Luk 4

Luk 4:1 An-Iêsous then-also fullinged of-a-currenting-to of-hallow-belonged it-beturned-under off of-the-one of-an-Iordanês, and it-was-being-led in unto-the-one unto-a-currenting-to in unto-the-one unto-solituded

Luk 4:2 to-dayednesses to-forty being-across-belonged-to under of-the-one of-casted-through. And not it-had-devoured to-not-then-also-one in unto-the-ones unto-dayednesses unto-the-ones-thither, and of-having-been-finished-together-unto of-them it-hungered-unto.

Luk 4:3 It-had-said then-also unto-it, the-one casted-through, If a-Son thou-be of-the-one of-a-Deity thou-should-have-had-said unto-the-one unto-a-stone unto-the-one-this so it-might-have-had-became an-adjustation.

Note: an-adjustation : used to refer to a processed food staple, most frequently a loaf of bread.

Luk 4:4 And it-was-separated-off toward to-it the-one an-Iêsous, It-had-come-to-be-scribed which-a-one, Not upon unto-an-adjustation unto-stayeed it-shall-life-unto, the-onea-mankind.

Note: unto-an-adjustation : used to refer to a processed food staple, most frequently a loaf of bread.

Luk 4:5 And having-had-led-up to-it it-en-showed unto-it to-all to-the-ones to-rulings-of of-the-one of-being-housed-unto in unto-a-mark of-a-while.

Luk 4:6 And it-had-said unto-it, the-one casted-through, Unto-THEE I-shall-give to-the-one to-a-being-out-unto to-the-one-this to-along-all and to-the-one to-a-reckonedness of-them, to-which-a-one unto-ME it-had-come-to-be-given-beside and unto-which ever I-might-determine I-give to-it;

Luk 4:7 thou accordingly if-ever thou-might-have-kissed-toward-unto to-in-look-belonged of-ME, it-shall-be of-THEE all.

Luk 4:8 And having-been-separated-off the-one an-Iêsous it-had-said unto-it, It-had-come-to-be-scribed, To-Authority-belonged to-the-one to-a-Deity of-thee thou-shall-kiss-toward-unto and unto-it unto-stayeed thou-shall-serve-of.

Luk 4:9 It-had-led then-also to-it into to-an-Ierousalêm and it-stood upon to-the-one to-a-winglet of-the-one of-sacred, and it-had-said [unto-it], If a-Son thou-be of-the-one of-a-Deity,thou-should-have-had-casted to-thyself in-also-from down-unto-which,

Luk 4:10 it-had-come-to-be-scribed too-thus which-a-one, Unto-the-ones unto-leadeeers of-it it-shall-finish-in about of-THEE of-the-one to-have-guardered-through to-thee,

Luk 4:11 and which-a-one, Upon of-hands they-shall-lift to-thee lest whither-also thou-might-have-felled-toward toward to-a-stone to-the-one to-a-foot of-thee.

Note: and which-a-one : a separation of quotes; satan skipped over in unto-the-ones unto-ways of-thee in Psa 90:11 Sept.; satan gives a less complete quote in Mat 4:6.

Luk 4:12 And having-been-separated-off it-had-said unto-it the-one an-Iêsous, To-which-a-one it-had-come-to-be-uttered, Not thou-shall-out-across-belong-to to-Authority-belonged to-the-one to-a-Deity of-thee.

Luk 4:13 And having-finished-together-unto to-all to-an-across-belonging-to-of, the-one casted-through, it-had-stood-off off of-it unto-whilst of-a-time.

Luk 4:14 And it-beturned-under, the-one an-Iêsous, in unto-the-one unto-an-ability of-the-one of-a-currenting-to into to-the-one to-a-Galilaia. And a-declaring it-had-came-out down of-whole of-the-one of-spaced-about about of-it.

Luk 4:15 And it it-was-veer-veerating in unto-the-ones unto-leadings-together of-them, being-reckoned-to under of-all.

Luk 4:16 And it-had-came into to-a-Nazara, of-which it-was having-had-come-to-be-nourished, and it-had-came-into down to-the-one to-having-hath-had-come-to-placee unto-it inunto-the-one unto-a-dayedness of-the-ones of-sabbaths into to-the-one to-a-leading-together, and it-had-stood-up to-have-had-acquainted-up.

Luk 4:17 And it-was-given-upon unto-it a-paperlet of-the-one of-a-declarer-before of-an-Êsaias, and having-opened-up to-the-one to-a-paperlet it-had-found [to-the-one] to-an-occasion of-which it-was having-had-come-to-be-scribed,

Luk 4:18 A-currenting-to of-Authority-belonged upon to-ME of-which if-in-out-in it-anointed to-me to-have-goodly-leadeeered-to unto-beggared, it-had-come-to-set-off to-me to-have-heraldered unto-spear-captured to-a-sending-off and unto-blind to-a-viewing-up, to-have-set-off to-having-had-come-to-be-crushed in unto-a-sending-off,

Luk 4:19 to-have-heraldered to-a-being-in-unto-it of-Authority-belonged to-receivable.

Note: to-a-being-in-unto-it : used to refer to a stint.

Luk 4:20 And having-plicatered to-the-one to-a-paperlet, having-had-given-off unto-the-one unto-an-under-rower, it-sat-down-to, and of-all, the-ones eyes in unto-the-one unto-a-leading-together they-were stretching-along-to unto-it.

Note: having-plicated : used to refer to things folded upon themselves; this was probably a papyrus folded into pleated pages.

Luk 4:21 It-firsted then-also to-forth toward to-them to-which-a-one, This-day it-had-come-to-be-en-filled the-one a-scribing the-one-this in unto-the-ones unto-ears of-ye.

Luk 4:22 And all they-were-witnessing-unto unto-it and they-were-marveling-to upon unto-the-ones unto-forthees of-the-one of-a-granting unto-the-ones unto-traversing-out-of out of-the-one of-a-becutteeing-to of-it, and they-were-forthing, Unto-not a-son it-be of-an-Iôsêf the-one-this?

Luk 4:23 And it-had-said toward to-them, Unto-all ye-shall-utter unto-me to-the-one to-a-casting-beside to-the-one-this, En-curer, thou-should-have-ministered-of to-thyself; to-which-a-which we-heard to-having-had-became into to-the-one to-a-Kafarnaoum thou-should-have-done-unto and unto-which-then-also in unto-the-one unto-a-fathering of-thee.

Luk 4:24 It-had-said then-also, Amên I-forth unto-ye to-which-a-one not-then-also-one a-declarer-before receivable it-be in unto-the-one unto-a-fathering of-it.

Luk 4:25 Upon of-un-secluding-of then-also I-forth unto-ye, Much bereaved they-were in unto-the-ones unto-dayednesses of-an-Êleias in unto-the-one unto-an-Israêl, which-also it-was-latch-belonged the-one a-sky to-years to-three and to-months to-six, as it-had-became a-famine great upon to-all to-the-one to-a-soil,

Luk 4:26 and toward to-not-then-also-one of-them it-was-volleyed, an-Êleias, if lest into to-Sarepta' of-the-one of-Sidôn-belonged toward to-a-woman to-bereaved.

Luk 4:27 And much en-peeled they-were in unto-the-one unto-an-Israêl upon of-an-Elisaios of-the-one of-a-declarer-before and not-then-also-one of-them it-was-cleansed-to if lest a-Naiman the-one a-Surian.

Luk 4:28 And they-were-repleted all of-a-passion in unto-the-one unto-a-leading-together hearing to-the-ones-these,

Luk 4:29 and having-had-stood-up they-had-casted to-it out-unto-which of-the-one of-a-city, and they-had-led to-it unto-if-which of-a-brow of-the-one of-a-jutteedness upon of-whichthe-one a-city it-had-come-to-have-been-house-built-unto of-them, as-also to-have-precipiced-down-to to-it.

Luk 4:30 It then-also having-had-came-through through of-middle of-them it-was-traversing-of.

Luk 4:31 And it-had-came-down into to-a-Kafarnaoum to-a-city of-the-one of-a-Galilaia. And it-was veer-veerating to-them in unto-the-ones unto-sabbaths;

Luk 4:32 and they-were-being-smitten-out upon unto-the-one unto-a-veer-veerating of-it, to-which-a-one in unto-a-being-out-unto it-was the-one a-forthee of-it.

Luk 4:33 And in unto-the-one unto-a-leading-together it-was a-mankind holding to-a-currenting-to of-a-daimonlet of-un-cleansabled, and it-up-clamored-to unto-a-sound unto-great,

Luk 4:34 Thou-should-let-unto, what-one unto-us and unto-THEE, Iêsous Nazarênian? Thou-had-came to-have-destructed-off to-us? I-had-come-to-see to-thee what-one thou-be, the-one hallow-belonged of-the-one of-a-Deity.

Luk 4:35 And it-upon-valuated-unto unto-it, the-one an-Iêsous, forthing, Thou-should-have-been-en-muzzled and thou-should-have-had-came-out off of-it. And having-flung to-it, the-one a-daimonlet, into to-the-one to-middle it-had-came-out off of-it to-lest-then-also-one having-illed to-it.

Luk 4:36 And it-had-became a-stupor upon to-all and they-were-speaking-together-unto toward to-other-to-other forthing, What-one the-one a-forthee the-one-this to-which-a-one inunto-a-being-out-unto and unto-an-ability it-arrangeth-upon unto-the-ones unto-un-cleansabled unto-currentings-to, and they-cometh-out?

Luk 4:37 And it-was-traversed-out-of, a-reverberation about of-it, into to-all to-an-occasion of-the-one of-spaced-about.

Luk 4:38 Having-had-stood-up then-also off of-the-one of-a-leading-together it-had-came-into into to-the-one to-a-housing-unto of-a-Simôn. En-grieved then-also of-the-one of-a-Simônit-was being-held-together unto-a-fever unto-great, and they-entreated-unto to-it about of-it.

Note: En-grieved : used to refer to mother-in-laws because of their grief in losing a child to marriage.

Luk 4:39 And having-had-stood-upon upon-up-unto-which of-it it-upon-valuated-unto unto-the-one unto-a-fever, and it-sent-off to-it; beside-to-an-affording-to then-also having-had-stood-up it-was-raising-through-unto unto-them.

Luk 4:40 Of-sinkening then-also of-the-one of-a-sun, along-all which-a-which they-were-holding to-un-vigoring-unto unto-ailments unto-varied, they-had-led to-them toward to-it. The-one then-also unto-one unto-each of-them to-the-ones to-hands placing-upon it-was-ministering-of to-them.

Luk 4:41 It-was-coming-out then-also and daimonlets off of-much clamoring-to and forthing to-which-a-one, Thou thou-be the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-Deity; and upon-valuating-untonot it-was-letting-unto to-them to-speak-unto to-which-a-one they-had-come-to-have-had-seen to-the-one to-Anointed to-it to-be.

Luk 4:42 Of-having-had-became then-also of-a-dayedness, having-had-came-out it-was-traversed-of into to-solituded to-an-occasion, and the-ones crowds they-were-seeking-upon-untoto-it, and they-had-came unto-if-which of-it, and they-were-holding-down to-it of-the-one lest to-traverse-of off of-them.

Luk 4:43 The-one then-also it-had-said toward to-them to-which-a-one, And unto-the-ones unto-different unto-cities to-have-goodly-leadeeered-to, to-me it-bindeth to-the-one to-a-ruling-of of-the-one of-a-Deity, to-which-a-one upon to-the-one-this I-had-been-set-off.

Luk 4:44 And it-was heraldering into to-the-ones to-leadings-together of-the-one of-an-Ioudaia.

Luk 3 Luk 5