Joh 13

Joh 13:1 Before then-also of-the-one of-a-festival of-the-one of-a-Pascha having-had-come-to-see, the-one an-Iêsous, to-which-a-one it-had-came of-it, the-one an-houredness, so it-might-have-had-stepped-with out of-the-one of-an-orderation of-the-one-this toward to-the-one to-a-Father, having-excessed-off-unto to-the-ones to-private-belonged to-the-ones in unto-the-one unto-an-orderation, into to-a-finisheedness it-excessed-off-unto to-them.

Joh 13:2 And of-a-meal of-becoming, of-the-one of-casted-through which-then of-having-had-come-to-cast into to-the-one to-a-heart so it-may-have-given-beside to-it, an-Ioudas of-a-Simôn a-forced-trance-belonger,

Note: a-forced-trance-belonger (ISKARIWTHS) : from IS (force) and KAROS (trance).

Joh 13:3 having-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one to-all it-gave unto-it, the-one a-Father, into to-the-ones to-hands, and to-which-a-one off of-a-Deity it-had-came-out and toward to-the-one to-a-Deity it-leadeth-under,

Joh 13:4 it-rouseth out of-the-one of-a-meal and it-placeth to-the-ones to-apparelets, and having-had-taken to-an-apron it-en-girded-through to-self;

Joh 13:5 if-to-the-ones it-casteth to-a-water into to-the-one to-a-washer, and it-firsted to-wash to-the-ones to-feet of-the-ones of-learners and to-knead-out unto-the-one unto-an-apron unto-which it-was having-had-come-to-be-en-girded-through.

Joh 13:6 It-cometh accordingly toward to-a-Simôn to-a-Petros. It-fortheth unto-it, Authority-belonged, thou of-me thou-wash to-the-ones to-feet?

Joh 13:7 It-was-separated-off an-Iêsous and it-had-said unto-it, To-which I I-do-unto thou not thou-had-come-to-see thus-to-a-one, thou-shall-acquaint then-also with to-the-ones-these.

Joh 13:8 It-fortheth unto-it, a-Petros, Not lest thou-might-have-washed of-me to-the-ones to-feet into to-the-one to-an-age. It-was-separated-off an-Iêsous unto-it, If-ever lest I-might-have-washed to-thee, not thou-hold to-a-portioneedness with of-ME.

Joh 13:9 It-fortheth unto-it, a-Simôn a-Petros, Authority-belonged, lest to-the-ones to-feet of-me to-stayeed, other and to-the-ones to-hands and to-the-one to-a-head.

Joh 13:10 It-fortheth unto-it, an-Iêsous, The-one having-had-come-to-be-bathed not it-holdeth to-an-affording-of [if lest to-the-ones to-feet] to-have-washed, other it-be cleansed whole, and ye cleansed ye-be, other unto-not all.

Joh 13:11 It-had-come-to-have-had-seen too-thus to-the-one to-giving-beside to-it; through to-the-one-this it-had-said to-which-a-one, Unto-not all cleansed ye-be.

Joh 13:12 Which-also accordingly it-washed to-the-ones to-feet of-them and it-had-taken to-the-ones to-apparelets of-it and it-had-fallen-up, unto-furthered it-had-said unto-them, Ye-acquaint to-what-one I-had-come-to-do-unto unto-ye?

Joh 13:13 Ye ye-sound-unto to-me, The-one a-veer-veerator, and, The-one Authority-belonged; and unto-seemly ye-forth, I-be too-thus.

Joh 13:14 If accordingly I I-washed of-ye to-the-ones to-feet, the-one Authority-belonged and the-one a-veer-veerator, and ye ye-debt of-other-to-other to-wash to-the-ones to-feet;

Joh 13:15 to-a-showing-under-to too-thus I-gave unto-ye so down-as I I-did-unto unto-ye and ye ye-might-do-unto.

Joh 13:16 Amên amên I-forth unto-ye, not it-be a-bondee greateninged-of of-the-one of-authority-belonged of-it not-then-also a-setee-off greateninged-of of-the-one of-having-volleyedto-it.

Joh 13:17 If to-the-ones-these ye-had-come-to-see, bless-belonged ye-be if-ever ye-might-do-unto to-them.

Joh 13:18 Not about of-all of-ye I-forth; I I-had-come-to-see to-what-ones I-forthed-out; other so the-one a-scribing it-might-have-been-en-filled, The-one gnawing of-me to-the-oneto-an-adjustation it-lifted-upon upon to-ME to-the-one to-a-heel of-it.

Note: to-an-adjustation : used to refer to a processed food staple, most frequently a loaf of bread.

Joh 13:19 Off thus-to-a-one I-forth unto-ye before of-the-one to-have-had-became, so ye-might-trust-of which-also-ever it-might-have-had-became to-which-a-one I I-be.

Joh 13:20 Amên amên I-forth unto-ye, the-one taking ever to-a-one I-might-have-volleyed, to-ME it-taketh, the-one then-also to-ME taking, it-taketh to-the-one to-having-volleyed to-me.

Joh 13:21 To-the-ones-these having-had-said, an-Iêsous, it-was-stirred unto-the-one unto-a-currenting-to and it-witnessed-unto and it-had-said, Amên amên I-forth unto-ye to-which-a-one one out of-ye it-shall-give-beside to-me.

Joh 13:22 They-were-viewing into to-other-to-other, the-ones learners, un-traversing-unto about of-what-one it-fortheth.

Joh 13:23 It-was situating-up, one out of-the-ones of-learners of-it, in unto-the-one unto-a-bosom of-the-one of-an-Iêsous, to-which it-was-excessing-off-unto, [the-one] an-Iêsous;

Joh 13:24 it-noddeth-of accordingly unto-the-one-this, a-Simôn a-Petros, and it-fortheth unto-it, Thou-should-have-had-said what-one it-be about of-which it-fortheth.

Joh 13:25 Having-had-fallen-up, the-one-thither, unto-the-one-this upon to-the-one to-a-chest of-the-one of-an-Iêsous it-fortheth unto-it, Authority-belonged, what-one it-be?

Joh 13:26 It-separateth-off accordingly, [the-one] an-Iêsous, The-one-thither it-be unto-which I I-shall-dip to-the-one to-a-corradelet and I-shall-give unto-it. Having-dipped accordingly [to-the-one] to-a-corradelet, it-taketh and it-giveth unto-an-Ioudas of-a-Simôn of-a-forced-trance-belonger.

Note: to-a-corradelet : used to refer to corraded [off] portions of loaves or meats.

Note: a-forced-trance-belonger (ISKARIWTHS) in 01 03; unto-a-forced-trance-belonger (ISKARIWTH) in 02 p66 is correct; from IS (force) and KAROS (trance).

Joh 13:27 And with to-the-one to-a-corradelet to-the-one-which-also it-had-came-into into to-the-one-thither, the-one a-satanas. It-fortheth accordingly unto-it, an-Iêsous, To-which thou-do-unto thou-should-have-done-unto to-more-quick.

Note: to-a-corradelet : used to refer to corraded [off] portions of loaves or meats.

Joh 13:28 To-the-one-this [then-also] not-then-also-one it-had-acquainted, of-the-ones of-situating-up, toward to-what-one it-had-said unto-it;

Joh 13:29 ones too-thus they-were-thinking-unto upon-if to-the-one to-tongue-tended it-was-holding, an-Ioudas, to-which-a-one it-fortheth unto-it, an-Iêsous, Thou-should-have-gathered-to of-which to-an-affording-of we-hold into to-the-one to-a-festival, or unto-the-ones unto-beggared so to-a-one thou-might-have-had-given.

Note: to-tongue-tended : used to refer to becutteeing-to piece cases, also used to hold money, etc..

Joh 13:30 Having-had-taken accordingly to-the-one to-a-corradelet, the-one-thither, it-had-came-out straight; it-was then-also a-night.

Note: to-a-corradelet : used to refer to corraded [off] portions of loaves or meats.

Joh 13:31 Which-also accordingly it-had-came-out it-fortheth, an-Iêsous, Now it-was-reckoned-to the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-mankind, and the-one a-Deity it-was-reckoned-to in unto-it;

Joh 13:32 and the-one a-Deity it-shall-reckon-to to-it in unto-it, and straight it-shall-reckon-to to-it.

Joh 13:33 Creationeelets, if-to-a-one to-small with of-ye I-be; ye-shall-seek-unto to-me, and down-as I-had-said unto-the-ones unto-Iouda-belonged to-which-one, To-which-of-whither II-lead-under ye not ye-able to-have-had-came, and unto-ye I-forth thus-to-a-one.

Joh 13:34 To-a-finishing-in to-fresh I-give unto-ye so ye-might-excess-off-unto to-other-to-other. Down-as I-excessed-off-unto to-ye, so and ye ye-should-excess-off-unto to-other-to-other.

Joh 13:35 In unto-the-one-this they-shall-acquaint, all, to-which-a-one unto-ME learners ye-be, if-ever to-an-excessing-off ye-might-hold in unto-other-to-other.

Joh 13:36 It-fortheth unto-it, a-Simôn a-Petros, Authority-belonged, of-whither thou-lead-under? It-was-separated-off an-Iêsous, To-which-of-whither I-lead-under not thou-able unto-me now to-have-pathed-along-unto, thou-shall-path-along-unto then-also to-latter.

Joh 13:37 It-fortheth unto-it, [the-one] a-Petros, Authority-belonged, through to-what-one not I-able unto-thee to-path-along-unto thus-to-a-one? To-the-one to-a-breathing of-me overof-THEE I-shall-place.

Joh 13:38 It-separateth-off an-Iêsous, To-the-one to-a-breathing of-thee over of-ME thou-shall-place? Amên amên I-forth unto-thee, not lest an-un-beforther it-might-have-sounded-untounto-if-which of-which thou-might-have-denied-unto to-me to-thrice.

Note: an-un-beforther (ALEKTWR) : from A and LEXW, referring to a cock or rooster from causing others to become "un-bedded", i.e. to wake up.

Joh 12 Joh 14