Joh 11

Joh 11:1 It-was then-also a-one un-vigoring-unto, a-Lazaros, off of-a-Bêthania out of-the-one of-a-village of-a-Maria and of-a-Martha of-the-one of-brethrened of-it.

Joh 11:2 It-was then-also a-Mariam the-one having-smeared-along to-the-one to-Authority-belonged unto-seeped and having-kneaded-out to-the-ones to-feet of-it unto-the-ones unto-hairs of-it, of-which the-one brethrened a-Lazaros it-was-un-vigoring-unto.

Note: unto-seeped : used to refer to extracted oils and perfumes from plants.

Joh 11:3 They-set-off accordingly, the-ones brethrened, toward to-it, forthing, Authority-belonged, thou-should-have-had-seen, to-which thou-care-unto it-un-vigoreth-unto.

Joh 11:4 Having-heard then-also, the-one an-Iêsous, it-had-said, The-one-this the-one an-un-vigoring-of not it-be toward to-a-death, other over of-the-one of-a-reckonedness of-the-oneof-a-Deity, so it-might-have-been-reckoned-to the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-Deity through of-it.

Joh 11:5 It-was-excessing-off-unto then-also, the-one an-Iêsous, to-the-one to-a-Martha and to-the-one to-brethrened of-it and to-the-one to-a-Lazaros.

Joh 11:6 As accordingly it-heard to-which-a-one it-un-vigoreth-unto, to-the-one-which-also indeed it-stayed in unto-which it-was unto-an-occasion to-two to-dayednesses;

Joh 11:7 upon-if-to-the-ones with to-the-one-this it-fortheth unto-the-ones unto-learners, We-might-lead into to-the-one to-an-Ioudaia unto-furthered.

Joh 11:8 They-forth unto-it, the-ones learners, Rabbei, now they-were-seeking to-thee to-have-stoned-to, the-ones Iouda-belonged, and unto-furthered thou-lead-under thither?

Joh 11:9 It-was-separated-off an-Iêsous, Unto-not two-ten hourednesses they-be of-the-one of-a-dayedness? If-ever a-one it-might-tread-about-unto in unto-the-one unto-a-dayedness, not it-felleth-toward, to-which-a-one to-the-one to-a-light of-the-one of-an-orderation of-the-one-this it-vieweth;

Joh 11:10 if-ever then-also a-one it-might-tread-about-unto in unto-the-one unto-a-night, it-felleth-toward, to-which-a-one the-one a-light not it-be in unto-it.

Joh 11:11 To-the-ones-these it-had-said, and with to-the-one-this it-fortheth unto-them, A-Lazaros the-one cared of-us it-had-come-to-be-situateed-unto, other I-traverse-of so I-might-have-slept-out-to to-it.

Joh 11:12 They-said accordingly, the-ones learners, unto-it, Authority-belonged, if it-had-come-to-be-situateed-unto it-shall-be-saved-to.

Joh 11:13 It-had-come-to-have-uttered then-also, the-one an-Iêsous, about of-the-one of-a-death of-it. The-ones-thither then-also they-thought-unto to-which-a-one about of-the-one of-a-situateeing of-the-one of-a-sleep it-fortheth.

Joh 11:14 To-the-one-which-also accordingly it-had-said unto-them, the-one an-Iêsous, Unto-an-all-uttering-unto a-Lazaros it-had-died-off,

Joh 11:15 and I-joy through to-ye, so ye-might-have-trusted-of, to-which-a-one not I-was thither, other we-might-lead toward to-it.

Joh 11:16 It-had-said accordingly, a-Thômas the-one being-forthed a-Didumos, unto-the-ones unto-learners-together, We-might-lead and we, so we-might-have-had-died-off with of-it.

Joh 11:17 Having-had-came accordingly, the-one an-Iêsous, it-had-found to-it to-four which-then to-dayednesses to-holding in unto-the-one unto-a-memorylet-of.

Joh 11:18 It-was then-also a-Bêthania neared of-the-ones of-Ierosoluma' as off of-stadios' of-ten-five.

Note: of-stadios' : used to refer to the distance around a-stadion, an arena track, 606.75 feet.

Joh 11:19 Much then-also out of-the-ones of-Iouda-belonged they-had-come-to-have-had-came toward to-the-one to-a-Martha and to-a-Mariam so they-might-have-related-beside-untoto-them about of-the-one of-brethrened.

Joh 11:20 The-one accordingly a-Martha as it-heard to-which-a-one an-Iêsous it-cometh it-under-ever-a-oned-unto unto-it; a-Mariam then-also in unto-the-one unto-a-house it-was-sitting-down-unto-to.

Joh 11:21 It-had-said accordingly, the-one a-Martha, toward to-an-Iêsous, Authority-belonged, if thou-was unto-which-then-also not ever it-had-died-off, the-one brethrened of-me;

Joh 11:22 and now I-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one to-which-a-which ever thou-might-have-appealed-unto to-the-one to-a-Deity, it-shall-give unto-thee, the-one a-Deity.

Joh 11:23 It-fortheth unto-it, the-one an-Iêsous, It-shall-stand-up, the-one brethrened of-thee.

Joh 11:24 It-fortheth unto-it, the-one a-Martha, I-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one it-shall-stand-up in unto-the-one unto-a-standing-up in unto-the-one unto-most-bordered unto-a-dayedness.

Joh 11:25 It-had-said unto-it, the-one an-Iêsous, I I-be the-one a-standing-up and the-one a-lifing; the-one trusting-of into to-ME and-ever it-might-have-had-died-off it-shall-life-unto,

Joh 11:26 and all the-one lifing-unto and trusting-of into to-ME not lest it-might-have-had-died-off into to-the-one to-an-age; thou-trust-of to-the-one-this?

Joh 11:27 It-fortheth unto-it, Yea, Authority-belonged; I I-had-come-to-trust-of to-which-a-one thou thou-be the-one Anointed the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-Deity the-one into to-the-one to-an-orderation coming.

Joh 11:28 And to-the-one-this having-had-said it-had-came-off and it-sounded-unto to-a-Mariam to-the-one to-brethrened of-it unto-secluded, having-said, The-one a-veer-veerator it-be-beside and it-soundeth to-thee.

Joh 11:29 the-one-thither then-also as it-heard it-was-roused to-quick and it-was-coming toward to-it;

Joh 11:30 not-unto-whither then-also it-had-come-to-have-had-came, the-one an-Iêsous, into to-the-one to-a-village, other it-was if-to-a-one in unto-the-one unto-an-occasion to-which-of-whither it-under-ever-a-oned-unto unto-it, the-one a-Martha.

Joh 11:31 The-ones accordingly Iouda-belonged the-ones being with of-it in unto-the-one unto-a-housing-unto and relating-beside-unto to-it having-had-seen to-the-one to-a-Mariam to-which-a-one unto-quick it-had-stood-up and it-had-came-out, they-pathed-along-unto unto-it having-thought-unto to-which-a-one it-leadeth-under into to-the-one to-a-memorylet-of soit-might-have-sob-belonged thither.

Joh 11:32 The-one accordingly a-Mariam as it-had-came to-which-of-whither it-was an-Iêsous having-had-seen to-it it-had-fallen of-it toward to-the-ones to-feet, forthing unto-it, Authority-belonged, if thou-was unto-which-then-also not ever of-me it-had-died-of, the-one brethrened.

Joh 11:33 An-Iêsous accordingly as it-had-seen to-it to-sob-belonging and to-the-ones to-having-had-came-together unto-it to-Iouda-belonged to-sob-belonging it-in-tautened-unto unto-the-one unto-a-currenting-to and it-stirred to-self,

Joh 11:34 and it-had-said, Of-whither ye-had-come-to-place to-it? They-forth unto-it, Authority-belonged, thou-should-come and thou-should-have-had-seen.

Joh 11:35 It-teared, the-one an-Iêsous.

Note: it-teared : as in crying, not as in ripping.

Joh 11:36 They-were-forthing accordingly, the-ones Iouda-belonged, Thou-should-have-had-seen, unto-whither it-was-caring-unto to-it.

Joh 11:37 Ones then-also out of-them they-said, Not it-was-abling, the-one-this the-one having-opened-up to-the-ones to-eyes of-the-one of-blind, to-have-done-unto so and the-one-thislest it-might-have-died-off?

Joh 11:38 An-Iêsous accordingly unto-furthered in-tautening-unto in unto-self it-cometh into to-the-one to-a-memorylet-of. It-was then-also a-cavelet and a-stone it-was-situating-uponupon unto-it.

Joh 11:39 It-fortheth, the-one an-Iêsous, Ye-should-have-lifted to-the-one to-a-stone. It-fortheth unto-it, the-one brethrened of-the-one of-having-had-come-to-finish-of-unto a-Martha, Authority-belonged, which-when it-odoreth-of-to, fourth-belonged too-thus it-be.

Joh 11:40 It-fortheth unto-it, the-one an-Iêsous, Not I-had-said unto-thee to-which-a-one if-ever thou-might-have-trusted-of thou-shall-behold to-the-one to-a-reckonedness of-the-oneof-a-Deity?

Joh 11:41 They-lifted accordingly to-the-one to-a-stone. The-one then-also an-Iêsous it-lifted to-the-ones to-eyes up-unto-which, and it-had-said, Father, I-goodly-grant-unto unto-thee to-which-a-one thou-heard of-me,

Joh 11:42 I then-also I-had-come-to-have-had-seen to-which-a-one all-to-the-one-which-also of-me thou-hear, other through to-the-one to-a-crowd to-the-one to-having-hath-had-come-to-stand-about I-had-said so they-might-have-trusted-of to-which-a-one thou to-me thou-set-off,

Joh 11:43 and to-the-ones-these having-had-said, unto-a-sound unto-great it-yelled-to, Lazaros, thou-should-be-en-hithered-of out-unto-which.

Joh 11:44 It-had-came-out, the-one having-had-come-to-die, having-had-come-to-be-binded to-the-ones to-feet and to-the-ones to-hands unto-shearings-unto, and the-one a-beholding of-it unto-a-sudarium it-had-come-to-have-been-binded-about. It-fortheth, [the-one] an-Iêsous, unto-them, Ye-should-have-loosed to-it and ye-should-have-had-sent-off to-it to-lead-under.

Joh 11:45 Much accordingly out of-the-ones of-Iouda-belonged, the-ones having-had-came toward to-the-one to-a-Mariam and having-spectated to-which it-did-unto, they-trusted-of intoto-it;

Joh 11:46 ones then-also out of-them they-had-came-off toward to-the-ones to-Faris-belonged and they-said unto-them to-which it-did-unto, an-Iêsous.

Joh 11:47 They-had-led-together accordingly, the-ones first-sacreders-of and the-ones Faris-belonged, to-a-seatlet-together, and they-were-forthing, To-what-one we-do-unto to-which-a-one the-one-this the-one a-mankind to-much it-doeth-unto to-signlets-of?

Joh 11:48 If-ever we-might-have-had-sent-off to-it unto-the-one-this, all they-shall-trust-of into to-it, and they-shall-come, the-ones Rômê-belonged, and they-shall-lift of-us and to-the-one to-an-occasion and to-the-one to-a-placeedness-belonging-to.

Joh 11:49 One then-also a-one out of-them a-Kaiafas, a-first-sacreder-of being of-the-one of-a-being-in-unto-it of-the-one-thither, it-had-said unto-them, Ye not ye-had-come-to-see to-not-then-also-one,

Note: of-a-being-in-unto-it : used to refer to a stint.

Joh 11:50 not-then-also ye-forthee-to to-which-a-one it-beareth-together unto-ye so one a-mankind it-might-have-died-off over of-the-one of-a-people, and lest whole the-one a-placeedness-belonging-to it-might-have-had-destructed-off.

Joh 11:51 To-the-one-this then-also off of-self not it-had-said, other a-first-sacreder-of being of-the-one of-a-being-in-unto-it of-the-one-thither, it-declared-before-of to-which-a-one it-was-pending, an-Iêsous, to-die-off over of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to,

Note: of-a-being-in-unto-it : used to refer to a stint.

Joh 11:52 and not over of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to to-stayeed, other so and to-the-ones to-creationees of-the-one of-a-Deity to-the-ones to-having-had-come-to-be-scattered-through-to it-might-have-had-led-together into to-one.

Joh 11:53 Off of-the-one-thither accordingly of-the-one of-a-dayedness they-purposed-of so they-might-have-killed-off to-it.

Joh 11:54 The-one accordingly an-Iêsous not-if-to-a-one unto-an-all-uttering-unto it-was-treading-about-unto in unto-the-ones unto-Iouda-belonged, other it-had-came-off thither-frominto to-the-one to-a-spacedness to-neared of-the-one of-solituded into to-an-Efraim to-being-forthed to-a-city and-thither it-stayed with of-the-ones of-learners.

Joh 11:55 It-was then-also neared the-one a-Pascha of-the-ones of-Iouda-belonged, and they-stepped-up, much, into to-Ierosoluma' out of-the-one of-a-spacedness before of-the-one of-a-Pascha so they-might-have-purified-to to-selves.

Joh 11:56 They-were-seeking-unto accordingly to-the-one to-an-Iêsous and they-were-forthing with of-other-to-other in unto-the-one unto-sacred having-had-come-to-stand, To-what-one it-thinketh-unto unto-ye? To-which-a-one not lest it-might-have-had-came into to-the-one to-a-festival?

Joh 11:57 They-had-come-to-have-given then-also, the-ones first-sacreders-of and the-ones Faris-belonged, to-finishings-in, so if-ever a-one it-might-have-acquainted of-whither it-be it-might-have-en-memoried, unto-which-whither they-might-have-squeezed-to to-it.

Joh 10 Joh 12