Mat 26

Mat 26:1 And it-had-became which-also it-finished-unto, the-one an-Iêsous, to-all to-the-ones to-forthees to-the-ones-these, it-had-said unto-the-ones unto-learners of-it,

Mat 26:2 Ye-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one with to-two to-dayednesses the-one a-Pascha it-becometh and the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-mankind it-be-given-beside into to-the-one to-have-been-en-staked.

Mat 26:3 To-the-one-which-also they-were-led-together the-ones first-sacreders-of and the-ones more-eldered of-the-one of-a-people into to-the-one to-a-channeling of-the-one of-a-first-sacreder-of of-the-one of-being-forthed of-a-Kaiafas,

Note: to-a-channeling : used to refer to the yard that channels to a housing.

Mat 26:4 and they-purposed-together-of so to-the-one to-an-Iêsous unto-a-guile they-might-have-secured-unto and they-might-have-killed-off;

Mat 26:5 they-were-forthing then-also, Lest in unto-the-one unto-a-festival, so lest a-tumult it-might-have-had-became in unto-the-one unto-a-people.

Mat 26:6 Of-the-one then-also of-an-Iêsous of-having-had-became in unto-a-Bêthania in unto-a-housing-unto of-a-Simôn of-the-one of-en-peeled,

Mat 26:7 it-had-came-toward unto-it, a-woman, holding to-en-alabastered of-seeped of-weight-valued, and it-poured-down upon of-the-one of-a-head of-it of-situating-up.

Note: of-seeped : used to refer to extracted oils and perfumes from plants.

Mat 26:8 Having-had-seen then-also, the-ones learners, they-excess-vexed-unto forthing, Into to-what-one the-one a-destructing-off-of the-one-this?

Mat 26:9 It-was-being-abled too-thus the-one-this to-have-been-en-acrossated of-much and to-have-been-given unto-beggared.

Mat 26:10 Having-had-acquainted then-also, the-one an-Iêsous, it-had-said unto-them, To-what-one to-fells ye-hold-beside unto-the-one unto-a-woman? To-a-work too-thus to-seemly it-worked-to into to-ME;

Mat 26:11 all-to-the-one-which-also too-thus to-the-ones to-beggared ye-hold with of-selves, to-ME then-also not all-to-the-one-which-also ye-hold;

Mat 26:12 having-had-casted too-thus, the-one-this, to-the-one to-seeped, to-the-one-this, upon of-the-one of-an-en-capsuling-to of-me, toward to-the-one to-have-in-buriage-belonged-to to-me it-did-unto.

Note: to-seeped : used to refer to extracted oils and perfumes from plants.

Mat 26:13 Amên I-forth unto-ye, to-which-of-whither if-ever it-might-have-been-heraldered the-one a-goodly-leadeeerlet the-one-this in unto-whole unto-the-one unto-an-orderation, it-shall-be-spoken-unto and to-which it-did-unto, the-one-this, into to-a-remembrance of-it.

Mat 26:14 To-the-one-which-also having-been-traversed-of one of-the-ones of-two-ten the-one being-forthed an-Ioudas a-forced-trance-belonger toward to-the-ones to-first-sacreders-of,

Note: a-forced-trance-belonger (ISKARIWTHS) : from IS (force) and KAROS (trance).

Mat 26:15 it-had-said, To-what-one ye-determine unto-me to-have-had-given and-I unto-ye I-shall-give-beside to-it? The-ones then-also they-stood unto-it to-thirty to-silverlets.

Mat 26:16 And off to-the-one-which-also it-was-seeking-unto to-a-goodly-timing-unto so to-it it-might-have-had-given-beside.

Mat 26:17 Unto-the-one then-also unto-most-before of-the-ones of-un-fermented they-had-came-toward, the-ones learners, unto-the-one unto-an-Iêsous forthing, Of-whither thou-determine we-might-have-readied-to unto-thee to-have-had-devoured to-the-one to-a-Pascha?

Mat 26:18 The-one then-also it-had-said, Ye-should-lead-under into to-the-one to-a-city toward to-the-one to-then-also-so and ye-should-have-said unto-it, The-one a-veer-veerator it-fortheth, The-one a-time of-me neared it-be; toward to-THEE I-do-unto to-the-one to-a-Pascha with of-the-ones of-learners of-me.

Mat 26:19 And they-did-unto, the-ones learners, as it-arranged-together unto-them, the-one an-Iêsous, and they-readied-to to-the-one to-a-Pascha.

Mat 26:20 Of-late then-also of-having-had-became it-was-situating-up with of-the-ones [of-two-ten] of-learners.

Mat 26:21 And of-eat-belonging of-them it-had-said, Amên I-forth unto-ye to-which-a-one one out of-ye it-shall-give-beside to-me.

Mat 26:22 And being-throed-unto to-vehemented they-firsted to-forth unto-it, one each, Lest-a-one I I-be, Authority-belonged?

Mat 26:23 The-one then-also having-been-separated-off it-had-said, The-one having-dipped-in with of-ME to-the-one to-a-hand in unto-the-one unto-a-dishlet, the-one-this to-me it-shall-give-beside;

Mat 26:24 the-one indeed a-Son of-the-one of-a-mankind it-leadeth-under down-as it-had-come-to-be-scribed about of-it; a-woe then-also unto-the-one unto-a-mankind unto-the-one-thither through of-which the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-mankind it-be-given-beside; seemly it-was unto-it if not it-was-generated-unto the-one a-mankind the-one-thither.

Mat 26:25 Having-been-separated-off then-also an-Ioudas the-one giving-beside to-it it-had-said, Lest-a-one I I-be, Rabbei? It-fortheth unto-it, Thou thou-said.

Mat 26:26 Of-eat-belonging then-also of-them, having-had-taken, the-one an-Iêsous, to-an-adjustation, and having-goodly-fortheed-unto, it-broke, and having-had-given unto-the-ones unto-learners it-had-said, Ye-should-have-had-taken, ye-should-have-had-devoured, the-one-this it-be the-one an-en-capsuling-to of-me.

Note: to-an-adjustation : used to refer to a processed food staple, most frequently a loaf of bread.

Mat 26:27 And having-had-taken to-a-drinkerlet [and] having-goodly-granted-unto it-gave unto-them forthing, Ye-should-have-drank out of-it, all,

Mat 26:28 the-one-this too-thus it-be the-one a-rushering-to of-me of-the-one of-a-placement-through, the-one about of-much being-poured-out into to-a-sending-off of-un-adjustings-along-unto;

Mat 26:29 I-forth then-also unto-ye, not lest I-might-have-had-drank off thus-to-a-one out of-the-one-this of-the-one of-a-becoming-to of-the-one of-a-vine unto-if-which of-the-one of-a-dayedness of-the-one-thither which-also-ever to-it I-might-drink with of-ye to-fresh in unto-the-one unto-a-ruling-of of-the-one of-a-Father of-me.

Mat 26:30 And having-hymned-unto they-had-came-out into to-the-one to-a-jutteedness of-the-ones of-olivings-unto.

Mat 26:31 To-the-one-which-also it-fortheth unto-them, the-one an-Iêsous, All ye ye-shall-be-cumbered-to in unto-ME in unto-the-one unto-a-night unto-the-one-this; it-had-come-to-be-scribed too-thus, I-shall-smite to-the-one to-a-Shepherd and they-shall-be-scattered-through-to the-ones stepped-before of-the-one of-a-sherpherding;

Note: stepped-before : used to refer to herded members usually sheep.

Mat 26:32 with then-also to-the-one to-have-been-roused to-me I-shall-lead-before to-ye into to-the-one to-a-Galilaia.

Mat 26:33 Having-been-separated-off then-also the-one a-Petros it-had-said unto-it, If all they-shall-be-cumbered-to in unto-THEE, I not-then-also-whither-also I-shall-be-cumbered-to.

Mat 26:34 It-was-declaring unto-it, the-one an-Iêsous, Amên I-forth unto-thee to-which-a-one in unto-the-one-this unto-the-one unto-a-night ere to-an-un-beforther to-have-sounded-unto to-thrice thou-shall-deny-off-unto to-me.

Note: to-an-un-beforther (ALEKTWR) : from A and LEXW, referring to a cock or rooster from causing others to become "un-bedded", i.e. to wake up.

Mat 26:35 It-fortheth unto-it, the-one a-Petros, And-ever it-might-bind to-me together unto-THEE to-have-had-died-off not lest to-thee I-shall-deny-off-unto. Unto-along-belonged andall the-ones learners they-said.

Mat 26:36 To-the-one-which-also it-cometh with of-them, the-one an-Iêsous, into to-a-spacelet to-being-forthed a-Gethsêmanei, and it-fortheth unto-the-ones unto-learners, Ye-should-have-sat-down-to of-it unto-if-which [of-which] having-had-came-off thither I-might-have-goodly-held-toward.

Mat 26:37 And having-had-taken-beside to-the-one to-a-Petros and to-the-ones to-two to-sons of-a-Zebedaios it-firsted to-be-throed-unto and to-un-locality-stayeed-unto.

Note: to-un-locality-stayeed-unto : used to refer to feeling separated from one's social unit.

Mat 26:38 To-the-one-which-also it-fortheth unto-them, Throed-about it-be the-one a-breathing of-me unto-if-which of-a-death; ye-should-have-stayed unto-which-then-also andye-should-watch-unto with of-ME.

Mat 26:39 And having-had-came-before to-small it-had-fallen upon to-looked-toward of-it goodly-holding-toward and forthing, Father of-me, if able it-be it-should-have-came-beside offof-ME, the-one to-a-drinkerlet the-one-this; to-beyond, not as I I-determine, other as thou.

Mat 26:40 And it-cometh toward to-the-ones to-learners and it-findeth to-them to-resting-down, and it-fortheth unto-the-one unto-a-Petros, Unto-the-one-this not ye-force-held to-oneto-an-houredness to-have-watched-unto with of-ME?

Mat 26:41 Ye-should-watch-unto and ye-should-goodly-hold-toward so lest ye-might-have-had-came-into into to-a-across-belonging-to-of; the-one indeed a-currenting-to passioned-before, the-one then-also a-flesh un-vigoringed.

Mat 26:42 Unto-furthered out of-second having-had-came-off it-goodly-held-toward [forthing], Father of-me, if not it-ableth, the-one-this, to-have-had-came-beside, if-ever lest to-it I-might-have-had-drank, it-should-have-been-became the-one a-determining-to of-thee.

Mat 26:43 And having-had-came unto-furthered, it-had-found to-them to-resting-down; they-were too-thus of-them the-ones eyes having-had-come-to-be-weighted-unto.

Mat 26:44 And having-had-sent-off to-them, unto-furthered having-had-came-off it-goodly-held-toward out of-third to-the-one to-it to-a-forthee having-had-said unto-furthered.

Mat 26:45 To-the-one-which-also it-cometh toward to-the-ones to-learners and it-fortheth unto-them, Ye-rest-down to-remaindered and ye-cease-up? Thou-should-have-had-seen, it-had-come-to-near-to, the-one an-houredness, and the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-mankind it-be-given-beside into to-hands of-un-adjusted-along.

Mat 26:46 Ye-should-rouse, we-might-lead; thou-should-have-had-seen, it-had-come-to-near-to, the-one giving-beside to-me.

Mat 26:47 And if-to-a-one of-it of-speaking-unto, thou-should-have-had-seen, an-Ioudas one of-the-ones of-two-ten it-had-came, and with of-it a-crowd much with of-knives and of-woods off of-the-ones of-first-sacreders-of and of-more-eldered of-the-one of-a-people.

Mat 26:48 The-one then-also giving-beside to-it it-gave unto-them to-a-signlet-of forthing, To-which ever I-might-have-cared-unto, it it-be; ye-should-have-secured-unto to-it.

Mat 26:49 And unto-straight having-had-came-toward unto-the-one unto-an-Iêsous it-had-said, Thou-should-joy, Rabbei; and it-cared-down-unto to-it.

Mat 26:50 The-one then-also an-Iêsous it-had-said unto-it, Comrade, upon to-which thou-be-beside? To-the-one-which-also having-had-came-toward they-had-casted-upon to-the-onesto-hands upon to-the-one to-an-Iêsous and they-secured-unto to-it.

Mat 26:51 And thou-should-have-had-seen, one of-the-ones with of-an-Iêsous having-stretched-out to-the-one to-a-hand it-off-drew-unto to-the-one to-a-knife of-it and having-smote to-the-one to-a-bondee of-the-one of-a-first-sacreder-of it-had-sectioned-off of-it to-the-one to-an-earlet.

Mat 26:52 To-the-one-which-also it-fortheth unto-it, the-one an-Iêsous, Thou-should-have-beturned-off to-the-one to-a-knife of-thee into to-the-one to-an-occasion of-it; all too-thus the-ones having-had-taken to-a-knife in unto-a-knife they-shall-destruct-off;

Mat 26:53 or thou-think-unto to-which-a-one not I-able to-have-called-beside-unto to-the-one to-a-Father of-me, and it-shall-stand-beside unto-me thus-to-a-one to-beyond to-two-tento-legions of-leadeeers?

Mat 26:54 Unto-whither accordingly they-might-have-been-en-filled the-ones scribings to-which-a-one unto-the-one-this it-bindeth to-have-had-became?

Mat 26:55 In unto-the-one-thither unto-the-one unto-an-houredness it-had-said, the-one an-Iêsous, unto-the-ones unto-crowds, As upon to-a-robber ye-came-out with of-knives and of-woods to-have-had-taken-together to-me? Down to-a-dayedness in unto-the-one unto-sacred I-was-sitting-down-unto-to veer-veerating and not ye-secured-unto to-me.

Mat 26:56 The-one-this then-also whole it-hath-had-come-to-become so they-might-have-been-en-filled the-ones scribings of-the-ones of-declarers-before. To-the-one-which-also the-ones learners all having-had-sent-off to-it they-had-fled.

Mat 26:57 The-ones then-also having-secured-unto to-the-one to-an-Iêsous they-had-led-off toward to-a-Kaiafas to-the-one to-a-first-sacreder-of to-which-of-whither the-ones letterers-of and the-ones more-eldered they-were-led-together.

Mat 26:58 The-one then-also a-Petros it-was-pathing-along-unto unto-it [off] en-longed-from unto-if-which of-the-one of-a-channeling of-the-one of-a-first-sacreder-of, and having-had-came-into into-unto-which it-was-sitting-down with of-the-ones of-under-rowers to-have-had-seen to-the-one to-a-finisheedness.

Note: of-a-channeling : used to refer to the yard that channels to a housing.

Mat 26:59 The-ones then-also first-sacreders-of and the-one a-seatlet-together whole they-were-seeking-unto to-a-false-witnessing-unto down of-the-one of-an-Iêsous unto-which-whither to-it they-might-have-en-deathed,

Mat 26:60 and not they-had-found of-much of-having-had-came-toward of-false-witnesses. To-latter then-also having-had-came-toward, two,

Mat 26:61 they-said, The-one-this it-was-declaring, I-able to-have-loosed-down to-the-one to-a-temple of-the-one of-a-Deity and through of-three of-dayednesses to-have-house-built-unto.

Mat 26:62 And having-had-stood-up, the-one a-first-sacreder-of, it-had-said unto-it, To-not-then-also-one thou-be-separated-off to-what-one the-ones-these of-thee they-witness-down-unto?

Mat 26:63 The-one then-also an-Iêsous it-was-muting-unto. And the-one a-first-sacreder-of it-had-said unto-it, I-fencee-out-to to-thee down of-the-one of-a-Deity of-the-one of-lifing-unto so unto-us thou-might-have-had-said if thou thou-be the-one Anointed the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-Deity.

Mat 26:64 It-fortheth unto-it, the-one an-Iêsous, Thou thou-said; to-beyond I-forth unto-ye, off thus-to-a-one ye-shall-behold to-the-one to-a-Son of-the-one of-a-mankind to-sitting-down out of-right-belonged of-the-one of-an-ability and to-coming upon of-the-ones of-cloudings of-the-one of-a-sky.

Mat 26:65 To-the-one-which-also the-one a-first-sacreder-of it-en-bursted-through to-the-ones to-apparelets of-it forthing, It-scathefully-declared-unto; to-what-one if-to-a-one to-an-affording-of we-hold of-witnesses? Thou-should-have-had-seen, now ye-heard to-the-one to-a-scatheful-declaring-unto;

Mat 26:66 to-what-one unto-ye it-thinketh-unto? The-ones then-also having-been-separated-off they-said, Held-in of-a-death it-be.

Mat 26:67 To-the-one-which-also they-spewed-in into to-the-one to-looked-toward of-it and they-pelted-to to-it; the-ones then-also they-slapped-to,

Mat 26:68 forthing, Thou-should-have-declared-before-of unto-us, Anointed, what-one it-be the-one having-smite-belonged to-thee?

Mat 26:69 The-one then-also a-Petros it-was-sitting-down out-unto-which in unto-the-one unto-a-channeling, and it-had-came-toward unto-it, one a-child-belonging-of, forthing, Andthou thou-was with of-an-Iêsous of-the-one of-Galilaia-belonged.

Note: unto-a-channeling : used to refer to the yard that channels to a housing.

Mat 26:70 The-one then-also it-denied-unto in-toward-from of-all forthing, Not I-had-come-to-see to-what-one thou-forth.

Mat 26:71 To-having-had-came-out then-also into to-the-one to-a-gating it-had-seen to-it, other, and it-fortheth unto-the-ones thither, The-one-this it-was with of-an-Iêsous of-the-one of-Nazôra-belonged.

Mat 26:72 And unto-furthered it-denied-unto with of-a-fencee to-which-a-one, Not I-had-come-to-see to-the-one to-a-mankind.

Note: of-a-fencee : used to refer to being confined to an oath.

Mat 26:73 With to-small then-also, having-had-came-toward, the-ones having-hath-had-come-to-stand, they-had-said unto-the-one unto-a-Petros, Unto-un-secludinged and thou out of-them thou-be, and too-thus the-one a-speaking-unto of-thee to-distincted to-thee it-doeth-unto.

Mat 26:74 To-the-one-which-also it-firsted to-place-down-to and to-oath to-which-a-one, Not I-had-come-to-see to-the-one to-a-mankind; and straight an-un-beforther it-sounded-unto;

Note: to-oath : from OMNUW.

Note: an-un-beforther (ALEKTWR) : from A and LEXW, referring to a cock or rooster from causing others to become "un-bedded", i.e. to wake up.

Mat 26:75 and it-was-memoried-unto the-one a-Petros of-the-one of-an-uttering-to of-an-Iêsous of-having-had-come-to-utter to-which-a-one, Ere to-an-un-beforther to-have-sounded-unto, to-thrice thou-shall-deny-off-unto to-me; and having-had-came-out out-unto-which it-sob-belonged unto-bittered.

Note: to-an-un-beforther (ALEKTWR) : from A and LEXW, referring to a cock or rooster from causing others to become "un-bedded", i.e. to wake up.

Mat 25 Mat 27