Mar 6

Mar 6:1 And it-had-came-out thither-from, and it-cometh into to-the-one to-a-fathering of-it, and they-path-along-unto unto-it, the-ones learners of-it.

Mar 6:2 And of-having-had-became of-a-sabbath it-firsted to-veer-veerate in unto-the-one unto-a-leading-together, and the-ones much hearing they-were-being-smitten-out forthing,Whither-from unto-the-one-this the-ones-these? And what-one the-one a-wisdoming-unto the-one having-been-given unto-the-one-this, and the-ones abilities the-ones-unto-the-ones-these through of-the-ones of-hands of-it becoming?

Mar 6:3 Not the-one-this it-be the-one a-creationer, the-one a-son of-the-one of-a-Maria and brethrened of-an-Iakôbos and of-an-Iôsês and of-an-Ioudas and of-a-Simôn? And not they-be the-ones brethrened of-it unto-which-then-also toward to-us? And they-were-being-cumbered-to in unto-it.

Mar 6:4 And it-was-forthing unto-them, the-one an-Iêsous, to-which-a-one, Not it-be a-declarer-before un-valued if lest in unto-the-one unto-a-fathering of-it and in unto-the-ones unto-together-becomers of-it and in unto-the-one unto-a-housing-unto of-it.

Mar 6:5 And not it-was-being-abled thither to-have-done-unto to-not-then-also-one to-an-ability, if lest unto-little unto-un-strengthed having-had-placed-upon to-the-ones to-hands it-ministered-of;

Mar 6:6 and it-marveled-to through to-the-one to-an-un-trusting-unto of-them. And it-was-leading-about to-the-ones to-villages unto-a-circle veer-veerating.

Mar 6:7 And it-called-toward-unto to-the-ones to-two-ten, and it-firsted to-them to-set-off to-two to-two, and it-was-giving unto-them to-a-being-out-unto of-the-ones of-currentings-to of-the-ones of-un-cleansabled,

Mar 6:8 and it-leadeeered-beside unto-them so to-lest-then-also-one they-might-lift into to-a-way if lest to-a-rod to-stayeed, lest to-an-adjustation, lest to-a-besidedness, lest into to-the-one to-a-girding to-a-copper,

Note: to-an-adjustation : used to refer to a processed food staple, most frequently a loaf of bread.

Mar 6:9 other to-having-had-come-to-be-binded-under to-sandalets and lest to-have-sunk-in to-two to-tunics.

Mar 6:10 And it-was-forthing unto-them, To-which-of-whither if-ever ye-might-have-had-came-into into to-a-housing-unto, thither ye-should-stay unto-if-which ever ye-might-have-had-came-out thither-from.

Mar 6:11 And which ever an-occasion lest it-might-have-received to-ye lest-then-also they-might-have-heard of-ye, traversing-out-of thither-from ye-should-have-jolted-out to-the-one to-an-en-pouring-of to-the-one under-down-unto-which of-the-ones of-feet of-ye into to-a-witnesslet unto-them.

Mar 6:12 And having-had-came-out they-heraldered so they-might-en-mull-with-unto,

Mar 6:13 and to-daimonlets to-much they-were-casting-out, and they-were-smearing-along unto-an-oillet to-much to-un-strengthed and they-were-ministering-of.

Mar 6:14 And it-heard, the-one a-ruler-of a-Hêrôdês; en-manifested too-thus it-had-became the-one a-naming-to of-it, and they-were-forthing to-which-a-one an-Iôanês the-one dipping-to it-had-come-to-be-roused out of-en-deaded, and through to-the-one-this they-work-in-unto, the-ones abilities, in unto-it;

Mar 6:15 other then-also they-were-forthing to-which-a-one an-Êleias it-be; other then-also they-were-forthing to-which-a-one a-declarer-before as one of-the-ones of-declarers-before.

Mar 6:16 Having-heard then-also, the-one a-Hêrôdês, it-was-forthing, To-which I I-headed-off-to, to-an-Iôanês, the-one-this it-was-roused?

Mar 6:17 It too-thus the-one a-Hêrôdês having-set-off it-secured-unto to-the-one to-an-Iôanês and it-binded to-it in unto-a-guardery through to-a-Herôdias to-the-one to-a-woman of-a-Filippos of-the-one of-brethrened of-it, to-which-a-one to-it it-married-unto.

Mar 6:18 It-was-forthing too-thus, the-one an-Iôanês, unto-the-one unto-a-Hêrôdês, to-which-a-one, Not it-be-out unto-thee to-hold to-the-one to-a-woman of-the-one of-brethrened of-thee.

Mar 6:19 The-one then-also a-Herôdias it-was-holding-in unto-it and it-was-determining to-it to-have-killed-off, and not it-had-abled.

Mar 6:20 The-one too-thus a-Hêrôdês it-was-feareeing-unto to-the-one to-an-Iôanês, having-had-come-to-see to-it to-a-man to-course-belonged and to-hallow-belonged, and it-was-keeping-together-unto to-it, and having-heard of-it, to-much it-was-un-traversing-unto, and unto-en-pleasured of-it it-was-hearing.

Mar 6:21 And of-having-had-became of-a-dayedness of-goodly-timed which-also a-Hêrôdês unto-the-ones unto-became-belonged of-it to-a-meal it-did-unto unto-the-ones unto-most-greats of-it and unto-the-ones unto-firsts-of-thousand and unto-the-ones unto-most-before of-the-one of-a-Galilaia,

Mar 6:22 and of-having-had-came-into of-the-one of-a-daughter of-it of-a-Herôdias and of-having-arrayed-unto, it-pleased unto-the-one unto-a-Hêrôdês and unto-the-ones unto-situating-up-together. The-one then-also a-ruler-of it-had-said unto-the-one unto-a-damselet, Thou-should-have-appealed-unto to-me to-which if-ever thou-might-determine, and I-shall-give unto-thee.

Mar 6:23 And it-en-oathed unto-it, To-which-a-one if-ever to-me thou-might-have-appealed-unto I-shall-give unto-thee unto-if-which of-half of-the-one of-a-ruling-of of-me.

Mar 6:24 And having-had-came-out it-had-said unto-the-one unto-a-mother of-it, To-what-one I-might-have-appealed-unto? The-one then-also it-had-said, To-the-one to-a-head of-an-Iôanês of-the-one of-immersing-to.

Mar 6:25 And having-had-came-into straight with of-a-hasteneeing toward to-the-one to-a-ruler-of, it-appealed-unto forthing, I-determine so out-of-it thou-might-have-had-given unto-me upon unto-a-plate to-the-one to-a-head of-an-Iôanês of-the-one of-a-dipper.

Mar 6:26 And throed-about having-had-became, the-one a-ruler-of, through to-the-ones to-fencees and to-the-ones to-situating-up, not it-determined to-have-un-placed-unto to-it.

Note: to-fencees : used to refer to being confined to an oath.

Mar 6:27 And straight having-set-off, the-one a-ruler-of, to-a-speculator, it-arranged-upon to-have-beared to-the-one to-a-head of-it. And having-had-came-off it-headed-off-to to-it inunto-the-one unto-a-guardery.

Mar 6:28 And it-beared to-the-one to-a-head of-it upon unto-a-plate and it-gave to-it unto-the-one unto-a-damselet, and the-one a-damselet it-gave to-it unto-the-one unto-a-mother of-it.

Mar 6:29 And having-heard, the-ones learners of-it, they-came and they-lifted to-the-one to-an-en-falling-to of-it and they-placed to-it in unto-a-memorylet-of.

Mar 6:30 And they-be-led-together the-ones setees-off toward to-the-one to-an-Iêsous, and they-leadeeered-off unto-it to-all to-which-a-which they-did-unto and to-which-a-which they-veer-veerated.

Mar 6:31 And it-fortheth unto-them, Ye-should-hither-of, ye them, down to-private-belonged into to-solituded to-an-occasion, and ye-should-have-ceased-up to-little; they-were too-thusthe-ones coming and the-ones leading-under much, and not-then-also to-have-had-devoured they-were-goodly-timing-unto.

Mar 6:32 And they-had-came-off in unto-the-one unto-a-floatlet into to-solituded to-an-occasion down to-private-belonged.

Mar 6:33 And they-saw to-them to-leading-under and they-had-acquainted, much, and unto-afoot off of-all of-the-ones of-cities they-had-circuited-together thither and they-had-came-before to-them.

Mar 6:34 And having-had-came-out it-had-seen to-much to-a-crowd, and it-was-boweled-to upon to-them to-which-a-one they-were as stepped-before lest holding to-a-shepherd, and it-firsted to-veer-veerate to-them to-much.

Note: stepped-before : used to refer to herded members usually sheep.

Mar 6:35 And which-then of-an-houredness of-much of-having-had-became, having-had-came-toward unto-it, the-ones learners of-it, they-were-forthing to-which-a-one, Solituded it-bethe-one an-occasion, and which-then an-houredness much;

Mar 6:36 thou-should-have-loosed-off to-them so having-had-came-off into to-the-ones unto-a-circle to-fields and to-villages they-might-have-gathered-to unto-selves to-what-one they-might-have-had-devoured.

Mar 6:37 The-one then-also having-been-separated-off it-had-said unto-them, Ye-should-have-had-given unto-them, ye, to-have-had-devoured. And they-forth unto-it, Having-had-came-off we-might-have-gathered-to of-denarions of-two-hundred to-adjustations and we-shall-give unto-them to-have-had-devoured.

Note: to-adjustations : used to refer to a processed food staple, most frequently a loaf of bread.

Mar 6:38 The-one then-also it-fortheth unto-them, To-whither-which ye-hold to-adjustations? Ye-should-lead-under, ye-should-have-had-seen. And having-had-acquainted they-forth, To-five and to-two to-fishes.

Note: to-adjustations : used to refer to a processed food staple, most frequently a loaf of bread.

Mar 6:39 And it-arranged-upon unto-them to-have-been-clined-up to-all to-drinking-togetherlets to-drinking-togetherlets upon unto-the-one unto-greenish unto-a-victualage.

Mar 6:40 And they-falled-up, modulings-unto modulings-unto, down to-a-hundred and down to-fifty.

Note: they-falled-up : old English form used to avoid confusion with the Verb to-fell.

Mar 6:41 And having-had-taken to-the-ones to-five to-adjustations and to-the-ones to-two to-fishes, having-viewed-up into to-the-one to-a-sky it-goodly-fortheed-unto, and it-broke-down to-the-ones to-adjustations and it-was-giving unto-the-ones unto-learners so they-might-place-beside unto-them, and to-the-ones to-two to-fishes it-portioned-to unto-all.

Note: to-adjustations : used to refer to a processed food staple, most frequently a loaf of bread.

Mar 6:42 And they-had-devoured, all, and they-were-victualaged-to.

Mar 6:43 And they-lifted to-breakings-to of-two-ten of-baskets to-en-fillings-to and off of-the-ones of-fishes.

Mar 6:44 And they-were the-ones having-had-devoured to-the-ones to-adjustations five-oft-thousand men.

Note: to-adjustations : used to refer to a processed food staple, most frequently a loaf of bread.

Mar 6:45 And straight it-up-armed-to to-the-ones to-learners of-it to-have-had-stepped-in into to-the-one to-a-floatlet and to-lead-before into to-the-one to-across toward to-a-Bêthsaidaunto-if-which it it-looseth-off to-the-one to-a-crowd.

Mar 6:46 And having-arranged-off unto-them it-had-came-off into to-the-one to-a-jutteedness to-have-goodly-held-toward.

Mar 6:47 And of-late of-having-had-became it-was the-one a-shiplet in unto-middle of-the-one of-a-sea, and it stayeed upon of-the-one of-a-soil.

Mar 6:48 And having-had-seen to-them to-being-abraded-to in unto-the-one to-drive; it-was too-thus the-one a-wind ever-a-oned-in unto-them; about to-fourth to-a-guardery of-the-oneof-a-night it-cometh toward to-them treading-about-unto upon of-the-one of-a-sea, and it-was-determining to-have-had-came-beside to-them.

Mar 6:49 The-ones then-also having-had-seen to-it upon of-the-one of-a-sea to-treading-about-unto they-thought-unto to-which-a-one a-manifestationing-to it-be and they-up-clamored-to;

Mar 6:50 all too-thus to-it they-saw and they-were-stirred. The-one then-also straight it-spoke-unto with of-them, and it-fortheth unto-them, Ye-should-brave-unto, I I-be, lest ye-should-fearee-unto.

Mar 6:51 And it-had-stepped-up toward to-them into to-the-one to-a-floatlet, and it-felled-to, the-one a-wind. And to-exceedingly in unto-selves they-were-standing-out;

Mar 6:52 not too-thus they-sent-together upon unto-the-ones unto-adjustations, other it-was of-them the-one a-heart having-had-come-to-be-en-calloused.

Note: unto-adjustations : used to refer to a processed food staple, most frequently a loaf of bread.

Mar 6:53 And having-through-acrossed-unto upon to-the-one to-a-soil they-had-came into to-a-Gennêsaret and they-were-moored-toward-to.

Mar 6:54 And of-having-had-came-out of-them out of-the-one of-a-floatlet straight having-had-acquainted-upon to-it

Mar 6:55 they-circuited-about to-whole to-the-one to-a-spacedness to-the-one-thither and they-firsted upon unto-the-ones unto-krabattos' to-the-ones unto-wedge-wedged to-holding to-bear-about to-which-of-whither they-were-hearing to-which-a-one it-be.

Note: unto-krabattos' : oak weaved cots.

Mar 6:56 And to-which-of-whither ever it-was-traversing-into-of into to-villages or into to-cities or into to-fields in unto-the-ones unto-gatherednesses they-were-placing to-the-ones to-un-vigoring-unto, and they-were-calling-beside-unto to-it so and-ever of-the-one of-fringe-footinged of-the-one of-an-apparelet of-it they-might-have-fastened; and which-a-which everthey-fastened of-it they-were-being-saved-to.

Mar 5 Mar 7