Joh 1

Joh 1:1 In unto-a-firsting it-was the-one a-Forthee, and the-one a-Forthee it-was toward to-the-one to-a-Deity, and a-Deity it-was the-one a-Forthee.

Joh 1:2 The-one-this it-was in unto-a-firsting toward to-the-one to-a-Deity.

Joh 1:3 All through of-it it-had-became, and of-spaced of-it it-had-became not-then-also one which it-hath-had-come-to-become.

Joh 1:4 In unto-it a-lifing it-was, and the-one a-lifing it-was the-one a-light of-the-ones of-mankinds;

Joh 1:5 and the-one a-light in unto-the-one unto-a-dimmeeing-unto it-manifesteth, and the-one a-dimmeeing-unto to-it not it-had-taken-down.

Joh 1:6 It-had-became a-mankind having-had-come-to-be-set-off beside of-a-Deity, a-naming-to unto-it an-Iôanês.

Joh 1:7 The-one-this it-had-came into to-a-witnessing-unto so it-might-have-witnessed-unto about of-the-one of-a-light, so all they-might-have-trusted-of through of-it.

Joh 1:8 Not it-was the-one-thither the-one a-light, other so it-might-have-witnessed-unto about of-the-one of-a-light.

Joh 1:9 It-was the-one a-light the-one un-secluded-belonged-to which it-lighteth-to to-all to-a-mankind to-coming into to-the-one to-an-orderation.

Joh 1:10 In unto-the-one unto-an-orderation it-was, and the-one an-orderation through of-it it-had-became, and the-one an-orderation to-it not it-had-acquainted.

Joh 1:11 Into to-the-ones to-private-belonged it-had-came, and the-ones private-belonged to-it not they-had-taken-beside.

Joh 1:12 Which-a-which then-also they-had-taken to-it, it-gave unto-them to-a-being-out-unto to-creationees of-a-Deity to-have-had-became, unto-the-ones unto-trusting-of into to-the-one to-a-naming-to of-it,

Joh 1:13 which not out of-rusherings-to not-then-also out of-a-determining-to of-a-flesh not-then-also out of-a-determining-to of-a-man, other out of-a-Deity they-were-generated-unto.

Joh 1:14 And the-one a-Forthee a-flesh it-had-became and it-en-tented in unto-us, and we-spectated to-the-one to-a-reckonedness of-it as to-a-reckonedness of-stayeed-becomingedbeside of-a-Father fullinged of-a-granting and of-an-un-secluding-of;

Joh 1:15 an-Iôanês it-witnesseth-unto about of-it, and it-hath-had-come-to-clamor-to forthing, the-one-this it-was the-one having-had-said, The-one aback-unto-which of-me coming in-toward-from of-me it-hath-had-come-to-become to-which-a-one most-before of-me it-was,

Joh 1:16 to-which-a-one out of-the-one of-an-en-filling-to of-it we all we-had-taken, and to-a-granting ever-a-one of-a-granting;

Joh 1:17 to-which-a-one the-one a-parcelee through of-a-Môuseus it-was-given, the-one a-granting and the-one an-un-secluding-of through of-an-Iêsous of-Anointed it-had-became.

Joh 1:18 To-a-Deity not-then-also-one it-had-come-to-seeee-unto unto-whither-which-also; stayeed-becominged a-Deity the-one being into to-the-one to-a-bosom of-the-one of-a-Fatherthe-one-thither it-led-out-unto.

Joh 1:19 And the-one-this it-be the-one a-witnessing-unto of-the-one of-an-Iôanês which-also they-set-off toward to-it, the-ones Iouda-belonged, out of-Ierosoluma' to-sacreders-of andto-Leuei-belongers so they-might-have-entreated-unto to-it, Thou what-one thou-be?

Joh 1:20 And it-along-fortheed-unto and not it-denied-unto, and it-along-fortheed-unto to-which-a-one, I not I-be the-one Anointed.

Joh 1:21 And they-entreated-unto to-it, What-one accordingly? [Thou] an-Êleias thou-be? And it-fortheth, Not I-be. The-one a-declarer-before thou-be thou? And it-was-separated-off, Not.

Joh 1:22 They-said accordingly unto-it, What-one thou-be, so to-a-separating-off we-might-have-had-given unto-the-ones unto-having-volleyed to-us? To-what-one thou-forth about of-thyself?

Joh 1:23 It-was-declaring, I a-sound of-hollering-unto in unto-the-one unto-solituded, Thou-should-have-straightened to-the-one to-a-way of-Authority-belonged, down-as it-had-said, an-Êsaias the-one a-declarer-before.

Joh 1:24 And having-had-come-to-be-set-off they-were out of-the-ones of-Faris-belonged.

Joh 1:25 And they-entreated-unto to-it and they-said unto-it, To-what-one accordingly thou-dip-to if thou not thou-be the-one Anointed not-then-also an-Êleias not-then-also the-one a-declarer-before?

Joh 1:26 It-was-separated-off unto-them the-one an-Iôanês forthing, I I-dip-to in unto-a-water; middle of-ye it-standeth to-which ye not ye-had-come-to-see,

Joh 1:27 aback-unto-which of-me coming, of-which not I-be [I] deem-belonged so I-might-have-loosed of-it to-the-one to-a-strap of-the-one of-a-binding-under-to.

Joh 1:28 The-ones-these in unto-a-Bêthania it-had-became to-across of-the-one of-an-Iordanês, to-which-of-whither it-was the-one an-Iôanês dipping-to.

Joh 1:29 Unto-the-one upon-to-morrow it-vieweth to-the-one to-an-Iêsous to-coming toward to-it, and it-fortheth, Thou-should-have-had-seen, the-one a-Lamb of-the-one of-a-Deity, the-one lifting to-the-one to-an-un-adjusting-along-unto of-the-one of-an-orderation.

Joh 1:30 The-one-this it-be over of-which I I-had-said, Aback-unto-which of-me it-cometh, a-man, which in-toward-from of-me it-hath-had-come-to-become to-which-a-one most-beforeof-me it-was.

Joh 1:31 And-I not I-had-come-to-have-had-seen to-it, other so it-might-have-been-en-manifested unto-the-one unto-an-Israêl, through to-the-one-this I-had-came I in unto-a-water dipping-to.

Joh 1:32 And it-witnessed-unto, an-Iôanês, forthing to-which-a-one, I-had-come-to-spectate to-the-one to-a-currenting-to to-stepping-down as to-a-latteredness-about out of-a-sky andit-stayed upon to-it;

Note: to-a-latteredness-about : used to refer to doves for using other nests.

Joh 1:33 and-I not I-had-come-to-have-had-seen to-it, other the-one having-volleyed to-me to-dip-to in unto-a-water, the-one-thither unto-me it-had-said, Upon to-which ever thou-might-have-had-seen to-the-one to-a-currenting-to to-stepping-down and to-staying upon to-it, the-one-this it-be the-one dipping-to in unto-a-currenting-to unto-hallow-belonged;

Joh 1:34 and-I I-had-come-to-seeee-unto, and I-had-come-to-witness-unto to-which-a-one the-one-this it-be the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-Deity.

Joh 1:35 Unto-the-one upon-to-morrow unto-furthered it-had-come-to-have-had-stood, an-Iôanês, and out of-the-ones of-learners of-it two,

Joh 1:36 and having-viewed-in unto-the-one unto-an-Iêsous unto-treading-about-unto it-fortheth, Thou-should-have-had-seen, the-one a-Lamb of-the-one of-a-Deity.

Joh 1:37 And they-heard, the-ones two learners, of-it of-speaking-unto, and they-pathed-along-unto unto-the-one unto-an-Iêsous.

Joh 1:38 Having-had-been-beturned then-also, the-one an-Iêsous, and having-spectated to-them to-pathing-along-unto it-fortheth unto-them, To-what-one ye-seek-unto? The-ones then-also they-said unto-it, Rabbei, which it-be-forthed being-clearified-with-of, Veer-veerator, of-whither thou-stay?

Joh 1:39 It-fortheth unto-them, Ye-should-come and ye-shall-behold. They-came accordingly and they-saw of-whither it-stayeth, and beside unto-it they-stayed to-the-one to-a-dayednessto-the-one-thither; an-houredness it-was as tenth.

Joh 1:40 It-was an-Andreas the-one brethrened of-a-Simôn of-a-Petros one out of-the-ones of-two of-the-ones of-having-heard beside of-an-Iôanês and of-having-pathed-along-unto unto-it;

Joh 1:41 it-findeth, the-one-this, to-most-before to-the-one to-brethrened to-the-one to-private-belonged to-a-Simôn and it-fortheth unto-it, We-had-come-to-find to-the-one to-a-Messias, which it-be being-clearified-with-of Anointed.

Joh 1:42 It-had-led to-it toward to-the-one to-an-Iêsous. Having-viewed-in unto-it, the-one an-Iêsous, it-had-said, Thou thou-be a-Simôn the-one a-son of-an-Iôanês, thou thou-shall-be-called-unto a-Kêfas, which it-be-clearified-of a-Petros.

Joh 1:43 Unto-the-one upon-to-morrow it-determined to-have-had-came-out into to-the-one to-a-Galilaia and it-findeth to-a-Filippos and it-fortheth unto-it, the-one an-Iêsous, Thou-should-path-along-unto unto-me.

Joh 1:44 It-was then-also the-one a-Filippos off of-a-Bêthsaida out of-the-one of-a-city of-an-Andreas and of-a-Petros.

Joh 1:45 It-findeth, a-Filippos, to-the-one to-a-Nathanaêl and it-fortheth unto-it, To-which it-scribed, a-Môusês, in unto-the-one unto-a-parcelee, and the-ones declarers-before, we-had-come-to-find, to-an-Iêsous to-a-Son of-the-one of-a-Iôsêf to-the-one off of-a-Nazaret.

Joh 1:46 And it-had-said unto-it, a-Nathanaêl, Out of-a-Nazaret it-ableth a-one excess-placed to-be? It-fortheth unto-it, the-one a-Filippos, Thou-should-come and thou-should-have-had-seen.

Joh 1:47 It-had-seen, an-Iêsous, to-the-one to-a-Nathanaêl to-coming toward to-it and it-fortheth about of-it, Thou-should-have-had-seen, unto-un-secludinged, an-Israêl-belonger in unto-which a-guile not it-be.

Joh 1:48 It-fortheth unto-it, a-Nathanaêl, Whither-from to-me thou-acquaint? It-was-separated-off an-Iêsous and it-had-said unto-it, Before of-the-one to-thee to-a-Filippos to-have-sounded-unto, to-being under to-the-one to-a-figging I-had-seen to-thee.

Joh 1:49 It-was-separated-off unto-it a-Nathanaêl, Rabbei, thou thou-be the-one a-son of-the-one of-a-Deity, thou a-ruler-of thou-be of-the-one of-an-Israêl.

Joh 1:50 It-was-separated-off an-Iêsous and it-had-said unto-it, To-which-a-one I-had-said unto-thee to-which-a-one I-had-seen to-thee under-down-unto-which of-the-one of-a-figgingthou-trust-of? To-greater of-the-ones-these thou-shall-behold.

Joh 1:51 And it-fortheth unto-it, Amên amên I-forth unto-ye, ye-shall-behold to-the-one to-a-sky to-having-hath-had-come-to-open-up and to-the-ones to-leadeeers of-the-oneof-a-Deity to-stepping-up and to-stepping-down upon to-the-one to-a-Son of-the-one of-a-mankind.

Luk 24 Joh 2