Luk 19

Luk 19:1 And having-had-came-into it-was-coming-through to-the-one to-an-Iereichô.

Luk 19:2 And thou-should-have-had-seen, a-man unto-a-naming-to being-called-unto a-Zakchaios and it it-was a-first-en-finisher and it wealth-belonged;

Luk 19:3 and it-was-seeking-unto to-have-had-seen to-the-one to-an-Iêsous what-one it-be, and not it-had-abled off of-the-one of-a-crowd to-which-a-one unto-the-one unto-a-staturing-unto small it-was.

Luk 19:4 And having-had-circuited-before into to-the-one in-toward-from it-had-stepped-up upon to-a-fig-berriedness so it-might-have-had-seen to-it, to-which-a-one of-the-one-thitherit-was-pending to-come-through.

Luk 19:5 And as it-had-came upon to-the-one to-an-occasion, having-viewed-up, [the-one] an-Iêsous, it-had-said toward to-it, Zakchaios, having-hastened thou-should-have-had-stepped-down; this-day too-thus in unto-the-one unto-a-house of-thee it-bindeth to-me to-have-stayed.

Luk 19:6 And having-hastened it-had-stepped-down, and it-received-under to-it joying.

Luk 19:7 And having-had-seen, all, they-were-through-murmuring-of-to forthing to-which-a-one, Beside unto-un-adjusted-along unto-a-man it-had-came-into to-have-loosed-down.

Luk 19:8 Having-been-stood then-also a-Zakchaios it-had-said toward to-the-one to-Authority-belonged, Thou-should-have-had-seen, to-the-ones to-half-belonged of-me of-the-ones of-firsting-under, Authority-belonged, [unto-the-ones] unto-beggared I-give, and if of-a-one to-a-one I-fig-manifested-unto I-give-off to-fourfold.

Note: I-fig-manifested-unto : used to refer to finding illegal figs where the person was in unawares and then turning them in, or placing such in their possession to accuse them, i.e. to wrongly accuse.

Luk 19:9 It-had-said then-also toward to-it, [the-one] an-Iêsous, to-which-a-one, This-day a-savioring-unto unto-the-one unto-a-house unto-the-one-this it-had-became, down-to-which-one and it a-son of-an-Abraam [it-be];

Luk 19:10 it-had-came too-thus, the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-mankind, to-have-sought-unto and to-have-saved-to to-the-one to-having-hath-had-come-to-destruct-off.

Luk 19:11 Of-hearing then-also of-them to-the-ones-these, having-had-placed-toward it-had-said to-a-casting-beside through to-the-one to-neared to-be to-an-Ierousalêm to-it and to-think-unto to-them to-which-a-one beside-to-an-affording-to it-pendeth, the-one a-ruling-of of-the-one of-a-Deity, to-be-manifested-up;

Luk 19:12 it-had-said accordingly, A-mankind a-one goodly-becominged it-was-traversed-of into to-a-spacedness to-en-longed to-have-had-taken unto-self to-a-ruling-of and to-have-beturned-under.

Luk 19:13 Having-called-unto then-also to-ten to-bondees of-self it-gave unto-them to-ten to-minas and it-had-said toward to-them to-have-practiced-of in unto-which I-come.

Note: to-minas : 1 mina = about 1 pound.

Luk 19:14 The-ones then-also city-belongers of-it they-were-hating-unto to-it, and they-set-off to-an-eldering-of aback-unto-which of-it forthing, Not we-determine to-the-one-this to-have-rulered-of upon to-us.

Luk 19:15 And it-had-became in unto-the-one to-have-had-came-up-upon to-it to-having-had-taken to-the-one to-a-ruling-of, and it-had-said to-have-been-sounded-unto unto-it to-the-ones to-bondees to-the-ones-these unto-which it-had-come-to-have-given to-the-one to-a-silverlet, so it-may-have-acquainted to-what-one they-practiced-through-of.

Luk 19:16 It-had-became-beside then-also, the-one most-before, forthing, Authority-belonged, the-one a-mina of-thee to-ten it-toward-worked-to to-minas.

Note: a-mina : 1 mina = about 1 pound.

Luk 19:17 And it-had-said unto-it, Goodly-too, Excess-placed Bondee, to-which-a-one in unto-most-lackened trusted thou-had-became, thou-should-be to-a-being-out-unto holding upon-up-unto-which to-ten to-cities.

Luk 19:18 And it-had-came, the-one second, forthing, The-one a-mina of-thee, Authority-belonged, it-did-unto to-five to-minas.

Note: a-mina : 1 mina = about 1 pound.

Luk 19:19 It-had-said then-also and unto-the-one-this, And thou up-unto-which thou-should-become of-five of-cities.

Luk 19:20 And the-one different it-had-came forthing, Authority-belonged, thou-should-have-had-seen, the-one a-mina of-thee to-which I-was-holding to-situating-off in unto-a-sudarium;

Note: a-mina : 1 mina = about 1 pound.

Luk 19:21 I-was-feareeing-unto too-thus to-thee to-which-a-one a-mankind harsh thou-be, thou-lift to-which not thou-placed and thou-summer-to to-which not thou-whorled.

Luk 19:22 It-fortheth unto-it, Out of-the-one of-a-becutteeing-to of-thee I-separate to-thee, En-necessitated Bondee, thou-had-come-to-have-had-seen to-which-a-one I a-mankind harshI-be, lifting to-which not I-placed and summering-to to-which not I-whorled?

Luk 19:23 And through to-what-one not thou-gave of-me to-the-one to-a-silverlet upon to-a-four-footedness, and-I having-had-came together unto-a-creation ever to-it I-practiced?

Note: unto-a-creation : in this context used to refer to the creation of interest, i.e. usury.

Luk 19:24 And unto-the-ones unto-having-had-come-to-stand-beside it-had-said, Ye-should-have-lifted off of-it to-the-one to-a-mina and ye-should-have-had-given unto-the-one to-the-ones to-ten to-minas unto-holding.

Note: to-a-mina : 1 mina = about 1 pound.

Luk 19:25 And they-said unto-it, Authority-belonged, it-holdeth to-ten to-minas.

Note: to-minas : 1 mina = about 1 pound.

Luk 19:26 I-forth unto-ye to-which-a-one unto-all unto-the-one unto-holding it-shall-be-given; off then-also of-the-one lest of-holding and to-which it-holdeth it-shall-be-lifted.

Luk 19:27 To-beyond, to-the-ones to-en-enmitied of-me to-the-ones-these to-the-ones lest to-having-determined to-me to-have-rulered-of upon to-them ye-should-have-had-led unto-which-then-also and ye-should-have-slaughtered-down to-them in-toward-from of-me.

Luk 19:28 And having-had-said to-the-ones-these it-was-traversing-of in-toward-from stepping-up into to-Ierosoluma'.

Luk 19:29 And it-had-became as it-neared-to into to-a-Bêthfagê and to-a-Bêthania toward to-the-one to-a-jutteedness to-the-one to-being-called-unto of-olivings-unto, it-set-off to-two of-the-ones of-learners,

Luk 19:30 forthing, Ye-should-lead-under into to-the-one down-in-ever-a-one to-a-village, in unto-which traversing-into-of ye-shall-find to-a-colt to-having-had-come-to-be-binded uponto-which not-then-also-one unto-whither-which-also of-mankinds it-sat-down-to, and having-loosed to-it ye-should-have-had-led.

Luk 19:31 And if-ever a-one to-ye it-might-entreat-unto, Through to-what-one ye-loose? Unto-the-one-this ye-should-utter-unto to-which-a-one, The-one Authority-belonged of-it to-an-affording-of it-holdeth.

Luk 19:32 Having-had-came-off then-also, the-ones having-had-come-to-be-set-off, they-had-found down-as it-had-said unto-them.

Luk 19:33 Of-loosing then-also of-them to-the-one to-a-colt they-said, the-ones authority-belonged of-it, toward to-them, To-what-one ye-loose to-the-one to-a-colt?

Luk 19:34 The-ones then-also they-said to-which-a-one, The-one Authority-belonged of-it to-an-affording-of it-holdeth.

Luk 19:35 And they-had-led to-it toward to-the-one to-an-Iêsous, and having-flung-upon of-them to-the-ones to-apparelets, upon to-the-one to-a-colt they-upon-step-stepped-to to-the-one to-an-Iêsous.

Luk 19:36 Of-traversing-of then-also of-it they-were-strewing-under to-the-ones to-apparelets of-selves in unto-the-one unto-a-way.

Note: they-were-strewing-under : from UPOSTRWNNUW.

Luk 19:37 Of-nearing-to then-also of-it which-then toward unto-the-one unto-a-stepping-down of-the-one of-a-jutteedness of-the-ones of-olivings-unto, they-firsted, along-all the-one a-repleteedness of-the-ones of-learners, joying, to-laud-unto to-the-one to-a-Deity unto-a-sound unto-great about of-all of-which they-had-seen of-abilities,

Luk 19:38 forthing, Having-had-come-to-be-goodly-fortheed-unto the-one coming, the-one a-ruler-of, in unto-a-naming-to of-Authority-belonged; in unto-a-sky a-joinifying and a-reckonedness in unto-most-lofteed.

Luk 19:39 And ones of-the-ones of-Faris-belonged off of-the-one of-a-crowd they-said toward to-it, Veer-veerator, thou-should-have-upon-valuated-unto unto-the-ones unto-learners of-thee.

Luk 19:40 And having-been-separated-off it-had-said, I-forth unto-ye, if-ever the-ones-these they-shall-mute-unto, the-ones stones they-shall-clamor-to.

Luk 19:41 And as it-neared-to, having-had-seen to-the-one to-a-city it-sob-belonged upon to-it,

Luk 19:42 forthing to-which-a-one, If thou-had-acquainted in unto-the-one unto-a-dayedness unto-the-one-this, and thou to-the-ones toward to-a-joinifying; now then-also it-had-been-hidened off of-eyes of-thee,

Luk 19:43 to-which-a-one they-shall-arrive, dayednesses, upon to-THEE, and they-shall-cast-in-beside, the-ones en-enmitied of-thee, to-a-pale unto-thee, and they-shall-en-circle-aboutto-thee and they-shall-hold-together to-thee from-all,

Luk 19:44 and they-shall-belowage-to to-thee and to-the-ones to-creationees of-thee in unto-thee, and not they-shall-send-off to-a-stone upon to-a-stone in unto-thee, ever-a-one of-which not thou-had-acquainted to-the-one to-a-time of-the-one of-a-scouteeing-upon of-thee.

Luk 19:45 And having-had-came-into into to-the-one to-sacred it-firsted to-cast-out to-the-ones to-trafficking-unto,

Luk 19:46 forthing unto-them, It-had-come-to-be-scribed, And it-shall-be the-one a-house of-me a-house of-a-goodly-holding-toward; ye then-also to-it ye-did-unto to-a-cavelet of-robbers.

Luk 19:47 And it-was veer-veerating to-the-one down to-a-dayedness in unto-the-one unto-sacred; the-ones then-also first-sacreders-of and the-ones letterers-of they-were-seeking-untoto-it to-have-destructed-off, and the-ones most-before of-the-one of-a-people,

Luk 19:48 and not they-were-finding to-the-one to-what-one they-might-have-done-unto; the-one a-people too-thus along-all it-was-hanging-out of-it hearing.

Luk 18 Luk 20