Eno 31

Eno 31:1 And I-had-seen to-other to-jutteednesses and in unto-them groves of-en-treeings, and traversing-out-of out of-them, a-nectar, the-one being-called-unto a-sarran and a-chalbanê.

Note: a-sarran : another name for a-chalbanê plant or more specifically for its resin.

Note: a-chalbanê : refers to a resinous plant, perhaps Ferula galbaniflua.

Eno 31:2 And thither-upon of-the-ones of-jutteednesses of-the-ones-these I-had-seen to-other to-a-jutteedness toward to-finishings-up of-the-ones of-acrossments of-the-one of-a-soil, and all the-ones en-treeings fullinged out-of-it in unto-an-en-along-belonging-to of-almonds,

Eno 31:3 which-also-ever they-might-have-had-been-rubbed; through-to-which more-goodly-odoringed over to-all to-an-en-lifing-to.

Note: to-an-en-lifting-to : used to refer to ploughing, often of an aroma as ploughing the air.

Eno 30 Eno 32