Ode 1

Ode Title Speaking-unto unto-selves unto-twangings-of and unto-hymns and unto-songs unto-currenting-to-belonged-of.

Ode 1:0 One. A-song of-a-Môuseus in unto-the-one unto-a-Way-out.

Ode 1:1 We-might-have-songed unto-the-one unto-Authority-belonged, unto-reckoned-in too-thus it-had-come-to-be-reckoned-to; to-a-horse and to-a-stepper-up it-flung into to-a-sea.

Note: See Exo 15:1.

Ode 1:2 Holler-ran and a-coverer it-had-became unto-me into to-a-savioring-unto; the-one-this a-Deity of-me, and I-shall-reckon-to to-it, a-Deity of-the-one of-a-father of-me, and I-shall-en-loftee to-it.

Note: See Exo 15:2.

Ode 1:3 Authority-belonged rubbing-together to-wars, Authority-belonged a-naming-to unto-it.

Note: See Exo 15:3.

Ode 1:4 To-liftings-along-to of-a-Faraô and to-the-one to-an-ability of-it it-flung into to-a-sea; to-forthed-upon to-steppers-up to-three-standers it-drank-down-to in unto-red unto-a-sea,

Note: See Exo 15:4.

Ode 1:5 unto-an-ocean it-shrouded to-them; they-sunk-down into to-a-depth as-if a-stone.

Note: See Exo 15:5.

Ode 1:6 The-one right-belonged of-thee, Authority-belonged, it-had-come-to-be-reckoned-to in unto-a-force-holding; the-one right-belonged of-thee a-hand, Authority-belonged, it-crushed to-en-enmitied.

Note: See Exo 15:6.

Ode 1:7 And unto-the-one unto-a-repleteedness of-the-one of-a-reckonedness of-thee thou-rubbed-together to-the-ones to-ever-a-oned-in-under; thou-set-off to-the-one to-a-stressing of-thee, and it-had-devoured-down to-them as to-a-reeding.

Note: See Exo 15:7.

Ode 1:8 And through of-the-one of-a-currenting-to of-the-one of-a-passion of-thee it-had-stood-through, the-one a-water; it-had-been-en-pitched as-if a-wall the-ones waters, it-had-been-en-pitched the-ones swellings-to in unto-middle of-the-one of-a-sea.

Note: See Exo 15:8.

Ode 1:9 It-had-said, the-one en-enmitied, Having-pursued I-shall-take-down; I-shall-portion-to to-flayed, I-shall-replete-in to-a-breathing of-me, I-shall-have-sectioned-up unto-the-oneunto-a-knife of-me, it-shall-authority-belong-of, the-one a-hand of-me.

Note: See Exo 15:9.

Ode 1:10 Thou-set-off to-the-one to-a-currenting-to of-thee, and it-shrouded to-them, a-sea; they-sunk as-if a-plumbum in unto-a-water unto-vehementinged.

Note: a-plumbum : used to avoid confusion with the paradigm "lead".

Note: See Exo 15:10.

Ode 1:11 What-one along-belonged unto-thee in unto-deities, Authority-belonged? What-one along-belonged unto-thee? Having-had-come-to-be-reckoned-to in unto-hallow-belonged, marveled-to in unto-reckonednesses, doing-unto to-anomalies.

Note: See Exo 15:11.

Ode 1:12 Thou-stretched-out to-the-one to-right-belonged of-thee, and it-had-drank-down to-them, the-one a-soil.

Note: See Exo 15:12.

Ode 1:13 Thou-way-led-unto unto-the-one unto-a-course-belongingedness of-thee to-the-one to-a-people of-thee to-the-one-this to-which thou-en-loosed, thou-called-beside-unto unto-the-one unto-a-force-holding of-thee into to-a-loosing-down-to to-hallow-belonged of-thee.

Note: See Exo 15:13.

Ode 1:14 They-heard, placeedness-belongings-to, and they-were-feareed-unto; pangs they-had-taken to-housing-down-unto, to-Fulistieim'.

Note: See Exo 15:14.

Ode 1:15 To-the-one-which-also they-hastened, leaders of-an-Edôm and firsting of-Môab-belongers; it-had-taken to-them, a-tremblee, they-had-been-melted all the-ones housing-down-unto to-a-Chanaan.

Note: See Exo 15:15.

Ode 1:16 It-may-have-had-fallen-upon upon to-them, a-fearee and a-tremblee; unto-a-greateedness of-more-short of-thee they-should-have-been-en-stoned-off; unto-if-which ever it-might-have-had-came-beside, the-one a-people of-thee, Authority-belonged, unto-if-which ever it-might-have-had-came-beside, the-one a-people of-thee the-one-this to-which thou-befounded-unto.

Note: See Exo 15:16.

Ode 1:17 Having-had-led-into thou-should-have-planted-down-of to-them into to-a-jutteedness of-a-lot-parceleeing-unto of-thee, into to-readied-of to-a-houserlet-down of-thee to-which thou-down-worked-to, to-a-hallow-belonging-to, Authority-belonged, to-which they-readied-to, the-ones hands of-thee,

Note: See Exo 15:17.

Ode 1:18 Authority-belonged, rulering-of to-the-one to-an-age and upon to-an-age and if-to-a-one;

Note: See Exo 15:18.

Ode 1:19 to-which-a-one it-had-led-into, a-horse of-a-Faraô together unto-liftings-along-to and unto-steppers-up of-it, into to-a-sea, and it-had-led-upon upon to-them, Authority-belonged, to-the-one to-a-water of-the-one of-a-sea; the-ones then-also sons of-an-Israêl they-were-traversed-of through of-dried in unto-middle of-the-one of-a-sea.

Note: See Exo 15:19.

Eno Cap Incert Ode 2