Ode 2

Ode 2:0 Two. A-song of-a-Môuseus in unto-the-one unto-a-second-parceleelet.

Ode 2:1 Thou-should-hold-toward, Sky, and I-shall-speak-unto; and it-should-hear, a-soil, to-utterings-to out of-a-becutteeing-to of-me.

Note: See Deu 32:1.

Ode 2:2 It-should-be-toward-thought-unto as a-rain the-one a-voicing-off-to of-me, and it-should-have-had-stepped-down as a-dew, the-ones utterings-to of-me; as-if a-storm upon to-an-en-fielding and as-if a-sleet upon to-a-victualage;

Note: See Deu 32:2.

Ode 2:3 to-which-a-one to-a-naming-to of-Authority-belonged I-called-unto; ye-should-have-had-given to-an-en-greateningedness unto-the-one unto-a-Deity of-us.

Note: See Deu 32:3.

Ode 2:4 A-Deity, un-secluded-belonged-to the-ones works of-it, and all the-ones ways of-it a-separating; a-Deity trusted, and not it-be an-un-coursing-unto; course-belonged and holyAuthority-belonged.

Note: See Deu 32:4.

Ode 2:5 They-hath-had-un-adjusted-along, not unto-it creationees, blameable; a-becomedness skewed-belonged and having-had-come-to-be-beturned-through.

Note: See Deu 32:5.

Ode 2:6 To-the-ones-these unto-Authority-belonged ye-ever-a-one-give-off of-which-unto-the-one, a-people dull and unto-not wisdomed? Not it the-one-this of-thee a-father it-befounded-unto to-thee, and it-did-unto to-thee and it-befounded-to to-thee?

Note: See Deu 32:6.

Ode 2:7 Ye-should-have-been-memoried-unto to-dayednesses of-an-age, ye-should-have-had-sent-together to-years to-becomednesses of-becomednesses. Thou-should-have-upon-entreated-unto to-the-one to-a-father of-thee and it-shall-leadeeer-up unto-thee; to-the-ones to-more-eldered of-thee, and they-shall-utter unto-thee.

Note: See Deu 32:7.

Ode 2:8 Which-also it-was-portioning-through-to, the-one most-lofteed, to-placeedness-belongings-to, to-which it-whorled-through to-sons of-an-Adam, it-stood to-boundlets of-placeedness-belongings-to down to-a-number of-leadeeers of-a-Deity.

Note: See Deu 32:8.

Ode 2:9 And it-was-became a-portion of-Authority-belonged a-people of-it an-Iakôb, a-sedging-to of-a-lot-parceleeing-unto of-it an-Israêl.

Note: a-sedging-to : used to refer to measuring allotments with a sedge (reed).

Note: See Deu 32:9.

Ode 2:10 It-self-lift-belonged-of-unto to-it in unto-the-one unto-solituded, in unto-a-thirstedness of-a-burning-to, in unto-un-watered; it-en-circled to-it and it-childed-of to-it, and it-guardered-through to-it as to-a-damsel of-an-eye.

Note: See Deu 32:10.

Ode 2:11 As an-airer to-have-covered-to to-a-nestling-unto of-it, and upon unto-the-ones unto-nestlings of-it it-yearned-upon-unto; having-had-sent-through to-the-ones to-wings of-it it-received to-them, and it-had-taken-up to-them upon of-the-ones of-en-centerings-with of-it.

Note: an-airer : used to refer to things suspended in air, of birds skilled in gliding, particularly an eagle.

Note: See Deu 32:11.

Ode 2:12 Authority-belonged stayeed it-was-leading to-them, not it-was with of-them a-deity en-other-belonged.

Note: See Deu 32:12.

Ode 2:13 It-up-step-stepped-to to-them upon to-the-one to-a-force-holding of-the-one of-a-soil, it-morseled-to to-them to-becomings-to of-fields; they-teated-to to-a-honey out of-a-rockedness, and to-an-oillet out of-stabled of-a-rockedness;

Note: See Deu 32:13.

Ode 2:14 to-a-butter of-oxen and to-a-milk of-stepped-before with of-a-suet of-lamblings and of-rams, of-sons of-bulls and of-billies with of-a-suet of-kidneys of-a-wheat, and to-a-rushering-to of-a-grape it-had-drank to-a-wine.

Note: See Deu 32:14.

Ode 2:15 And it-had-devoured, an-Iakôb, and it-was-repleted-in, and it-kicked-off-to, the-one having-had-come-to-be-excessed-off-unto, it-was-fattened, it-was-thickened, it-was-broadened; and it-had-remaindered-down-in to-a-Deity to-the-one to-having-done-unto to-it, and it-had-stood-off off of-a-Deity of-a-savior of-it.

Note: See Deu 32:15.

Ode 2:16 They-sharpened-beside to-me upon unto-en-other-belonged, in unto-abhorrerings-to of-them they-bittered-out to-me;

Note: See Deu 32:16.

Ode 2:17 they-surged unto-daimonlets and not unto-a-Deity, unto-deities unto-which not they-had-come-to-have-had-seen; fresh and declared-toward they-had-come-to-arrive, to-whichnot they-had-come-to-have-had-seen, the-ones fathers of-them.

Note: See Deu 32:17.

Ode 2:18 To-a-Deity to-the-one to-having-done-unto to-thee thou-was-remaindering-down-in, and thou-had-secluded-upon of-a-Deity of-the-one of-nourishing to-thee.

Note: See Deu 32:18.

Ode 2:19 It-had-seen, Authority-belonged, and it-en-craved, and it-was-sharpened-beside through to-a-stressing of-sons of-it and of-daughters;

Note: See Deu 32:19.

Ode 2:20 and it-had-said, I-shall-beturn-off to-the-one to-looked-toward of-me off of-them, and I-shall-en-show to-what-one it-shall-be unto-them upon of-most-bordered; to-which-a-one a-becomedness having-had-come-to-be-beturned-out it-be, sons unto-which not it-be a-trust in unto-them.

Note: See Deu 32:20.

Ode 2:21 Them they-en-craved-beside to-me upon not unto-a-Deity, they-stessed-beside-to to-me in unto-the-ones unto-images of-them; and-I I-shall-en-crave-beside to-them upon not unto-a-placeedness-belonging-to, upon unto-a-placeedness-belonging-to unto-un-sent-together I-shall-stress-beside-to to-them;

Note: See Deu 32:21.

Ode 2:22 to-which-a-one a-fire it-had-come-to-be-burn-belonged-out out of-the-one of-a-passion of-me, it-shall-be-burn-belonged unto-if-which of-a-hadês down-unto-which; it-shall-devour-down to-a-soil and to-the-ones to-becomings-to of-it, it-shall-blaze to-placeeer-belonged of-jutteednesses.

Note: See Deu 32:22.

Ode 2:23 I-shall-lead-together into to-them to-wedge-wedged, and to-the-ones to-casteednesses of-me I-shall-finish-together-unto into to-them.

Note: See Deu 32:23.

Ode 2:24 Being-melted unto-a-famine and unto-a-feedeeing of-en-birdings, and stretched-aback un-curabled; to-teeth of-beastlets I-shall-set-off-out into to-them, with of-a-passion of-dragging upon of-a-soil.

Note: See Deu 32:24.

Ode 2:25 Out-unto-which-from it-shall-en-un-creationee to-them, a-knife, and out of-the-ones of-facilitatelets-of a-fearee; a-new-belonging-of together unto-a-maiden, teating-to with of-having-had-come-to-stand-down of-a-more-elder.

Note: See Deu 32:25.

Ode 2:26 I-said, I-shall-whorl-through to-them, I-shall-cease-down then out of-mankinds to-the-one to-a-remembrance of-them;

Note: See Deu 32:26.

Ode 2:27 if lest through to-a-stressing of-en-enmitied, so lest they-might-have-en-long-whiled-to, and so lest they-might-have-had-placed-upon-together, the-ones ever-a-oned-in-under; lest they-might-have-had-said, The-one a-hand of-us lofteed-of and unto-not Authority-belonged it-did-unto to-the-ones-these to-all;

Note: See Deu 32:27.

Ode 2:28 to-which-a-one a-placeedness-belonging-to having-had-come-to-destruct-off to-a-purposing it-be; and not it-be in unto-them a-standing-upon-of.

Note: See Deu 32:28.

Ode 2:29 Not they-centered-unto to-send-together; to-the-ones-these they-should-have-received-down into to-the-one to-being-upon to-a-while.

Note: See Deu 32:29.

Ode 2:30 Unto-whither it-shall-pursue, one, to-thousand, and two they-shall-move-with-unto to-myriads, if lest the-one a-Deity it-had-given-off to-them, and the-one Authority-belongedit-gave-beside to-them?

Note: See Deu 32:30.

Ode 2:31 Not too-thus they-be the-ones deities of-them as the-one a-Deity of-us ; the-ones then-also en-enmitied of-us un-en-mulled.

Note: See Deu 32:31.

Ode 2:32 Out too-thus of-a-vine of-Sodoma' the-one a-vine of-them, and the-one a-branchling-to of-them out of-a-Gomorra; the-one a-grape of-them a-grape of-a-bile, a-cluster of-a-bittering-unto unto-them;

Note: See Deu 32:32.

Ode 2:33 a-passion of-serpents the-one a-wine of-them, and a-passion of-spar-alongs un-curabled.

Note: of-spar-alongs : used of shields and asps.

Note: See Deu 32:33.

Ode 2:34 Unto-not the-ones-these all it-had-come-to-be-led-together beside unto-ME, and it-had-come-to-be-sealed-to in unto-the-ones unto-en-placings of-me?

Note: See Deu 32:34.

Ode 2:35 In unto-a-dayedness of-a-coursing-out I-shall-ever-a-one-give-off, in unto-a-time which-also-ever it-might-have-had-been-befailed the-one a-foot of-them; to-which-a-one neared a-dayedness of-a-destructing-off-unto of-them, and it-be-beside readied-of unto-ye;

Note: See Deu 32:35.

Ode 2:36 to-which-a-one it-shall-separate, Authority-belonged, to-the-one to-a-people of-it, and upon unto-the-ones unto-bondees of-it it-shall-be-called-beside-unto; it-had-seen too-thus to-them to-having-had-come-to-be-loosed-beside and to-having-had-come-to-remainder-out in unto-a-leading-upon and to-having-had-come-to-be-sent-beside.

Note: See Deu 32:36.

Ode 2:37 And it-had-said, Authority-belonged, Of-whither they-be the-ones deities of-them, upon unto-which they-had-come-to-have-had-sured upon unto-them?

Note: See Deu 32:37.

Ode 2:38 Of-which to-the-one to-a-suet of-the-ones of-surgings-unto of-them ye-were-eat-belonging, and ye-were-drinking to-the-one to-a-wine of-the-ones of-libationings of-them; they-should-have-had-stood-up and they-should-have-holler-ran-unto unto-ye, and they-should-have-been-became unto-ye coverers.

Note: See Deu 32:38.

Ode 2:39 Ye-should-have-had-seen ye-should-have-had-seen to-which-a-one I I-be, and not it-be a-deity to-beyond of-ME; I I-shall-kill-off and to-life-unto I-shall-do-unto; I-shall-smite, and-I I-shall-cure-unto; and not it-be the-one out of-the-ones of-hands of-me sectioning-along-out-unto;

Note: See Deu 32:39.

Ode 2:40 to-which-a-one I-shall-lift into to-the-one to-a-sky to-the-one to-a-hand of-me, and I-shall-en-oath to-the-one to-right-belonged of-me and I-shall-utter, I-life-unto I into to-the-one to-an-age;

Note: See Deu 32:40.

Ode 2:41 to-which-a-one I-shall-sharpen-beside as to-a-gleaming-along to-the-one to-a-knife of-me, and it-shall-ever-a-one-hold of-a-separating-to, the-one a-hand of-me, and I-shall-course-out-unto, and I-shall-ever-a-one-give-off to-a-coursing unto-the-ones unto-en-enmitied, and unto-the-ones unto-hating-unto I-shall-ever-a-one-give-off.

Note: See Deu 32:41.

Ode 2:42 I-shall-toxinate to-the-ones to-casteednesses of-me off of-a-rushering-to, and the-one a-knife of-me it-shall-devour-down to-meats, off of-a-rushering-to of-wounded-belongersand of-a-spear-capturing-unto, off of-a-head of-firsting of-placeedness-belongings-to.

Note: See Deu 32:42.

Ode 2:43 Ye-should-have-been-goodly-centered, Skies, along unto-it, and they-should-have-kissed-toward-unto unto-it, all the-ones leadeeers of-a-Deity; ye-should-have-been-goodly-centered, Placeedness-belongings-to, with of-the-one of-a-people of-it, and they-should-have force-held-in unto-it, all sons of-a-Deity; to-which-a-one to-the-one to-a-rushering-to of-the-ones of-sons of-it it-out-courseth-to, and it-shall-course-out-unto, and it-shall-ever-a-one-give-off to-a-coursing unto-the-ones unto-en-enmitied; and unto-the-ones unto-hating-unto it-shall-ever-a-one-give-off to-a-coursing, and it-shall-cleanse-out-to, Authority-belonged, to-the-one to-a-soil of-the-one of-a-people of-it.

Note: See Deu 32:43.

Ode 1 Ode 3