Ode 7

Ode 7:0 Seven. A-goodly-holding-toward of-a-Hezekias.

Ode 7:1-9 Not used.

Ode 7:10 I I-said, In unto-the-one unto-a-lofteedness of-the-ones of-dayednesses of-me I-shall-traverse-of in unto-gates of-a-hadês; I-shall-remainder-down to-the-ones to-years to-the-ones to-remaindered-upon.

Note: See Isa 38:10.

Ode 7:11 I-said, Not-if-to-a-one not lest I-might-have-had-seen to-the-one to-saviored-belonged of-the-one of-a-Deity upon of-the-one of-a-soil; not lest I-might-have-had-seen to-a-mankind with of-housing-down-unto.

Note: See Isa 38:11.

Ode 7:12 I-was-remaindering-out out of-the-one of-a-together-becoming-of of-me, I-was-remaindering-down to-the-one to-remaindered of-the-one of-a-lifing of-me; it-had-came-out andit-had-came-off off of-ME as-very the-one loosing-down to-a-tenting having-en-pitched; the-one a-currenting-to of-me beside unto-ME it-had-became as a-standee, of-a-contriver of-nearing-to to-shall-have-cut-out.

Note: of-a-contriver : used of workers skilled with a contrivance, used of reapers skilled in using and developing reaper tools, of weavers and spinsters, etc.

Note: See Isa 38:12.

Ode 7:13 In unto-the-one unto-a-dayedness unto-the-one-thither I-was-given-beside unto-if-which unto-before-belonged as unto-a-lion. Unto-the-one this it-rubbed-together to-all to-the-ones to-bones of-me; off too-thus of-the-one of-a-dayedness unto-if-which of-the-one of-a-night I-was-given-beside.

Note: See Isa 38:13.

Ode 7:14 As a-forking, of-which-unto-the-one I-shall-sound-unto, and as a-latteredness-about, of-which-unto-the-one I-shall-vier-unto; they-were-remaindering-out too-thus, the-oneseyes of-me, of-the-one to-view into to-the-one to-a-lofteedness of-the-one of-a-sky toward to-the-one to-Authority-belonged,

Note: a-forking : used of the swallow/martin bird family (and perhaps swift), particulary the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), as characterized by their forked tail, in derivation extending into things with swallow characteristics, of tuna for their forked tails, of a way to disparage languages for their sound variegation, of gems having the same color as their rustic colored throat, etc.

Note: a-latteredness-about : used to refer to doves for using other nests. Note: See Isa 38:14.

Ode 7:15 which it-sectioned-out to-me and it-sectioned-off of-me to-the-one to-an-anguish of-the-one of-a-breathing.

Note: See Isa 38:15.

Ode 7:16 Authority-belonged, and about of-it too-thus it-had-been-leadeeered-up unto-thee; and thou-roused-out of-me to-the-one to-a-currenting, and having-been-called-beside-unto I-lifed-unto.

Note: See Isa 38:16.

Ode 7:17 Thou-had-sectioned too-thus of-me to-the-one to-a-breathing so lest it-might-have-destructed-off, and thou-flung-off aback-unto-which of-me to-all to-the-ones to-un-adjustings-along-unto of-me.

Note: See Isa 38:17.

Ode 7:18 Not too-thus the-ones in of-a-hadês they-shall-laud-unto to-thee, not-then-also the-ones having-had-died-off they-shall-goodly-forthee-unto to-thee, not-then-also they-shall-drove-suree-to, the-ones in of-a-hadês, to-the-one to-a-besectionateedness of-thee.

Note: See Isa 38:18.

Ode 7:19 The-ones lifing-unto they-shall-goodly-forthee-unto to-thee to-which to-a-turn and-I; off too-thus of-the-one this-day to-childlets I-shall-do-unto, which it-shall-leadeeer-up to-the-one to-a-course-belongingedness of-thee, Authority-belonged of-the-one of-a-savioring-unto of-me;

Note: See Isa 38:19.

Ode 7:20 and not I-shall-cease goodly-fortheeing-unto to-thee with of-a-twangerlet to-all to-the-ones to-dayednesses of-the-one of-a-lifing of-me down-in-ever-a-one of-the-one of-a-house of-the-one of-a-Deity.

Note: See Isa 38:20.

Ode 6 Ode 8