Php 2

Php 2:1 If a-one accordingly a-calling-beside in unto-Anointed, if a-one a-relating-beside-of of-an-excessing-off, if a-one an-en-together-belonging-to-unto of-a-currenting-to, if a-one bowels and pitierings-of,

Php 2:2 ye-should-have-en-filled of-me to-the-one to-a-joyedness, so to-the-one to-it ye-might-center-unto, to-the-one to-it to-an-excessing-off holding, breathed-together, to-the-one to-one centering-unto,

Php 2:3 to-lest-then-also-one down to-a-hirelinging-unto lest-then-also down to-an-empty-reckoning-unto, other unto-the-one unto-a-lowed-belonged-to-centeringedness to-other-to-other leading-unto to-holding-over of-selves,

Note: to-a-hirelinging-unto : inging intended, i.e. being a hireling, which refers to menial laborers only interested in the pay, by implication used to refer to seeking selfish gain.

Php 2:4 lest to-the-ones of-selves each scouting-unto, other and to-the-ones of-different each.

Php 2:5 To-the-one-this ye-should-center-unto in unto-ye to-which and in unto-Anointed unto-an-Iêsous,

Note: "to-the-one-this [to a oneness in 2:2-4] ye-should-center-unto in unto-ye to-which [to a oneness in 2:6-11] and [ye-should-center-unto] in unto-Anointed unto-an-Iêsous,".

Php 2:6 which in unto-a-form of-a-Deity firsting-under not to-a-snatching-of it-led-unto to-the-one to-be to-samed unto-a-Deity,

Php 2:7 other to-self it-en-emptied, to-a-form of-a-bondee having-had-taken in unto-an-en-along-belonging-to of-mankinds having-had-became; and unto-a-holdening-to having-been-found as a-mankind,

Php 2:8 it-en-low-belonged-to to-self having-had-became heard-under unto-lest-whilst of-a-death, of-a-death then-also of-a-stake;

Php 2:9 through-which and the-one a-Deity to-it it-en-lofteed-over, and it-granted-to unto-it to-the-one to-a-naming-to to-the-one over to-all to-a-naming-to,

Php 2:10 so in unto-the-one unto-a-naming-to of-an-Iêsous all a-knee it-might-have-bent of-upon-sky-belonged and of-upon-soil-belonged and of-down-earthed-belonged,

Note: of-down-earthed-belonged : used to refer to being constrained to the earth, specifically to satan and his leadeeers in their daimonion state.

Php 2:11 and all a-tongue it-might-have-along-fortheed-out-unto to-which-a-one Authority-belonged an-Iêsous Anointed into to-a-reckonedness of-a-Deity of-a-Father.

Php 2:12 As-also, Excessed-off-unto of-me, down-as all-to-the-one-which-also ye-heard-under lest [as] in unto-the-one unto-a-being-beside-unto of-me to-stayeed, other now unto-much more-such in unto-the-one unto-a-being-off-unto of-me with of-a-fearee and of-a-tremblee to-the-one of-selves to-a-savioring-unto ye-should-down-work-to,

Php 2:13 a-Deity too-thus it-be the-one working-in-unto in unto-ye and to-the-one to-determine and to-the-one to-work-in-unto over of-the-one of-a-goodly-thinking-unto;

Php 2:14 to-all ye-should-do-unto of-spaced of-murmurings-of-to and of-fortheeings-through-to-of;

Php 2:15 so ye-might-have-had-became un-blameable and un-mix-belonged, creationees of-a-Deity un-blemished to-middle of-a-becomedness of-skewed-belonged and of-having-had-come-to-be-beturned-through, in unto-which ye-be-manifested as lighters in unto-an-orderation,

Php 2:16 to-a-forthee of-a-lifing holding-upon, into to-a-boasting-to unto-ME into to-a-dayedness of-Anointed, to-which-a-one not into to-empty I-had-circuited not-then-also into to-empty I-fell-belonged-unto.

Php 2:17 Other if and I-be-libationed upon unto-the-one unto-a-surging-unto and unto-a-public-working-unto of-the-one of-a-trust of-ye, I-joy and I-joy-together unto-all unto-ye;

Php 2:18 to-the-one then-also to-it and ye ye-should-joy and ye-should-joy-together unto-me.

Php 2:19 I-drove-suree-to then-also in unto-Authority-belonged unto-an-Iêsous to-a-Timotheos unto-quick to-have-volleyed unto-ye, so and-I I-might-goodly-breath-unto having-had-acquainted to-the-ones about of-ye.

Php 2:20 To-not-then-also-one too-thus I-hold to-same-breathed, which-a-one unto-became-belonged to-the-ones about of-ye it-shall-portion-memory-unto,

Php 2:21 the-ones all too-thus to-the-ones of-selves they-seek-unto, not to-the-ones of-Anointed of-an-Iêsous.

Php 2:22 To-the-one then-also to-an-assessment of-it ye-acquaint, to-which-a-one as unto-a-father, a-creationee, together unto-ME it-bondeed-of into to-the-one to-a-goodly-leadeeerlet.

Php 2:23 To-the-one-this indeed accordingly I-drove-suree-to to-have-volleyed as ever I-might-have-had-seen-off to-the-ones about to-ME out-of-it;

Php 2:24 I-hath-had-come-to-sure then-also in unto-Authority-belonged to-which-a-one and it unto-quick I-shall-come.

Php 2:25 To-up-arm-belonged then-also I-led-unto to-an-Epafroditos to-the-one to-brethrened and to-worked-together and to-an-amass-belonger-together of-me, of-ye then-also to-a-setee-off and to-a-public-worker of-the-one of-an-affording-of of-me to-have-volleyed toward to-ye,

Php 2:26 upon-if-then yearning-upon-unto it-was to-all to-ye [to-have-had-seen], and un-locality-stayeeing-unto through-to-which-a-one ye-heard to-which-a-one it-un-vigored-unto.

Note: un-locality-stayeeing-unto : used to refer to feeling separated from one's social unit.

Php 2:27 And too-thus it-un-vigored-unto to-nigh-belonged-beside of-a-death, other the-one a-Deity it-besectionated-unto to-it, not to-it then-also to-stayeed, other and to-ME, so lest to-a-throe upon to-a-throe I-might-have-had-held.

Php 2:28 Unto-more-hastenee-belonged accordingly I-volleyed to-it so having-had-seen to-it unto-furthered ye-might-have-had-been-joyed and-I more-un-throed I-might-be.

Php 2:29 Ye-should-receive-toward accordingly to-it in unto-Authority-belonged with of-all of-a-joyedness and to-the-ones to-the-ones-unto-the-ones-these to-valued-in ye-should-hold,

Php 2:30 to-which-a-one through to-the-one to-a-work of-Authority-belonged unto-lest-whilst of-a-death it-neared-to having-casteed-beside-of unto-the-one unto-a-breathing, so it-might-have-en-filled-up to-the-one of-ye to-a-lattering-to of-the-one toward to-me of-a-public-working-unto.

Php 1 Php 3