1Co 3

1Co 3:1 And-I, Brethrened, not I-was-abled to-have-spoken-unto unto-ye as unto-currenting-to-belonged-of, other as unto-fleshed-belonged-to, as unto-non-word-belonged in unto-Anointed.

Note: unto-non-word-belonged : used to refer to unlearned in words, to baby talk, to infants, etc.

1Co 3:2 To-a-milk to-ye I-drinkeed-to, not to-a-feedeeing-to, not-unto-whither too-thus ye-were-abling. Other not-then-also [if-to-a-one] now ye-able,

1Co 3:3 if-to-a-one too-thus flesh-belonged-of ye-be. To-which-of-whither too-thus in unto-ye a-crave and a-wrangling, unto-not flesh-belonged-of ye-be and down to-a-mankind ye-tread-about-unto?

1Co 3:4 Which-also-ever too-thus it-might-forth, a-one, I indeed I-be of-a-Paulos, different then-also, I of-an-Apollôs, not mankinds ye-be?

1Co 3:5 What-one accordingly it-be an-Apollôs? What-one then-also it-be a-Paulos? Raisers-through through of-which ye-trusted-of, and unto-each as the-one Authority-belonged it-gave.

1Co 3:6 I I-planted-of, an-Apollôs it-drinkeed-to, other the-one a-Deity it-was-largening;

1Co 3:7 as-also not-also the-one planting-of it-be a-one not-also the-one drinkeeing-to, other the-one largening a-Deity.

1Co 3:8 The-one planting-of then-also and the-one drinkeeing-to one they-be, each then-also to-the-one to-private-belonged to-a-pay it-shall-take down to-the-one to-private-belonged to-a-fell;

1Co 3:9 of-a-Deity too-thus we-be worked-together; of-a-Deity a-soil-worklet, of-a-Deity a-house-building ye-be.

1Co 3:10 Down to-the-one to-a-granting of-the-one of-a-Deity to-the-one to-having-been-given unto-me as wisdomed a-first-creationer to-placeeer-belonged I-placed, other then-also it-house-buildeth-upon-unto. Each then-also it-should-view unto-whither it-house-buildeth-upon-unto;

1Co 3:11 to-placeeer-belonged too-thus to-other not-then-also-one it-ableth to-have-had-placed beside to-the-one to-situating, which it-be an-Iêsous Anointed;

1Co 3:12 if then-also a-one it-house-buildeth-upon-unto upon to-the-one to-placeeer-belonged to-a-goldlet, to-a-silverlet, to-stones to-value-belonged, to-woods, to-a-victualage, to-a-reeding,

1Co 3:13 of-each the-one a-work en-manifested it-shall-become, the-one too-thus a-dayedness it-shall-en-distinct; to-which-a-one in unto-a-fire it-be-shrouded-off, and of-each the-one a-work which-whither-belonged it-be the-one a-fire it it-shall-assess-to.

1Co 3:14 If of-a-one the-one a-work it-shall-stay to-which it-had-house-built-upon-unto, to-a-pay it-shall-take;

1Co 3:15 if of-a-one the-one a-work it-shall-have-been-burn-belonged-down, it-shall-be-en-damage-belonged, it then-also it-shall-be-saved-to, unto-the-one-this then-also as through of-a-fire.

1Co 3:16 Not ye-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one a-temple of-a-Deity ye-be and the-one a-currenting-to of-the-one of-a-Deity in unto-ye it-houseth-unto?

1Co 3:17 If a-one to-the-one to-a-temple of-the-one of-a-Deity it-degradeth, it-shall-degrade to-the-one-this, the-one a-Deity; the-one too-thus a-temple of-the-one of-a-Deity hallow-belonged it-be, which-ones ye-be ye.

1Co 3:18 Lest-then-also-one to-self it-should-out-delude-unto; if a-one it-thinketh-unto wisdomed to-be in unto-ye in unto-the-one unto-an-age unto-the-one-this, dulled it-should-have-had-became, so it-might-have-had-became wisdomed,

1Co 3:19 the-one too-thus a-wisdoming-unto of-the-one of-an-orderation of-the-one-this a-dulling-unto beside unto-the-one unto-a-Deity it-be; it-had-come-to-be-scribed too-thus, The-one grasping to-the-ones to-wisdomed in unto-the-one unto-an-all-working-unto of-them;

1Co 3:20 and unto-furthered, Authority-belonged it-acquainteth to-the-ones to-fortheeings-through-to-of of-the-ones of-wisdomed to-which-a-one they-be folly-belonged.

1Co 3:21 As-also lest-then-also-one it-should-boast-unto in unto-mankinds; all too-thus of-ye it-be,

1Co 3:22 if-also a-Paulos if-also an-Apollôs if-also a-Kêfas if-also an-orderation if-also a-lifing if-also a-death if-also having-hath-had-come-to-stand-in if-also pending, all of-ye,

1Co 3:23 ye then-also of-Anointed, Anointed then-also of-a-Deity.

1Co 2 1Co 4