion-memory-unto off unto-before-belonged unto-if-which of-late, lest-also off of-an-into-acrossedness unto-if-which unto-before-belonged, lest-also unto-the-one unto-a-nourishing of-ye to-what-one ye-might-have-had-devoured, lest-also unto-the-one unto-a-seteeing of-ye to-what-one ye-might-have-sink-in. Unto-much more-securinged-of ye-be of-the-ones of-lillies, which-ones not it-cardeth not-then-also it-spinneth. To-lest-then-also-one holding to-a-sinking-to, to-what-one ye-shall-sink-in and ye? What-one ever it-may-have-had-placed-toward upon to-the-one to-a-staturing-unto of-ye? It it-shall-give unto-ye to-the-one to-a-sinking-in-to of-ye.

Note: unto-a-seteeing : used to refer to an outfit.

(P.Oxy. 6551:17-2:1; cf. Gen 2:25; 3:7)

GTh 37 λέγουσιν αὐτῷ οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ· πότε ἡμεῖν ἐμφανὴς ἔσει, καὶ πότε σε ὀψόμεθα; λέγει· ὅταν ἐκδύσησθε καὶ μὴ αἰσχυνθῆτε . . . [οὐδὲ φοβη]θ[ήσεσθε].

They-forth unto-it, the-ones learners of-it, Whither-also unto-us manifestinged-in thou-shall-be, and whither-also to-thee we-shall-behold? It-fortheth, Which-also-ever ye-might-have-sunk-out and lest ye-might-have-been-shamened ... not-then-also ye-shall-be-feareed-unto.

(P.Oxy. 655 2:2-11; cf. Prov 1:28; Luke 17:22)

GTh 38 λέ[γει Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς· πολλάκις] ο[ὖν ἐπεθυμεῖτε] τ[ούτους τοὺς λό]γ[ους μου ἀκοῦσαι] κα[ὶ ἔχετε οὐδε]ν[ὸς ἄλλου ἀκοῦσαι] κα[ὶ ἐλεύσονται] ἡμ[έραι ὅτε ζητή]σε[τέ με καὶ οὐ μὴ εὑρήσετέμε].

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, Unto-much-oft accordingly ye-were-passioning-upon-unto to-the-ones-these to-the-ones to-forthees of-me to-have-heard and ye-hold of-not-then-also-one of-otherto-have-heard and they-shall-come, dayednesses, which-also ye-shall-seek-unto to-me and not lest ye-shall-find to-me.

(P.Oxy. 655 2:11-23; cf. Matt 5:20; 10:16; 23:1-39 = Luke 11:52)

GTh 39 [λέγει Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς· οἱ Φαρισαῖοι καὶ οἱ γραμματεῖς] ἔλ[αβον τὰς κλεῖδας] τῆς [γνώσεως. αὐτοὶ ἔ]κρυψ[αν αὐτάς. οὔτε] εἰσῆλ[θον, οὔτε τοὺς] εἰσερ[χομένους ἀφῆ]καν [εἰσελθεῖν. ὑμεῖς]δὲ γεί[νεσθε φρόνι]μοι ὡ[ς ὄφεις καὶ ἀ]κέραι[οι ὡς περιστε]ρα[ί].

It-fortheth, an-Iêsous, The-ones Pharis-belonged and the-ones letterers-of they-had-taken to-the-ones latches of-the-one of-an-acquainting. Them they-hidened to-them. Not-also they-had-came-into, not-also to-the-ones to-coming-into they-sent-off to-have-had-came-into. Ye then-also ye-should-become centered-belonged-unto as snakes and un-mix-belonged aslatterednesses-about.

Note: latterednesses-about : used to refer to doves for using other nests.

GTh 40-76 Coptic.

(P.Oxy. 1.27-30)

GTh 77 . . . ἔγει[ρ]ον τὸν λίθο(ν) κἀκεῖ εὑρήσεις με· σχῖσον τὸ ξύλον κἀγὼ ἐκεῖ εἰμι.

... thou-should-have-roused to-the-one to-a-stone and-thither thou-shall-find to-me; thou-should-have-severed-to to-the-one to-a-wood and-I thither I-be.

GTh 78-71 Coptic.

(Didymos the Blind, On Psalms 88.8)

GTh 82 ὁ ἄτερ μου ἐγγὺς τοῦ πυρός, ὁ δὲ μακρὰν ἀπ᾿ ἐμοῦ μακρὰν ἀπὸ τῆς βασιλείας.

The-one un-kept of-me neared of-the-one of-a-fire, the-one then-also to-en-longed off of-ME to-en-longed off of-the-one of-a-ruling-of.

GTh 83-112 Coptic.

(Symeon, Logoi 35.5)

GTh 113 ὥς φησιν ὁ κύριος· ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ θεοῦ χαμαὶ ἥπλωται καὶ οἱ ἄνθρωποι οὐκ ἐμβλέπουσιν αὐτήν. καὶ πάλιν· ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ θεοῦ ἐντὸς ὑμῶν ἐστι.

As it-declareth, the-one Authority-belonged, The-one a-ruling-of of-the-one of-a-Deity unto-ground it-had-come-to-be-en-folded-along and the-ones mankinds not they-view-in to-it. Andunto-furthered, The-one a-ruling-of of-the-one of-a-Deity in-unto-the-one-which of-ye it-be.

GTh 114 Coptic.