1Co 15

1Co 15:1 I-acquaint-to then-also unto-ye, Brethrened, to-the-one to-a-goodly-leadeeerlet, to-which I-goodly-leadeeered-to unto-ye, to-which and ye-had-taken-beside, in unto-which andye-had-come-to-stand,

1Co 15:2 through of-which and ye-be-saved-to, unto-what-one unto-a-forthee I-goodly-leadeeered-to unto-ye, if ye-hold-down, out-unto-the-one-which if lest unto-resembled ye-trusted-of.

Note: unto-resembled : used to refer to futile imitation.

1Co 15:3 I-gave-beside too-thus unto-ye in unto-most-before, to-which and I-had-taken-beside, to-which-a-one Anointed it-had-died-off over of-the-ones of-un-adjustings-along-unto of-us down to-the-ones to-scribings,

1Co 15:4 and to-which-a-one it-had-been-burialed, and to-which-a-one it-had-come-to-be-roused unto-the-one unto-a-dayedness unto-the-one unto-third down to-the-ones to-scribings,

1Co 15:5 and to-which-a-one it-was-beheld unto-a-Kêfas, if-to-the-ones unto-the-ones unto-two-ten;

1Co 15:6 upon-if-to-the-ones it-was-beheld upon-up-unto-which unto-five-hundred unto-brethrened upon-once, out of-which the-ones more-beyond they-stay unto-if-which thus-to-a-one, ones then-also they-were-situateed-unto;

1Co 15:7 upon-if-to-the-ones it-was-beheld unto-an-Iakôbos, if-to-the-ones unto-the-ones unto-setees-off unto-all;

1Co 15:8 to-most-bordered then-also of-all as-very-if unto-the-one unto-a-wounding-out-to it-was-beheld unto-and-me.

Note: unto-a-wounding-out-to : used to refer to coming out of the womb injured, particulary prematurely or aborted; here Paul refers to his apparent unreadied state to be called out at the time Christ appeared to him.

1Co 15:9 I too-thus I-be the-one most-lackened of-the-ones of-setees-off, which not I-be ampled to-be-called-unto a-setee-off, through-which-a-one I-pursued to-the-one to-a-calling-out-unto of-the-one of-a-Deity;

1Co 15:10 unto-a-granting then-also of-a-Deity I-be which I-be, and the-one a-granting of-it the-one into to-ME not empty it-was-became, other to-more-abouted of-them of-all I-fell-belonged-unto, not I then-also other the-one a-granting of-the-one of-a-Deity together unto-ME.

1Co 15:11 If-also accordingly I if-also the-ones-thither, unto-the-one-this we-heralder and unto-the-one-this ye-trusted-of.

1Co 15:12 If then-also Anointed it-be-heraldered to-which-a-one out of-en-deaded it-had-come-to-be-roused, unto-whither they-forth in unto-ye, ones, to-which-a-one a-standing-up of-en-deaded not it-be?

1Co 15:13 If then-also a-standing-up of-en-deaded not it-be, not-then-also Anointed it-had-come-to-be-roused;

1Co 15:14 if then-also Anointed not it-had-come-to-be-roused, empty thus the-one a-heraldering-to of-us, empty and the-one a-trust of-us,

1Co 15:15 we-be-found then-also and false-witnesses of-the-one of-a-Deity, to-which-a-one we-witnessed-unto down of-the-one of-a-Deity to-which-a-one it-roused to-the-one to-Anointed, to-which not it-roused if-very thus en-deaded not they-be-roused.

1Co 15:16 If too-thus en-deaded not they-be-roused, not-then-also Anointed it-had-come-to-be-roused;

1Co 15:17 if then-also Anointed not it-had-come-to-be-roused, folly-belonged the-one a-trust of-ye [it-be], if-to-a-one ye-be in unto-the-ones unto-un-adjustings-along-unto of-ye.

1Co 15:18 Thus and the-ones having-been-situateed-unto in unto-Anointed they-had-they-had-destructed-off.

1Co 15:19 If in unto-the-one unto-a-lifing unto-the-one-this in unto-Anointed having-had-come-to-drove-suree-to we-be to-stayeed, to-more-besectionated-belonged-to of-all of-mankinds we-be.

1Co 15:20 Unto-now then-also Anointed it-had-come-to-be-roused out of-en-deaded, a-firsting-off of-the-ones of-having-had-come-to-be-situateed-unto.

1Co 15:21 Upon-if-then too-thus through of-a-mankind a-death, and through of-a-mankind a-standing-up of-en-deaded;

1Co 15:22 As-very too-thus in unto-the-one unto-an-Adam all they-die-off, unto-the-one-this and in unto-the-one unto-Anointed all they-shall-be-life-done-unto.

1Co 15:23 Each then-also in unto-the-one unto-private-belonged unto-an-arranging-to, a-firsting-off, Anointed; upon-if-to-the-ones the-ones of-the-one of-Anointed in unto-the-oneunto-a-being-beside-unto of-it;

1Co 15:24 if-to-the-ones the-one a-finisheedness, which-also-ever it-might-give-beside to-the-one to-a-ruling-of unto-the-one unto-a-Deity and unto-a-Father, which-also-ever it-might-have-un-worked-down-unto to-all to-a-firsting and to-all to-a-being-out-unto and to-an-ability,

1Co 15:25 it-bindeth too-thus to-it to-ruler-of unto-whilst of-which it-might-have-had-placed to-all to-the-ones to-en-enmitied under to-the-ones to-feet of-it.

1Co 15:26 Most-bordered en-enmitied it-be-un-worked-down-unto the-one a-death,

1Co 15:27 to-all too-thus it-arranged-under under to-the-ones to-feet of-it. Which-also-ever then-also it-might-have-had-said to-which-a-one all it-had-come-to-be-arranged-under, distincted to-which-a-one out-unto-the-one-which of-the-one of-having-arranged-under unto-it to-the-ones to-all.

1Co 15:28 Which-also-ever then-also it-might-have-had-been-arranged-under unto-it the-ones all, to-the-one-which-also [and] it the-one a-son it-shall-have-had-been-arranged-under unto-the-one unto-having-arranged-under unto-it to-the-ones to-all, so it-might-be the-one a-Deity all in unto-all.

1Co 15:29 Upon-if to-what-one they-shall-do-unto, the-ones being-dipped-to over of-the-ones of-en-deaded? If unto-whole en-deaded not they-be-roused, to-what-one and they-be-dipped-to over of-them?

1Co 15:30 To-what-one and we we-peril-of to-all to-an-houredness?

1Co 15:31 Down to-a-dayedness I-die-off, yea-or to-the-one to-yours to-a-boasting, Brethrened, to-which I-hold in unto-Anointed unto-an-Iêsous unto-the-one unto-Authority-belonged of-us.

1Co 15:32 If down to-a-mankind I-beastlet-battled-unto in unto-an-Efesos, what-one unto-me the-one an-aidance? If en-deaded not they-be-roused, we-might-have-had-devouredand we-might-have-had-drank, to-morrow too-thus we-die-off.

1Co 15:33 Lest ye-should-be-wandered-unto; they-degrade to-beplaceednesses to-afforded, groupings-along-unto wedge-wedged;

1Co 15:34 ye-should-have-sobered-out unto-course-belonged and lest ye-should-un-adjust-along, to-an-un-acquainting-unto too-thus of-a-Deity ones they-hold; toward to-a-turning-inunto-ye I-speak-unto.

1Co 15:35 Other it-shall-utter, a-one, Unto-whither they-be-roused the-ones en-deaded? Unto-whither-belonged then-also unto-an-en-capsuling-to they-cometh?

1Co 15:36 Un-centeringed-of thou to-which thou-whorl, not it-be-life-done-unto if-ever lest it-might-have-had-died-off;

Note: Un-centeringed-of : not Vocative, being used descriptively

1Co 15:37 and to-which thou-whorl not to-the-one to-an-en-capsuling-to to-the-one to-shall-having-became thou-whorl, other to-stripped to-a-kernel if it-may-have-had-actuated of-a-grain or of-a-one of-the-ones of-remaindered;

1Co 15:38 the-one then-also a-Deity it-giveth unto-it to-an-en-capsuling-to down-as it-determined, and unto-each of-the-ones of-whorlings-to to-private-belonged to-an-en-capsuling-to.

1Co 15:39 Not all a-flesh the-one it a-flesh, other other indeed of-mankinds, other then-also a-flesh of-befoundeednesses, other then-also a-flesh of-flyed, other then-also of-fishes.

Note: of-befoundeednesses : something able to be corporatively tamed and utilized; i.e. livestock.

1Co 15:40 And en-capsulings-to upon-sky-belonged and en-capsulings-to upon-soil-belonged; other different indeed the-one of-the-ones of-upon-sky-belonged a-reckonedness, differentthen-also the-one of-the-ones of-upon-soil-belonged.

1Co 15:41 Other a-reckonedness of-a-sun, and other a-reckonedness of-a-moon, and other a-reckonedness of-stars, a-star too-thus of-a-star it-beareth-through in unto-a-reckonedness.

1Co 15:42 Unto-the-one-this and the-one a-standing-up of-the-ones of-en-deaded. It-be-whorled in unto-a-degradedness, it-be-roused in unto-an-un-degrading-unto;

1Co 15:43 it-be-whorled in unto-an-un-valuating-unto, it-be-roused in unto-a-reckonedness; it-be-whorled in unto-an-un-vigoring-of, it-be-roused in unto-an-ability;

1Co 15:44 it-be-whorled an-en-capsuling-to breath-belonged-of, it-be-roused an-en-capsuling-to currenting-to-belonged-of. If it-be an-en-capsuling-to breath-belonged-of, it-be and currenting-to-belonged-of.

1Co 15:45 Unto-the-one-this and it-had-come-to-be-scribed, It-had-became the-one most-before a-mankind an-Adam into to-a-breathing to-lifing-unto; the-one most-borderedan-Adam into to-a-currenting-to to-life-doing-unto.

1Co 15:46 Other not to-most-before the-one currenting-to-belonged-of, other the-one breath-belonged-of, if-to-the-ones the-one currenting-to-belonged-of.

1Co 15:47 The-one most-before a-mankind out of-a-soil en-pour-belonged-of, the-one second a-mankind out of-a-sky.

1Co 15:48 Which-belonged the-one en-pour-belonged-of, the-ones-unto-the-ones-these and the-ones en-pour-belonged-of, and which-belonged the-one upon-sky-belonged, the-ones-unto-the-ones-these and the-ones upon-sky-belonged;

1Co 15:49 and down-as we-beareed-unto to-the-one to-a-resemblance of-the-one of-heap-belonged-of, we-might-have-beareed-unto and to-the-one to-a-resemblance of-the-one of-upon-sky-belonged.

1Co 15:50 To-the-one-this then-also I-declare, Brethrened, to-which-a-one a-flesh and a-rushering-to to-a-ruling-of of-a-Deity to-have-lot-parceleed-unto not it-ableth, not-then-also the-one a-degradedness to-the-one an-un-degrading-unto it-lot-parceleeth-unto.

1Co 15:51 Thou-should-have-had-seen, to-a-flexerlet unto-ye I-forth; all not we-shall-be-situateed-unto, all then-also we-shall-have-been-othered,

Note: to-a-flexerlet : used to refer to things requiring thought flex to understand.

1Co 15:52 in unto-un-cut, in unto-a-jerk of-an-eye, in unto-the-one unto-most-bordered unto-a-trumpet, it-shall-trumpet-to too-thus, and the-ones en-deaded they-shall-be-roused un-degradable, and we we-shall-have-been-othered.

1Co 15:53 It-bindeth too-thus to-the-one to-degradable to-the-one-this to-have-sunk-in to-an-un-degrading-unto and to-the-one to-dieable to-the-one-this to-have-sunk-in to-an-un-deathing-unto.

1Co 15:54 Which-also-ever then-also the-one dieable the-one-this it-might-have-sunk-in [to-the-one] to-an-un-deathing-unto, to-the-one-which-also it-shall-become, the-one a-fortheethe-one having-had-come-to-be-scribed, It-was-drank-down the-one a-death into to-a-mull-belongeedness-of.

1Co 15:55 Of-whither of-thee, Death, the-one a-mull-belongeedness-of? Of-whither of-thee, Death, the-one a-prick?

1Co 15:56 The-one then-also a-prick of-the-one of-a-death the-one an-un-adjusting-along-unto, the-one then-also an-ability of-the-one of-an-un-adjusting-along-unto the-one a-parcelee;

1Co 15:57 unto-the-one then-also unto-a-Deity a-granting unto-the-one unto-giving unto-us to-the-one to-a-mull-belongeedness-of through of-the-one of-Authority-belonged of-us of-an-Iêsous of-Anointed.

1Co 15:58 As-also, Brethrened of-me Excessed-off-unto, seat-belonged ye-should-become, un-movable-with, abouting-of in unto-the-one unto-a-work of-the-one of-Authority-belonged all-to-the-one-which-also, having-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one the-one a-fell of-ye not it-be empty in unto-Authority-belonged.

1Co 14 1Co 16