4 Maccabees

<3 Maccabees Psalms of Solomon>

ΜΑΚΚΑΒΑΙΩΝ Δ (Of-Makkaba-belonged 4)


Inscr Μακκαβαιων ℵAV

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:1 Φιλοσοφώτατον λόγον ἐπιδείκνυσθαι μέλλων, εἰ αὐτοδέσποτός ἐστιν τῶν παθῶν ὁ εὐσεβὴς λογισμός, συμβουλεύσαιμ' ἂν ὑμῖν ὀρθῶς ὅπως προθύμως προσέχητε τῇ φιλοσοφίᾳ.

To-most-wisdom-cared to-a-forthee to-en-show-upon pending, if self-bind-done it-be of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one goodly-reveringed a-fortheeing-to-of, I-may-have-purposed-together-of ever unto-ye unto-straight-jutted unto-which-whither unto-passioned-before ye-might-hold-toward unto-the-one unto-a-wisdom-caring-unto.

Note: this work is broken up into two categories; (1) 4Ma_1:1 - 4Ma_3:19, a post-event philosophical lead-in which dates to the last event mentioned, i.e. the death of Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 164 B.C. (4Ma_18:5); (2) 4Ma_3:20 - 4Ma_18:24, beginning with the transition from Seleucus IV Philopator, 187-175 B.C., to Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 175-164 B.C., followed by the martyrdom events of Eleazar, a mother, and her seven sons, 169-168 B.C., which occurred during the reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes and just prior to the Maccabean revolt, 167-160 B.C.

1:1 μελλον V* (-λλων Va) | om ευσεβης V | προσεχητε προθυμως ℵV | φιλοσοφια] + τοις μελλουσιν λεγεσθαι V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:2 καὶ γὰρ ἀναγκαῖος εἰς ἐπιστήμην παντὶ ὁ λόγος, καὶ ἄλλως τῆς μεγίστης ἀρετῆς, λέγω δὴ φρονήσεως, περιέχει ἔπαινον.

And too-thus up-arm-belonged into to-a-standing-upon-of unto-all the-one a-forthee, and unto-other of-the-one of-most-great of-a-meriting, I-forth then of-a-centering, it-holdeth-about to-a-laudation-upon.

1:2 μεγιστης] + ων V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:3 εἰ ἄρα τῶν σωφροσύνης κωλυτικῶν παθῶν ὁ λογισμὸς φαίνεται ἐπικρατεῖν, γαστριμαργίας τε καὶ ἐπιθυμίας·

If thus of-the-ones of-a-rational-centeringedness of-prevented-belonged-of of-trekkeednesses the-one a-fortheeing-to-of it-be-manifested to-secure-upon-unto, of-a-stomach-rampaging-unto also and of-a-passioning-upon-unto;

1:3 ει αρα] η γαρ V* ου γαρ μεν Va

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:4 ἀλλὰ καὶ τῶν τῆς δικαιοσύνης ἐμποδιστικῶν παθῶν κυριεύειν ἀναφαίνεται, οἷον κακοηθείας, καὶ τῶν τῆς ἀνδρίας ἐμποδιστικῶν παθῶν, θυμοῦ τε καὶ πόνου καὶ φόβου.

other and of-the-ones of-the-one of-a-course-belongingedness of-footed-belonged-in-of of-trekkeednesses to-authority-belong-of it-be-manifested-up, to-which-belonged of-a-wedge-wedged-beplaceeing-of, and of-the-ones of-the-one of-a-manning-unto of-footed-belonged-in-of of-trekkeednesses, of-a-passion also and of-a-necessitatee and of-a-fearee.

1:4 ενποδιστικων (I°) A | κυριευειν] κωλυειν V | κακοηθιας ℵ | και 2°] pr τε V | ανδρειας V : item 6 | θυμου] pr κυριευειν αναφαινεται V | φοβου και πονου ℵ

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:5 πῶς οὖν, ἴσως εἴποιεν ἄν τινες, εἰ τῶν παθῶν ὁ λογισμὸς κρατεῖ, λήθης καὶ ἀγνοίας οὐ δεσπόζει; γελοῖον ἐπιχειροῦντες λέγειν·

Unto-whither accordingly, unto-samed they-may-have-had-said ever, ones, if of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one a-fortheeing-to-of it-secureth-unto, of-a-secluding and of-an-un-en-mulling-unto not it-bind-doeth-of-to? To-laugh-belonged handing-upon-unto to-forth;

1:5 ειποιεν αν τις ℵ* ειποι αν τις ℵc.a V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:6 οὐ γὰρ τῶν ἑαυτοῦ παθῶν ὁ λογισμὸς κρατεῖ, ἀλλὰ τῶν τῆς δικαιοσύνης καὶ ἀνδρείας καὶ σωφροσύνης καὶ φρονήσεως ἐναντίων· καὶ τούτων, οὐχ ὥστε αὐτὰ καταλῦσαι, ἀλλ' ὥστε αὐτοῖς μὴ εἶξαι.

not too-thus of-the-ones of-itself of-trekkeednesses the-one a-fortheeing-to-of it-secureth-unto, other of-the-ones of-the-one of-a-course-belongingedness and of-a-manning-of and of-a-rational-centeringedness and of-a-centering of-ever-a-oned-in; and of-the-ones-these, not as-also to-them to-have-loosed-down, other as-also unto-them lest to-have-resembled.

Note: of-itself in 02 : of-self in 01.

1:6 εαυτου] αυτου ℵV | om και φρονησεως ℵV | τουτων] των τοιουτων ℵ

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:7 Πολλαχόθεν μὲν οὖν καὶ ἀλλαχόθεν ἔχοιμ' ἂν ὑμῖν ἐπιδεῖξαι, ὅτι αὐτοκράτωρ ἐστὶν τῶν παθῶν ὁ εὐσεβὴς λογισμός.

Much-spaced-from indeed accordingly and other-spaced-from I-may-hold ever unto-ye to-have-en-showed-upon to-which-a-one a-self-securer it-be of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one goodly-reveringed a-fortheeing-to-of.

Note: goodly-reveringed in 02 : omit in 01.

1:7 αυτοκρατωρ] pr δεσποτης V | om ευσεβης ℵV

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:8 πολὺ δὲ πλέον τοῦτο ἀποδείξαιμι ἀπὸ τῆς ἀνδραγαθείας τῶν ὑπὲρ ἀρετὴν ἀποθανόντων, Ἐλεαζάρου τε καὶ ἑπτὰ ἀδελφῶν καὶ τῆς τούτων μητρός.

To-much then-also to-beyond to-the-one-this I-may-have-en-showed-off off of-the-one of-an-excess-placed-manning-of of-the-ones over to-a-meriting of-having-had-died-off, of-an-Eleazaros also and of-seven of-brethrened and of-the-one of-the-ones-these of-a-mother.

1:8 ανδραγαθειας] καλοκαγαθιας ℵ ανδρειας V* (ανδραγ. V1 mg) | αρετης ℵV | επτα] pr των ℵ* (improb ℵc.a)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:9 ἅπαντες γὰρ οὗτοι τῶν ἕως θανάτου πόνων ὑπεριδόντες ἐπεδείξαντο ὅτι περικρατεῖ τῶν παθῶν ὁ λογισμός.

Along-all too-thus the-ones-these of-the-ones unto-if-which of-a-death of-necessitatees having-had-seen-over they-en-showed-upon to-which-a-one it-secureth-about-unto of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses, the-one a-fortheeing-to-of.

1:9 παντες ℵ* (απαντες ℵc.a) | τους εως θαν. πονους ℵV

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:10 τῶν μὲν οὖν ἀρετῶν ἔπεστί μοι ἐπαινεῖν τοὺς κατὰ τοῦτον τὸν καιρὸν ὑπὲρ τῆς καλοκἀγαθίας ἀποθανόντας μετὰ τῆς μητρὸς ἄνδρας· τῶν δὲ τιμῶν μακαρίσαιμ' ἄν.

Of-the-ones indeed accordingly of-meritings it-be-upon unto-me to-laud-upon-unto to-the-ones down to-the-one-this to-the-one to-a-time over of-the-one of-a-seemly-and-excessed-placing-unto to-having-had-died-off with of-the-one of-a-mother to-men; of-the-ones then-also of-valuations I-may-have-blessed-to ever.

Note: of-a-seemly-and-excessed-placing-unto (KALOKAGAQIAS) : from KALOS and the crasis KAI+AGAQIA.

1:10 κατα τουτον] κατ εκεινον V | ανδρας] παιδας V | μακαρισαιμι Va | αν] + αυτους V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:11 θαυμασθέντες γὰρ ἐκεῖνοι οὐ μόνον ὑπὸ πάντων ἀνθρώπων ἐπὶ τῇ ἀνδρίᾳ καὶ τῇ ὑπομονῇ, ἀλλὰ καὶ ὑπὸ τῶν αἰκισαμένων, αἴτιοι κατέστησαν τοῦ καταλυθῆναι τὴν κατὰ τοῦ ἔθνους τυραννίδα, νικήσαντες τὸν τύραννον τῇ ὑπομονῇ, ὥστε καθαρισθῆναι δι' αὐτῶν τὴν πατρίδα.

Having-been-marveled-to too-thus the-ones-thither not to-stayeed under of-all of-mankinds upon unto-the-one unto-a-manning-unto and unto-the-one unto-a-staying-under, other and under of-the-ones of-having-un-resembled-to, appeal-belonged they-stood-down of-the-one to-have-been-loosed-down to-the-one down of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to to-a-tyrantess, having-mull-belonged-of-unto to-the-one to-a-tyrant unto-the-one unto-a-staying-under, as-also to-have-been-cleansed-to through of-them to-the-one to-a-fathering;

Note: the-ones-thither in 02 : omit in 01.

1:11 om εκεινοι ℵ | επι τη ανδρια (-δρεια V)] επ ανδρια ℵ | και τη υπομονη] om ℵ* και υπομ. ℵc.a V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:12 ἀλλὰ καὶ περὶ τούτου νῦν αὐτίκα δὴ λέγειν ἐξέσται, ἀρξαμένων τῆς ὑποθέσεως, ὅπερ εἴωθα ποιεῖν, καὶ οὕτως εἰς τὸν περὶ αὐτῶν τρέψομαι λόγον, δόξαν διδοὺς τῷ πανσόφῳ θεῷ.

other and about of-the-one-this now to-self-arrived then to-forth it-shall-be-out, of-having-firsted of-the-one of-a-placing-under, to-which-very I-hath-had-come-to-placee to-do-unto, and unto-the-one-this into to-the-one about of-them I-shall-turn to-a-forthee, to-a-reckonedness giving unto-the-one unto-all-wisdomed unto-a-Deity.

Note: of-having-firsted in 02 : unto-having-firsted in 01.

1:12 τουτου] του ℵ τουτων V | om νυν V | αρξαμενω ℵV | om εις V | αυτον V* (αυτων Va)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:13 Ζητοῦμεν δὴ τοίνυν, εἰ αὐτοκράτωρ ἐστὶν τῶν παθῶν ὁ λογισμός.

We-seek-unto then unto-the-one-now, if a-self-securer it-be of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one a-fortheeing-to-of.

1:13 ζητουμεν δη τοινυν] ζητουμενου δη τουτου V | αυτοκρατωρ] δεσποτης V | εστι ℵ* (-τιν ℵc.a)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:14 διακρίνωμεν δέ, τί ποτέ ἐστιν λογισμός, καὶ τί πάθος, καὶ πόσαι παθῶν εἰδέαι, καὶ εἰ πάντων ἐπικρατεῖ τούτων ὁ λογισμός.

We-might-separate-through then-also, what-one whither-also it-be a-fortheeing-to-of, and what-one a-trekkeedness, and whither-which of-trekkeednesses sightednesses, and if of-all it-secureth-upon-unto of-the-ones-these, the-one a-fortheeing-to-of.

Note: We-might-separate-through in 02 : We-separate-through in 01C1.

1:14 διακρινωμεν δε] διακρινομεν ℵ* και διακρινομεν ℵc.a διακρινωμεν V | om τι 2° ℵ | παθων] pr των V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:15 λογισμὸς μὲν δὴ τοίνυν ἐστὶν νοῦς μετὰ ὀρθοῦ βίου προτιμῶν τὸν σοφίας λόγον.

A-fortheeing-to-of indeed then unto-the-one-now it-be an-en-mulling-of with of-straight-jutted of-a-dureeation before-valuating-unto to-the-one of-a-wisdoming-unto to-a-forthee.

Note: of-a-dureeation in 02 : of-a-forthee in 01.

Note: to-a-forthee in 02 : to-a-dureeation in 01.

1:15 om μεν ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | om δη V | ορθου (-θους A) βιου] ορθου λογου ℵV | σοφιας λογον] σοφιας βιον ℵ σοφον βιον V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:16 σοφία δὴ τοίνυν ἐστὶν γνῶσις θείων καὶ ἀνθρωπίνων πραγμάτων, καὶ τῶν τούτων αἰτιῶν.

A-wisdoming-unto then unto-the-one-now it-be an-acquainting of-deity-belonged and of-mankind-belonged-to of-practicings-to, and of-the-ones of-the-ones-these of-appealings-unto.

1:16 γνως V* (γνωσις Va (vid)) | ανθρωπιων ℵ

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:17 αὕτη δὴ τοίνυν ἐστὶν ἡ τοῦ νόμου παιδία, δι' ἧς τὰ θεῖα σεμνῶς καὶ τὰ ἀνθρώπινα συμφερόντως μανθάνομεν.

The-one-this then unto-the-one-now it-be the-one of-the-one of-a-parcelee a-childing-unto, through of-which to-the-ones to-deity-belonged unto-solemn and to-the-ones to-mankind-belonged-to unto-having-beared-together we-learn.

1:17 παιδεια V | συμφεροντως] υμφερ rescr ℵ1

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:18 Τῆς δὲ σοφίας εἰδέαι καθεστᾶσιν φρόνησις καὶ δικαιοσύνη καὶ ἀνδρία καὶ σωφροσύνη.

Of-the-one then-also of-a-wisdoming-unto sightednesses they-hath-had-come-to-stand-down, a-centering and a-course-belongingedness and a-manning-unto and a-rational-centeringedness.

Note: they-hath-had-come-to-stand-down in 02 : they-had-come-to-stand-down in 01.

1:18 καθεστηκασιν ℵ + τεσσαρες ℵc.b | ανδρεια V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:19 κυριωτάτη δὲ πάντων ἡ φρόνησις, ἐξ ἧς δὴ τῶν παθῶν ὁ λογισμὸς ἐπικρατεῖ.

Most-authority-belonged then-also of-all the-one a-centering, out of-which then of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one a-fortheeing-to-of it-secureth-upon-unto.

1:19 κυριοτατη A κυριοτητι V* (-ωτατη Va) | δη] δεη (sic) A δε ℵ | των παθων] om των ℵ

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:20 παθῶν δὲ φύσεις εἰσὶν αἱ περιεκτικώταται δύο, ἡδονή τε καὶ πόνος· τούτων δὲ ἑκάτερον καὶ περὶ τὴν ψυχὴν πέφυκεν.

Of-trekkeednesses then-also spawnings they-be the-ones most-held-about-belonged-of two, a-pleasuring also and a-necessitatee; of-the-ones-these then-also more-each and about to-the-one to-a-breathing it-had-come-spawn.

1:20 φυσις ℵV | εκατερος ℵ* εκατερων V* (-ρον ℵc.a Va) | και περι] pr και περι το σωμα η γλωσσα (sic) V* improb γ γλ. V1 (fort) | πεφυκος Va

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:21 πολλαὶ δὲ καὶ περὶ τὴν ἡδονὴν καὶ τὸν πόνον παθῶν εἰσιν ἀκολουθίαι.

Much then-also and about to-the-one to-a-pleasuring and to-the-one to-a-necessitatee of-trekkeednesses they-be pathings-along-unto.

1:21 πολλα A | τω̅| πονων A (sed το prius ut vid) | παθων] αγαθω̅| ℵ | ακολουθιαι] ακολουθ rescr ℵ1

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:22 πρὸ μὲν οὖν τῆς ἡδονῆς ἐστιν ἐπιθυμία· μετὰ δὲ τὴν ἡδονήν, χαρά.

Before indeed accordingly of-the-one of-a-pleasuring it-be a-passioning-upon-unto; with then-also to-the-one to-a-pleasuring, a-joyedness.

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:23 πρὸ δὲ τοῦ πόνου ἐστὶν φόβος· μετὰ δὲ τὸν πόνον, λύπη.

Before then-also of-the-one of-a-necessitatee it-be a-fearee; with then-also to-the-one to-a-necessitatee, a-throe.

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:24 θυμὸς δὲ κοινὸν πάθος ἐστὶν ἡδονῆς καὶ πόνου, ἐὰν ἐννοηθῇ τις ὅτε αὐτῷ περιέπεσεν.

A-passion then-also together-belonged-to a-trekkeedness it-be of-a-pleasuring and of-a-necessitatee, if-ever it-might-have-been-en-mulled-in-unto a-one which-also unto-it it-had-fallen-about.

Note: which-also in 02 : to-which-a-one in 01.

1:24 και] pr τε V | οτε] οτι ℵV

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:25 ἐν δὲ τῇ ἡδονῇ ἐστιν καὶ ἡ κακοήθης διάθεσις, πολυτροπωτάτη πάντων τῶν παθῶν οὖσα.

In then-also unto-the-one unto-a-pleasuring it-be and the-one wedge-wedge-beplaceeinged a-placing-through, most-much-turned of-all of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses being.

Note: it-be in 02 : it-be-in in 01.

1:25 εν τη ηδ. δε ℵV | εστιν] ενεστι̅| ℵ | πολυποτρωτατη (sic) A | ουσα των παθων ℵV

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:26 κατὰ μὲν ψυχῆς ἀλαζονία καὶ φιλαργυρία καὶ φιλοδοξία καὶ φιλονεικία καὶ βασκανία·

Down indeed of-a-breathing a-vaporing-unto and a-silver-caring-unto and a-reckonedness-caring-unto and a-non-belongeedness-of-caring-unto and a-scowling-unto;

Note: Down in 02 : And in 01.

Note: a-non-belongeedness-of-caring-unto (FILONEIKIA) : from FILOS and NH (see NHPIOS); contentiousness.

1:26 κατα] και τα ℵ | αλαζονεια Va | φιλοδοξια] κενοδοξια V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:27 κατὰ δὲ τὸ σῶμα παντοφαγία καὶ λαιμαργία καὶ μονοφαγία.

down then-also to-the-one to-an-en-capsuling-to an-all-devouring-unto and a-gullet-un-working-unto and a-stayeed-devouring-unto.

Note: a-gullet-un-working-unto : used to refer to minimizing chewing and swallowing (while eating), i.e. extreme gluttony or metaphorically greed.

1:27 και λαιμαργια και νομοφαγια A και μονοφαγια και λαιμαργια ℵ και μονοφαγια V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:28 καθάπερ οὖν δυοῖν τοῦ σώματος καὶ τῆς ψυχῆς φυτῶν ὄντων ἡδονῆς τε καὶ πόνου, πολλαὶ τούτων τῶν παθῶν εἰσιν παραφυάδες·

Down-to-which-very accordingly of-two of-the-one of-an-en-capsuling-to and of-the-one of-a-breathing of-plants of-being of-a-pleasuring also and of-a-necessitatee, much of-the-ones-these of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses they-be spawnesses-beside;

Note: of-trekkeednesses in 02 : of-plants in 01.

1:28 δυειν ℵV | παθων] φυτων ℵ

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:29 ὧν ἕκαστος ὁ πανγέωργος λογισμὸς περικαθαίρων τε καὶ ἀποκνίζων καὶ περιπλέκων καὶ ἐπάρδων καὶ πάντα τρόπον μεταχέων ἐξημεροῖ τὰς τῶν ἠθῶν καὶ παθῶν ὕλας.

of-which each the-one all-soil-worked a-fortheeing-to-of cleansing-about also and writhing-off-to and braiding-about and swilling-upon and to-all to-a-turn pouring-with it-en-dayeth-out to-the-ones of-the-ones of-beplaceednesses and of-trekkeednesses to-cumulations.

Note: each in 02 : to-each in 01.

Note: also in 02 : omit in 01.

Note: it-en-dayeth-out : day being used in the sense of being a time of rest and calm in nature.

Note: to-cumulations : a forest as a cumulation of trees, fuel as a cumulation of wood stuff, the stuff of which anything is made, sediments, excretions, etc.

1:29 εκαστην ℵV (-τιν V* -την Va) | om τε ℵ | επαρδων] δων sup ras ℵ1

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:30 Ὁ γὰρ λογισμὸς τῶν μὲν ἀρετῶν ἐστιν ἡγεμών, τῶν δὲ παθῶν αὐτοκράτωρ. ἐπιθεώρει γε τοίνυν πρῶτον διὰ τῶν κωλυτικῶν τῆς σωφροσύνης ἔργων, ὅτι αὐτοδέσποτός ἐστιν τῶν παθῶν ὁ λογισμός.

The-one too-thus a-fortheeing-to-of of-the-ones indeed of-meritings it-be a-leader, of-the-ones then-also of-trekkeednesses a-self-securer. It-surveileth-upon-unto too unto-the-one-now to-most-before through of-the-ones of-prevented-belonged-of of-the-one of-a-rational-centeringedness of-works, to-which-a-one self-bind-done it-be of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one a-fortheeing-to-of.

1:30 αυτοκρατωρ] δεσποτης V | γε τοινυν πρωτον] τοινυν πρ. ℵ* δε πρ. ℵc.a, c.b γε το πρ. V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:31 σωφροσύνη δὴ τοίνυν ἐστὶν ἐπικράτεια τῶν ἐπιθυμιῶν.

A-rational-centeringedness then unto-the-one-now it-be a-securing-upon-of of-the-ones of-passionings-upon-unto.

1:31 om δη V | επικρατια ℵV* (-τεια Va)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:32 τῶν δὲ ἐπιθυμιῶν αἱ μέν εἰσιν ψυχικαί, αἱ δὲ σωματικαί· καὶ τούτων ἀμφοτέρων ὁ λογισμὸς ἐπικρατεῖν φαίνεται.

Of-the-ones then-also of-passionings-upon-unto the-ones indeed they-be breath-belonged-of, the-ones then-also en-capsuling-to-belonged-of; and of-the-ones-these of-more-around the-one a-fortheeing-to-of to-secure-upon-unto it-be-manifested.

1:32 om και V | επικρατειν ο λογισμος ℵ

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:33 ἐπεὶ πόθεν κινούμενοι πρὸς τὰς ἀπειρημένας τροφάς, ἀποστρεπόμεθα τὰς ἐξ αὐτῶν ἡδονάς; οὐχ ὅτι δύναται τῶν ὀρέξεων ἐπικρατεῖν ὁ λογισμός; ἐγὼ μὲν οἶμαι.

Upon-if whither-from moving-unto toward to-the-ones to-having-had-come-to-be-said-off to-nourishings, we-beturn-off to-the-ones out of-them to-pleasurings? Not to-which-a-one it-ableth of-the-ones of-reachings to-secure-upon-unto, the-one a-fortheeing-to-of? I indeed I-which-belong.

1:33 αποπρεπομεθα] αποστρεφομεθα ℵV | μεν] γαρ ℵ | οιμε̅| (sic) A

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:34 τοιγαροῦν ἐνύδρων ἐπιθυμοῦντες καὶ ὀρνέων καὶ τετραπόδων, παντοίων βρωμάτων τῶν ἀπηγορευμένων ἡμῖν κατὰ τὸν νόμον ἀπεχόμεθα διὰ τὴν τοῦ λογισμοῦ ἐπικράτειαν.

Unto-the-one-too-thus-accordingly of-watered-in passioning-upon-unto and of-en-flailings and of-four-footed, of-all-belonged of-feedeeings-to of-the-ones of-having-had-come-to-be-lead-alongednessed-off-of unto-ye down to-the-one to-a-parcelee we-hold-off through to-the-one of-the-one of-a-fortheeing-to-of to-a-securing-upon-of.

Note: of-en-flailings : groupingly refers to birds that non-glidingly flail their wings.

Note: of-all-belonged in 02 : pr and in 01.

1:34 παντοιων] pr και ℵ | βρωματων των] βρωματα οντων A | κατα] δια ℵ* (κατα ℵc.a) | επικρατιαν V* (-τειαν Va)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 1:35 ἀντέχεται γὰρ τὰ τῶν ὀρέξεων πάθη ὑπὸ τοῦ σώφρονος νοὸς ἀνακαμπτόμενα· καὶ φιλοτιμοῦνται πάντα τὰ τοῦ σώματος κινήματα ὑπὸ τοῦ λογισμοῦ.

It-be-ever-a-one-held too-thus the-ones of-the-ones of-reachings trekkeednesses under of-the-one of-rationally-centeringed-of of-an-en-mulling-of being-bent-up; and they-be-valuation-cared-unto all the-ones of-the-one of-an-en-capsuling-to movings-to under of-the-one of-a-fortheeing-to-of.

Note: It-be-ever-a-one-held in 02 : It-be-held-up in 01.

Note: being-bent-up in 02 : being-felled-up in 01.

Note: they-be-valuation-cared-unto in 02 : it-be-muzzled in 01.

1:35 ανεχεται ℵ | ανακαμπτομενα (-μεθα A)] ανακοπτομενα ℵV | φιλοτιμουνται] φιμουται ℵ (φειμ.) V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:1 Καὶ τί θαυμαστόν, εἰ αἱ τῆς ψυχῆς ἐπιθυμίαι πρὸς τὴν τοῦ κάλλους μετουσίαν ἀκυροῦνται;

And what-one marveled-to, if the-ones of-the-one of-a-breathing passionings-upon-unto toward to-the-one of-the-one of-a-seemlieedness to-a-being-with-unto they-be-en-un-authoritied?

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:2 ταύτῃ γοῦν ὁ σώφρων Ἰωσὴφ ἐπαινεῖται, ὅτι τῷ λογισμῷ διανοίᾳ περιεκράτησεν τῆς ἡδυπαθείας.

Unto-the-one-this accordingly-too the-one rationally-centeringed-of, an-Iôsêf, it-be-lauded-upon-unto, to-which-a-one unto-the-one unto-a-fortheeing-to-of unto-an-en-mulling-through-unto it-secured-about-unto of-the-one of-a-pleasured-trekking-of.

Note: unto-the-one unto-a-fortheeing-to-of in 02 : omit in 01.

2:2 om τω λογισμω ℵ | περιεκρατησε V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:3 νέος γὰρ ὢν καὶ ἀκμάζων πρὸς συνουσιασμὸν ἠκύρωσεν τῷ λογισμῷ τὸν τῶν παθῶν οἶστρον.

New too-thus being and apexing-to toward to-a-being-together-to-of it-en-un-authoritied unto-the-one unto-a-fortheeing-to-of to-the-one of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses to-an-en-bearment.

2:3 ηκυρωσε ℵ

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:4 οὐ μόνον δὲ τὴν τῆς ἡδυπαθείας οἰστρηλασίαν ἐπικρατεῖν ὁ λογισμὸς φαίνεται, ἀλλὰ καὶ πάσης ἐπιθυμίας.

Not to-stayeed then-also to-the-one of-the-one of-a-pleasured-trekking-of to-an-en-beared-droving-unto to-secure-upon-unto the-one a-fortheeing-to-of it-be-manifested, other and of-all of-a-passioning-upon-unto.

Note: Not in 02 : pr and in 01.

2:4 ου] pr και ℵ* (improb ℵc.a, c.b) | την της] της της (sic) A την επι της ℵ* (improb ℵc.a) V | ο λογισμος επικρατειν ℵ

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:5 λέγει γοῦν ὁ νόμος Οὐκ ἐπιθυμήσεις τὴν γυναῖκα τοῦ πλησίον σου, οὐδὲ ὅσα τῷ πλησίον σού ἐστιν.

It-fortheth accordingly-too, the-one a-parcelee, Not thou-shall-passion-upon-unto to-the-one to-a-woman of-the-one to-nigh-belonged of-thee, not-then-also to-which-a-which unto-the-one to-nigh-belonged of-thee it-be.

2:5 om σου 2° V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:6 καίτοι ὅτε μὴ ἐπιθυμεῖν εἴρηκεν ἡμᾶς ὁ νόμος, πολὺ πλέον πείσαιμ' ἂν ὑμᾶς ὅτι τῶν ἐπιθυμιῶν κρατεῖν δύναται ὁ λογισμός, ὥσπερ καὶ τῶν κωλυτικῶν τῆς δικαιοσύνης παθῶν.

And-unto-the-one which-also lest to-passion-upon-unto it-had-come-to-utter to-us, the-one a-parcelee, to-much to-beyond I-may-have-sured ever to-ye to-which-a-one of-the-ones of-passionings-upon-unto to-secure-unto it-ableth, the-one a-fortheeing-to-of, as-very and of-the-ones of-prevented-belonged-of of-the-one of-a-course-belongingedness of-trekkeednesses.

2:6 om οτε V | πεισαιμι αν Va | δυναται κρατειν V | παθων] πασων A (ω rescr A1)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:7 ἐπεὶ τίνα τρόπον μονοφάγος τις ὢν τὸ ἦθος καὶ γαστρίμαργος καὶ μέθυσος μεταπαιδεύεται, εἰ μὴ δῆλον ὅτι κύριός ἐστιν τῶν παθῶν ὁ λογισμός;

Upon-if to-what-one to-a-turn stayeed-devoured a-one being to-the-one to-a-beplaceedness and stomach-rampaged and toxinated it-be-childed-with-of if lest distincted to-which-a-one authority-belonged it-be of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one a-fortheeing-to-of?

Note: and {2nd} in 02 : pr or in 01.

2:7 τινα τις τροπον μονοφαγος (-γως V) ℵV | και 2°] pr η ℵV

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:8 αὐτίκα γοῦν τῷ νόμῳ πολιτευόμενος, κἂν φιλάργυρός τις εἴη, βιάζεται τὸν ἑαυτοῦ τρόπον, τοῖς δεομένοις δανίζων χωρὶς τόκων, καὶ τὸ δάνιον τῶν ἑβδομάδων ἐνστασῶν χρεοκοπούμενος.

To-self-arrived accordingly-too unto-the-one unto-a-parcelee citizening-of, and-ever silver-cared a-one it-may-be, it-dureeateth-to to-the-one of-itself to-a-turn, unto-the-ones unto-binding lending-to of-spaced of-creations, and to-the-one to-a-lendlet of-the-ones of-sevens of-having-had-stood-in affordeedness-felling-unto.

Note: it-may-be in 02 : it-might-be in 01.

Note: of-itself in 02 : of-self in 01.

Note: of-creations : in this context used to refer to the creation of interest, i.e. usury.

2:8 τω νομω] pr ο V | ειη] η ℵV | εαυτου] αυτου ℵ | δανειζων Va | om και V | δανειον Va | ενστασων ℵV] εντασσων A | χρεωκοπ. Va

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:9 κἂν φειδωλός τις ᾖ, ὑπὸ τοῦ νόμου κρατεῖται διὰ τὸν λογισμόν, μήτε ἐπικαρπούμενος τοὺς ἀμητούς, μήτε ἐπιρωγολογούμενος τοὺς ἀμπελῶνας· καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν ἑτέρων δ' ἔστιν ἐπιγνῶναι τοῦθ', ὅτι τῶν παθῶν ἐστιν ὁ λογισμὸς κρατῶν.

And-ever en-sparinged a-one it-might-be, under of-the-one of-a-parclee it-be-secured-unto through to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of, lest-also en-fruiting-upon to-the-ones to-alongments, lest-also straggling-upon-unto to-the-ones to-vinings; and upon of-the-ones of-different then-also it-be to-have-had-acquainted-upon to-the-one-this, to-which-a-one of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses it-be the-one a-fortheeing-to-of securing-unto.

Note: straggling-upon-unto in 02 : straggle-fortheeing-upon-unto in 01.

2:9 επικαρπολογουμενος ℵV | επιρωλογ. V* (επιρωγολογ. V1) | ετερων] εργων ℵV | δ] δε ℵV | τουθ] τουτο ℵV | κρατων] ν sup ras Aa (-τωρ A* vid)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:10 ὁ γὰρ νόμος καὶ τῆς πρὸς γονεῖς εὐνοίας κρατεῖ, μὴ καταπροδιδοὺς τὴν ἀρετὴν δι' αὐτούς·

The-one too-thus a-parcelee and of-the-one toward to-becomeeers-of of-a-goodly-en-mulling-unto it-secureth-unto, lest to-giving-before-down to-the-one to-a-meriting through to-them;

Note: to-becomeeers-of : the entities performing the parental function to a becomee, i.e. parents, but not necessarily biologically.

2:10 γονεας V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:11 καὶ τῆς πρὸς γαμετῆς φιλίας ἐπικρατεῖ, διὰ παρανομίαν αὐτὴν ἀπελέγχων·

and of-the-one toward of-a-marriaging of-a-caring-unto it-secureth-upon-unto, through to-a-parceleeing-beside-unto to-it trialing-off;

Note: of-a-marriaging in 02 : to-a-marriaging in 01.

Note: to-a-parceleeing-beside-unto in 02 : pr to-the-one in 01.

Note: in 02 : pr to-the-one in 01.

2:11 γαμετης] γαμετην ℵV | παρανομιαν] pr την ℵV

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:12 καὶ τῆς τέκνων φιλίας κυριεύει, διὰ κακίαν αὐτῶν κολάζων· καὶ τῆς φίλων συνηθείας δεσπόζει, διὰ πονηρίας αὐτοὺς ἐξελέγχων.

and of-the-one of-creationees of-a-caring-unto it-authority-belongeth-of, through to-a-wedge-wedging-unto of-them stricturing-to; and of-the-one of-cared of-a-beplaceeing-together-of it-bind-doeth-of-to, through of-an-en-necessitating-unto to-them trialing-out.

Note: of-an-en-necessitating-unto in 02 : to-an-en-necessitating-unto in 01.

2:12 αυτων] αυτους ℵ | αυτα V | συνηθιας ℵ | πονηριαν ℵV | εξελεγχων] ελεγχων V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:13 καὶ μὴ νομίσητε παράδοξον εἶναι, ὅπου καὶ ἔχθραν ὁ λογισμὸς ἐπικρατεῖν δύναται διὰ τὸν νόμον,

And lest ye-might-have-parceleed-to to-reckoned-beside to-be, to-which-of-whither and to-an-en-enmitying the-one a-fortheeing-to-of to-secure-upon-unto it-ableth through to-the-one to-a-parcelee,

Note: to-an-en-enmitying in 02 : of-an-en-enmitying in 01.

2:13 εχθραν ο λογισμος επικρατειν] εχθρας επικρ. ο λογ. ℵV

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:14 μηδὲ δενδροτομῶν τὰ ἥμερα τῶν πολεμίων φυτά, τὰ δὲ τῶν ἐχθρῶν τοῖς ἀπολέσασιν διασώζων, καὶ τὰ πεπτωκότα συνεγείρων.

lest-then-also en-treeing-cutting-unto to-the-ones to-dayed of-the-ones of-war-belonged to-plants, to-the-ones then-also of-the-ones of-en-enmitied unto-the-ones unto-having-destructed-off saving-through-to, and to-the-ones to-having-had-come-to-fall rousing-together.

Note: lest-then-also in 02 : lest-also in 01.

Note: to-dayed : day being used in the sense of being a time of rest and calm in nature.

2:14 μηδε] μητε ℵV | απολεσασι ℵV

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:15 Καὶ διὰ τῶν βιαιοτέρων δὲ παθῶν κρατεῖν ὁ λογισμὸς φαίνεται, φιλαρχίας καὶ κενοδοξίας καὶ ἀλαζονίας καὶ μεγαλαυχίας καὶ βασκανίας.

And through of-the-ones of-more-dureeatedness-belonged then-also of-trekkeednesses to-secure-unto the-one a-fortheeing-to-of it-be-manifested, of-a-first-caring-unto and of-an-empty-reckoning-unto and of-a-vaporing-unto and of-a-great-boasting-unto and of-a-scowling-unto.

Note: through in 02 : omit in 01C1.

Note: of-a-vaporing-unto in 02 : of-a-vaporing-of in 01.

2:15 om δια ℵc.a, c.b V | βιοτερων (sic) A | κρατειν] επικρατειν ℵc.a | φιλαρχιας] φιλαργυριας ℵ* (-χιας ℵc.b) | αλαζονειας ℵVa

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:16 πάντα γὰρ ταῦτα τὰ κακοήθη πάθη ὁ σώφρων νοῦς ἀπωθεῖται, ὥσπερ καὶ τὸν θυμόν· καὶ γὰρ τούτου δεσπόζει.

To-all too-thus to-the-ones-these to-the-ones to-wedge-wedge-beplaceeinged to-trekkeednesses the-one rationally-centeringed-of an-en-mulling-of it-pusheth-off-unto, as-very and to-the-one to-a-passion; and too-thus of-the-one-this it-bind-doeth-of-to.

2:16 om τα ℵ* (hab ℵc.a)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:17 θυμούμενός γέ τοι Μωυσῆς κατὰ Δαθὰν καὶ Ἀβειρών, οὐ θυμῷ τι κατ' αὐτῶν ἐποίησεν, ἀλλὰ λογισμῷ τὸν θυμὸν διῄτησεν.

Being-en-passioned too unto-the-one a-Môusês down to-a-Dathan and to-an-Abeirôn, not unto-a-passion to-a-one down of-them it-did-unto, other unto-a-fortheeing-to-of to-the-one to-a-passion it-appealed-through-unto.

2:17 Μωυσης V | Αβιρων V* (-βηρ. Va)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:18 δυνατὸς γὰρ ὁ σώφρων νοῦς, ὡς ἔφην, κατὰ τῶν παθῶν ἀριστεῦσαι, καὶ τὰ μὲν αὐτῶν μεταθεῖναι, τὰ δὲ καὶ ἀκυρῶσαι.

Able too-thus the-one rationally-centeringed-of an-en-mulling-of, as I-declared, down of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses to-have-un-bounded-of, and to-the-ones indeed of-them to-have-had-placed-with, to-the-ones then-also and to-have-en-un-authoritied.

2:18 δυνατος] ικανος ℵ* (δυν. ℵc.b) | μεταθειναι] μετα sup ras A1 (fort)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:19 ἐπεὶ διὰ τί ὁ πάνσοφος ἡμῶν πατὴρ Ἰακὼβ τοὺς περὶ Συμεὼν καὶ Λευεὶν αἰτιᾶται μὴ λογισμῷ τοὺς Σικιμίτας ἐθνηδὸν ἀποσφάξαντας, λέγων Ἐπικατάρατος ὁ θυμὸς αὐτῶν;

Upon-if through to-what-one the-one all-wisdomed of-us a-father an-Iakôb to-the-ones about to-a-Sumeôn and to-a-Leuei it-appeal-belongeth-unto lest unto-a-fortheeing-to-of to-the-ones to-Sikimites to-placeedness-belonging-to-seen to-having-slaughtered-off-to, forthing, Cursed-down-upon the-one a-passion of-them?

2:19 Σικειμιτας A | αυτων] + οτι αυθαδης V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:20 εἰ μὴ γὰρ ἐδύνατο τῶν θυμῶν ὁ λογισμὸς κρατεῖν, οὐκ ἂν εἶπεν οὕτως.

If lest too-thus it-was-abling of-the-ones of-passions, the-one a-fortheeing-to-of, to-secure-unto, not ever it-had-said unto-the-one-this.

Note: of-the-ones of-passions in 02 : of-the-one of-a-passion in 01.

2:20 εδυνετο A | των θυμων ο λογισμος] του θυμου ο λογ. ℵ ο λογ. των παθων V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:21 ὀπηνίκα γὰρ ὁ θεὸς τὸν ἄνθρωπον κατεσκεύασεν, τὰ πάθη αὐτοῦ καὶ τὰ ἤθη περιεφύτευσεν·

Which-whither-belonged-of too-thus the-one a-Deity to-the-one to-a-mankind it-down-equipped-to, to-the-ones to-trekkeednesses of-it and to-the-ones to-beplaceednesses it-planted-about-of;

2:21 κτεσκευασεν τον ανθρωπον ℵ

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:22 καὶ τηνικαῦτα δὲ περὶ πάντων τὸν ἱερὸν ἡγεμόνα νοῦν διὰ τῶν αἰσθητηρίων ἐνεθρόνισεν·

and to-the-one-belonged-of-to-them then-also about of-all to-the-one to-sacred to-a-leader to-an-en-mulling-of through of-the-ones of-knowing-alonglets it-throned-in-to;

Note: about in 02 : upon in 01.

2:22 και τηνικαυτα δε] τηνικαυτα δε sup ras Aa ηνικα δε ℵ πινακα δε V | περι] επι ℵV | παντων] + των (sic) A

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:23 καὶ τούτῳ νόμον ἔδωκεν, καθ' ὃν πολιτευόμενος βασιλεύσει βασιλείαν σώφρονά τε καὶ δικαίαν καὶ ἀγαθὴν καὶ ἀνδρείαν.

and unto-the-one-this to-a-parcelee it-gave, down to-which citizening-of it-shall-ruler-of to-a-ruling-of to-rationally-centeringed-of also and to-course-belonged and to-excess-placed and to-man-belonged.

2:23 και I°] ι sup ras 3 litt A? | δεδωκεν ℵ | βασιλειαν] βα sup ras Aa | om και 2° A

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 2:24 Πῶς οὖν, εἴποι τις ἄν, εἰ τῶν παθῶν ὁ λογισμὸς κρατεῖ, λήθης καὶ ἀγνοίας οὐ κρατεῖ;

Unto-whither accordingly, it-may-have-had-said, a-one, ever, if of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one a-fortheeing-to-of it-secureth-unto, of-a-secluding and of-an-un-en-mulling-unto not it-secureth-unto?

2:24–3:1 om κρατει ληθης . . . εαυτου παθων ο λογισμος ℵ* hab δεσποτης εστιν ο λογισμος ληθης και αγνοιας ου κρατι εστιν δε κομιδη γελοιος ο λογος ου γαρ των εαυτου παθων ο λογισμος (add κρα sed rursus improb) ℵc

2:24 ειποιτε ℵ* (ειποι τις αν ℵc.a) | κρατει I°] δεσποτης εστιν V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:1 ἔστιν δὲ κομιδῇ γελοῖος ὁ λογισμός· οὐ γὰρ τῶν ἑαυτοῦ παθῶν ὁ λογισμὸς ἐπικρατεῖν φαίνεται, ἀλλὰ τῶν σωματικῶν.

It-be then-also unto-tended laugh-belonged the-one a-fortheeing-to-of; not too-thus of-the-ones of-self of-trekkeednesses the-one a-fortheeing-to-of to-secure-upon-unto it-be-manifested, other of-the-ones of-en-capsuling-to-belonged-of.

2:24–3:1 om κρατει ληθης . . . εαυτου παθων ο λογισμος ℵ* hab δεσποτης εστιν ο λογισμος ληθης και αγνοιας ου κρατι εστιν δε κομιδη γελοιος ο λογος ου γαρ των εαυτου παθων ο λογισμος (add κρα sed rursus improb) ℵc

3:1 εστιν V | λογισμος I°] λογος V | επικρατειν] κρατειν ℵc.a επικρατων V | αλλα] αλα (sic) ℵ

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:2 οἷον ἐπιθυμίαν τις ὑμῶν οὐ δύναται ἐκκόψαι, ἀλλὰ μὴ δουλωθῆναι τῇ ἐπιθυμίᾳ δύναται ὁ λογισμὸς παρασχέσθαι.

To-which-belonged to-a-passioning-upon-unto a-one of-ye not it-ableth to-have-felled-out, other lest to-have-been-en-bondeed unto-the-one unto-a-passioning-upon-unto it-ableth, the-one a-fortheeing-to-of, to-have-had-held-beside.

3:2 εκκοψαι ου δυναται υμων ℵ ου δυν. εκκ. υμ. V | μη δουλ.] pr το V | παρεχεσθαι ℵ* (ταρασχ. ℵc.a) V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:3 θυμόν τις οὐ δύναται ἐκκόψαι ὑμῶν τῆς ψυχῆς, ἀλλὰ τῷ θυμῷ δυνατὸν βοηθῆσαι.

To-a-passion a-one not it-ableth to-have-felled-out of-ye of-the-one of-a-breathing, other unto-the-one unto-a-passion to-able to-have-holler-ran-unto.

Note: to-able in 02 : + to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of in 01.

3:3 υμων εκκοψαι ℵ | δυνατον] + τον λογισμον ℵV

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:4 κακοήθειάν τις ὑμῶν οὐ δύναται ἐκκόψαι, ἀλλὰ τὸ μὴ καμφθῆναι τῇ κακοηθείᾳ δυνατὸν ὁ λογισμὸς συμμαχῆσαι.

To-a-wedge-wedged-beplaceeing-of a-one of-ye not it-ableth to-have-felled-out, other to-the-one lest to-have-been-bent unto-the-one unto-a-wedge-wedged-beplaceeing-of to-able the-one a-fortheeing-to-of to-have-battled-together-unto.

Note: it-ableth in 02 : it-may-able ever in 01.

3:4 κακοηθιαν, κακοηθια ℵ | δυνατον] δυναιτ αν ℵ δυναται V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:5 οὐ γὰρ ἐκριζωτὴς τῶν παθῶν ὁ λογισμός ἐστιν, ἀλλὰ ἀνταγωνιστής.

Not too-thus a-rooter-out of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one a-fortheeing-to-of it-be, other an-ever-a-one-struggler.

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:6 ἔστιν γοῦν τοῦτο διὰ τῆς Δαυεὶδ τοῦ βασιλέως δίψης σαφέστερον ἐπιλογίσασθαι.

It-be accordingly-too the-one-this through of-the-one of-a-Daueid of-the-one of-a-ruler-of of-a-thirstedness to-more-evidentinged to-have-fortheed-upon-to.

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:7 ἐπεὶ γὰρ δι' ὅλης ἡμέρας προσβαλλὼν τοῖς ἀλλοφύλοις ὁ Δαυεὶδ πολλοὺς αὐτῶν ἀπέκτεινεν μετὰ τῶν τοῦ ἔθνους στρατιωτῶν,

Upon-if too-thus through of-whole of-a-dayedness casting-toward unto-the-ones unto-other-tribed, the-one a-Daueid, to-much of-them it-killed-off with of-the-ones of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to of-amass-belongers,

Note: casting-toward in 02 : having-had-casted-toward in 01.

3:7 ημερας] pr της V | προσβαλων ℵV | ο Δαυειδ] om ο V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:8 τότε δὴ γενομένης ἑσπέρας, ἱδρῶν καὶ σφόδρα κεκμηκώς, ἐπὶ τὴν βασίλειον σκηνὴν ἦλθεν, περὶ ἣν ὁ πᾶς τῶν προγόνων στρατὸς ἐστρατοπεδεύκει.

to-the-one-which-also then of-having-had-became of-an-into-acrossedness, en-sweating and to-vehemented having-had-come-to-weary, upon to-the-one to-rulered-belonged to-a-tenting it-had-came, about to-which the-one all of-the-ones of-became-before an-amassment it-had-come-to-have-foot-amassed-of.

3:8 ιδρων] pr εσπευδεν ℵ | εστρατοπεδευκεν V* (παιδ. Va)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:9 οἱ μὲν οὖν ἄλλοι πάντες ἐπὶ τὸ δεῖπνον ἦσαν·

The-ones indeed accordingly other all upon to-the-one to-a-meal they-were;

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:10 ὁ δὲ βασιλεὺς ὡς μάλιστα διψῶν, καίπερ ἀφθόνους ἔχων πηγάς, οὐκ ἠδύνατο δι' αὐτῶν ἰάσασθαι τὴν δίψαν.

the-one then-also a-ruler-of as most-such thirsting-unto, and-very to-un-envied holding to-pitchings, not it-was-abling through of-them to-have-cured-unto to-the-one to-a-thirstedness;

3:10 om ως ℵ

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:11 ἀλλά τις αὐτὸν ἀλόγιστος ἐπιθυμία τοῦ παρὰ τοῖς πολεμίοις ὕδατος ἐπιτείνουσα συνέφρυγε, καὶ λύουσα κατέφλεγεν.

other a-one to-it un-fortheed a-passioning-upon-unto of-the-one beside unto-the-ones unto-war-belonged of-a-water stretching-upon it-was-searing-together, and loosing it-was-blazing-down.

3:11 διεφρυγε̅| ℵ* συνεφρυγεν ℵc.a V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:12 ὅθεν τῶν ὑπερασπιστῶν ἐπὶ τῇ τοῦ βασιλέως ἐπιθυμίᾳ σχετλιαζόντων, δύο νεανίσκοι στρατιῶται καρτεροί, καταιδεσθέντες τὴν τοῦ βασιλέως ἐπιθυμίαν, τὰς πανοπλίας καθωπλίσαντο, καὶ κάλπην λαβόντες ὑπερέβησαν τοὺς τῶν πολεμίων χάρακας·

Which-from of-the-ones of-sparrers-along-over upon unto-the-one of-the-one of-a-ruler-of unto-a-passioning-upon-unto of-holden-belonging-to, two new-belongings-of amass-belongers more-secured, having-been-un-sighted-down-unto to-the-one of-the-one of-a-ruler-of to-a-passioning-upon-unto, to-the-ones to-all-implementings-unto they-implemented-down-to, and to-a-ewer having-had-taken they-had-stepped-over to-the-ones of-the-ones of-war-belonged to-pales;

Note: of-sparrers-along-over in 02 : of-sparrers-along-under in 01.

Note: to-all-implementings-unto (PANOPLIAS) in 02 : to-all-wroughtings-unto (PANTEUXIAS) in 01.

3:12–13 χαρακας| και sup ras et in mg Aa

3:12 υπερασπιστων] υπασπιστων ℵ | πανοπλιας] παντευχιας ℵV | καλπην ℵ καρπιν V* καρπην V1 (vid)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:13 καὶ λαθόντες τοὺς τῶν πυλῶν ἀκροφύλακας, διεξῄεσαν εὑράμενοι κατὰ πᾶν τὸ τῶν πολεμίων στρατόπεδον.

and having-had-secluded to-the-ones of-the-ones of-gates to-extremity-guarders, they-were-being-out-through having-had-found down to-all to-the-one of-the-ones of-war-belonged to-an-amassed-footment.

Note: having-had-found in 02 : having-had-found-up in 01.

3:12–13 χαρακας| και sup ras et in mg Aa

3:13 ευραμενοι] ανευρωμενοι ℵ* ανερευνωμενοι (sic) V

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:14 καὶ ἀνευράμενοι θαρραλέως τὴν πηγήν, ἐξ αὐτῆς ἐγέμισαν τῷ βασιλεῖ τὸ ποτόν.

And having-had-found-up unto-braveried to-the-one to-a-pitching, out of-it they-saturated-to unto-the-one unto-a-ruler-of to-the-one to-drinkationed.

Note: they-saturated-to in 02 : they-tended-to in 01.

3:14 θαρραλεως την πηγην εξ αυτης] τη̅| πηγην εξ αυτ. θαρρ. ℵV | εγεμισαν] εκομισαν ℵV | το βασ. V* (τω β. Va)

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:15 ὁ δὲ καὶ περὶ τὴν δίψαν διαπυρούμενος, ἐλογίσατο πάνδεινον εἶναι κίνδυνον τῇ ψυχῇ λογισθὲν ἰσοδύναμον τὸ ποτὸν αἵματι.

The-one then-also and about to-the-one to-a-thirstedness being-en-fired-through, it-fortheed-to to-all-dired-belonged-to to-be to-a-peril unto-the-one unto-a-breathing to-having-been-fortheed-to to-same-abled to-the-one to-drinkationed unto-a-rushering-to.

Note: and about in 02 : and-very in 01.

Note: unto-the-one in 02 : omit in 01.

Note: to-the-one in 02 : omit in 01.

3:15 και περι] καιπερ ℵ και V | τη διψα V* τη διψη Va | τη ψυχη] om τη ℵ | το ποτον] om το ℵV

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:16 ὅθεν ἀντιθεὶς τῇ ἐπιθυμίᾳ τὸν λογισμόν, ἔσπεισεν τὸ πόμα τῷ θεῷ.

Which-from having-ever-a-one-placed unto-the-one unto-a-passioning-upon-unto to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of, it-whorled to-the-one to-a-drinking-to unto-the-one unto-a-Deity.

3:16 πομα sup ras et in mg Aa

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:17 δυνατὸς γὰρ ὁ σώφρων νοῦς νικῆσαι τὰς τῶν παθῶν ἀνάγκας, καὶ σβέσαι τὰς τῶν οἴστρων φλεγμονάς,

Able too-thus the-one rationally-centeringed-of an-en-mulling-of to-have-mull-belonged-of-unto to-the-ones of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses to-armings-up, and to-have-en-quelled to-the-ones of-the-ones of-en-bearments to-stayed-blazings,

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:18 καὶ τὰς τῶν σωμάτων ἀλγηδόνας καθ' ὑπερβολὴν οὔσας καταπαλαῖσαι, καὶ τῆς καλοκἀγαθίας τοῦ λογισμοῦ ἀποπτύσαι πάσας τὰς τῶν παθῶν ἐπικρατίας.

and to-the-ones of-the-ones of-en-capsulings-to to-paineeings down to-a-casting-over to-being to-have-wriggle-belonged-down, and of-the-one of-a-seemly-and-excessed-placing-unto of-the-one of-a-fortheeing-to-of to-have-spewed-off to-all to-the-ones of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses to-securings-upon-unto.

Note: of-the-one of-a-seemly-and-excessed-placing-unto in 02 : unto-the-one unto-a-seemly-and-excessed-placing-unto in 01; from KALOS and the crasis KAI+AGAQIA.

Note: to-securings-upon-unto in 02 : to-securings-upon-of in 01.

3:18 ουσας] pr δυνατος ℵ | τη καλοκαγαθια ℵV | επικρατειας ℵVa

(164-163 B.C.)

4Ma 3:19 Ἤδη δὲ καὶ ὁ καιρὸς ἡμᾶς καλεῖ ἐπὶ τὴν ἀπόδειξιν τῆς ἱστορίας τοῦ σώφρονος λογισμοῦ.

Which-then then-also and the-one a-time to-us it-calleth-unto upon to-the-one to-a-showing-off of-the-one of-an-en-accounting-unto of-the-one of-rationally-centeringed-of of-a-fortheeing-to-of.

3:19 om και V

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 3:20 ἐπειδὴ γὰρ βαθεῖαν εἰρήνην διὰ τὴν εὐνομίαν οἱ πατέρες ἡμῶν εἶχον, καὶ ἔπραττον καλῶς, ὥστε καὶ τὸν τῆς Ἀσίας βασιλέα Σέλευκον τὸν Νικάνορα καὶ χρήματα εἰς τὴν ἱερουργίαν αὐτοῖς ἀφορίσαι, καὶ τὴν πολιτείαν αὐτῶν ἀποδέχεσθαι·

Upon-if-then too-thus to-depthed to-a-joinifying through to-the-one to-a-goodly-parceleeing-unto the-ones fathers of-us they-were-holding, and they-were-practicing unto-seemly, as-also and to-the-one of-the-one of-an-Asia to-a-ruler-of to-a-Seleukos to-the-one to-a-Nikanôr and to-affordings-to into to-the-one to-a-sacred-working-unto unto-them to-have-bounded-off-to, and to-the-one to-a-city-belonging-unto of-them to-receive-off;

3:20 τον Νικανορος V | αφορισαι] αποφορισαι A | πολειτειαν ℵ πολιτειαν V

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 3:21 τότε δή τινες πρὸς τὴν κοινὴν νεωτερίσαντες ὁμόνοιαν πολυτρόπως ἐχρήσαντο συμφοραῖς.

to-the-one-which-also then ones toward to-the-one to-together-belonged-to having-more-newed-to to-an-along-en-mulling-unto unto-much-turned they-afforded-unto unto-bearednesses-together.

Note: unto-much-turned in 02 : unto-much-turned in 01.

3:21 τοτε δη τινες| προς την in mg et sup ras Aa | πολυτροποις ℵV

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:1 Σίμων γάρ τις πρὸς Ὀνίαν ἀντιπολιτευόμενος τόν ποτε τὴν ἀρχιερωσύνην ἔχοντα διὰ βίου, καλὸν καὶ ἀγαθὸν ἄνδρα, ἐπειδὴ πάντα τρόπον διαβάλλων ὑπὲρ τοῦ ἔθνους οὐκ ἴσχυσεν κακῶσαι, φυγὰς ᾤχετο, τὴν πατρίδα προδώσων.

A-Simôn too-thus a-one toward to-an-Onias ever-a-one-citizening-of to-the-one whither-also to-the-one to-a-first-en-sacredingedness to-holding through of-a-dureeation, to-seemly and to-excess-placed to-a-man, upon-if-then to-all to-a-turn casting-through over of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to not it-force-held to-have-en-wedge-wedged, to-fleeings it-was-being-bear-belonged, to-the-one to-a-fathering shall-having-given-before.

4:1 διαβαλων V

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:2 ὅθεν ἥκων πρὸς Ἀπολλώνιον, τὸν Συρίας τε καὶ Φοινίκης καὶ Κιλικίας στρατηγόν, ἔλεγεν

Which-from arriving toward to-an-Apollônios, to-the-one of-a-Suria also and of-a-Foinikê and of-a-Kilikia to-an-amass-leader, it-was-forthing,

4:2 ηκως A | προς] ως ℵ

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:3 Εὔνους ὢν τοῖς τοῦ βασιλέως πράγμασιν ἥκω, μηνύων πολλὰς ἰδιωτικῶν χρημάτων μυριάδας ἐν τοῖς Ἰεροσολύμων γαζοφυλακίοις τεθησαυρίσθαι τῷ ἱερῷ μὴ ἐπικοινωνούσας, ἀλλὰ προσήκειν ταῦτα Σελεύκῳ τῷ βασιλεῖ.

Goodly-en-mullinged-of being unto-the-ones of-the-one of-a-ruler-of unto-practicings-to I-arrive, en-memorying to-much of-private-belonged-of of-affordings-to to-myriads in unto-the-ones of-Ierosoluma' unto-treasure-guarderylets unto-the-one unto-sacred lest to-en-together-belonging-to-upon-unto, other to-arrive-toward to-the-ones-these unto-a-Seleukos unto-the-one unto-a-ruler-of.

Note: other in 02 : and in 01.

4:3 μηνυσων V | γαζοφυλακειοις ℵVa | τεθησαυρισται A | τω ιερω (ω sup ras Aa?)] τοις ιεροις ℵ | αλλα] και ℵV

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:4 τούτων ἑκαστα γνοὺς ὁ Ἀπολλώνιος, τὸν μὲν Σίμωνα τῆς εἰς τὸν βασιλέα κηδεμονίας ἐπαινεῖ, πρὸς δὲ τὸν Σέλευκον ἀναβὰς κατεμήνυε τὸν τῶν χρημάτων θησαυρόν·

Of-the-ones-these to-each having-had-acquainted, the-one an-Apollônios, to-the-one indeed to-a-Simôn of-the-one into to-the-one to-a-ruler-of of-a-regarded-staying-unto it-laudeth-upon-unto, toward then-also to-the-one to-a-Seleukos having-had-stepped-up it-was-en-memorying-down to-the-one of-the-ones of-affordings-to to-an-en-placing;

Note: it-was-en-memorying-down in 02 : it-en-memoryied-down in 01.

4:4 τουτων] + δε V | κατεμηνυσε ℵ | τον 4°] το A* (τον A1)

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:5 καὶ λαβὼν τὴν περὶ αὐτῶν ἐξουσίαν, ταχὺ εἰς τὴν πατρίδα ἡμῶν μετὰ τοῦ καταράτου Σίμωνος καὶ βαρυτάτου στρατοῦ

and having-had-taken to-the-one about of-them to-a-being-out-unto, to-quick into to-the-one to-a-fathering of-us with of-the-one of-cursed-down of-a-Simôn and of-most-weighted of-an-amassment

4:5 λαβων] ελαβεν ℵV | ταχυ] pr και ℵV

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:6 προσελθὼν, ταῖς τοῦ βασιλέως ἐντολαῖς ἥκειν ἔλεγεν, ὅπως τὰ ἰδιωτικὰ τοῦ γαζοφυλακίου λάβοι χρήματα.

having-had-came-toward, unto-the-ones of-the-one of-a-ruler-of unto-finishings-in to-arrive it-was-forthing, unto-which-whither to-the-ones to-private-belonged-of of-the-one of-a-treasure-guarderylet it-may-have-had-taken to-affordings-to.

4:6 προελθων ℵ* (προσελθ. ℵc.a) | ηκειν] εικειν Va | γαζοφυλακιου (-κειου Va) λαβοι sup ras et in mg Aa

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:7 καὶ τοῦ ἔθνους πρὸς τὸν λόγον σχετλιάσαντος ἀντιλέγοντός τε, πάνδεινον εἶναι νομίσαντες εἰ οἱ τὰς παρακαταθήκας πιστεύσαντες τῷ ἱερῷ θησαυρῷ στερηθήσονται, ὡς οἷόν τε ἦν ἐκώλυον.

And of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to toward to-the-one to-a-forthee of-having-holden-belonged-to of-ever-a-one-forthing also, to-all-dired-belonged-to to-be having-parceleed-to if the-ones to-the-ones to-placements-down-beside having-trusted-of unto-the-one unto-sacred unto-an-en-placing they-shall-be-destituted, as to-which-belonged also it-was they-were-preventing.

Note: of-having-holden-belonged-to in 02 : of-holden-belonging-to in 01.

4:7 σχετλιαζοντος ℵ | αντιλεγοντος τε] και αντιλ. V | εναι A* (ειν. A1) | νομισαντες] νοησαντες ℵ | οι τας παρακαταθηκας] τας παρ. οι ℵ | πιστευσαντας A

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:8 μετὰ ἀπειλῆς δὲ ὁ Ἀπολλώνιος ἀπῄει εἰς τὸ ἱερόν.

With of-a-poising-off then-also the-one an-Apollônios it-was-being-off to-the-one to-sacred.

Note: of-a-poising-off in 02 : of-poisings-off in 01.

4:8 απειλων ℵ | Απωνιος A* (Απολλ. A1)

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:9 τῶν δὲ ἱερέων μετὰ γυναικῶν καὶ παιδίων ἐν τῷ ἱερῷ ἱκετευσάντων τὸν θεὸν ὑπερασπίσαι τοῦ καταφρονουμένου τόπου,

Of-the-ones then-also of-sacreders-of with of-women and of-childlets in unto-the-one unto-sacred of-having-petitioned-of to-the-one to-a-Deity to-have-sparred-along-over-to of-the-one of-being-centered-down-unto of-an-occasion,

Note: of-the-one in 02 : + of-sacred in 01.

4:9 ιερεων] γεραιων ℵ | του] + ιερου ℵV | τοπου] pr του ℵ

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:10 ἀνιόντος τε μετὰ καθωπλισμένης στρατιᾶς τοῦ Ἀπολλωνίου πρὸς τὴν τῶν χρημάτων ἁρπαγήν, οὐρανόθεν προυφάνησαν ἔφιπποι ἄγγελοι περιαστράπτοντες τοῖς ὅπλοις, καὶ πολὺν αὐτοῖς φόβον τε καὶ τρόμον ἐνιόντες.

of-being-up also with of-having-had-come-to-be-implemented-down-to of-an-amassing-unto of-the-one of-an-Apollônios toward to-the-one of-the-ones of-affordings-to to-a-snatching, skyed-from they-manifested-before, horsed-upon leadeeers, gleaming-along-about unto-the-ones unto-implements, and to-much unto-them to-a-fearee also and to-a-tremblee being-in.

Note: of-an-amassing-unto in 02 : pr of-the-one in 01.

Note: being-in (ENIONTES) in 02 : sending-in (ENIENTES) in 01.

4:10 om τε I° Vvid | στρατιας] pr της ℵV | τω Απολλωνιω V | αγγελοι προυφανησαν εφιπποι ℵ εφιπποι προεφανησαν αγγ. V | αυτοις] αυτων ℵ | ενιοντες] ενιε̅|τες ℵ

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:11 καταπεσών γε τοι ἡμιθανὴς ὁ Ἀπολλώνιος ἐπὶ τὸν πάμφυλον τοῦ ἱεροῦ περίβολον, τὰς χεῖρας ἐξέτεινεν εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ μετὰ δακρύων τοὺς Ἐβραίους παρεκάλει ὅπως περὶ αὐτοῦ εὐξόμενοι, τὸν οὐράνιον ἐξευμενίσωνται στρατόν.

Having-had-fallen-down too unto-the-one half-dyinged, the-one an-Apollônios, upon to-the-one to-all-tribed of-the-one of-sacred to-a-castee-about, to-the-ones to-hands it-stretched-out into to-the-one to-a-sky and with of-biten-tractants to-the-ones to-Ebra-belonged it-was-calling-beside-unto unto-which-whither about of-it goodly-holding to-the-one to-skyed-belonged-upon they-might-have-goodly-stayed-out-to to-an-amassment.

Note: to-a-castee-about : a walled perimeter.

Note: goodly-holding in 02 : having-goodly-held-toward in 01.

Note: to-skyed-belonged-upon in 02 : to-skyed-belonged in 01.

4:11 γε] δε ℵV | om ο Απολλωνιος V | om και A (hab ℵV) | παρεκαλει] ρε sup ras Aa | ευξομενοι (εξ. A* ευξ. Aa?)] προσευξαμενοι ℵV | επουρανιον] ουρανιον ℵV

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:12 ἔλεγεν γὰρ ἡμαρτηκώς, ὥστε καὶ ἀποθανεῖν ἄξιος ὑπάρχειν, πᾶσίν τε ἀνθρώποις ὑμνήσειν σωθεὶς τὴν τοῦ ἱεροῦ τόπου μακαριότητα.

It-was-forthing too-thus having-had-come-to-un-adjusting-along-unto, as-also and to-have-had-died-off deem-belonged to-first-under, unto-all also unto-mankinds to-shall-have-hymned-unto having-been-saved-to to-the-one of-the-one of-sacred of-an-occasion to-a-blessed-belongness.

4:12 τε] δε V

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:13 τούτοις ἐπαχθεὶς τοῖς λόγοις Ὀνίας ὁ ἀρχιερεύς, καίπερ ἄλλως εὐλαβηθείς μή ποτε νομίσειεν ὁ βασιλεὺς Σέλευκος ἐξ ἀνθρωπίνης ἐπιβουλῆς καὶ μὴ θείας δίκης ἀνῃρῆσθαι τὸν Ἀπολλώνιον, ηὔξατο περὶ αὐτοῦ.

Unto-the-ones-these having-been-led-upon unto-the-ones unto-forthees an-Onias the-one a-first-sacreder-of, and-very unto-other having-been-goodly-taken-unto lest whither-also it-may-have-parceleed-to, the-one a-ruler-of a-Seleukos, out of-mankind-belonged-of of-a-purposing-upon and lest of-deity-belonged of-a-coursing to-have-had-come-to-section-along-up-unto to-the-one to-an-Apollônios, it-goodly-held about of-it.

Note: having-been-led-upon in 02 : having-been-led-under in 01.

Note: being-goodly-taken-unto : the Passive form is used to infer being affected into holding a goodly-taking mindset, i.e. into willingly giving attention to, as having been persuaded by the gravity of the Object.

4:13 τουτοις] pr ελεγεν V | υπαχθεις ℵ | Ονειας ℵ | ανηρησασθαι A ανηρησεσθαι V

(187-175 B.C.)

4Ma 4:14 καὶ ὁ μὲν παραδόξως διασωθεὶς ᾤχετο, δηλώσων τῷ βασιλεῖ τὰ συμβάντα αὐτῷ.

And the-one indeed unto-thought-beside having-been-saved-through-to it-was-being-bear-belonged, en-distincting unto-the-one unto-a-ruler-of to-the-ones to-having-had-stepped-together unto-it.

4:14 παραδοξως διασωθεις] παραδοξωσωθεις V* παραδοξως σωθεις V1?

(175-170 B.C.)

4Ma 4:15 Τελευτήσαντος δὲ Σελεύκου τοῦ βασιλέως, διαδέχεται τὴν ἀρχὴν ὁ υἱὸς αὐτοῦ Ἀντίοχος Ἐπιφανής, ἀνὴρ ὑπερήφανος, δεινός·

Of-having-finished-together-of then-also of-a-Seleukos of-the-one of-a-ruler-of, it-receiveth-through to-the-one to-a-firsting, the-one a-son of-it an-Antiochos an-Epifanês, a-man manifested-over, dired-belonged-to;

Note: an-Epifanês (EPIFANHS) in 02 : pr the-one in 01; EPIFANHS also has the meaning manifestinged-upon in the Greek.

Note: dired-belonged-to in 02 : pr and in 01.

Seleukos d. 94 B.C. : Antiochos Epiphanes reigned 94-93 B.C.

4:15 τελευτησαντος . . . ανηρ paene evanuere in V | ο υιος] om ο ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | Επιφανης] pr ο ℵ | δεινος] pr και ℵ

(175-170 B.C.)

4Ma 4:16 ὃς καταλύσας τὸν Ὀνίαν τῆς ἀρχιερωσύνης Ἰάσονα τὸν ἀδελφὸν αὐτοῦ κατέστησεν ἀρχιερέα,

which having-loosed-down to-the-one to-an-Onias of-the-one of-a-first-en-sacredingedness to-an-Iasôn to-the-one to-brethrened of-it it-stood-down to-a-first-sacreder-of,

4:16 ος] και V | Ονειαν ℵ | Ιασωνα V

(175-170 B.C.)

4Ma 4:17 συνθέμενον δώσειν, εἰ ἐπιτρέψειεν αὐτῷ τὴν ἀρχήν, κατ' ἐνιαυτὸν τρισχίλια ἑξακόσια ἑξήκοντα τάλαντα.

to-having-had-placed-together to-shall-have-given if it-may-have-turned-upon unto-it to-the-one to-a-firsting down to-a-being-in-unto-it to-thrice-thousand to-six-hundred to-sixty to-talantons.

4:17 συνθεμενος ℵ* (-νον ℵc.a) | τρισχιλια] χειλια ℵ* ²γ ℵc.b

(175-170 B.C.)

4Ma 4:18 ὁ δὲ ἐπέτρεψεν αὐτῷ ἀρχιερᾶσθαι καὶ τοῦ ἔθνους ἀφηγεῖσθαι.

The-one then-also it-turned-upon unto-it to-first-sacreder-unto and of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to to-lead-off-unto.

4:18 αρχιερασθαι] pr και ℵV | αφηγεισθαι του εθνους ℵ

(175-170 B.C.)

4Ma 4:19 ὃς καὶ ἐξεζήτησεν τὸ ἔθνος, καὶ ἐξεπολίτευσεν ἐπὶ πᾶσαν παρανομίαν·

Which and it-sought-out-unto to-the-one to-a-placeedness-belonging-to, and it-citizened-out-of upon to-all to-a-parceleeing-beside-unto;

Note: it-sought-out-unto (ECEZHTHSEN) in 02 : it-out-through-appealed-unto (ECEDIHTHSEN) in 01, which refers to imposing a [new/changed] way of life.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

4:19 om ος ℵ | εξεζητησεν] εξεδιητησεν ℵV

(175-170 B.C.)

4Ma 4:20 ὥστε μὴ μόνον ἐπ' αὐτῇ τῇ ἄκρᾳ τῆς πατρίδος ἡμῶν γυμνάσιον κατασκευάσαι, ἀλλὰ καὶ καταλῦσαι τὴν τοῦ ἱεροῦ κηδεμονίαν.

as-also lest to-stayeed upon unto-it unto-the-one unto-extremitied of-the-one of-a-fathering of-us to-a-striplet to-have-down-equipped-to, other and to-have-loosed-down to-the-one of-the-one of-sacred to-a-regarded-staying-unto.

Note: to-a-striplet : used to refer to a place of excercise with the removal clothing or to a place of education with the removal of previous beliefs.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

4:20 om αλλα και καταλυσαι A (hab ℵV)

(175-170 B.C.)

4Ma 4:21 ἐφ' οἷς ἀγανακτήσασα ἡ θεία δίκη αὐτόν τοι τὸν Ἀντίοχον ἐπολέμησεν.

Upon unto-which having-excess-vexed-unto, the-one deity-belonged a-coursing, to-it unto-the-one to-the-one to-an-Antiochos, it-warred-unto.

Note: unto-the-one in 02 : unto-them in 01.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

4:21 τοι] αυτοις ℵVrescr

(170-169 B.C.)

4Ma 4:22 ἐπειδὴ γὰρ πολεμῶν ἦν κατ' Αἴγυπτον Πτολεμαίῳ, ἤκουσέν τε ὅτι φήμης διαδοθείσης περὶ τοῦ τεθνάναι αὐτόν, ὡς ἔνι μάλιστα χαίροιεν οἱ Ἰεροσολυμεῖται, ταχέως ἐπ' αὐτοὺς ἀνέζευξεν.

Upon-if-then too-thus warring-unto it-was down to-an-Aiguptos unto-a-Ptolemaios, it-heard also to-which-a-one of-a-declaring of-having-been-given-through about of-the-one to-have-had-come-to-die to-it, as it-be-in most-such they-may-joy, the-ones Ierosolum-belongers, unto-quick upon to-them it-en-coupled-up.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

4:22 om γαρ ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | τε] δε Vrescr | ενι incertum est in V | οι Ιεροσολυμειται χαιροιεν ℵ | Ιεροσολυμιται V

(170-169 B.C.)

4Ma 4:23 καὶ ὡς ἐπόρθησεν αὐτούς, δόγμα ἔθετο ὅπως εἴ τινες αὐτῶν φάνοιεν τῷ πατρίῳ πολιτευόμενοι νόμῳ, θάνοιεν.

And as it-ravaged-unto to-them, to-a-thinking-to it-had-placed unto-which-whither if ones of-them they-shall-may-have-had-manifested unto-the-one unto-fathered-belonged citizening-of unto-a-parcelee, they-may-have-had-died-off.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

4:23 τινες] τις ℵ | φανιε̅| (sic) A

(170-169 B.C.)

4Ma 4:24 καὶ ἐπεὶ κατὰ μηδένα τρόπον ἴσχυεν καταλῦσαι διὰ τῶν δογμάτων τὴν τοῦ ἔθνους εὔνοιαν, ἀλλὰ πάσας τὰς ἑαυτοῦ ἀπειλὰς καὶ τιμωρίας ἑώρα καταλυομένας,

And upon-if down to-not-then-also-one to-a-turn it-was-force-holding to-have-loosed-down through of-the-ones of-thinkings-to to-the-one of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to to-a-goodly-en-mulling-unto, other to-all to-the-ones of-self to-poisings-off and to-value-wardings-unto it-was-seeeeing-unto to-being-loosed-down,

Note: to-a-goodly-en-mulling-unto in 02 : to-a-goodly-parceleeing-unto in 01.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

4:24 ευνοιαν] ευνομιαν ℵV | εορα A

(170-169 B.C.)

4Ma 4:25 ὥστε καὶ γυναῖκας, ὅτι περιέτεμον τὰ παιδία, μετὰ τῶν βρεφῶν κατακρημνισθῆναι, προειδυίας ὅτι τοῦτο πείσονται·

as-also and to-women, to-which-a-one they-had-cut-about to-the-ones to-childlets, with of-the-ones of-babes to-have-been-precipiced-down-to, to-having-had-come-to-see-before to-which-a-one to-the-ones-these they-shall-trek

Note: Gr. PEISONTAI (they-shall-trek) is Paradigm (they-shall-trek/they-shall-sure).

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

4:25 γυναικας] pr τας V

(170-169 B.C.)

4Ma 4:26 ἐπεὶ οὖν τὰ δόγματα αὐτοῦ κατεφρονεῖτο ὑπὸ τοῦ λαοῦ, αὐτὸς διὰ βασάνων ἕνα ἕκαστον τοῦ ἔθνους ἠνάγκαζεν, μιερῶν ἀπογευομένους τροφῶν, ἐξόμνυσθαι τὸν Ἰουδαισμόν.

upon-if accordingly the-ones thinkings-to of-it they-were-being-centered-down-unto under of-the-one of-a-people, it through of-abradants to-one to-each of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to it-was-up-arming-to, of-stained to-tasting-off-of of-nourishings, to-en-oath-out to-the-one to-an-Ioudas-belonging-to-of.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

4:26 κατεφρονητο V | του εθνους] τουτου θνους (sic) A | μιαρων ℵV | απογευσαμενους V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:1 Προκαθίσας γέ τοι μετὰ τῶν συνέδρων ὁ τύραννος Ἀντίοχος ἐπί τινος ὑψηλοῦ τόπου, καὶ τῶν στρατευμάτων αὐτῶν παρεστηκότων κυκλόθεν ἐνόπλων,

Having-sat-down-before-to too unto-the-one with of-the-ones of-seated-together, the-one a-tyrant an-Antiochos, upon of-a-one of-lofteed-of of-an-occasion, and of-the-ones of-amassings-to of-them of-having-had-come-to-stand-beside circled-from of-implemented-in,

Note: of-them in 02 : unto-it in 01.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

5:1 αυτων] αυτω ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:2 παρεκέλευεν τοῖς δορυφόροις ἕνα ἕκαστον τῶν Ἐβραίων περισπᾶσθαι, καὶ κρεῶν ὑείων καὶ εἰδωλοθύτων ἀναγκάζειν ἀπογεύεσθαι·

it-was-bidding-beside-of unto-the-ones unto-shank-beareed to-one to-each of-the-ones of-Ebra-belonged to-have-about-drawn-unto, and of-meats of-swine-belonged and of-image-surged to-up-arm-to to-taste-off-of;

Note: of-the-ones of-Ebra-belonged in 02 : to-Ebra-belonged in 01.

Note: to-have-about-drawn-unto in 02 : to-have-upon-drawn-unto in 01.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

5:2 των Εβραιων] Εβραιον ℵ* (των Εβραιων ℵc.a) | περισπασθαι] επισπασθαι ℵV | υιων AV* (υειων ℵVa) : item 6 | ιδωλοθυτων (λ sup ras ubi prius ν ut vid) ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:3 εἰ δέ τινες μὴ θέλοιεν μιεροφαγῆσαι, τούτους τροχισθέντας ἀναιρεθῆναι.

if then-also ones lest they-may-determine to-have-stain-devoured-unto, to-the-ones-these to-having-been-circuiteed-to to-have-been-sectioned-along-up-unto.

Note: to-having-been-circuiteed-to : in general used to refer to furnishing with wheels, here used of being tortured on a wheel, also used of being taken round, etc.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

5:3 τις ℵ* (τινες ℵc.a) | θελοιεν] θελουσι Vrescr (-λοιεν V*vid) | μιαροφαγησαι ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:4 πολλῶν δὲ συναρπασθέντων, εἷς πρῶτος ἐκ τῆς ἀγέλης Ἐβραῖος ὀνόματι Ἐλεάζαρος, τὸ γένος ἱερεύς, τὴν ἐπιστήμην νομικός, καὶ τὴν ἡλικίαν προήκων, καὶ πολλοῖς τῶν περὶ τὸν τύραννον διὰ τὴν ἡλικίαν γνώριμος, παρήχθη πλησίον αὐτοῦ.

Of-much then-also of-having-been-through-snatched-to, one most-before out of-the-one of-a-herd Ebra-belonged, unto-a-naming-to an-Eleazaros, to-the-one to-a-becomeedness a-sacreder-of, to-the-one to-a-standing-upon parcelee-belonged-of, and to-the-one to-a-staturing-unto arriving-before, and unto-much of-the-ones about to-the-one to-a-tyrant through to-the-one to-a-staturing-unto acquainted-belonged-unto, it-was-led-beside to-nigh-belonged of-it.

Note: Ebra-belonged in 02 : omit in 01.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

5:4 om Εβραιος ℵ | ονοματι] τουνομα V (sed νομα rescr partim sup ras : bis scripsisse vid συναπ. εις πρωτος V*) | γνωριμος] + δια την φιλοσοφιαν V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:5 καὶ αὐτὸν ἰδὼν ὁ Ἀντίοχος ἔφη

And to-it having-had-seen, the-one an-Antiochos, it-was-declaring,

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:6 Ἐγὼ πρὶν ἄρξασθαι τῶν κατὰ σοῦ βασάνων, ὦ πρεσβῦτα, συμβουλεύσαιμ' ἄν σοι ταῦτα ὅπως ἀπογευσάμενος τῶν ὑείων σώζοιο· αἰδοῦμαι γάρ σου τὴν ἡλικίαν καὶ τὴν πολιάν, ἣν μετὰ τοσοῦτον ἔχων χρόνον οὔ μοι δοκεῖς φιλοσοφεῖν, τῇ Ἰουδαίων χρώμενος θρησκείᾳ.

I, ere to-have-firsted of-the-ones down of-thee of-abradants, oh More-elder, I-may-have-purposed-together-of ever unto-thee to-the-ones-these unto-which-whither having-tasted-off-of of-the-ones of-swine-belonged thou-may-be-saved-to; I-un-sight-unto too-thus of-thee to-the-one to-a-staturing-unto and to-the-one to-a-hoaring-unto, to-which with to-the-one-which-the-one-this holding to-a-while not unto-me thou-think-unto to-wisdom-care-unto, unto-the-one of-Iouda-belonged affording-unto unto-a-religioning-of.

Note: to-a-hoaring-unto : used to refer to greying, i.e. from darker to lighter, of hair in aging, of skin in some diseases, etc.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

5:6 εγω] + πρεσβυτα ℵ | om ω πρεσβυτα ℵ | οσουτον A* (τ superscr A1) | θρησκια ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:7 διὰ τί γὰρ τῆς φύσεως κεχαρισμένης καλλίστην τὴν τοῦδε τοῦ ζώου σαρκοφαγίαν βδελύττῃ;

Through to-what-one too-thus of-the-one of-a-spawning of-having-had-come-to-grant-to to-most-seemly to-the-one of-the-one-then-also of-the-one of-a-lifelet to-a-flesh-devouring-unto thou-abhorrer?

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

5:7 κεχαρισμενης] χ sup ras ℵ1 | την τουδε του ζωου] τουτου του ζ. Vvid

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:8 καὶ γὰρ ἀνόητον τοῦτο τὸ μὴ ἀπολαύειν τῶν χωρὶς ὀνείδους ἡδέων, καὶ ἄδικον ἀποστρέφεσθαι τὰς τῆς φύσεως χάριτας.

And too-thus un-en-mulled the-one-this the-one lest to-revel-off of-the-ones of-spaced of-a-name-sighteedness of-pleasured, and to-un-coursed to-beturn-off to-the-ones of-the-one of-a-spawning to-grantings.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

5:8 των χωρις ονιδους ηδεω̅| κ δι sup ras et in mg Aa | αδικον] pr δι A? mg sinstr | αποστρεφει̅| ℵ* (-στρεφεσθαι ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:9 σὺ δέ μοι καὶ ἀνοητότερον ποιήσειν δοκεῖς, εἰ κενοδοξῶν περὶ τὸ ἀληθὲς

Thou then-also unto-me and to-more-un-en-mulled to-shall-have-done-unto thou-think-unto, if empty-reckoning-unto about to-the-one to-un-secludinged

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:10 ἔτι κἀμοῦ καταφρονήσεις ἐπὶ τῇ ἰδίᾳ τιμωρίᾳ· οὐκ ἐξυπνώσεις ἀπὸ τῆς φλυάρου φιλοσοφίας ὑμῶν;

if-to-a-one and-of-me thou-shall-center-down-unto upon unto-the-one unto-private-belonged unto-a-value-warding-unto; not thou-shall-en-sleep-out off of-the-one of-a-prattler of-a-wisdom-caring-unto of-ye?

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

5:10 καταφρονησειας Vrescr

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:11 καὶ ἀποσκεδάσεις σου τὸν λῆρον τὸν λογισμόν, καὶ ἄξιον τῆς ἡλικίας ἀναλαβὼν νοῦν φιλοσοφήσεις τὴν τοῦ συμφέροντος ἀλήθειαν,

And thou-shall-off-besperse-to of-thee to-the-one to-a-bizarration to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of, and to-deem-belonged of-the-one of-a-staturing-unto having-had-taken-up to-an-en-mulling-of thou-shall-wisdom-care-unto to-the-one of-the-one of-bearing-together to-an-un-secluding-of,

Note: to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of in 02 : of-the-ones of-fortheeings-to-of in 01.

4:19–5:11 multa recr Va sunt quae paene evanuerint in V

5:11 ληρον] cett desunt in V usque XII 1, folio codicis abscisso | των λογισμων ℵ | αναλαβωνουν A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:12 καὶ προσκυνήσας μου τὴν φιλάνθρωπον παρηγορίαν οἰκτειρήσεις τὸ σεαυτοῦ γῆρας;

and having-kissed-toward-unto of-me to-the-one to-mankind-cared to-a-lead-alongednessing-beside-unto thou-shall-pitier-unto to-the-one of-thyself to-an-oldeness?

5:12 οικτιρησεις A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:13 καὶ γὰρ ἐνθυμήθητι, ὡς εἰ καί τίς ἐστιν τῆσδε τῆς θρησκείας ἐποπτικὴ δύναμις, συγγνωμονήσειέν σοι ἐπὶ πᾶσιν δι' ἀνάγκην παρανομίᾳ γινομένῃ.

And too-thus thou-should-have-been-passioned-in-unto, as if and what-one it-be of-the-one-then-also of-the-one of-a-religioning-of beheld-belonged-upon-of an-ability, they-may-have-acquaintanced-together-unto unto-thee upon unto-all through to-an-arming-up unto-a-parceleeing-beside-unto unto-becoming.

Note: of-a-religioning-of in 02 : + of-ye in 01.

Note: unto-all in 02 : unto-all in 01.

5:13 om ως ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | θρησκειας] + υμων ℵ | συγνωμ. A συνγν. ℵ | πασιν] παση ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:14 Τοῦτον τὸν τρόπον ἐπὶ τὴν ἔκθεσμον σαρκοφαγίαν ἐποτρύνοντος τοῦ τυράννου, λόγον ᾔτησεν ὁ Ἐλεάζαρος.

To-the-one-this to-the-one to-a-turn upon to-the-one to-placed-out-of to-a-flesh-devouring-unto of-urgening-upon of-the-one of-a-tyrant, to-a-forthee it-appealed-unto, the-one an-Eleazaros.

5:14 εχθεσμο̅| ℵ* (εκθ. ℵc)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:15 καὶ λαβὼν τοῦ λέγειν ἐξουσίαν, ἤρξατο δημηγορεῖν οὕτως

And having-had-taken of-the-one to-forth to-a-being-out-unto, it-firsted to-locality-lead-alongedness-unto unto-the-one-this,

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:16 Ἡμεῖς, Ἀντίοχε, θείῳ πεπεισμένοι νόμῳ πολιτεύεσθαι, οὐδεμίαν ἀνάγκην βιαιοτέραν εἶναι νομίζομεν τῆς πρὸς τὸν νόμον ἡμῶν εὐπειθείας.

We, Antiochos, unto-deity-belonged having-had-come-to-be-sured unto-a-parcelee to-citizen-of, to-not-then-also-one to-an-arming-up to-more-dureeatedness-belonged to-be we-parcelee-to of-the-one toward to-the-one to-a-parcelee of-us of-a-goodly-suring-of.

5:16 Αντιωχε A | πεπεισμενω A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:17 διὸ δὴ κατ' οὐδένα τρόπον παρανομεῖν ἀξιοῦμεν.

Through-to-which then down to-not-then-also-one to-a-turn to-parcelee-beside-unto we-deem-belong.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:18 καίτοι εἰ καὶ κατὰ ἀλήθειαν μὴ ἦν ὁ νόμος ἡμῶν, ὡς σὺ ὑπολαμβάνεις, θεῖος, ἄλλως δὲ νομίζομεν αὐτὸν εἶναι θεῖον, οὐδὲ οὕτως ἐξὸν ἡμῖν ἦν τὴν ἐπὶ τῇ εὐσεβείᾳ δόξαν ἀκυρῶσαι.

And-unto-the-one if and down to-an-un-secluding-of lest it-was the-one a-parcelee of-us, as thou thou-take-under, deity-belonged, unto-other then-also we-parcelee-to to-it to-be to-deity-belonged, not-then-also unto-the-one-this being-out unto-us it-was to-the-one upon unto-the-one unto-a-goodly-revering-of to-a-reckonedness to-have-en-un-authoritied.

5:18 om και ℵ | ημων] η ℵ* (ημ. ℵc.a) | om συ ℵ | ενομιζομεν ℵ | ην ημι̅| ℵ | ευσεβια ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:19 μὴ μικρὰν οὖν εἶναι νομίσῃς ταύτην, εἰ μιεροφαγήσαιμεν, ἁμαρτίαν.

Lest to-small accordingly to-be thou-might-have-parceleed-to to-the-one-this, if we-may-have-stain-devoured-unto, to-an-un-adjusting-along-unto.

5:19 μιαροφαγ. ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:20 τὸ γὰρ ἐν μικροῖς καὶ ἐν μεγάλοις παρανομεῖν ἰσοδύναμόν ἐστιν·

The-one too-thus in unto-small and in unto-great to-parcelee-beside-unto same-abled it-be;

5:20 εν I°] επι ℵ | om εν 2° ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:21 δι' ἑκατέρου γὰρ ὡς ὁμοίως ὁ νόμος ὑπερηφανεῖται.

through of-more-each too-thus as unto-along-belonged the-one a-parcelee it-be-manifested-over-unto.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:22 χλευάζεις δὲ ἡμῶν τὴν φιλοσοφίαν, ὥσπερ οὐ μετὰ εὐλογιστίας ἐν αὐτῇ βιούντων.

Thou-jeer-to then-also of-us to-the-one to-a-wisdom-caring-unto, as-very not with of-a-most-goodly-fortheeing-unto in unto-it of-en-dureeating.

5:22 χλευαζει A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:23 σωφροσύνην τε γὰρ ἡμᾶς ἐκδιδάσκει, ὥστε πασῶν τῶν ἡδονῶν καὶ ἐπιθυμιῶν κρατεῖν, καὶ ἀνδρείαν ἐξασκεῖν, ὥστε πάντα πόνον ἑκουσίως ὑπομένειν·

To-a-rational-centeringedness also too-thus to-us it-veer-veerateth-out, as-also of-all of-the-ones of-pleasurings and of-passionings-upon-unto to-secure-unto, and to-a-manning-of to-holden-along-out-unto, as-also to-all to-a-necessitatee unto-be-out-belonged to-stay-under;

5:23 ανδριαν ℵ| εξασκειν] εκδιδασκειν ℵ* (εξασκειν ℵc : ν vid improbasse ℵc.a (?) restit ℵc.b)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:24 καὶ δικαιοσύνην παιδεύει, ὥστε διὰ πάντων τῶν ἠθῶν ἰσονομεῖν καὶ εὐσέβειαν διδάσκειν, ὥστε μόνον τὸν ὄντα θεὸν σέβειν μεγαλοπρεπῶς.

And to-a-course-belongingedness it-childeth-of, as-also through of-all of-the-ones of-beplaceednesses to-same-parcelee-unto and to-a-goodly-revering-of to-veer-veerate, as-also to-stayeed to-the-one to-being to-a-Deity to-revere-unto unto-greatly-befittinged.

Note: to-veer-veerate in 02 : it-veer-veerateth-out in 01.

5:24 παιδευειν A | διδασκειν] εκδιδασκει ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:25 διὸ οὐ μιεροφαγοῦμεν· πιστεύοντες γὰρ θεοῦ καθεστάναι τὸν νόμον, οἴδαμεν ὅτι καὶ κατὰ φύσιν ἡμῖν συνπαθεῖ νομοθετῶν ὁ τοῦ κόσμου κτίστης·

Through-to-which not we-stain-devour-unto; trusting-of too-thus of-a-Deity to-have-had-come-to-stand-down to-the-one to-a-parcelee, we-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one and down to-a-spawning unto-us it-trekketh-together-unto parcelee-placing-unto, the-one of-the-one of-an-orderation a-befounder;

Note: and in 02 : omit in 01.

5:25 μιαροφαγ. ℵ | καθισταναι A | om και ℵ | συνπαθη ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:26 τὰ μὲν οἰκειωθησόμενα ἡμῶν ταῖς ψυχαῖς ἐπέτρεψεν ἐσθίειν, τὰ δὲ ἐναντιωθησόμενα ἐκώλυσεν σαρκοφαγεῖν.

to-the-ones indeed to-shall-having-been-en-house-belonged of-us unto-the-ones unto-breathings it-turned-upon to-eat-belong, to-the-ones then-also to-shall-having-en-ever-a-oned-in it-prevented to-flesh-devour-unto.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:27 τυραννικὸν δὲ οὐ μόνον ἀναγκάζεις ἡμᾶς παρανομεῖν, ἀλλὰ καὶ ἐσθίειν, ὅπως τῇ ἐχθίστῃ ἡμῶν μιεροφαγίᾳ ταύτῃ ἔτι ἐγγελάσῃς.

To-tyrant-belonged-of then-also not to-stayeed thou-up-arm-to to-us to-parcelee-beside-unto, other and to-eat-belong, unto-which-whither unto-the-one unto-most-en-enmitied of-us unto-a-stained-devouring-unto unto-the-one-this if-to-a-one thou-might-have-in-laughed-unto;

Note: if-to-a-one in 02 : omit in 01.

Note: thou-might-have-in-laughed-unto in 02 : thou-might-have-upon-in-laughed-unto in 01.

5:27 αναγκαζειν ℵ | παρανομειν αλλα και εσθιειν] μιαροφαγειν αλλ κ| παρανομειν ℵ* (παραν. αλλα κ. εσθ. ℵc.a) | εχθιστη] εκθιστη ℵ* εσχιστη ℵc.a | μιαροφαγια ℵ | om ετι ℵ | εγγελασης] επεγγελασης ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:28 ἀλλ' οὐ γελάσεις κατ' ἐμοῦ τοῦτον τὸν γέλωτα·

other not thou-shall-laugh-unto down of-ME to-the-one-this to-the-one to-a-laughter;

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:29 οὔτε τοὺς ἱεροὺς τῶν προγόνων περὶ τοῦ φυλάξαι τὸν νόμον ὅρκους οὐ παρήσω,

not-also to-the-ones to-sacred of-the-ones of-became-before about of-the-one to-have-guardered to-the-one to-a-parcelee to-fencees not I-shall-send-beside,

5:29 ουτε] ουδε ℵ* ου μα ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:30 οὐδ' ἂν ἐκκόψεις μου τὰ ὄμματα καὶ τὰ σπλάγχνα μου τήξεις.

not-then-also ever thou-shall-fell-out of-me to-the-ones to-beholdings-to and to-the-ones-bowels of-me thou-shall-melt.

5:30 εκκοψειας ℵ | μου 2° improb ℵc.a | τηξειας ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:31 οὐχ οὕτως εἰμὶ γέρων ἐγὼ καὶ ἄνανδρος, ὥστε μοι διὰ τὴν εὐσέβειαν μὴ νεάζειν τὸν λογισμόν.

Not unto-the-one-this I-be a-senior I and un-manned, as-also unto-me through to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of lest to-new-to to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:32 πρὸς ταῦτα τροχοὺς εὐτρέπιζε, καὶ τὸ πῦρ ἐκφύσα σφοδρότερον.

Toward to-the-ones-these to-circuitees thou-should-goodly-turn-to, and to-the-one to-a-fire thou-should-out-puff-unto to-more-vehemented.

Note: to-circuitees : used to refer to something circuited, the course or the thing designed, of wheels, hoops, mechanical rings, whirlwinds, circular tracks and boundaries, etc.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:33 οὐχ οὕτως οἰκτειρήσω τὸ ἐμαυτοῦ γῆρας, ὥστε με δι' ἐμαυτοῦ τὸν πάτριον καταλῦσαι νόμον.

Not unto-the-one-this I-shall-pitier-unto to-the-one of-myself to-an-oldeness, as-also to-me through of-myself to-the-one to-fathered-belonged to-have-loosed-down to-a-parcelee.

Note: I-shall-pitier-unto in 02 : I-pitier in 01.

Note: to-me in 02 : omit in 01.

5:33 οικτειρησω] οικτειρομαι ℵ | om με ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:34 οὐ ψεύσομαί σε, παιδευτὰ νόμε, οὐδὲ φεύξομαί σε, φίλη ἐγκράτεια·

Not I-shall-falsify to-thee, Childer-of Parcelee, not-then-also I-shall-flee to-thee, Cared Securing-in-of;

Note: I-shall-flee in 02 : I-shall-en-oath-out in 01.

5:34 φευξομαι] εξομουμαι ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:35 οὐδὲ καταισχυνῶ σε, φιλόσοφε λόγε, οὐδὲ ἐξαρνήσομαί σε, ἱερωσύνη τιμία καὶ νομοθεσίας ἐπιστήμη·

not-then-also I-shall-shamen-down to-thee, Wisdom-cared Forthee, not-then-also I-shall-deny-out-unto to-thee, En-sacredingedness Value-belonged and Parcelee-placing-unto Standing-upon;

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:36 οὐδὲ μιανεῖς μου τὸ σεμνὸν γήρως στόμα, οὐδὲ νομίμου βίου ἡλικίαν.

not-then-also thou-shall-stain-belong of-me to-the-one to-solemn of-an-oldeness to-a-becutteeing-to, not-then-also of-parcelee-belonged-unto of-a-dureeation to-a-staturing-unto.

5:36 μιανει ℵ* (-νεις ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:37 ἁγνόν με οἱ πατέρες προσδέξονται, μὴ φοβηθέντα σου τὰς μέχρι θανάτου ἀνάγκας.

To-holy to-me the-ones fathers they-shall-receive-toward, lest to-having-been-feareed-unto of-thee to-the-ones unto-lest-whilst of-a-death to-armings-up.

5:37 αγνον] + δε ℵc.a | εισδεξονται ℵ* (προσδεξ. ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 5:38 ἀσεβῶν μὲν γὰρ τυραννήσεις· τῶν δὲ ἐμῶν περὶ τῆς εὐσεβείας λογισμῶν οὔτε λόγοις δεσπόσεις, οὔτε δι' ἔργων.

Of-un-reveringed indeed too-thus thou-shall-tyrant-unto; of-the-ones then-also of-mine about of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of of-fortheeings-to-of not-also unto-forthees thou-shall-bind-do-of-to not-also through of-works.

Note: about in 02 : over in 01.

5:38 περι] υπερ ℵ | ευσεβιας ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:1 Τοῦτον τὸν τρόπον ἀντιρητορεύσαντα ταῖς τοῦ τυράννου παρηγορίαις, παραστάντες οἱ δορυφόροι πικρῶς ἔσυραν ἐπὶ τὰ βασανιστήρια τὸν Ἐλεάζαρον.

To-the-one-this to-the-one to-a-turn to-having-ever-a-one-uttered-of unto-the-ones of-the-one of-a-tyrant unto-lead-alongednessings-beside-unto, having-had-stood-beside, the-ones shank-beareed, unto-bittered they-dragged upon to-the-ones to-abraderlets to-the-one to-an-Eleazaros.

6:1 αντιρητορευσαντος ℵ* (αντιρρ. ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:2 καὶ πρῶτον μὲν περιέδυσαν τὸν γεραιὸν ἐκκεκοσμημένον τὴν περὶ τὴν εὐσέβειαν εὐσχημοσύνην.

And to-most-before indeed they-sunk-about to-the-one to-senior-belonged to-having-had-come-to-be-orderationed-out-unto to-the-one about to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of to-a-goodly-holdeningedness.

Note: to-having-had-come-to-be-orderationed-out-unto in 02 : to-having-had-come-to-be-orderationed-in-unto in 01.

Note: to-the-one about ... to-a-goodly-holdeningedness in 02 : unto-the-one about ... unto-a-goodly-holdeningedness in 01.

6:2 εκκεκοσμημενον] ενκοσμουμενον ℵ | τη περι την ευσεβιαν ευσχημοσυνη ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:3 ἔπειτα περιαγκωνίσαντες ἑκατέρωθεν, μάστιξιν κατῄκιζον,

Upon-if-to-the-ones having-curved-about-to more-each-unto-which-from, unto-thrashes they-were-un-resembling-down-to,

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:4 Πείσθητι ταῖς τοῦ βασιλέως ἐντολαῖς, ἑτέρωθεν κήρυκος ἐπιβοῶντος.

Thou-should-have-been-sured unto-the-ones of-the-one of-a-ruler-of unto-finishings-in, different-unto-which-from of-a-heralder of-upon-hollering-unto.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:5 ὁ δὲ μεγαλόφρων καὶ εὐγενὴς ὡς ἀληθῶς Ἐλεάζαρος, ὥσπερ ἐν ὀνείρῳ βασανιζόμενος κατ' οὐδένα τρόπον μετετρέπετο.

The-one then-also great-centeringed-of and goodly-becominged as unto-un-secludinged an-Eleazaros, as-very in unto-an-en-dreaming being-abraded-to down to-not-then-also-one to-a-turn it-was-being-turned-with;

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:6 ἀλλὰ ὑψηλοὺς ἀνατείνας εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς, ἀπεξαίνετο ταῖς μάστιξιν τὰς σάρκας ὁ γέρων, καὶ κατερρεῖτο τῷ αἵματι, καὶ τὰ πλευρὰ κατετιτρώσκετο,

other to-lofteed-of having-stretched-up into to-the-one to-a-sky to-the-ones to-eyes, it-was-being-fretted-off unto-thrashes to-the-ones to-fleshes the-one a-senior and it-was-being-flowed-down unto-the-one unto-a-rushering-to, and the-ones sides it-was-being-wounded-down,

Note: to-the-one in 02 : omit in 01.

6:6 τον ουρανον] om τον ℵ | ταις] τας A* (ι superscr A1) | τα (sic) πλευρας ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:7 καὶ πίπτων εἰς τὸ ἔδαφος, ἀπὸ τοῦ μὴ φέρειν τὸ σῶμα τὰς ἀλγηδόνας, ὀρθὸν εἶχεν καὶ ἀκλινῆ τὸν λογισμόν.

and falling into to-the-one to-a-beloweedness, off of-the-one lest to-bear to-the-one to-an-en-capsuling-to to-the-ones to-paineeings, to-straight-jutted it-was-holding and to-un-clininged to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of.

6:7 ορθρο̅| A | ακλινη] ν sup ras et η in mg A1

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:8 λάξ γέ τοι τῶν πικρῶν τις δορυφόρων εἰς τοὺς κενεῶνας ἐναλλόμενος ἔτυπτεν, ὅπως ἐξανίσταιτο πίπτων.

To-kicked too unto-the-one of-the-ones of-bitter a-one of-shank-beareed into to-the-ones to-emptiments jumping-in it-was-strikering, unto-which-whither it-may-be-stood-up-out falling.

Note: To-kicked : Adverbial with it-was-strikering; i.e. strikering him with kicks into the emptiments (stomach areas).

6:8 εξανιστατο ℵ* (-σταιτο ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:9 ὁ δὲ ὑπέμεινεν τοὺς πόνους καὶ περιεφρόνει τῆς ἀνάγκης καὶ διεκαρτέρει τοὺς αἰκισμούς,

The-one then-also it-stayed-under to-the-ones to-necessitatees and it-was-centering-about-unto of-the-one of-an-arming-up and it-was-securing-through-unto to-the-ones to-un-resemblings-to-of.

Note: it-stayed-under in 02 : it-was-staying-under in 01.

6:9 υπεμενε ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:10 καὶ καθάπερ γενναῖος ἀθλητὴς τυπτόμενος ἐνίκα τοὺς βασανίζοντας ὁ γέρων.

And down-to-which-very generated-belonged a-dasher-along being-strikered it-was-mull-belonging-of-unto to-the-ones to-abrading-to, the-one a-senior.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:11 ἱδρῶν γέ τοι τὸ πρόσωπον, καὶ ἐπασθμαίνων σφοδρῶς, καὶ ὑπ' αὐτῶν τῶν βασανιζόντων ἐθαυμάζετο ἐπὶ τῇ εὐτυχίᾳ.

En-sweating too unto-the-one to-the-one to-looked-toward and gasping-upon unto-vehemented, and under of-them of-the-ones of-abrading-to it-was-being-marveled-to upon unto-the-one unto-a-goodly-actuating-unto.

Note: unto-a-goodly-actuating-unto in 02 : unto-a-goodly-breathing-unto in 01.

6:11 γε] γεν (sic) A | om επι ℵ | ευτυχια] ευψυχια ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:12 ὅθεν τὰ μὲν ἐλεῶντες τὰ τοῦ γήρως αὐτοῦ,

Which-from to-the-ones indeed besectionating-unto to-the-ones of-the-one of-an-oldeness of-it,

Note: besectionating-unto : from ELEAW, the focus being on the subject, while with the otherwise unnoted ELEEW case, the focus is on the object.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:13 τὰ δὲ ἐν συνπαθείᾳ τῆς συνηθείας ὄντες, τὰ δὲ ἐν θαυμαστῷ τῆς καρτερίας προσιόντες αὐτῷ τινες τῶν τοῦ βασιλέως ἔλεγον

to-the-ones then-also in unto-a-trekking-together-of of-the-one of-a-beplaceeing-together-of being, to-the-ones then-also in unto-marveled-to of-the-one of-a-more-securing-unto being-toward unto-it, ones of-the-ones of-the-one of-a-ruler-of they-were-forthing,

Note: unto-marveled-to in 02 : unto-a-marveling-to-of in 01.

Note: of-the-ones in 02 : omit in 01.

6:13 της συνηθειας (ϊυν. A* συν. A?)] την συνηθειαν ℵ* (της συνηθειας ℵc.a) | θαυμαστω] θαυμασμω ℵ | των του βασ.] om των ℵ

HS reads Gr. 4Ma 6:14 Τί τοῖς κακοῖς τούτοις σεαυτὸν ἀλογίστως ἀπόλλεις, Ἐλεαζάρ;

To-what-one unto-the-ones unto-wedge-wedged unto-the-ones-these to-thyself unto-un-fortheeable thou-loose-off, Eleazaros?

6:14 om τι ℵ* (hab ℵ1?c) | απολλεις αλογιστως ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:15 ἡμεῖς μὲν τῶν ἡψημένων βρωμάτων παραθήσομεν· σὺ δὲ ὑποκρινόμενος τῶν ὑείων ἀπογεύσασθαι, σώθητι.

We indeed of-the-ones of-being-seethed of-feedeeings-to we-shall-place-beside; thou then-also separating-under of-the-ones of-swine-belonged to-have-tasted-off-of, thou-should-have-been-saved-to.

6:15 μεν] μεντοι ℵ | συ] σε A | αποκρινομενος ℵc.a (postea restit υποκρ.) | απογευεσθαι ℵ | σωζοιο ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:16 Καὶ ὁ Ἐλεάζαρος, ὥσπερ πικρότερον διὰ τῆς συμβουλίας αἰκισθείς, ἀνεβόησεν

And the-one an-Eleazaros, as-very to-more-bitter through of-the-one of-a-purposing-together-unto having-been-un-resembled-to, it-up-hollered-unto,

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:17 Μὴ οὕτως κακῶς φρονήσαιμεν, οἱ Ἀβραὰμ παῖδες, ὥστε μαλακοψυχήσαντας ἀπρεπὲς ἡμῖν δρᾶμα ὑποκρίνασθαι.

Lest unto-the-one-this unto-wedge-wedged we-may-have-centered-unto, the-ones of-an-Abraam children, as-also to-having-soft-breathed-unto to-un-befittinged unto-us to-an-acting-to to-have-separated-under.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:18 καὶ γὰρ ἀλόγιστον, εἰ πρὸς ἀλήθειαν ζήσαντες τὸν μέχρι γήρως βίον, καὶ τὴν ἐπ' αὐτῶν δόξαν νομίμως φυλάσσοντες, εἰ νῦν μεταβαλοίμεθα,

And too-thus to-un-fortheed, if toward to-an-un-secluding-of having-lifed-unto to-the-one unto-lest-whilst of-an-oldeness to-a-dureeation, and to-the-one upon of-them to-a-reckonedness unto-parcelee-belonged-to guardering, if now we-may-have-had-casted-with,

6:18 ζησαντας ℵc.a | αυτων] αυτω ℵ | φυλαξαντες ℵc.a | om ει 2° ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:19 καὶ αὐτοὶ μὲν ἡμεῖς γενοίμεθα τοῖς νέοις ἀσεβείας τύπος, ἵνα παράδειγμα γενώμεθα τῆς μιεροφαγίας.

and them indeed we we-may-have-had-became unto-the-ones unto-new of-an-un-revering-of a-strike, so to-a-showing-beside-to we-might-have-had-became of-the-one of-a-stained-devouring-unto.

6:19 γενοιμεθα] γενομεθα A γενωμεθα ℵ | μιαροφαγιας ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:20 αἰσχρὸν γὰρ εἰ ἐπιβιώσομεν ὀλίγον χρόνον, καὶ τοῦτον καταγελώμενοι πρὸς ἁπάντων ἐπὶ δειλίᾳ·

En-shamed too-thus if we-shall-en-dureeate-upon to-little to-a-while, and to-the-one-this being-down-laughed-unto toward of-along-all upon unto-a-diring-unto;

Note: too-thus in 02 : then-also in 01.

6:20 γαρ] δε ℵ | προς απαντων] υπο παντων ℵ | δειλια] διλια A* διλεια A1

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:21 καὶ ὑπὸ μὲν τοῦ τυράννου καταφρονηθῶμεν ὡς ἄνανδροι, τὸν δὲ θεῖον ἡμῶν νόμον μέχρι θανάτου μὴ προασπίσαιμεν.

and under indeed of-the-one of-a-tyrant we-might-have-been-centered-down-unto as un-manned, to-the-one then-also to-deity-belonged of-us to-a-parcelee unto-lest-whilst of-a-death lest we-may-have-sparred-along-before-to.

6:21–22 προασπισαιμεν προς ταυτα· A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:22 πρὸς ταῦτα ὑμεῖς μέν, ὦ Ἀβραὰμ παῖδες, εὐγενῶς ὑπὲρ τῆς εὐσεβείας τελευτᾶτε.

Toward to-the-ones-these ye indeed, oh of-an-Abraam Children, unto-goodly-becominged over of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of ye-should-finish-of-unto.

6:21–22 προασπισαιμεν προς ταυτα· A

6:22 om προς ταυτα ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:23 οἱ δὲ τοῦ τυράννου δορυφόροι, τί μέλλετε;

The-ones then-also of-the-one of-a-tyrant Shank-beareed, to-what-one ye-pend?

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:24 Πρὸς τὰς ἀνάγκας οὕτως μεγαλοφρονοῦντα αὐτὸν ἰδόντες, καὶ μηδὲ πρὸς τὸν οἰκτειρμὸν αὐτῶν μεταβαλλόμενοι, ἐπὶ τὸ πῦρ αὐτὸν ἤγαγον.

Toward to-the-ones to-armings-up unto-the-one-this to-great-centering-unto to-it having-had-seen, and lest-then-also toward to-the-one to-pitieringed-of of-them being-casted-with, upon to-the-one to-a-fire to-it they-had-led.

Note: being-casted-with in 02 : to-being-casted-with in 01.

Note: they-had-led in 02 : they-were-leading-up in 01.

6:24 τον] ον sup ras ℵ1 | μεταβαλλομενον ℵ | ηγαγον] ανηγον ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:25 ἔνθα διὰ κακοτέχνων ὀργάνων καταφλέγοντες αὐτὸν ὑπερίπτοσαν καὶ δυσώδεις χυλοὺς εἰς τοὺς μυκτῆρας αὐτοῦ κατέχεον.

In-from-which through of-wedge-wedge-crafted of-vitals blazing-down to-it they-flung-over and to-onerously-odoringed to-broths into to-the-ones to-snouts of-it they-were-pouring-down.

Note: of-vitals : used to refer to crucial but self contained components of a whole whether of en-capsuling-to organs or project tools or music orchestra.

6:25 υπερεπτοσαν A υπεριπτον ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:26 ὁ δὲ μέχρι ὀστέων ἤδη κατακεκαυμένος καὶ μέλλων λιποθυμεῖν, ἀνέτεινεν τὰ ὄμματα πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ εἶπεν

The-one then-also unto-lest-whilst of-en-bonings which-then having-had-come-to-be-burn-belonged-down and pending to-remainder-passion-unto, it-stretched-up to-the-ones to-beholdings-to toward to-the-one to-a-Deity, and it-had-said,

Note: of-en-bonings in 02 : pr. of-the-ones in 01.

6:26 οστεων] pr των ℵ | κατακεκαυμενος] κεκαυμενος ℵ | ανετεινε ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:27 Σὺ οἶσθα, θεέ, παρόν μοι σώζεσθαι, βασάνοις καυστικαῖς ἀποθνήσκω διὰ τὸν νόμον.

Thou thou-had-come-to-see, Deity, to-being-beside unto-me to-be-saved-to, unto-abradants unto-burn-belonged-of I-die-off through to-the-one to-a-parcelee.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:28 ἵλεως γενοῦ τῷ ἔθνει σου, ἀρκεσθεὶς τῇ ἡμετέρᾳ περὶ αὐτῶν δίκῃ.

Unto-sectionated thou-should-have-had-became unto-the-one unto-a-placeedness-belonging-to of-thee, having-been-lift-belonged-of-unto unto-the-one unto-ours about of-them unto-a-coursing.

Note: about in 02 : over in 01.

6:28 περι] υπερ ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:29 καθάρσιον αὐτῶν ποίησον τὸ ἐμὸν αἷμα, καὶ ἀντίψυχον αὐτῶν λάβε τὴν ἐμὴν ψυχὴν.

To-cleanse-belonged of-them thou-should-have-done-unto to-the-one to-mine to-a-rushering-to, and to-ever-a-one-breathed of-them thou-should-have-had-taken to-the-one to-mine to-a-breathing.

6:29 ποιησαι ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:30 καὶ ταῦτα εἰπὼν ὁ ἱερὸς ἀνὴρ εὐγενῶς ταῖς βασάνοις ἐναπέθανεν, καὶ μέχρι τῶν τοῦ θανάτου βασάνων ἀντέστη τῷ λογισμῷ διὰ τὸν νόμον.

And to-the-ones-these having-had-said, the-one sacred a-man, unto-goodly-becominged unto-the-ones unto-abradants it-had-died-off-in, and unto-lest-whilst of-the-ones of-the-one of-a-death of-abradants it-had-ever-a-one-stood unto-the-one unto-a-fortheeing-to-of through to-the-one to-a-parcelee.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:31 ὁμολογουμένως οὖν δεσπότης ἐστιν τῶν παθῶν ὁ εὐσεβὴς λογισμός.

Unto-being-along-fortheed-unto accordingly a-bind-doer it-be of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one goodly-reveringed a-fortheeing-to-of.

6:31 των παθων εστιν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:32 εἰ γὰρ τὰ πάθη τοῦ λογισμοῦ κεκρατήκει, τούτοις ἂν ἀπεδόμην τὴν τῆς ἐπικρατίας μαρτυρίαν.

If too-thus the-ones trekkeednesses of-the-one of-a-fortheeing-to-of it-had-come-to-secure-unto, unto-the-ones-these ever I-had-given-off to-the-one of-the-one of-a-securing-upon-unto to-a-witnessing-unto.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:33 νυνὶ δὲ τοῦ λογισμοῦ τὰ πάθη νικήσαντος, αὐτῷ προσηκόντως τὴν τῆς ἡγεμονίας προσνέμομεν ἐξουσίαν.

Unto-now then-also of-the-one of-a-fortheeing-to-of to-the-ones to-trekkeednesses of-having-mull-belonged-of-unto, unto-it unto-arrivinged-toward to-the-one of-the-one of-a-leadering-unto we-parcelee-toward to-a-being-out-unto.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:34 καὶ δίκαιόν ἐστιν ὁμολογεῖν ἡμᾶς τὸ κράτος εἶναι τοῦ λογισμοῦ, ὅπου γε καὶ τῶν ἔξωθεν ἀλγηδόνων ἐπικρατεῖ·

And course-belonged it-be to-along-forthee-unto to-us to-the-one to-a-securement to-be of-the-one of-a-fortheeing-to-of, to-which-of-whither too and of-the-ones out-unto-which-from of-paineeings it-secureth-upon-unto;

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 6:35 ἐπεὶ καὶ γελοῖον. καὶ οὐ μόνον τῶν ἀλγηδόνων ἐπιδείκνυμι κεκρατηκέναι τὸν λογισμόν, ἀλλὰ καὶ τῶν ἡδονῶν κρατεῖν, μηδὲ αὐταῖς ὑπείκειν.

upon-if and laugh-belonged. And not to-alone of-the-ones of-paineeings I-en-show-upon to-have-had-come-to-secure-unto to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of, other and of-the-ones of-pleasurings to-secure-unto, lest-then-also unto-them to-resemble-under.

Note: lest-then-also in 02 : and to-lest-then-also-one in 01.

6:35 improb και I° ℵc.a | κεκρατηκεναι] κρατει̅| ℵ| μηδε] και μηδεν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:1 Ὥσπερ γὰρ ἄριστος κυβερνήτης ὁ τοῦ πατρὸς ἡμῶν Ἐλεαζάρου λογισμός, πηδαλιουχῶν τὴν τῆς εὐσεβείας ναῦν ἐν τῷ τῶν παθῶν πελάγει,

As-very too-thus un-bounded a-helmer the-one of-the-one of-a-father of-us of-an-Eleazaros a-fortheeing-to-of, pedal-holdening-unto to-the-one of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of to-a-boat in unto-the-one of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses unto-a-vasteedness,

Note: un-bounded : used to refer to un-restricted, of persons, unsurpassed, best, finest, etc.

Note: unto-a-vasteedness : i.e. of the ocean.

7:1 αριστος] pr ο ℵ | πηδαλιου εχων A | ευσεβιας ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:2 καὶ καταικιζόμενος ταῖς τοῦ τυράννου ἀπειλαῖς καὶ καταντλούμενος ταῖς τῶν βασάνων τρικυμίαις,

and being-un-resembled-down-to unto-the-ones of-the-one of-a-tyrant unto-poisings-off and being-bucketed-down-unto unto-the-ones of-the-ones of-abradants unto-three-swellings-unto,

7:2 om και I° ℵ | om ταις του ℵ | improb και 2° ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:3 κατ' οὐδένα τρόπον μετέτρεψεν τοὺς τῆς εὐσεβείας οἴακας, ἕως οὗ ἔπλευσεν ἐπὶ τὸν τῆς ἀθανάτου νίκης λιμένα.

down to-not-then-also-one to-a-turn it-turned-with to-the-ones of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of to-steerings, unto-if-which of-which it-floated-of upon to-the-one of-the-one of-a-death of-a-mull-belonging-of to-a-harbor.

Note: it-turned-with in 02 : it-turned in 01.

Note: of-a-death in 02 : of-un-deathed in 01.

7:3 μετετρεψεν] ετρεψε ℵ | ευσεβιας A | θανατου] αθανατου ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:4 οὐχ οὕτως πόλις πολλοῖς καὶ ποικίλοις μηχανήμασιν ἀντέσχεν ποτὲ πολιορκουμένη, ὡς ὁ πανάγιος ἐκεῖνος τὴν ἱερὰν ψυχὴν αἰκισμοῖς τε καὶ στρέβλαις πυρπολούμενος ἐκίνησεν τοὺς πολιορκοῦντας, διὰ τὸν ὑπερασπίζοντα τῆς εὐσεβείας λογισμόν.

Not unto-the-one-this a-city unto-much and unto-varied unto-machinatings-to it-had-ever-a-one-held whither-also being-city-fenceed-unto, as the-one all-hallow-belonged the-one-thither to-the-one to-sacred to-a-breathing unto-un-resemblings-to-of also and unto-wrenchings being-fire-transpired-unto it-moved-unto to-the-ones to-city-fenceeing-unto through to-the-one to-sparring-along-over-to of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of to-a-fortheeing-to-of.

Note: being-fire-transpired-unto : used to refer to applying fire, of keeping a watch fire, or burning with fire, metaphorically of a bull coming into a rage, of pain or love, etc.

Note: it-moved-out-unto in 02 : it-mull-belonged-of-unto in 01.

7:4 αντεσχε ℵ | om τε ℵ | εκινησεν] ενικησεν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:5 ὥσπερ γὰρ πρόκρημνον ἄκραν τὴν ἑαυτοῦ διάνοιαν ὁ πατὴρ Ἐλεάζαρος ἐκτείνας, περιέκλασεν τοὺς ἐπιμαινομένους τῶν παθῶν κλύδωνας.

As-very too-thus to-precipiced-before to-extremitied to-the-one of-self to-an-en-mulling-through-unto the-one a-father an-Eleazaros having-stretched-out, it-broke-about to-the-ones to-raving-upon of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses to-billowings.

7:5 προκρημον A | Ελεαζαρ ℵ| μαινομενους] επιμαιν. ℵ | κλυδωνας sup ras A1

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:6 Ὦ ἄξιε τῆς ἱερωσύνης ἱερεῦ, οὐκ ἐμίανας τοὺς ἱεροὺς ὀδόντας, οὐδὲ τὴν θεοσέβειαν καὶ καθαρισμὸν χωρήσασαν γαστέρα ἐκοινώνησας μιεροφαγίᾳ.

Oh Deem-belonged of-the-one of-an-en-sacredingedness Sacreder-of, not thou-stain-belonged to-the-ones to-sacred to-teeth, not-then-also to-the-one to-a-deity-revering-of and to-a-cleansing-to-of to-having-spaced-unto to-a-stomach thou-en-together-belonged-to-unto unto-a-stained-devouring-unto.

Note: thou-en-together-belonged-to-unto in 02 : thou-en-together-belonged-to in 01.

7:6 ιεροσυνης A | θεοσεβιαν ℵ | εκοινωνησας] εκοινωσας ℵ | μιαροφαγια ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:7 ὦ σύμφωνε νόμου καὶ φιλόσοφε θείου βίου.

Oh Sounded-together of-a-parcelee and Wisdom-cared of-deity-belonged of-a-dureeation.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:8 τοιούτους δεῖ εἶναι τοὺς δημιουργοῦντας τὸν νόμον ἰδίῳ αἵματι, καὶ γενναίῳ ἱδρῶτι τοῖς μέχρι θανάτου πάθεσιν ὑπερασπίζοντας.

To-the-ones-unto-the-ones-these it-bindeth to-be to-the-ones to-locality-working-unto to-the-one to-a-parcelee unto-private-belonged unto-a-rushering-to, and unto-generated-belonged unto-an-en-sweating unto-the-ones unto-lest-whilst of-a-death unto-trekkeednesses to-sparring-along-over-to.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:9 σύ, πάτερ, τὴν εὐνομίαν ἡμῶν διὰ τῶν ὑπομονῶν εἰς δόξαν ἐκύρωσας, καὶ τὴν ἁγιαστίαν σεμνολογήσας οὐ κατέλυσας, καὶ διὰ τῶν ἔργων ἐπιστοποίησας τοὺς τῆς φιλοσοφίας λόγους.

Thou, Father, to-the-one to-a-goodly-en-mulling-unto of-us through of-the-ones of-stayings-under into to-a-reckonedness thou-en-authoritied, and to-the-one to-a-hallow-belonging-unto having-solemn-fortheed-unto not thou-loosed-down, and through of-the-ones of-works thou-trust-did-unto to-the-ones of-the-one of-a-wisdom-caring-unto to-forthees.

Note: of-a-wisdom-caring-unto in 02 : of-deity-belonged of-a-wisdom-caring-unto of-thee in 01.

7:9 ημων] υμων A | αγιαστιαν] απαστιαν ℵ | φιλοσοφιας] θειας φιλ. σου ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:10 ὦ βασάνων βιαιότερε γέρων, πυρὸς εὐτονώτερε πρεσβῦτα, καὶ παθῶν μέγιστε βασιλεῦ, Ἐλεαζάρ.

Oh of-abradants More-dureeatedness-belonged a-senior, of-a-fire More-goodly-stretched More-elder, and of-trekkeednesses Most-great Ruler-of Eleazaros.

Note: of-a-fire in 02 : pr. and in 01.

7:10 βιοτερε (sic) A | πυρος] pr και ℵ | πρεσβυ ℵ* (πρεσβυτα ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:11 Ὥσπερ γὰρ ὁ πατὴρ Ἀαρὼν τῷ θυμιατηρίῳ καθωπλισμένος, διὰ τοῦ ἐθνοπλήθους ἐπιτρέχων τὸν ἐμπυριστὴν ἐνίκησεν ἄγγελον,

As-very too-thus the-one a-father an-Aarôn unto-the-one unto-a-incenserlet having-had-come-to-be-implemented-down-to, through of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to-repleteedness circuiting-upon to-the-one to-a-fire-belonger-in it-mull-belonged-of-unto to-a-leadeeer,

7:11 om γαρ ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | om τον εμπυριστην ℵ* τον ενπυρισμον ℵc.a | αγγελον] pr τον ℵ* (improb ℵc.a) A* vid (ras A?)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:12 οὕτως ὁ Ἀαρωνίδης Ἐλεάζαρος διὰ τοῦ πυρὸς ὑπερτηκόμενος οὐ μετετράπη τὸν λογισμόν.

unto-the-one-this the-one Aarôn-seeinged an-Eleazaros through of-the-one of-a-fire being-melted-over not it-had-been-turned-with to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of.

7:12 Αρωνιαδης Avid | Ελεαζαρ ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:13 καίτοι τὸ θαυμασιώτατον, γέρων ὢν, λελυμένων ἤδη τῶν τοῦ σώματος πόνων καὶ περικεχαλασμένων δὲ τῶν σαρκῶν, κεκμηκότων δὲ καὶ τῶν νεύρων, ἀνενέασεν

and-unto-the-one the-one most-marvel-to-belonged, a-senior being, of-having-had-come-to-be-loosed-down which-then of-the-ones of-the-one of-an-en-capsuling-to of-necessitatees and of-having-had-come-to-be-about-slacked-unto then-also of-the-ones of-fleshes, of-having-had-come-to-weary then-also and of-the-ones of-sinews, it-up-newed-to

Note: of-having-had-come-to-be-loosed-down in 02 : + indeed in 01.

Note: of-necessitatees in 02 : of-stretched in 01.

Note: and {1st} in 02 : omit in 01.

7:13 λελυμενων] + μεν ℵ | πονων] τονων ℵ | om και I° ℵ | περιεχαλασμ. A | και 2°] αι sup ras Aa?

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:14 τῷ πνεύματι τοῦ λογισμοῦ, καὶ τῷ Ἰσακείῳ λογισμῷ τὴν πολυκέφαλον στρέβλαν ἠκύρωσεν.

unto-the-one unto-a-currenting-to of-the-one of-a-fortheeing-to-of, and unto-the-one unto-Isak-belonged unto-a-fortheeing-to-of to-the-one to-much-headed to-a-wrenching it-en-un-authoritied.

Note: of-the-one in 02 : pr. through in 01.

7:14 του λογισμου] pr δια ℵ | Ισακιω ℵ | ηκυρωσεν] ενικησεν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:15 ὦ μακαρίου γήρως καὶ σεμνῆς πολιᾶς καὶ βίου νομίμου, ὃν πιστὴ θανάτου σφραγὶς ἐτελείωσεν.

Oh of-bless-belonged a-senior and of-solemn of-a-hoaring-unto and of-a-dureeation of-parcelee-belonged-unto, to-which trusted of-a-death a-seal it-en-finish-belonged.

Note: of-a-hoaring-unto : used to refer to greying, i.e. from darker to lighter, of hair in aging, of skin in some diseases, etc.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:16 Εἰ δὲ τοίνυν γέρων τῶν μέχρι θανάτου βασάνων περιεφρόνησεν δι' εὐσέβειαν, ὁμολογουμένως ἡγεμών ἐστιν τῶν παθῶν ὁ εὐσεβὴς λογισμός.

If-then-also unto-the-one-now a-senior of-the-ones unto-lest-whilst of-a-death of-abradants it-centered-about-unto through to-a-goodly-revering-of, unto-being-along-fortheed-unto a-leader it-be of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one goodly-reveringed a-fortheeing-to-of.

Note: a-senior in 02 : a-man in 01.

Note: it-centered-about-unto in 02 : it-was-centering-about-unto in 01.

7:16 γερων] + ανηρ ℵ | περιεφρονει ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:17 ἴσως δ' ἂν εἴποιέν τινες, τῶν παθῶν οὐ πάντες περικρατοῦσιν· ὅτι οὐδὲ πάντες φρόνιμον ἔχουσιν τὸν λογισμόν.

Unto-samed then-also ever they-may-have-had-said, ones, of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses not all they-secure-about-unto; to-which-a-one not-then-also all to-centered-belonged-unto they-hold to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of;

7:17 om δ ℵ* (hab ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:18 ἀλλ' ὅσοι τῆς εὐσεβείας προνοοῦσιν ἐξ ὅλης καρδίας, οὗτοι μόνοι δύνανται κρατεῖν τῶν τῆς σαρκὸς παθῶν·

other which-a-which of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of they-en-mull-before-unto out of-whole of-a-heart, the-ones-these they-able to-secure-unto of-the-ones of-the-one of-a-flesh of-trekkeednesses;

7:18 ευσεβιας ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:19 οἱ πιστεύοντες, ὅτι θεῷ οὐκ ἀποθνήσκουσιν, ὥσπερ γὰρ οἱ πατριάρχαι ἡμῶν Ἀβραάμ, Ἰσαάκ, Ἰακὼβ, ἀλλὰ ζῶσιν τῷ θεῷ.

the-ones trusting-of to-which-a-one unto-a-Deity not they-die-off, as-very too-thus the-ones father-belonged-firsters of-us an-Abraam, an-Isaak, an-Iakôb, other they-life-unto unto-the-one unto-a-Deity.

Note: the-ones {1st} in 02 : omit in 01.

Note: too-thus in 02 : not-then-also in 01.

Note: an-Isaak, an-Iakôb in 02 : and an-Isaak and an-Iakôb in 01.

7:19 οι πιστ.] om οι ℵ | γαρ] ουδε ℵ | Ισαακ Ιακωβ] και Ισ. και Ιακ. ℵ | τω θεω] om τω ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:20 οὐδὲν οὖν ἐναντιοῦται τὸ φαίνεσθαί τινας παθοκρατεῖσθαι διὰ τὸν ἀσθενῆ λογισμόν.

Not-then-also-one accordingly it-be-en-ever-a-oned-in to-the-one to-be-manifested to-ones to-be-passion-secured-unto through to-the-one to-un-vigoringed to-a-fortheeing-to-of.

7:20 δια] pr η ℵ* (improb ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:21 ἐπεὶ τίς πρὸς ὅλον τὸν τῆς φιλοσοφίας κανόνα εὐσεβῶς φιλοσοφῶν, καὶ πεπιστευκὼς θεῷ,

Upon-if what-one to-whole to-the-one of-the-one of-a-wisdom-caring-unto to-a-bar unto-goodly-reveringed wisdom-caring-unto, and having-had-come-to-trust-of unto-a-Deity,

7:21 om ευσεβως ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:22 καὶ εἰδὼς ὅτι διὰ τὴν ἀρετὴν πάντα πόνον ὑπομένειν μακάριόν ἐστιν, οὐκ ἂν περικρατήσειεν τῶν παθῶν διὰ τὴν εὐσέβειαν;

and having-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one through to-the-one to-a-meriting to-all to-a-necessitatee to-stay-under bless-belonged it-be, not ever it-may-have-secured-about-unto of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses through to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of?

Note: to-a-goodly-revering-of in 02 : to-a-deity-revering-of in 01.

7:22 ευσεβειαν] θεοσεβειαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:23 μόνος γὰρ ὁ σοφὸς καὶ σώφρων ἀνδρεῖός ἐστιν τῶν παθῶν κύριος.

Stayeed too-thus the-one wisdomed and rationally-centeringed-of man-belonged it-be of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses, Authority-belonged.

Note: rationally-centeringed-of in 02 : omit in 01 which would infer the seemingly more probable authority-belonged (small case); direct YHVH references are rare in the Maccabee writings, which seem to follow the Judaistic rooted naming conventions that became even more extreme later.

7:23 ο σοφος] om ο ℵ | om σωφρων ℵ | των παθ.] pr ο ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 7:24 (4Ma 8:1) διὰ τοῦτό γε τοι καὶ μειρακίσκοι τῷ τῆς εὐσεβείας λογισμῷ φιλοσοφοῦντες χαλεπωτέρων βασανιστηρίων ἐπεκράτησαν.

(4Ma 8:1) Through to-the-one-this too unto-the-one and youth-belongings-of unto-the-one of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of unto-a-fortheeing-to-of wisdom-caring-unto of-more-harrowed of-abraderlets they-secured-upon-unto.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:1 (4Ma 8:2) Ἐπειδὴ γὰρ κατὰ τὴν πρώτην πεῖραν ἐνικήθη περιφανὴς ὁ τύραννος, μὴ δυνηθεὶς ἀναγκάσαι γέροντα μιεροφαγῆσαι,

(4Ma 8:2) Upon-if-then too-thus down to-the-one to-most-before to-an-across-belongedness it-was-mull-belonged-of-unto manifestinged-about the-one a-tyrant, lest having-been-abled to-have-up-armed-to to-a-senior to-have-stain-devoured-unto,

Note: unto-manifestinged-about in 02 : manifestinged-about in 01.

8:1 περιφανως ℵ | μιαροφαγησαι ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:2 τότε δὴ σφόδρα περιπαθῶς ἐκέλευσεν ἄλλους ἐκ τῆς ἡλικίας τῶν Ἐβραίων ἀγαγεῖν· καὶ εἰ μὲν μιεροφαγήσαιεν, ἀπολύειν φαγόντας· εἰ δ' ἀντιλέγοιεν, πικρότερον βασανίζειν.

to-the-one-which-also then to-vehemented unto-trekked-about it-bade-of to-other out of-the-one of-a-staturing-unto of-the-ones of-Ebra-belonged to-have-had-led; and if indeed they-may-have-stain-devoured-unto, to-loose-off to-having-had-devoured; if then-also they-may-ever-a-one-forth to-more-bitter to-abrade-to.

Note: of-a-staturing-unto in 02 : of-smooth-belonged in 01.

8:2 τοτε] τοδε A | ηλικιας] λειας ℵ | μιαροφαγησαιεν ℵ | δε] δ ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:3 ταῦτα διαταξαμένου τοῦ τυράννου, παρῆσαν ἀγόμενοι μετὰ γεραιᾶς μητρὸς ἑπτὰ ἀδελφοί, καλοί τε καὶ αἰδήμονες καὶ γενναῖοι καὶ ἐν παντὶ χαρίεντες.

To-the-ones-these of-having-arranged-through of-the-one of-a-tyrant, they-were-being-beside being-led with of-senior-belonged of-a-mother seven brethrened, seemly also and un-sightinged-of and generated-belonged and in unto-all grantinged-belonged.

8:3 διαταξαμενου] διαδεξαμ. A | επτα] ζ´ ℵ | αδημονες A* (αιδ. A1)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:4 οὓς ἰδὼν ὁ τύραννος καθάπερ ἐν χορῷ περιέχοντας μέσην τὴν μητέρα, ᾔσθετο ἐπ' αὐτοῖς, καὶ τῆς εὐπρεπείας ἐκπλαγεὶς καὶ τῆς εὐγενίας, προσεμειδίασεν αὐτοῖς, καὶ πλησίον καλέσας ἔφη

To-which having-had-seen, the-one a-tyrant, down-to-which-very in unto-a-chorus to-holding-about to-middle to-the-one to-a-mother, it-pleasured upon unto-them, and of-the-one of-a-goodly-befitting-of having-had-been-smitten-out and of-the-one of-a-goodly-becoming-unto, it-toward-smile-belonged-unto unto-them and to-nigh-belonged having-called-unto it-was-declaring,

Note: of-a-goodly-becoming-unto in 02 : of-a-goodly-becoming-of in 01.

8:4 om περιεχοντας ℵ* (hab post μητερα ℵc.a) | και της ευγενιας sup ras Aa? | ευγενειας ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:5 Ὦ νεανίαι, φιλοφρόνως ἐγὼ καθ' ἑνὸς ἑκάστου ὑμῶν θαυμάζω τὸ κάλλος· καὶ τὸ πλῆθος τοσούτων ἀδελφῶν ὑπερτιμῶν, οὐ μόνον συμβουλεύω μὴ μανῆναι τὴν αὐτὴν τῷ προβασανισθέντι γέροντι μανίαν,

Oh New-belongings, unto-care-centered I down of-one of-each of-ye I-marvel-to to-the-one to-a-seemlieedness; and to-the-one to-a-repleteedness of-the-ones-which-the-ones-these of-brethrened over-valuating-unto, not to-stayeed I-purpose-together-of lest to-have-had-been-raved to-the-one to-it unto-the-one unto-having-been-abraded-before-to unto-a-senior to-a-raving-unto,

8:5 βασανισθεντι ℵ* (προβ. ℵc.a II)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:6 ἀλλὰ καὶ παρακαλῶ συνείξαντάς μοι τῆς ἐμῆς ἀπολαῦσαι φιλίας· δυναίμην γὰρ ὥσπερ κολάζειν τοὺς ἀπειθοῦντάς μου τοῖς ἐπιτάγμασιν, οὕτως καὶ εὐεργετεῖν τοὺς εὐπειθοῦντάς μοι.

other and I-call-beside-unto to-having-resembled-together unto-me of-the-one of-mine to-have-reveled-off of-a-caring-unto; I-may-able too-thus as-very to-stricture-to to-the-ones to-having-un-sured-unto of-me unto-the-ones unto-arrangings-upon-to, unto-the-one-this and to-goodly-work-unto to-the-ones to-goodly-suring-unto unto-me.

Note: to-have-reveled-off in 02 : to-revel-off in 01.

Note: too-thus in 02 : then-also ever in 01.

Note: unto-the-one-this in 02 : of-which-unto-the-one in 01.

8:6 om και 1° II | ειξαντας II | απολαυειν ℵ απολλυειν II | γαρ] δ αν ℵ | ουτω ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:7 πιστεύσατε οὖν, καὶ ἀρχὰς ἐπὶ τῶν ἐμῶν πραγμάτων ἡγεμονικὰς λήμψεσθε, ἀρνησάμενοι τὸν πάτριον ὑμῶν τῆς πολιτείας θεσμόν·

Ye-should-have-trusted-of accordingly, and to-firstings upon of-the-ones of-mine of-practicings-to to-leading-belonged-of ye-shall-take, having-denied-unto to-the-one to-fathered-belonged of-ye of-the-one of-a-city-belonging-of to-a-placing-of;

8:7 αρνησαμενοι] αρνηθεντες ℵc.a | υμων] ημων A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:8 καὶ μεταλαβόντες Ἑλληνικοῦ βίου καὶ μεταδιαιτηθέντες ἐντρυφήσατε ταῖς νεότησιν ὑμῶν.

and having-had-taken-with of-Helên-belonged-of of-a-dureeation and having-been-with-through-appealed-unto ye-should-have-in-luxuried-unto unto-the-ones unto-newnesses of-ye.

Note: having-been-with-through-appealed-unto : refers to joining a desired course, of way of life, of decisions and arbitrations, of location of abode, etc.

8:8 μεταλαβοντες] λαβοντες ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:9 ἐπεὶ ἐὰν ὀργίλως με διάθησθε διὰ τῆς ἀπειθείας ὑμῶν, ἀναγκάσετέ με ἐπὶ δειναῖς κολάσεσιν ἕνα ἕκαστον ὑμῶν διὰ τῶν βασάνων ἀπολέσαι.

Upon-if if-ever unto-stressed to-me ye-might-have-had-placed-through through of-the-one of-an-un-suring-of of-ye, ye-shall-up-arm-to to-me upon unto-dired-belonged-to unto-stricturings to-one to-each of-ye through of-the-ones of-abradants to-have-destructed-off.

Note: of-ye {1st} in 02 : omit in 01.

8:9 απιθιας ℵ | om υμων 1° ℵ | δειναις] διναι A? (seq ras I lit A*)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:10 κατελεήσατε οὖν ἑαυτούς, οὓς καὶ ὁ πολέμιος ἔγωγε καὶ τῆς ἡλικίας καὶ τῆς εὐμορφίας οἰκτείρομαι.

Ye-should-have-besectionated-down-unto accordingly to-selves, to-which and the-one war-belonged I-too and of-the-one of-a-staturing-unto and of-the-one of-a-goodly-forming-unto I-pitier.

8:10 πολεμος A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:11 οὐ διαλογιεῖσθε τοῦτο, ὅτι οὐδὲν ὑμῖν ἀπειθήσασιν πλὴν τοῦ μετὰ στρεβλῶν ἀποθανεῖν ἀπόκειται;

Not ye-shall-forthee-through-to to-the-one-this, to-which-a-one not-then-also-one unto-ye unto-having-un-sured-unto to-beyond of-the-one with of-wrenched to-have-had-died-off it-be-situated-off?

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:12 ταῦτα δὲ λέγων, ἐκέλευσεν εἰς τὸ ἔμπροσθεν προτεθῆναι τὰ βασανιστήρια, ὅπως καὶ διὰ τοῦ φόβου πείσειεν αὐτοὺς μιεροφαγῆσαι.

To-the-ones-these then-also forthing, it-bade-of into to-the-one in-toward-from to-have-been-placed-before to-the-ones to-abraderlets, unto-which-whither and through of-the-one of-a-fearee it-may-have-sured to-them to-have-stain-devoured-unto.

8:12 om το II | προτεθηναι] τιθεναι ℵ| και] καν II | μιαροφαγησαι ℵc.b

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:13 ὡς δὲ τροχούς τε καὶ ἀρθρέμβολα στρεβλωτήριά τε καὶ τροχαντῆρας καὶ καταπέλτας καὶ λέβητας, τήγανά τε καὶ δακτυλήθρας, καὶ χεῖρας σιδηρᾶς καὶ σφῆνας καὶ τὰ ζώπυρα τοῦ πυρὸς οἱ δορυφόροι προέθεσαν, ὑπολαβὼν δὲ ὁ τύραννος ἔφη

As then-also to-circuitees also and to-en-linked-casteednesses-in, to-wrencherlets also and to-circuiteeers-unto and to-aegisers-down and to-cauldrons, to-pans also and to-digit-secludnesses, and to-hands to-iron and to-pries and to-the-ones to-life-fireednesses of-the-one of-a-fire the-ones shank-beareed they-placed-before, having-had-taken-under then-also, the-one a-tyrant, it-was-declaring,

Note: to-circuitees : used to refer to something circuited, the course or the thing designed, of wheels, hoops, mechanical rings, whirlwinds, circular tracks and boundaries, etc.

Note: to-aegisers-down : refers to a goat skin sling, i.e. a kind of catapult.

Note: to-life-fireednesses : used to refer to coals.

Note: then-also {2nd} in 02 : omit in 01.

8:13 τροχλους ℵ* (τροχους ℵ1) | αρθενβολους A αρθρεμβολας ℵ* (ς ras ℵ?) αρθρενβολα II | τροχαντηρια ℵ* (-ρας ℵc.a) | καταπελτας] π sup ras Aa? | om δε 2° ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:14 Μειράκια, φοβήθητε, καὶ ἣν σέβεσθε δίκην, ἵλεως ὑμῖν ἔσται δι' ἀνάγκην παρανομήσασιν.

Youthlets, ye-should-have-been-feareed-unto, and to-which ye-revere to-a-coursing, unto-sectionated unto-ye it-shall-be through to-an-arming-up unto-having-parceleed-beside-unto.

8:14 σεβεσται A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:15 Οἱ δὲ ἀκούσαντες ἐπαγωγὰ καὶ ὁρῶντες δεινά, οὐ μόνον οὐκ ἐφοβήθησαν, ἀλλὰ καὶ ἀντεφιλοσόφησαν τῷ τυράννῳ, καὶ διὰ τῆς εὐλογιστίας τὴν τυραννίδα αὐτοῦ κατέλυσαν.

The-ones then-also having-heard to-led-upon and seeeeing-unto to-dired-belonged-to, not to-stayeed not they-were-feareed-unto, other and they-ever-a-one-wisdom-cared-unto unto-the-one unto-a-tyrant, and through of-the-one of-a-most-goodly-fortheeing-unto to-the-one to-a-tyrantess of-it they-loosed-down.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:16 καίτοι λογισώμεθα· εἰ δειλόψυχοί τινες ἦσαν καὶ ἄνανδροι ἐν αὐτοῖς, ποίοις ἂν ἐχρήσαντο λόγοις; οὐχὶ τούτοις;

And-unto-the-one we-might-have-fortheed-to; if dire-breathed ones they-were and un-manned in unto-them, unto-whither-belonged ever they-afforded-unto unto-forthees? Unto-not unto-the-ones-these?

8:16 εν αυτοις και αναδροι ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:17 Ὦ τάλανες ἡμεῖς, καὶ λίαν ἀνόητοι· βασιλέως ἡμᾶς παρακαλοῦντος καὶ ἐπὶ εὐεργεσίᾳ φωνοῦντος, μὴ πεισθείημεν αὐτῷ;

Oh burdened we, and to-exceedingly un-en-mulled; of-a-ruler-of to-us of-calling-beside-unto and upon unto-a-goodly-working-unto of-sounding-unto, lest we-may-have-been-sured unto-it?

Note: of-calling-beside-unto in 02 : of-calling-unto in 01.

Note: of-sounding-unto in 02 : of-calling-beside-unto in 01.

Note: lest in 02 : if in 01C1.

8:17 ημεις sup ras Aa ημι ℵ* (ημις ℵ1, c.a) | παρακαλουντος] καλουντος ℵ | φωνουντος μη πισθ in mg et sup ras Aa | φωνουντος] παρακαλουντος ℵ| μη] η ℵ* ει ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:18 τί βουλήμασιν κενοῖς ἑαυτοὺς εὐφραίνομεν, καὶ θανατηφόρον ἀπειθίαν τολμῶμεν;

To-what-one unto-purposings-to unto-empty to-selves we-goodly-center, and to-death-beareed to-an-un-suring-unto we-venture-unto?

8:18 om κενοις ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | ευφρενουμεν ℵ* (-νομεν ℵ1)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:19 οὐ φοβησόμεθα, ἄνδρες ἀδελφοί, τὰ βασανιστήρια, καὶ λογιούμεθα τὰς τῶν βασάνων ἀπειλάς, καὶ φευξόμεθα τὴν κενοδοξίαν ταύτην καὶ ὀλεθροφόρον ἀλαζονίαν;

Not we-shall-fearee-unto, Men Brethrened, to-the-ones to-abraderlets, and we-shall-forthee-to to-the-ones of-the-ones of-abradants to-poisings-off, and we-shall-flee to-the-one to-an-empty-reckoning-unto to-the-one-this and to-destruction-beareed to-a-vaporing-unto?

Note: we-shall-fearee-unto in 02 : we-shall-be-feareed-unto in 01.

8:19 φοβηθησομεθα ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:20 ἐλεήσωμεν τὰς ἑαυτῶν ἡλικίας, καὶ κατοικτείρησωμεν τὸ τῆς μητρὸς γῆρας·

We-might-have-besectionated-unto to-the-ones of-selves to-staturings-unto, and we-might-have-pitiered-down-unto to-the-one of-the-one of-a-mother to-an-oldeness;

Note: we-might-have-pitiered-down-unto in 02 : we-might-have-pitiered-down in 01.

8:20 κατοικτιρωμεν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:21 καὶ ἐνθυμηθῶμεν, ὅτι ἀπειθοῦντες τεθνηξόμεθα.

and we-might-have-been-passioned-in-unto to-which-a-one un-suring-unto we-shall-have-had-come-to-die.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:22 συγγνώσεται δὲ ἡμῖν καὶ ἡ θεία δίκη δι' ἀνάγκην τὸν βασιλέα φοβηθεῖσιν.

It-shall-acquaint-together then-also unto-us, and the-one deity-belonged a-coursing, through to-an-arming-up to-the-one to-a-ruler-of unto-having-been-feareed-unto.

8:22 συγνωσεται (sic) A συνγνωσεται ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:23 τί ἐξάγομεν ἑαυτοὺς τοῦ ἡδίστου βίου, καὶ ἀποστεροῦμεν ἑαυτοὺς τοῦ γλυκέος κόσμου;

To-what-one we-lead-out to-selves of-the-one of-most-pleasured of-a-dureeation, and we-destitute-off-unto to-selves of-the-one of-sweet of-an-orderation?

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:24 μὴ βιαζώμεθα τὴν ἀνάγκην, μηδὲ κενοδοξήσωμεν ἐπὶ τῇ ἑαυτῶν στρέβλῃ.

Lest we-might-dureeate-to to-the-one to-an-arming-up, lest-then-also we-might-have-empty-reckoned-unto upon unto-the-one of-selves unto-a-wrenching.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:25 οὐδὲ αὐτὸς ὁ νόμος ἑκουσίως ἡμᾶς θανατοῖ φοβηθέντας τὰ βασανιστήρια.

Not-then-also it the-one a-parcelee unto-be-out-belonged to-us it-might-en-death to-having-been-feareed-unto to-the-ones to-abraderlets.

8:25 ουδε] ουδ ℵ | νομος ℵ] ναος A | om φοβηθεντας τα βασανιστηρια ℵ* (hab ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:26 πόθεν ἡμῖν ἡ τοσαύτη ἐντέτηκε φιλονεικία, καὶ ἡ θανατηφόρος ἀρέσκει καρτερία, παρὸν μετὰ ἀταραξίας ζῇν τῷ βασιλεῖ πεισθέντας;

Whither-from unto-us the-one the-one-which-the-one-this it-had-come-to-melt-in a-non-belongeedness-of-caring-unto, and the-one death-beareed it-pleaseth a-more-securing-unto, to-being-beside with of-an-un-stirring-unto to-life-unto unto-the-one unto-a-ruler-of to-having-been-sured?

Note: a-non-belongeedness-of-caring-unto (FILONEIKIA) : from FILOS and NH (see NHPIOS); contentiousness.

8:26 εντεθηκεν A εντετηκε ℵ | ζην] χρη A | πισθεντες ℵ* (-τας ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 8:27 ἀλλὰ τούτων οὐδὲν εἶπον οἱ νεανίαι βασανίζεσθαι μέλλοντες, οὐδὲ ἐνεθυμήθησαν.

Other of-the-ones-these to-not-then-also-one they-had-said, the-ones new-belongings, to-be-abraded-to pending, not-then-also they-were-passioned-in-unto.

8:27 νεανιαις A

HS reads Gr. 4Ma 8:28 ἦσαν γὰρ περίφρονες τῶν παθῶν, καὶ αὐτοκράτορες τῶν ἀλγηδόνων.

They-were too-thus centeringed-about-of of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses, and self-securers of-the-ones of-paineeings.

8:28 γαρ] + μελλοντες ℵ (improb ℵ1, c.a) | περιφρονες των παθων] π. τα των παθ. ℵ* (αν et ες superscr ℵc.a : fors παντες pro τα voluit) | αλγηδονων] ηδον sup ras Aa

HS reads Gr. 4Ma 8:29 ὥστε ἅμα τῷ παύσασθαι τὸν τύραννον συμβουλεύοντα αὐτοῖς μιεροφαγῆσαι, πάντες διὰ μιᾶς φωνῆς ὁμοῦ, ὥσπερ ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς ψυχῆς, εἶπον

As-also along unto-the-one to-have-ceased to-the-one to-a-tyrant to-purposing-together-of unto-them to-have-stain-devoured-unto, all through of-one of-a-sound of-alonged, as-very off of-the-one of-it of-a-breathing, they-had-said,

8:29 τω παυσασθαι] om τω ℵ του παυσ. II | συνβουλ. II | μιαροφαγησαι åII | δια] απο ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:1 Τί μέλλεις, ὦ τύραννε; ἕτοιμοι γάρ ἐσμεν ἀποθνήσκειν, ἢ παραβαίνειν τὰς πατρίους ἡμῶν ἐντολάς.

To-what-one thou-pend, Oh Tyrant? Readied too-thus we-be to-die-off, or to-step-beside to-the-ones to-fathered-belonged of-us to-finishings-in.

9:1 εσμεν] + ω τυραννε ℵ* (improb ℵ?) | αποθνησκειν] ο superscr A1 | πατριους] πατρωους ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:2 καὶ αἰσχυνόμεθα γὰρ τοὺς προγόνους εἰκότως, εἰ μὴ τῇ τοῦ νόμου εὐπειθείᾳ συμβούλῳ καὶ γνώσει χρησαίμεθα.

And we-shamen too-thus to-the-ones to-became-before unto-having-had-come-to-resemble, if lest unto-the-one of-the-one of-a-parcelee unto-a-goodly-suring-of unto-purposed-together and unto-an-acquainting we-may-have-afforded-unto.

Note: and {1st} in 02 : omit in 01.

Note: to-became-before in 02 : + of-us in 01.

Note: unto-an-acquainting in 02 : unto-a-Môuseus in 01.

9:2 om και 1° ℵ | προγονους] + ημων ℵ | ευπιθια ℵ | γνωσει] Μωϋσει ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:3 σύμβουλε τύραννε παρανομίας, μὴ ἡμᾶς μισῶν ὑπὲρ αὐτοὺς ἡμᾶς ἐλέα.

Purposer-together Tyrant of-a-parceleeing-beside-unto, lest to-us hating-unto over to-them to-us thou-should-besectionate-unto.

9:3 om ημας 2° ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:4 χαλεπώτερον γὰρ αὐτοῦ τοῦ θανάτου νομίζομεν εἶναί σου τὸν ἐπὶ τῇ παρανόμῳ σωτηρίᾳ ἡμῶν ἔλεον.

To-more-harrowed too-thus of-it of-the-one of-a-death we-parcelee-to to-be of-thee to-the-one upon unto-the-one unto-parceleed-beside unto-a-savioring-unto of-us to-a-besectionation.

Note: to-a-besectionation : a sectionating off from peril, affliction, misery, distress, predicament, etc.

9:4 αυτου] αυτους A | του bis scr ℵ* (improb 1° ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:5 ἐκφοβεῖς δὲ ἡμᾶς, τὸν διὰ τῶν βασάνων ἡμῖν θάνατον ἀπειλῶν, ὥσπερ οὐχὶ πρὸ βραχέως παρὰ Ἐλεαζάρου μαθών.

Thou-fearee-out-unto then-also to-us, to-the-one through of-the-ones of-abradants unto-us to-a-death of-poisings-off, as-very unto-not before unto-short beside of-an-Eleazaros having-had-learned.

9:5 θανατον ημιν ℵ | παρα] παρ ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:6 εἰ δ' οἱ γέροντες τῶν Ἐβραίων διὰ τὴν εὐσέβειαν καὶ βασανισμοὺς ὑπομείναντες ἀπέθανον, ἀποθάνοιμεν ἂν δικαιότερον ἡμεῖς οἱ νέοι, τὰς βασάνους τῶν σῶν ἀναγκῶν ὑπεριδόντες ἃς καὶ ὁ παιδευτὴς γέρων ἐνίκησεν.

If then-also the-ones seniors of-the-ones of-Ebra-belonged through to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of and to-abradings-to-of having-stayed-under they-had-died-off, we-may-have-died-off ever to-more-course-belonged we the-ones new, to-the-ones to-abradants of-the-ones of-thine of-armings-up having-had-seen-over to-which and the-one a-childer-of a-senior it-mull-belonged-of-unto.

Note: they-had-died-off in 02 : they-goodly-revered-unto in 01.

Note: a-childer-of in 02 : + of-us in 01.

9:6 Ευβραιων ℵ* (Εβρ. ℵ1, c.a) | ευσεβιαν ℵ | απεθανον] ευσεβησα̅| ℵ | υπερειδοτες ℵ* -ειδοντες ℵc.a | ους ℵ* (ας ℵc.a) | παιδευτης] + ημων ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:7 πείραζε γὰρ οὖν, τύραννε· καὶ τὰς ἡμῶν ψυχὰς εἰ θανατώσεις διὰ τὴν εὐσέβειαν, μὴ νομίσῃς ἡμᾶς βλάπτειν βασανίζων.

Thou-should-across-belong-to too-thus accordingly, Tyrant; and to-the-ones of-us to-breathings if thou-shall-en-death through to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of, lest thou-might-have-parceleed-to to-us to-ill abrading-to.

Note: too-thus accordingly in 02 : unto-the-one-too-thus-accordingly in 01.

9:7 γαρ ουν] τουγαρουν ℵ | ευσεβιαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:8 ἡμεῖς μὲν γὰρ διὰ τῆσδε τῆς κακοπαθείας καὶ ὑπομονῆς τὰ τῆς ἀρετῆς ἆθλα οἴσομεν,

We indeed too-thus through of-the-one-then-also of-the-one of-a-wedge-wedged-trekking-of and of-a-staying-under to-the-ones of-the-one of-a-meriting to-dashed-along we-shall-bear,

Note: to-dashed-along : used of a race and by implication its award.

Note: we-shall-bear in 02 : we-shall-hold and we-shall-be beside unto-the-one unto-a-Deity through to-which and we-trek in 01.

9:8 κακοπαθιας ℵ | οισομεν] εξομεν ℵ + και εσομεθα παρα τω θω̅ δι ο (δι ον ℵc.a) και ταυτα πασχομεν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:9 σὺ δὲ διὰ τὴν ἡμῶν μιαιφονίαν αὐτάρκη καρτερήσεις ὑπὸ τῆς θείας δίκης αἰώνιον βάσανον διὰ πυρός.

thou then-also through to-the-one of-us to-a-stained-slaying-unto to-self-lift-belonginged-of-unto thou-shall-more-secure-unto under of-the-one of-deity-belonged of-a-coursing to-aged-belonged to-an-abradant through of-a-fire.

9:9 ημων] υμων A | μιεφονιαν (sic) ℵ | καρτερησεις] καρτερηθ incep ℵ* (-ρησεις ℵ1) | improb δια πυρος ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:10 Ταῦτα αὐτῶν εἰπόντων, οὐ μόνον ὡς κατὰ ἀπειθούντων ἐχαλέπαινεν ὁ τύραννος, ἀλλ' ὡς καὶ κατὰ ἀχαρίστων ὠργίσθη.

To-the-ones-these of-them of-having-had-said, not to-stayeed as down of-un-conducing-unto it-harrowed, the-one a-tyrant, other as and down of-un-granted it-was-stressed-to.

9:10 αλλ ως και] αλλα και ως ℵ | καταχαριστων ℵ* κατα αχ. ℵ1

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:11 ὅθεν τὸν πρεσβύτατον αὐτῶν κελευσθέντες παρήγαγον οἱ μαστισταί, καὶ διαρρήξαντες τὸν χιτῶνα διέδησαν τὰς χεῖρας αὐτοῦ καὶ τοὺς βραχίονας ἱμᾶσιν ἑκατέρωθεν.

Which-from to-the-one to-most-eldered of-them having-been-bade-of they-had-led-beside, the-ones thrashers, and having-en-bursted-through to-the-one to-a-tunic they-binded-through to-the-ones to-hands of-it and to-the-ones to-more-short unto-straps more-each-unto-which-from.

Note: they-had-led-beside in 02 : they-were-leading-beside in 01.

Note: thrashers in 02 : sparrers-along-under in 01.

9:11 κελευθ. A | παρηγον ℵ | μαστισται] υπασπισται ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:12 ὡς δὲ τύπτοντες ταῖς μάστιξιν ἐκοπίασαν, μηδὲν ἀνύοντες, ἀνέβαλον αὐτὸν ἐπὶ τὸν τροχόν.

As then-also strikering unto-the-ones unto-thrashes they-fell-belonged-to, to-lest-then-also-one accomplishing, they-had-casted-up to-it upon to-the-one to-a-circuitee.

Note: to-a-circuitee : used to refer to something circuited, the course or the thing designed, of wheels, hoops, mechanical rings, whirlwinds, circular tracks and boundaries, etc.

9:12 ανεβαλον] ανεβαλλον ℵ* ανελαβον ℵc.a | επι] περι ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:13 περὶ ὃν κατατεινόμενος ὁ εὐγενὴς νεανίας ἔξαρθρος ἐγίνετο.

About to-which being-stretched-down, the-one goodly-becominged a-new-belonging, en-jointed-out it-was-becoming.

9:13 εξαρθος A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:14 καὶ κατὰ πᾶν μέλος κλώμενος κατηγόρει λέγων

And down to-all to-a-membereedness being-broken it-lead-alongednesseth-down-unto forthing," Note: it-lead-alongednesseth-down-unto in 02 : it-was-wedge-wedge-lead-alongednessing-unto in 01.

9:14 κατηγορει] εκακηγορι ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:15 Τύραννε μιερώτατε καὶ τῆς οὐρανίου δίκης ἐχθρὲ καὶ ὠμόφρον, οὐκ ἀνδροφονήσαντά με τοῦτον καταικίζεις τὸν τρόπον, οὐδὲ ἀσεβήσαντα, ἀλλὰ θείου νόμου προασπίζοντα.

Tyrant Most-stained and of-the-one of-skyed-belonged of-a-coursing En-enmitied and Raw-centeringed-of, not to-having-man-slayeed-unto to-me to-the-one-this thou-un-resemble-down-to to-the-one to-a-turn, not-then-also to-having-un-revered-unto, other of-deity-belonged of-a-parcelee to-sparring-along-before-to.

9:15 ωμοφρον] ομοφρω̅ A ωμοφρων ℵ | ανδροφρονησαντα A | καταικιζεις τον τροπον] τον τρ. βασανιζεις ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:16 καὶ τῶν δορυφόρων λεγόντων Ὁμολόγησον φαγεῖν, ὅπως ἀπαλλαγῇς τῶν βασάνων,

And of-the-ones of-shank-beareed of-forthing, Thou-should-have-along-fortheed-unto to-have-had-devoured, unto-which-whither thou-might-have-had-been-othered-off of-the-ones of-abradants,

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:17 ὁ δὲ εἶπεν Οὐχ οὕτως ἰσχυρὸς ὑμῶν ἐστιν ὁ τρόπος, ὦ μιεροὶ διάκονοι, ὥστε μου τὸν λογισμὸν ἄξαι. τέμνετέ μου μέλη, καὶ πυροῦτέ τὰς σάρκας, καὶ στρεβλοῦτε τὰ ἄρθρα·

The-one then-also it-had-said, Not unto-the-one-this force-held of-ye it-be the-one a-turn, Oh Stained Raisers-through, as-also of-me to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of to-have-led. Ye-should-cut of-me to-membereednesses, and ye-should-en-fire to-the-ones to-fleshes, and ye-should-en-wrench to-the-ones to-en-linkings;

Note: to-have-led (ACAI) in 02; rare 1st Aorist form of AGW : to-have-strangled in 01.

Note: to-members in 02 : pr. to-the-ones in 01.

Note: ye-should-en-fire in 02 : + of-me in 01.

9:17 ισχυρος] ισχυροτερος ℵ | εστιν ο τροχος] ο τροχος εστιν ℵ pr ισχυρ (sic) ℵ* (statim improb ℵ1) | μιαροι ℵ | αξαι] αγξαι ℵ | μελη] pr τα ℵ | πυρουτε] + μου ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:18 διὰ πασῶν γὰρ ὑμᾶς πείσω τῶν βασάνων ὅτι μόνοι οἱ παῖδες Ἐβραίων ὑπὲρ ἀρετῆς εἰσιν ἀνίκητοι.

through of-all too-thus to-ye I-shall-sure of-the-ones of-abradants to-which-a-one stayeed the-ones children of-Ebra-belonged over of-a-meriting they-be un-mull-belonged-of.

Note: the-ones in 02 : omit in 01.

9:18 οι παιδες] om οι ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:19 ταῦτα λέγοντες ἔτι πῦρ ἐπέστρωσαν, καὶ διερεθίζοντες τὸν τροχὸν προσεπικατέτεινον.

To-the-ones-these forthing if-to-a-one to-a-fire they-en-strewed-upon, and irking-through-to to-the-one to-a-circuitee they-were-stretching-down-upon-toward.

Note: forthing ... they-were-stretching-down-upon-toward in 02 : having-had-said [unto-forthing in 01C1] they-en-strewed-over to-a-fire and to-the-one [omit in 01C1] to-irking-through-to to-the-one to-a-circuitee they-were-stretching-down-toward in 01.

Note: to-a-circuitee : used to refer to something circuited, the course or the thing designed, of wheels, hoops, mechanical rings, whirlwinds, circular tracks and boundaries, etc.

9:19 ταυτα λεγοντες . . . προσεπικατετεινον] και ταυτα ειπων (λεγοντι pro ειπ. ℵc.a) υπεστρωσαν πυρ και το (improb το ℵc.a) διερεθιζον τον τροχο̅ και προσεκατετινον ℵ | ετι] εστι A | επετρωσαν A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:20 ἐμολύνετο δὲ πάντοθεν αἵματι ὁ τροχός, καὶ ὁ σωρὸς τῆς ἀνθρακιᾶς τοῖς τῶν ἰχώρων ἐσβέννυτο σταλαγμοῖς, καὶ περὶ τοὺς ἄξονας τοῦ ὀργάνου περιέρεον αἱ σάρκες.

It-was-being-sullied then-also from-all unto-a-rushering-to the-one a-circuitee and the-one a-heap of-the-one of-an-anthraxing-unto unto-the-ones of-the-ones of-grumes it-was-being-en-quelled unto-dribblings-of, and about to-the-ones to-axis' of-the-one of-a-vital they-were-flowing-about, the-ones fleshes.

Note: a-circuitee : used to refer to something circuited, the course or the thing designed, of wheels, hoops, mechanical rings, whirlwinds, circular tracks and boundaries, etc.

Note: of-grumes : used to refer to liquids ranging from thick to coagulated, here of pus.

Note: of-a-vital : used to refer to crucial but self contained component of a whole whether of en-capsuling-to organs or project tools or music orchestra.

9:20 τοις] ις sup ras Aa | αυξονας A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:21 καὶ περιτετμημένον ἤδη ἔχων τὸ τῶν ὀστέων πῆγμα ὁ μεγαλόφρων καὶ Ἀβραμιαῖος νεανίας οὐκ ἐστέναξεν·

And to-having-had-come-to-be-cut-about which-then holding to-the-one of-the-ones of-en-bonings to-a-pitching-to the-one great-centeringed-of and Abram-belonged a-new-belonging not it-narrowed-to;

9:21 περιτετηκμενον A περιτετμημενον ℵ | Αβραμιαιος] Αβρααμ᾿ ϋϊο_ς ℵ* Αβρααμιαιος ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:22 ἀλλ' ὥσπερ ἐν πυρὶ μετασχηματιζόμενος εἰς ἀφθαρσίαν, ὑπέμεινεν εὐγενῶς τὰς στρέβλας

other as-very in unto-a-fire being-holdened-with-to into to-an-un-degrading-unto, it-was-staying-under unto-goodly-becominged to-the-ones to-wrenchings,

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:23 Μιμήσασθέ με, ἀδελφοί, λέγων· μή μου τὸν αἰῶνα λειποτακτήσητε, μηδὲ ἐξομόσησθέ μου τὴν τῆς εὐψυχίας ἀδελφότητα· (4Ma 9:24) ἱερὰν καὶ εὐγενῆ στρατείαν στρατεύσασθε περὶ τῆς εὐσεβείας,

Ye-should-have-emulated-unto to-me, Brethrened, forthing; lest of-me to-the-one to-an-age ye-might-have-remainder-arranged-unto, lest-then-also thou-might-have-en-oathed-out of-me to-the-one of-the-one of-a-goodly-breathing-unto to-a-brethrenness; (4Ma 9:24) to-sacred and to-goodly-becominged to-an-amassing-of ye-should-have-amassed-of about of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of,

9:23 στρατιαν ℵ | εστρατευσασθε ℵ | ευσεβιας ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:24 δι' ἧς ἵλεως ἡ δικαία καὶ πάτριος ἡμῶν πρόνοια τῷ ἔθνει γενηθεῖσα τιμωρήσειεν τὸν ἀλάστορα τύραννον.

through of-which unto-sectionated the-one course-belonged and fathered-belonged of-us an-en-mulling-before-unto unto-the-one unto-a-placeedness-belonging-to having-been-became it-may-have-value-warded-unto to-the-one to-an-un-secluder to-a-tyrant.

9:24 ημων] η ℵ* (ημ. ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:25 καὶ ταῦτα εἰπὼν ὁ ἱεροπρεπὴς νεανίας ἀπέρρηξεν τὴν ψυχὴν.

And to-the-ones-these having-had-said, the-one sacred-befittinged a-new-belonging it-en-bursted-off to-the-one to-a-breathing.

9:25 improb και ℵc.a (vid) postea fort repos | απερηξεν ℵ* απερρ. ℵc

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:26 Θαυμασάντων δὲ πάντων τὴν καρτεροψυχίαν αὐτοῦ, ἦγον οἱ δορυφόροι τὸν καθ' ἡλικίαν τοῦ προτέρου δεύτερον, καὶ σιδηρᾶς ἐναρμοσάμενοι χεῖρας ὀξέσιν τοῖς ὄνυξιν, τοῖς ὀργάνοις καὶ καταπέλτῃ προσέδησαν αὐτόν.

Of-having-marveled-to then-also of-all to-the-one to-a-more-secured-breathing-unto of-it, they-were-leading, the-ones shank-beareed, to-the-one down to-a-staturing-unto of-the-one of-most-before to-second, and to-iron having-lifted-along-in-of-to to-hands unto-sharp unto-the-ones unto-unguises, unto-the-ones unto-vitals and unto-an-aegiser-down they-binded-toward to-it.

Note: unto-unguises : refers to bony composites as in fingernails and talons, also of the appearance of onyx, and of such composites in various applications.

Note: unto-the-ones unto-vitals in 02 : unto-a-vital in 01.

Note: unto-vitals : used to refer to crucial but self contained components of a whole whether of en-capsuling-to organs or project tools or music orchestra.

Note: unto-an-aegiser-down : refers to a goat skin sling, i.e. a kind of catapult.

9:26 δορυφοροι] incep δυρο ℵ* (δορυφ. ℵ1 vid, c) | προτερου] πρεσβυτερου ℵ | σιδηρεας ℵ* (-ρας ℵ?) | οξεσι ℵ | ονυξι ℵ | τοις οργανοις] οργανω ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:27 ὡς δ' εἰ φαγεῖν βούλοιτο πρὶν βασανίζεσθαι πυνθανόμενοι, τὴν εὐγενῆ γνώμην ἤκουσαν,

As then-also if to-have-had-devoured it-may-purpose ere to-be-abraded-to ascertaining, to-the-one to-goodly-becominged to-an-acquaintance they-heard,

9:27 την ευγ.] pr και ℵ | ηκουσαν] ακουσαντες ειλκυσαν ℵ improb ειλκ. ℵc.a, c.b

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:28 ἀπὸ τῶν τενόντων ταῖς σιδηραῖς χερσὶν ἐπισπασάμενοι, μέχρι γε τῶν γενείων τὴν σάρκα πᾶσαν καὶ τὴν τῆς κεφαλῆς δορὰν οἱ παρδάλιοι θῆρες ἀπέσυραν· ὁ δὲ ταύτην βαρέως τὴν ἀλγηδόνα καρτερῶν, ἔλεγεν

off of-the-ones of-stretchings unto-the-ones unto-iron unto-hands having-upon-drawn-unto unto-lest-whilst too of-the-ones of-edgelets to-the-one to-a-flesh to-all and to-the-one of-the-one of-a-head to-an-apartedness the-ones leoparded beasts they-dragged-off; the-one then-also to-the-one-this unto-weighted to-the-one to-a-paineeing more-securing-unto it-was-forthing,

Note: of-stretchings : refers to tendons.

Note: of-edgelets : used to refer to edges in general, particularly of axes, of person refers to the edge of the jaw, i.e. the lower jaw line, etc.

Note: they-dragged-off in 02 : they-were-dragging-off in 01.

9:28 σιδηραιαις ℵ* (-ραις ℵc.b) | om γε ℵ | παρδαλιοι AII] παρδαλεοι ℵ* -λαιοι ℵc.a | απεσυρον ℵ | βαρ. την αλγ.] την αλγ. γεννεως II

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:29 Ὡς ἡδὺς πᾶς τρόπος θανάτου διὰ τὴν πάτριον ἡμῶν εὐσέβειαν· ἔφη τε πρὸς τὸν τύραννον

As pleasured all a-turn of-a-death through to-the-one to-fathered-belonged of-us to-a-goodly-revering-of; it-was-declaring also toward to-the-one to-a-tyrant,

9:29 θανατου τροπος ℵII | ευσεβιαν ℵ : item 30 | om εφη τε πρ. τον τυρ. II

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:30 Οὐ δοκεῖς, πάντων ὠμότατε τύραννε, πλέιον ἐμοῦ σε νῦν βασανίζεσθαι, ὁρῶν σου νικώμενον τὸν τῆς τυραννίδος ὑπερήφανον λογισμὸν ὑπὸ τῆς διὰ τὴν εὐσέβειαν ἡμῶν ὑπομονῆς;

Not thou-think-unto, of-all Most-raw Tyrant, to-more-beyond of-ME to-thee now to-be-abraded-to, seeeeing-unto of-thee to-being-mull-belonged-of-unto to-the-one of-the-one of-a-tyrantess to-manifested-over to-a-fortheeing-to-of under of-the-one through to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of of-us of-a-staying-under?

Note: to-more-beyond in 02 : to-beyond in 01.

Note: now in 02 : omit in 01.

9:30 δοκ[ει] IIvid | πλειον] πλεον ℵ | om νυν ℵ | σου] σοι ℵ | τον της τυρ.] om τον ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | ημων] υμων A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:31 ἐγὼ μὲν γὰρ ταῖς διὰ τὴν ἀρετὴν ἡδοναῖς τὸν πόνον ἐπικουφίζομαι·

I indeed too-thus unto-the-ones through to-the-one to-a-meriting unto-pleasurings to-the-one to-a-necessitatee I-ease-upon-to;

9:31 om μεν ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | αρετην] [ευσεβει]αν IIvid | ηδονης A | των πονων II

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 9:32 σὺ δὲ ἐν ταῖς τῆς ἀσεβείας ἀπειλαῖς βασανίζῃ· οὐκ ἐκφεύξῃ δέ, μιερώτατε τύραννε, τὰς τῆς θείας ὀργῆς δίκας.

thou then-also ever unto-the-ones of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of unto-poisings-off thou-be-abraded-to; not thou-shall-flee-out then-also, Most-stained Tyrant, to-the-ones of-the-one of-deity-belonged of-a-stressing to-coursings.

9:32 ασεβειαις A | μιαρωτατε ℵII | τας] τα ℵ* (τας ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:1 Καὶ τούτου τὸν ἀοίδιμον θάνατον καρτερήσαντος, ὁ τρίτος ἤγετο, παρακαλούμενος πολλὰ ὑπὸ πολλῶν ὅπως ἀπογευσάμενος σώζοιτο.

And of-the-one-this to-the-one to-songed-along-belonged-unto to-a-death of-having-more-secured-unto, the-one third it-was-being-led being-called-beside-unto to-much under of-much unto-which-whither having-tasted-off-of it-may-be-saved-to.

10:1 post αοιδ. incep τ ℵ* (improb ℵ1) | υπο] απο ℵ* (υπο ℵc.a, c.b)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:2 ὁ δὲ ἀναβοήσας ἔφη Ἦ ἀγνοεῖτε ὅτι αὑτός με τοῖς ἀποθανοῦσιν ἔσπειρεν πατήρ, καὶ ἡ αὐτὴ μήτηρ ἐγέννησεν, καὶ ἐπὶ τοῖς αὐτοῖς ἀνετράφην δόγμασιν;

The-one then-also having-up-hollered-unto it-was-declaring, Verily ye-un-en-mull-unto to-which-a-one itself to-me unto-the-ones unto-having-had-died-off it-whorled, a-father, and the-one it a-mother it-generated-unto, and upon unto-the-ones unto-them I-had-been-nourished-up unto-thinkings-to?

Note: Verily in 02 : omit in 01.

10:2 om η 1° ℵ | αυτος] pr ο ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:3 οὐκ ἐξόμνυμαι τὴν εὐγενῆ τῆς ἀδελφότητος συγγένειαν.

Not I-en-oath-out to-the-one to-goodly-becominged of-the-one of-a-brethrenness to-a-together-becoming-of.

10:3 συγγενειαν] ευγενιαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:4 πρὸς ταῦτα εἴ τι ἔχετε κολαστήριον, προσαγάγετε τῷ σώματί μου· τῆς γὰρ ψυχῆς μου, οὐδ' ἂν θέλητε, ἅψεσθε.

Toward to-the-ones-these if to-a-one ye-hold to-a-stricturerlet, ye-should-have-had-led-toward unto-the-one unto-an-en-capsuling-to of-me; of-the-one too-thus of-a-breathing of-me, not-then-also ever ye-might-determine, ye-shall-fasten.

Note: verse omitted in 01.

10:4 om ℵ | αψασθαι A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:5 οἱ δὲ πικρῶς ἐνέγκαντες τὴν παρρησίαν τοῦ ἀνδρός, ἀρθρεμβόλοις ὀργάνοις τὰς χεῖρας αὐτοῦ καὶ τοὺς πόδας ἐξήρθρουν, καὶ ἐξ ἁρμῶν ἀναμοχλεύοντες ἐξεμέλιζον·

The-ones then-also unto-bittered having-beared to-the-one to-an-all-uttering-to of-the-one of-a-man, unto-en-linked-casteednesses-in unto-vitals to-the-ones to-hands of-it and to-the-ones to-feet they-were-en-linking-out, and out of-liftings-along-of poling-up-of they-membered-out-to;

Note: unto-vitals : used to refer to crucial but self contained components of a whole whether of en-capsuling-to organs or project tools or music orchestra.

Note: of-liftings-along-of : used to refer to en-capsuling-to joints.

10:5 αθρεμβολοις A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:6 καὶ τοὺς δακτύλους καὶ τοὺς βραχίονας καὶ τὰ σκέλη καὶ τοὺς ἀγκῶνας περιέλκων.

and to-the-ones to-digits and to-the-ones to-more-short and to-the-ones to-legs and to-the-ones to-curvings they-were-hauling-about.

Note: they-were-hauling-about in 02 : they-were-breaking-about in 01.

10:6 om και 1° ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | περιελκων] περιεκλων ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:7 καὶ κατὰ μηδένα τρόπον ἰσχύοντες αὐτὸν ἄγξαι, περισύραντες τὸ δέρμα σὺν ἄκραις ταῖς τῶν δακτύλων κορυφαῖς ἀπεσκύθιζον, καὶ εὐθέως ἦγον ἐπὶ τὸν τροχόν.

And down to-lest-then-also-one to-a-turn force-holding to-it to-have-strangled, having-dragged-about to-the-one to-an-aparting-to together unto-extremitied unto-the-ones of-the-ones of-digits unto-crests they-were-Skuthianing-off-to, and unto-straight they-were-leading upon to-the-one to-a-circuitee.

Note: to-an-aparting-to in 02 01C1: to-a-vital in 01*.

Note: they-were-Skuthianing-off-to : the term Skuthian used as a verb, a crude people known for drinking immoderately and scalping slain enemies.

Note: to-a-circuitee : used to refer to something circuited, the course or the thing designed, of wheels, hoops, mechanical rings, whirlwinds, circular tracks and boundaries, etc.

10:7 ισχυσαντες ℵ* (ισχυοντες ℵc.a) | περισυραντες το δερμα] περιλυσαντες τα οργανα ℵ* (περισ. το δ. ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:8 περὶ ὃν ἐκ σφονδύλων ἐκμελιζόμενος ἑώρα τὰς ἑαυτοῦ σάρκας περιλακιζομένας καὶ κατὰ σπλάγχνων σταγόνας αἵματος ἀπορρεούσας.

About to-which out of-vertabrae being-membered-out-to it-was-seeeeing-unto to-the-ones of-self to-fleshes to-being-rended-about-to and down of-bowels to-trickles of-a-rushering-to to-flowing-off.

10:8 σφονδυλων] σπονδυλων ℵ | απορεουσας ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:9 μέλλων δὲ ἀποθνήσκειν, ἔφη

Pending then-also to-die-off it-was-declaring,

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:10 Ἡμεῖς μέν, ὦ μιερώτατε τύραννε, διὰ παιδείαν καὶ ἀρετὴν θεοῦ ταῦτα πάσχομεν·

We indeed, oh Most-stained Tyrant, through to-a-childing-of and to-a-meriting of-a-Deity to-the-ones-these we-trek;

10:10 μιαρωτατε ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:11 σὺ δὲ διὰ τὴν ἀσέβειαν καὶ μιαιφονίαν ἀκαταλύτους καρτερήσεις βασάνους.

thou then-also through to-the-one to-an-un-revering-of and to-a-stained-slaying-unto to-un-loosed-down thou-shall-more-secure-unto to-abradants.

10:11 ασεβιαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:12 Καὶ τούτου θανόντος ἀδελφοπρεπῶς, τὸν τέταρτον ἐπεσπῶντο, λέγοντες

And of-the-one-this of-a-death unto-brethrened-befittinged, to-the-one to-fourth they-were-upon-drawing-unto forthing,

10:12 αδελφοπρεπως] φοπρ sup ras Aa

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:13 Μὴ μανῇς καὶ σὺ τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς σου τὴν αὐτὴν μανίαν, ἀλλὰ πεισθεὶς τῷ βασιλεῖ σῶζε σεαυτόν.

Lest thou-might-have-had-been-raved and thou unto-the-ones unto-brethrened of-thee to-the-one to-it to-a-raving-unto, other having-been-sured unto-the-one unto-a-ruler-of thou-should-save-to to-thyself.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:14 ὁ δὲ αὐτοῖς ἔφη Οὐχ οὕτως καυστικώτερον ἔχετε κατ' ἐμοῦ τὸ πῦρ, ὥστε με δειλανδρῆσαι.

The-one then-also unto-them it-was-declaring, Not unto-the-one-this to-more-burn-belonged-of ye-hold down of-ME to-the-one to-a-fire, as-also to-me to-have-dire-manned-unto.

10:14 αυτοις] αυτω ℵ | κλαυστικωερον (sic) A* (καυστικωτ. A1 (vid))

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:15 μὰ τὸν μακάριον τῶν ἀδελφῶν μου θάνατον, καὶ τὸν αἰώνιον τοῦ τυράννου ὄλεθρον, καὶ τὸν ἀοίδιμον τῶν εὐσεβῶν βίον, οὐκ ἀρνήσομαι τὴν εὐγενῆ ἀδελφότητα.

By to-the-one to-bless-belonged of-the-ones of-brethrened of-me to-a-death, and to-the-one to-aged-belonged of-the-one of-a-tyrant to-an-en-destructing, and to-the-one to-songed-along-belonged-unto of-the-ones of-goodly-reveringed to-a-dureeation, not I-shall-deny-unto to-the-one to-goodly-becominged to-a-brethrenness.

10:15 αοιδιμον] ολεθρον αιδιο̅| ℵ* (improb ολεθρ. ℵ1, c.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:16 ἐπινόει, τύραννε, βασάνους· ἵνα καὶ διὰ τούτων μάθῃς, ὅτι ἀδελφός εἰμι τῶν προβασανισθέντων.

Thou-should-en-mull-upon-unto, Tyrant, to-abradants; so and through of-the-ones-these thou-might-have-had-learned to-which-a-one brethrened I-be of-the-ones of-having-been-abraded-before-to.

Note: of-the-ones-these in 02 : of-them in 01.

10:16 δια τουτων] δι αυτων ℵ | προβεβασανισθεντων (sic) A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:17 ταῦτα ἀκούσας ὁ αἱμοβόρος καὶ φονώδης καὶ παμμιαρώτατος Ἀντίοχος, ἐκέλευσεν τὴν γλῶτταν αὐτοῦ ἐκτεμεῖν.

To-the-ones-these having-heard, the-one rushering-to-feedeed and slayee-seeinged and most-all-stained an-Antiochos, it-bade-of to-the-one to-a-tongue of-it to-have-had-cut-out.

10:17 ταυτα] + δε (superscr) ℵ1 | φονωδης] incep φονι ℵ* | παμμιαρωτατος ℵ | εκτεμνειν ℵ*

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:18 ὁ δὲ ἔφη Κἂν ἀφέλῃς τὸ τῆς φωνῆς ὄργανον, καὶ σιωπώντων ἀκούει ὁ θεός.

The-one then-also it-was-declaring, And-ever thou-might-have-had-sectioned-off to-the-one of-the-one of-a-sound to-a-vital, and of-muting-unto it-heareth, the-one a-Deity.

Note: to-a-vital : used to refer to crucial but self contained components of a whole whether of en-capsuling-to organs or project tools or music orchestra.

10:18 σιωπουντων A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:19 ἰδοὺ κεχάλασται ἡ γλῶσσα· τέμνε. οὐ γὰρ παρὰ τοῦτο τὸν λογισμὸν ἡμῶν γλωσσοτομήσεις.

Thou-should-have-had-seen, it-had-come-to-be-slackened-unto the-one a-tongue; thou-should-cut. Not too-thus beside to-the-one-this to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of of-us thou-shall-tongue-cut-unto.

Note: it-had-come-to-be-slackened-unto in 02 : it-had-come-to-be-before-slackened-unto in 01.

10:19 προκεχαλασται ℵ | γλωττοτομησεις ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:20 ἡδέως ὑπὲρ τοῦ θεοῦ τὰ τοῦ σώματος μέλη ἀκρωτηριαζόμεθα.

Unto-en-pleasured over of-the-one of-a-Deity to-the-ones of-the-one of-an-en-capsuling-to to-membereednesses we-be-extremitileted-to.

Note: we-be-extremitileted-to : used to refer to extremities (extremitilets) being sectioning off.

10:20 του 1°] seq τ in ℵ* (improb ℵ1) | μελη] βελη ℵ* (μ. ℵ1 (vid))

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 10:21 σὲ δὲ ταχέως μετελεύσεται ὁ θεός· τὴν γὰρ τῶν θείων ὕμνων μελῳδὸν γλῶτταν ἐκτέμνεις.

To-thee then-also unto-quick it-shall-come-with, the-one a-Deity; to-the-one too-thus of-the-ones of-deity-belonged of-hymns to-member-songed to-a-tongue thou-cut-out.

10:21 υμνον μελωδαν ℵ* (υμνων μελωδον ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:1 Ὡς δὲ καὶ οὗτος ταῖς βασάνοις καταικισθεὶς ἐναπέθανεν, ὁ πέμπτος παρεπήδησεν, λέγων

As then-also and the-one-this unto-the-ones unto-abradants having-been-un-resembled-down-to it-had-died-off-in, the-one fifth it-beside-scurried-unto, forthing,

11:1 κατακισθεις (sic) A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:2 Οὐ μέλλω, τύραννε, πρὸς τὸν ὑπὲρ τῆς ἀρετῆς βασανισμὸν παραιτεῖσθαι.

Not I-pend, Tyrant, toward to-the-one over of-the-one of-a-meriting to-an-abrading-to-of to-appeal-beside-unto.

11:2 om παραιτεισθαι ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:3 αὐτὸς δ' ἀπ' ἐμαυτοῦ παρῆλθον, ὅπως κἀμὲ κατακτείνας, περὶ πλειόνων ἀδικημάτων ὀφιλήσεις τῇ οὐρανίῳ δίκῃ τιμωρίαν.

It then-also off of-myself I-had-came-beside, unto-which-whither and-to-me having-killed-down, about of-more-beyond of-un-coursings-to thou-shall-debt unto-the-one unto-skyed-belonged unto-a-coursing to-a-value-warding-unto.

11:3 οφιλησεις (-σις A) τη ουρανιω δικη] τη επουρανιω δικη δωσεις ℵ | τιμωριαν sup ras A1

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:4 ὦ μισάρετε καὶ μισάνθρωπε, τί δράσαντας ἡμᾶς τοῦτον πορθεῖς τὸν τρόπον;

Oh Merit-hated and Mankind-hated, to-what-one to-having-acted-unto to-us to-the-one-this thou-ravage-unto to-the-one to-a-turn?

11:4 μισαρετε] μιαρωτατε ℵ | τον τροπον πορθεις ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:5 ἢ κακόν σοι δοκεῖ, ὅτι τὸν πάντων κτίστην εὐσεβοῦμεν, καὶ κατὰ τὸν ἐνάρετον αὐτοῦ ζῶμεν νόμον;

Or to-wedge-wedged unto-thee it-thinketh-unto, to-which-a-one to-the-one of-all to-a-befounder we-goodly-revere-unto and down to-the-one to-merited-in of-it we-life-unto to-a-parcelee?

Note: Or to-wedge-wedged unto-thee it-thinketh-unto in 02 : omit in 01.

11:5 om η κακον σοι δοκει ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:6 ἀλλὰ ταῦτα τιμῶν, οὐ βασάνων ἐστὶν ἄξια,

Other to-the-ones-these valuating-unto, not of-abradants it-be deem-belonged,

11:6 εστιν] εισι̅| ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:7 εἴπερ ᾐσθάνου ἀνθρώπους ποθῶν, καὶ ἐλπίδα εἶχες παρὰ θεῷ σωτηρίου·

if-very thou-was-knowing-along to-mankinds yearning-unto, and to-a-droved-sureeing thou-was-holding beside unto-a-Deity of-saviored-belonged;

Note: omit this verse in 01.

11:7–8 om ειπερ ησθανου . . . εις τον θεον ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:8 νῦν ἴδε ἀλλότριος ὢν θεοῦ, πολεμεῖς τοὺς εὐσεβοῦντας εἰς τὸν θεόν.

now thou-should-have-had-seen, other-belonged being of-a-Deity thou-war-unto to-the-ones to-goodly-revering-unto into to-the-one to-a-Deity.

Note: omit this verse in 01.

11:7–8 om ειπερ ησθανου . . . εις τον θεον ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:9 τοιαῦτα λέγοντα οἱ δορυφόροι δήσαντες αὐτὸν εἷλκον ἐπὶ τὸν καταπέλτην·

To-the-ones-unto-the-ones-these to-forthing the-ones shank-beareed having-binded to-it they-were-hauling upon to-the-one to-an-aegiser-down;

Note: to-the-ones-unto-the-ones-these in 02 : + then-also in 01.

Note: to-an-aegiser-down : refers to a goat skin sling, i.e. a kind of catapult.

11:9 τοιαυτα] τοι· αυτα A (praec spat 3 litt : fors καιτοι voluit A*) + δε ℵ | ειλκον] εικον ℵ* (ειλκ. ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:10 ἐφ' ὃν δήσαντες αὐτὸν ἐπὶ τὰ γόνατα, καὶ ταῦτα ποδάγραις σιδηραῖς ἐφαρμόσαντες τὴν ὀσφὺν αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ τὸν τροχιαῖον σφῆνα κατέκαμψαν· περὶ ὃν ὅλος ἐπὶ τὸν τροχὸν σκορπίου τρόπον ἀνακλώμενος ἐξεμελίζετο.

upon to-which having-binded to-it upon to-the-ones to-knees, and to-the-ones-these unto-field-footednesses unto-iron having-lifted-along-upon-of-to to-the-one to-a-loin of-it upon to-the-one to-circuitee-belonged to-a-pry they-bent-down; about to-which whole upon to-the-one to-a-circuitee of-a-scorpion to-a-turn being-broken-up it-was-being-membered-out-to.

Note: upon to-the-one to-circuitee-belonged in 02 : about to-circuitee-belonged in 01.

Note: upon {2nd} in 02 : about in 01.

Note: unto-field-footednesses : refers to a type of foot snare.

Note: to-a-circuitee : used to refer to something circuited, the course or the thing designed, of wheels, hoops, mechanical rings, whirlwinds, circular tracks and boundaries, etc.

11:10 εφαρμοσαντες ℵc.a] εφορμασαντες ℵ* A | επι τον τροχιαιον] περι τροχ. ℵ | επι τον τροχον] περι τον τραχηλον ℵ | σκοπιου ℵ* (σκορπ. ℵc.a) | εξεμελιζετο] με sup ras Aa

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:11 κατὰ τοῦτον τὸν τρόπον καὶ τὸ πνεῦμα στενοχωρούμενος καὶ τὸ σῶμα ἀγχόμενος

Down to-the-one-this to-the-one to-a-turn and to-the-one to-a-currenting-to being-narrow-spaced-unto and to-the-one to-an-en-capsuling-to being-strangled,

11:11 και 2°] και· και A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:12 Καλάς, ἔλεγεν, ἄκων, ὁ τύραννος, χάριτας ἡμῖν χαρίζῃ, καλάς, διὰ γενναιοτέρων πόνων ἐπιδείξασθαι παρέχων τὴν εἰς τὸν νόμον ἡμῶν καρτερίαν.

To-seemly, it-was-forthing, un-be-outed, the-one a-tyrant, to-grantings unto-us thou-grant-to, to-seemly, through of-more-generated-belonged of-necessitatees to-have-en-showed-upon holding-beside to-the-one into to-the-one to-a-parcelee of-us to-a-more-securing-unto.

Note: the-one a-tyrant in 02 : oh Tyrant in 01.

Note: to-seemly {2nd} in 02 : omit in 01.

11:12 ο τυραννος] ω τυραννε ℵ | om καλας 2° ℵ | της ℵ* (την ℵc.a) | καρτεριας ℵ* (-ριαν ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:13 Τελευτήσαντος δὲ καὶ τούτου, ὁ ἕκτος ἤγετο μειρακίσκος· ὃς πυνθανομένου τοῦ τυράννου εἰ βούλοιτο φαγὼν ἀπολύεσθαι, ὁ δὲ ἔφη

Of-having-finished-of-unto then-also and of-the-one-this, the-one sixth it-was-being-led a-youth-belonging-of; which of-ascertaining of-the-one of-a-tyrant if it-may-purpose devouring to-be-loosed-off, the-one then-also it-was-declaring,

11:13 τελευτησας (sic) A | improb ο δε ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:14 Ἐγὼ τῇ μὲν ἡλικίᾳ τῶν ἀδελφῶν μου εἰμὶ νεώτερος, τῇ δὲ διανοίᾳ ἡλικιώτης.

I unto-the-one indeed unto-a-staturing-unto of-the-ones of-brethrened of-me I-be more-new, unto-the-one then-also unto-an-en-mulling-through-unto a-stature-belonger.

11:14 τη μεν ηλικια] μεν την ηλικιαν ℵ* μεν τη ηλικια ℵc.a | om μου ℵ | διανοια] ανοια A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:15 εἰς τὰ αὐτὰ γὰρ γενηθέντες καὶ τραφέντες, ὑπὲρ τῶν αὐτῶν καὶ ἀποθνήσκειν ὀφίλομεν ὁμοίως.

Into to-the-ones to-them too-thus having-been-became and having-had-been-nourished, over of-the-ones of-them and to-die-off we-debt unto-along-belonged.

Note: to-the-ones to-them in 02 : to-the-ones-these in 01.

Note: having-been-became in 02 : having-been-generated-unto in 01.

Note: having-had-been-nourished in 02 : having-had-been-nourished-up in 01.

11:15 τα αυτα] τα αυ (sic) A ταυτα ℵ | om και 1° ℵ | γεννηθεντες ℵ | τραφεντες] ανατραφ. ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:16 ὥστε εἴ σοι δοκεῖ βασανίζειν μὴ μιεροφαγοῦντας, βασάνιζε.

As-also if unto-thee it-thinketh-unto to-abrade-to lest to-stain-devouring-unto, thou-should-abrade-to.

Note: to-stain-devouring-unto in 02 : to-stain-devouring-unto in 01.

11:16 μιαιροφαγουντα ℵ | βασανιζε] βασανιζειν ℵ (-ζε ℵ1, c.a) A*fort

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:17 ταῦτα αὐτὸν εἰπόντα παρῆγον ἐπὶ τὸν τροχόν.

To-the-ones to-it to-having-had-said they-were-leading-beside upon to-the-one to-a-circuitee.

Note: to-a-circuitee : used to refer to something circuited, the course or the thing designed, of wheels, hoops, mechanical rings, whirlwinds, circular tracks and boundaries, etc.

11:17 om αυτον ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:18 ἐφ' οὗ κατατεινόμενος εὐμελῶς καὶ ἐκσπονδυλιζόμενος ὑπεκαίετο.

Upon of-which being-stretched-down unto-goodly-membered and being-vertebraed-out-to it-was-being-burn-belonged-under.

Note: unto-goodly-membered in 02 : unto-vied-upon in 01.

11:18 ευμελως] επιμελως ℵ | εκσπο̅|δυλιζομενος ℵ | υπεκαιετο] + πυρι ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:19 καὶ ὀβελίσκους ὀξεῖς πυρώσαντες, τοῖς νώτοις προσέφερον· καὶ τὰ πλευρὰ διαπείραντες, ἀπ' αὐτοῦ τὰ σπλάγχνα διέκαιον.

And to-obelisk-belongings-of to-sharp having-en-fired, unto-the-ones unto-reared they-were-bearing-toward; and to-the-ones to-sides having-across-belonged-through, off of-it to-the-ones to-bowels they-were-burn-belonging-through.

Note: to-obelisk-belongings-of : used to refer to items with a thick often four sided shaft narrowing at one end, of this type of skewer or spit, of kinds of nails and swords, of a drainage conduit, etc.

Note: off in 02 : omit in 01.

11:19 διαπειραντες] διαφθειραντες ℵ | om απ ℵ | τα σπλαγχνα] pr και ℵc.a | διεκαιον] διϊκεον ℵ* διεκεον ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:20 ὁ δὲ βασανιζόμενος Ὦ ἱεροπρεποῦς αἰῶνος, ἔλεγεν, ἐφ' ὃν διὰ τὴν εὐσέβειαν εἰς γυμνασίαν πόνων ἀδελφοὶ τοσοῦτοι κληθέντες οὐκ ἐνικήθημεν.

The-one then-also being-abraded-to, Oh of-sacred-befittinged of-an-age, it-was-forthing, upon to-which through to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of into to-a-stripping-unto of-necessitatees brethrened the-ones-which-the-ones-these having-been-called-unto not we-were-mull-belonged-of-unto.

Note: of-an-age in 02 : of-a-struggling in 01.

11:20 αιωνος] αγωνος ℵ | ελεγον ℵ* (-γεν ℵ1) | ευσεβιαν ℵ | ενικημεν ℵ* (-κηθημεν ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:21 ἀνίκητος γάρ ἐστιν, ὦ τύραννε, ἡ εὐσεβὴς ἐπιστήμη.

Un-victoried too-thus it-be, oh Tyrant, the-one goodly-reveringed a-standing-upon-of.

11:21 om ω ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:22 καλοκἀγαθίᾳ καθωπλισμένος τεθνήξομαι κἀγὼ μετὰ τῶν ἀδελφῶν μου,

Unto-a-seemly-and-excessed-placing-unto being-implemented-down-to I-shall-have-had-come-to-die and-I with of-the-ones of-brethrened of-me,

Note: unto-a-seemly-and-excessed-placing-unto (KALOKAGAQIAS) : from KALOS and the crasis KAI+AGAQIA.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:23 μέγαν σοὶ καὶ αὐτὸς προσβάλλων ἀλάστορα, καινουργὲ τῶν βασάνων, καὶ πολέμιε τῶν ἀληθῶς εὐσεβούντων.

To-great unto-thee casting-toward and it to-an-un-secluder, Fresh-worked of-the-ones of-abradants and War-belonged of-the-ones unto-un-secludinged of-goodly-revering-unto.

11:23 και αυτος προσβαλλω̅| ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:24 ἓξ μειράκια καταλύσαμέν σου τὴν τυραννίδα.

Six youthlets we-loosed-down of-thee to-the-one to-a-tyrantess.

Note: we-loosed-down in 02 : we-had-come-to-loose-down in 01.

11:24 κατελυσαμεν] καταλελυκαμεν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:25 τὸ γὰρ μὴ δυνηθῆναί σε μεταπεῖσαι τὸν λογισμὸν ἡμῶν, μήτε βιάσασθαι πρὸς τὴν μιεροφαγίαν, οὐ κατάλυσίς ἐστίν σου;

The-one too-thus lest to-have-been-abled to-thee to-have-sured-with to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of of-us, lest-also to-have-dureeated-to toward to-the-one to-a-stained-devouring-unto, not a-loosing-down it-be of-thee?

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:26 τὸ πῦρ σου ψυχρὸν ἡμῖν, καὶ ἄπονοι οἱ καταπέλται, καὶ ἀδύνατος ἡ βία σου.

The-one a-fire of-thee en-breathed unto-us, and un-necessitateed the-ones aegisers-down, and un-able the-one a-dureeatedness of-thee.

Note: aegisers-down : refers to a goat skin sling, i.e. a kind of catapult.

11:26 αδυνατοις ℵ* (-τος ℵ1)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 11:27 οὐ γὰρ τυράννου ἀλλὰ θείου νόμου προεστήκασιν ἡμῶν οἱ δορυφόρο· διὰ τοῦτο ἀνίκητον ἔχομεν τὸν λογισμόν.

Not too-thus of-a-tyrant other of-deity-belonged of-a-parcelee they-had-come-to-stand-before of-us, the-ones shank-beareed; through to-the-one-this to-un-mull-belonged-of we-hold to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of.

11:27 improb οι ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:1 Ὡς δὲ καὶ οὗτος μακαρίως ἐναπέθανεν καταβληθεὶς εἰς λέβητα, ὁ ἕβδομος παρεγίνετο, πάντων νεώτερος.

As then-also and the-one-this unto-bless-belonged it-had-died-off-in having-been-casted-down into to-a-cauldron, the-one seventh it-was-becoming-beside, of-all more-new.

Note: it-had-died-off-in in 02 : it-had-died-off in 01.

12:1 ουτος] αυτος ℵ | εναπεθανεν] απεθανεν ℵ | καταβληθεις] . . ταβληθεις V | παρεγενετο V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:2 ὃν κατοικτείρησας ὁ τύραννος, καίπερ δεινῶς ὑπὸ τῶν ἀδελφῶν αὐτοῦ κακισθείς,

To-which having-pitiered-down-unto, the-one a-tyrant, and-very unto-dired-belonged-to under of-the-ones of-brethrened of-it having-been-wedge-wedged-to,

Note: having-pitiered-down-unto in 02 : having-pitiered-down in 01.

12:2 κατοικτιρας ℵV (-τειρ.)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:3 ὁρῶν ἤδη τὰ δεσμὰ περικείμενον, πλησιέστερον αὐτὸν μετεπέμψατο, καὶ παρηγορεῖν ἐπειρᾶτο, λέγων

seeeeing-unto which-then to-the-ones to-bindeeings-to to-being-situated-about, to-more-nigh-belonged to-it it-volleyed-with, and to-lead-alongedness-beside-unto it-was-across-belonging-unto, forthing,

Note: to-bindeeings-to : from DESMON.

12:3 περικειμενα V | πλησιετερον ℵ πλησιοτ. V* -σιαιτ. Va

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:4 Τῆς μὲν τῶν ἀδελφῶν σου ἀπονοίας τὸ τέλος ὁρᾷς· διὰ γὰρ ἀπείθειαν στρεβλωθέντες τεθνήκασιν. σύ, εἰ μὲν μὴ πεισθείης, τάλας βασανισθεὶς καὶ αὐτὸς τεθνήξῃ πρὸ ὥρας.

Of-the-one indeed of-the-ones of-brethrened of-thee of-an-en-mulling-off-unto to-the-one to-a-finisheedness thou-seeee-unto; through too-thus to-an-un-suring-of having-been-en-wrenched they-had-come-to-die. Thou, if indeed lest thou-may-have-been-sured, burdened having-been-abraded-to and it thou-shall-have-had-come-to-die before of-an-houredness.

Note: Thou in 02 : + then-also in 01.

12:4 το τελος] om το ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | απειθειαν] απιστιαν ℵ (σ sup ras ℵ1) | τεθνεασιν ℵ | συ] + δε ℵV | πεισθειης] πισθεις ℵ | βασανισθεις] βασανοις Va (οι sup ras 3 fort litt) | ωρας] ορας ℵ* (ωρ. ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:5 πεισθεὶς δὲ φίλος ἔσῃ, καὶ τῶν ἐπὶ τῆς βασιλείας ἀφηγήσῃ πραγμάτων.

Having-been-sured then-also cared thou-shall-be, and of-the-ones upon of-the-one of-a-ruling-of thou-shall-lead-off-unto of-practicings-to.

12:5 βασιλιασ ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:6 καὶ ταῦτα παρακαλῶν, τὴν μητέρα τοῦ παιδὸς μετεπέμψατο, ὅπως αὐτὴν ἐλεήσας τοσούτων υἱῶν στερηθεῖσαν παρορμήσειεν ἐπὶ τὴν σωτηρίαν εὐπειθῆ ποιῆσαι τὸν περιλειπόμενον.

And to-the-ones-these calling-beside-unto, to-the-one to-a-mother of-the-one of-a-child it-volleyed-with, unto-which-whither to-it having-besectionated-unto of-the-ones-which-the-ones-these of-sons to-having-been-destituted-unto it-may-have-beside-corded-unto upon to-the-one to-a-savioring-unto to-goodly-conducinged to-have-done-unto to-the-one to-being-remaindered-about.

Note: to-a-savioring-unto in 02 : to-saviored-belonged in 01.

Note: to-have-done-unto in 02 : omit in 01.

12:6 αυτην] εαυτην ℵc.aV | ελεησασα ℵV | στερηθειαν ℵ* (-σαν ℵc.b) στερηθεισα V | σωτηριον ℵ | ευπειθη] ευπιθια̅| ℵ | om ποιησαι ℵ ποιησαιεν V* (improb εν Va?)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:7 ὁ δὲ τῆς μητρὸς τῇ Ἐβραίδι φωνῇ προτρεψαμένης αὐτόν, ὡς ἐροῦμεν μετὰ μικρὸν ὕστερον

The-one then-also of-the-one of-a-mother unto-the-one unto-an-Ebra-belonging unto-a-sound of-having-turned-before to-it, as we-shall-utter-unto with to-small to-latter,

12:7 om μετα V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:8 Ἀπολύσατέ με, φησίν· εἴπω τῷ βασιλεῖ καὶ τοῖς σὺν αὐτῷ φίλοις πᾶσιν.

Ye-should-have-loosed-off to-me, it-declareth; I-might-have-had-said unto-the-one unto-a-ruler-of and unto-the-ones together unto-it unto-cared unto-all.

Note: Ye-should-have-loosed-off in 02 : Ye-should-have-loosed in 01.

12:8 απολυσατε] λυσατε ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:9 καὶ ἐπιχαρέντες μάλιστα ἐπὶ τῇ ἐπαγγελίᾳ τοῦ παιδός, ταχέως ἔλυσαν αὐτόν.

And having-had-been-joyed-upon most-such upon unto-the-one unto-a-leadeeering-upon-unto of-the-one of-a-child, unto-quick they-loosed to-it.

12:9 και επιχαρεντες] οι δε χαρεντες ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:10 καὶ δραμὼν ἐπὶ πλησίον τῶν τηγάνων, ἔφη

And circuiting upon to-nigh-belonged of-the-ones of-pans, it-was-declaring,

Note: it-was-declaring in 02 : omit in 01.

Note: of-pans : mentioned in 4Ma 8:13, and according to 4Ma 12:20 these pans had the means for a suicide, apparently against the intentions of Antiochos.

12:10 om εφη ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:11 Ἀνόσιέ, φησίν, καὶ πάντων τῶν πονηρῶν ἀσεβέστατε τύραννε, οὐκ ᾐδέσθης παρὰ τοῦ θεοῦ λαβὼν τὰ ἀγαθὰ καὶ τὴν βασιλείαν, τοὺς θεράποντας αὐτοῦ κατακτεῖναι, καὶ τοὺς τῆς εὐσεβείας ἀσκητὰς στρεβλῶσαι;

Un-holy, it-declareth, and of-all of-the-ones of-en-necessitated Most-un-reveringed Tyrant, not thou-was-un-sighted-unto beside of-the-one of-a-Deity having-had-taken to-the-ones to-excess-placed and to-the-one to-a-ruling-of, to-the-ones to-ministers of-it to-have-killed-down, and to-the-ones of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of to-holdeners-along to-have-en-wrenched?

12:11 φησι A? | κατακτεινας ℵc.a | της ευσ.] om της ℵ* (hab ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:12 ἀνθ' ὧν ταμιεύεταί σε ἡ θεία δίκη πυκνοτέρῳ καὶ αἰωνίῳ πυρὶ καὶ βασάνοις, αἳ εἰς ὅλον τὸν αἰῶνα οὐκ ἀνήσουσίν σε.

Ever-a-one of-which it-facilitate-belongeth-of to-thee, the-one deity-belonged a-coursing, unto-more-meshed and unto-aged-belonged unto-a-fire and unto-abradants, which into to-whole to-the-one to-an-age not they-shall-send-up to-thee.

Note: it-facilitate-belongeth-of in 02 : it-shall-facilitate-belong-of in 01.

Note: deity-belonged in 02 : omit in 01.

Note: unto-more-meshed : used to refer to more in sync with things, i.e. having it more together.

12:12 ταμιευσεται ℵV | om σε 1° ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | om θεια ℵV | om και βασανοις V | om αι ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:13 οὐκ ᾐδέσθης ἄνθρωπος ὤν, θηριωδέστατε, τοὺς ὁμοιοπαθεῖς καὶ ἐκ τῶν αὐτῶν γεγονότας στοιχείων γλωττοτομῆσαι, καὶ τοῦτον καταικίσας τὸν τρόπον βασανίσαι;

Not thou-was-un-sighted-unto a-mankind being, Most-beast-seeinged, to-the-ones to-along-belong-trekkinged and out of-the-ones of-them to-having-hath-had-come-to-become of-belineationlets-of to-have-tongue-cut-unto, and to-the-one-this having-un-resembled-down-to to-the-one to-a-turn to-have-abraded-to?

Note: of-belineationlets-of : a group having fallen in line to a purpose; i.e. a parade, a procession, etc.

12:13 θηριωδεστα V* (-τατε Va) | γλωττο|μησαι (sic) V | τουτον καταικισας (κατακεισ. A) τον τροπον] τουτον κατακαυσας τον τρ. ℵ τουτον τον τρ. καταικ. (κατεκ. V*) V | βασανιζει ℵ* (-σαι ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:14 ἀλλ' οἱ μὲν εὐγενῶς ἀποθανόντες ἐπλήρωσαν τὴν εἰς τὸν θεὸν εὐσέβειαν·

Other the-ones indeed unto-goodly-becominged having-had-died-off they-en-filled to-the-one into to-the-one to-a-Deity to-a-goodly-revering-of;

12:14 ευσεβιαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:15 σὺ δὲ κακῶς οἰμώξεις, τοὺς τῆς ἀρετῆς ἀγωνιστὰς ἀναιτίως ἀποκτεῖναι.

thou then-also unto-wedge-wedged thou-shall-woe-to, to-the-ones of-the-one of-a-meriting to-strugglers unto-un-appeal-belonged-up to-have-killed-off.

Note: to-have-killed-off in 02 : having-killed-off in 01.

12:15 κακως] pr κακος ων V | αποκτεινας ℵ (-κτιν.) V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:16 ὅθεν καὶ αὐτὸς ἀποθνήσκειν μέλλων, ἔφη

Which-from and it to-die-off pending, it-was-declaring,

12:16 om εφη ℵc.a (repos ut vid ℵc.b) V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:17 Οὐκ ἀπαυτομολῶ τῆς τῶν ἀδελφῶν μου μαρτυρίας.

Not I-self-transit-off-unto of-the-one of-the-ones of-brethrened of-me of-a-witnessing-unto.

Note: of-a-witnessing-unto in 02 : of-an-un-bounding-unto in 01.

12:17 απαυτομολω] αυτωμολω V* (-τομ. Va) | αδελφων μου] παιδων ℵ* (αδ. μου ℵc.a) αδελφων V | μαρτυριας] αριστιας ℵV* (-τειας Va)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:18 ἐπικαλοῦμαι δὲ τὸν πατρῷον θεόν, ὅπως ἵλεως γένηται τῷ γένει μου.

I-call-upon-unto then-also to-the-one to-en-fathered to-a-Deity, unto-which-whither unto-sectionated it-might-have-had-became unto-the-one unto-a-becomeedness of-me.

Note: unto-a-becomeedness of-me in 02 : unto-a-placeedness-belonging-to of-us in 01.

12:18 πατριον V | γενει μου] εθνει (-νι ℵ) ημων ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:19 σὲ δὲ καὶ ἐν τῷ νῦν βίῳ καὶ θανόντα τιμωρήσεται.

To-thee then-also and in unto-the-one now unto-a-dureeation and to-having-had-died it-shall-value-ward-unto.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 12:20 καὶ ταῦτα κατευξάμενος, ἑαυτὸν ἔριψε κατὰ τῶν τηγάνων· καὶ οὕτως ἀπέδωκεν.

And to-the-ones-these having-goodly-held-down, to-itself it-flung down of-the-ones of-pans; and unto-the-one-this it-gave-off. Gr. τῶν (of-the-ones).

12:20 ερριψεν V | απεδωκεν] + το πν̅α̅ ℵ + την ψυχην V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:1 Εἰ δὲ τοίνυν τῶν μέχρι θανάτου πόνων ὑπερεφρόνησαν οἱ ἑπτὰ ἀδελφοί, συνομολογεῖται πανταχόθεν, ὅτι αὐτοδέσποτός ἐστιν τῶν παθῶν ὁ εὐσεβὴς λογισμός.

If then-also unto-the-one-now of-the-ones unto-lest-whilst of-a-death of-necessitatees they-centered-over-unto, the-ones seven brethrened, it-be-along-fortheed-together-unto all-spaced-from, to-which-a-one self-bind-done it-be of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one goodly-reveringed a-fortheeing-to-of.

13:1 ει δε] ϊδε A | υπερεφρονησαν] συπερεφροσαν (sic) ℵ* (υπερεφρονησ. ℵ1) υπερηφανησαν V | πανταχοθεν] παντοθεν V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:2 ὥσπερ γὰρ οἱ τοῖς πάθεσιν δουλωθέντες ἐμιεροφάγησαν, ἐλέγομεν γὰρ αὐτοὺς τούτοις νενικῆσθαι·

As-very too-thus the-ones unto-the-ones unto-trekkeednesses having-been-en-bondeed they-stain-devoured-unto, we-were-forthing too-thus to-them unto-the-ones-these to-have-had-come-to-be-mull-belonged-of-unto;

Note: too-thus {2nd} in 02 : ever in 01.

13:2 ωσπερ] ει ℵ* (ωσπ. ℵc.a) | οι] om ℵ* ει ℵc.aV | παθεσι ℵ | εμιαροφ. Va | ελεγαμεν (sic) ℵ | γαρ 2°] αν ℵ om V | τουτοις αυτοις ℵ | ενικησθαι V*vid (νεν. Va)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:3 νυνὶ δὲ οὐχ οὕτως· ἀλλὰ τῷ ἐπαινουμένῳ λογισμῷ παρὰ θεῷ περιεγένοντο τῶν παθῶν.

unto-now then-also not unto-the-one-this; other unto-the-one unto-being-lauded-upon-unto unto-a-fortheeing-to-of beside unto-a-Deity they-had-became-about of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses.

13:3 παρα θυ̅ λογισμω ℵ παρα θω̅ λογ. V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:4 ὧν οὐκ ἔστιν παριδεῖν τὴν ἡγεμονίαν τῆς διανοίας· ἐπεκράτησαν γὰρ καὶ πάθους καὶ πόνων.

And not it-be to-have-had-seen-beside to-the-one to-a-leadering-unto of-the-one of-an-en-mulling-through-unto; they-secured-upon-unto too-thus and of-a-trek and of-necessitatees.

Note: And in 02 : Of-which in 01.

13:4 και I°] ων ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:5 πῶς οὖν οὐκ ἔστιν τούτοις τὴν τῆς εὐλογιστίας παθοκρατίαν ὁμολογεῖν, οἳ τῶν μὲν διὰ πυρὸς ἀλγηδόνων οὐκ ἐπεστράφησαν;

Unto-whither accordingly not it-be unto-the-ones-these to-the-one of-the-one of-a-most-goodly-fortheeing-unto to-a-trek-securing-unto to-along-forthee-unto, which of-the-ones indeed through of-a-fire of-paineeings not they-had-been-beturned-upon?

13:5 ουκ I°] pr ο A | ευλογιστιας A1ℵV] ευλογιας A* | πανθοκρατιαν ℵ* (παθ. ℵ1) παθοκρατειαν Va | μεν] + γαρ ℵ* (improb ℵc.a) | επεστραφησαν (εεστρ. A* επ. A1)] απεστραφησαν ℵ* (επ. ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:6 καθάπερ γὰρ προβλῆτες λιμένων πύργοι τὰς κυμάτων ἀπειλὰς ἀνακόπτοντες, γαληνὸν παρέχουσιν τοῖς εἰσπλέουσιν τὸν ὅρμον·

Down-to-which-very too-thus castnesses-before of-a-harbor towers to-the-ones of-swellings-to to-poisings-off felling-up, to-calmed they-hold-beside unto-the-ones unto-floating-into-unto to-the-one to-a-cord;

Note: of-swellings-to in 02 : pr. of-the-ones in 01.

13:6 προβλητες] προπληταις A προβληταις ℵ προβλιται V* -βλητ. Va | πυργοις A | κυματων] pr των ℵV | ανακοπτοντες] ανακαμπτοντες V | παρεχουσι ℵV | εισπλεουσι V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:7 οὕτως ἡ ἑπτάπυργος τῶν νεανίσκων εὐλογιστία τὸν τῆς εὐσεβείας ὀχυρώσασα λιμένα τὴν τῶν παθῶν ἐνίκησεν ἀκολασίαν.

unto-the-one-this the-one seven-towered of-the-ones of-new-belongings-of a-most-goodly-fortheeing-unto to-the-one of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of having-en-holdationed to-a-harbor to-the-one of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses it-mull-belonged-of-unto to-an-un-stricturing-unto.

13:7 επταπυρος V* (-πυργ. V1) | ευσεβιας ℵ : item 8 | ενεικησε ℵ | ακολασιαν] κολασιν ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:8 ἱερὸν γὰρ εὐσεβείας στήσαντες χορὸν παρεθάρσυνον ἀλλήλους, λέγοντες

To-sacred too-thus of-a-goodly-revering-of having-stood to-a-chorus they-were-bravening-beside to-other-to-other, forthing,

13:8 παρεθαρσυναν V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:9 Ἀδελφικῶς ἀποθάνοιμεν ἀδελφοὶ περὶ τοῦ νόμου· μιμησώμεθα τοὺς τρεῖς τοὺς ἐπὶ τῆς Συρίας νεανίσκους, οἳ τῆς ἰσοπάλιδος καμίνου κατεφρόνησαν.

Unto-brethren-belonged-of we-may-have-had-died-off, Brethrened, about of-the-one of-a-parcelee; we-might-have-emulated-unto to-the-ones to-three to-the-ones upon of-the-one of-a-Suria to-new-belongings-of, which of-the-one of-a-samed-clenching of-a-furnace they-centered-down-unto.

Note: of-a-samed-clenching in 02 : of-a-samed-city-belongeress in 01.

13:9 αποθανωμεν ℵV (-νομ. V* -νωμ. Va) | Ασσυριας (ας superscr) Α1?α?ℵV | εισεπολιδος A ισοπολιτιδου ℵ* ισοπολιτιδος ℵc.aV | καμινου] καιομενης ℵ* (καμειν. ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:10 μὴ δειλανδρήσωμεν πρὸς τὴν τῆς εὐσεβίας ἀπόδειξιν.

Lest we-might-have-dire-manned-unto toward to-the-one of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-unto to-a-showing-off.

Note: to-a-showing-off in 02 : to-a-showing-upon in 01.

13:10 ευσεβειας V | επιδιξιν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:11 καὶ ὁ μέν Θάρρει, ἀδελφέ, ἔλεγεν· ὁ δέ Εὐγενῶς καρτέρησον.

And the-one indeed, Thou-should-brave-unto, Brethrened, it-was-forthing; the-one then-also, Unto-goodly-becominged thou-should-have-more-secured-unto.

Note: thou-should-brave-unto (QARREI) : a later phonetic variant of QARSEI, having the same meaning.

13:11 κατερησον V (καρτ. Va)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:12 ὁ δὲ ἔλεγεν Μνήσθητε πόθεν ἐστέ, ἢ τίνος πατρὸς χειρὶ σφαγιασθῆναι διὰ τὴν εὐσέβειαν ὑπέμεινεν ὁ Ἰσαάκ.

The-one then-also it-was-forthing, Ye-should-have-been-memoried-unto whither-from ye-be, or of-what-one of-a-father unto-a-hand to-have-been-slaughter-belonged-to through to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of it-was-staying-under, the-one an-Isaak.

Note: it-was-forthing in 02 : pr. having-been-memoried-down-unto in 01.

Note: the-one an-Isaak in 02 : of-an-Isaak in 01; omission of the-one inferring a case change.

13:12 ελεγεν] pr καταμνησθεις ℵV | om μνησθητε ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | πατρος] προ (pro πρ̅ς̅) A | ευσεβιαν ℵ | ο Ισαακ (-σακ ℵ* -σαακ ℵc.a)] om ο ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:13 εἷς δὲ ἕκαστος καὶ ἀλλήλους ὁμοῦ πάντες ἐφορῶντες φαιδροὶ καὶ μάλα θαρραλέοι Ἑαυτούς, ἔλεγον, τῷ θεῷ ἀφιερώσομεν ἐξ ὅλης τῆς καρδίας τῷ δόντι τὰς ψυχάς, καὶ χρήσωμεν τῇ περὶ τὸν νόμον φυλακῇ τὰ σώματα.

One then-also each and to-other-to-other of-alonged all upon-seeeeing-unto en-lighted and such braved, To-selves, they-were-forthing, unto-the-one unto-a-Deity we-shall-en-sacred-off out of-whole of-the-one of-a-heart unto-the-one unto-having-had-given to-the-ones to-breathings, and we-might-have-afforded-unto unto-the-one about to-the-one to-a-parcelee unto-a-guardery to-the-ones to-en-capsulings-to.

Note: and {1st} in 02 : omit in 01.

Note: we-shall-en-sacred-off in 02 : we-might-have-en-sacreded-off in 01.

13:13 om και I° ℵV | εφορων (sic) A | φαιδροι] pr εδραιοι και V | αφιερωσωμεν ℵVa | δοντι] διδοντι V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:14 μὴ φοβηθῶμεν τὸν δοκοῦντα ἀποκτενεῖν.

Lest we-might-have-been-feareed-unto to-the-one to-thinking-unto to-shall-have-killed-off.

Note: to-shall-have-killed-off in 02 : to-kill-off in 01.

13:14 αποκτεννειν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:15 μέγας γὰρ ψυχῆς ἀγὼν καὶ κίνδυνος ἐν αἰωνίῳ βασάνῳ κείμενος τοῖς παραβᾶσι τὴν ἐντολὴν τοῦ θεοῦ.

Great too-thus of-a-breathing a-struggling and a-peril in unto-aged-belonged unto-an-abradant situating unto-the-ones unto-having-had-stepped-beside to-the-one to-a-finishing-in of-the-one of-a-Deity.

13:15 μεγα A* (ς superscr Aa?) | om αγων και V | αιωνι ℵ* (-νιω ℵc.a) | παραβασιν (-σι ℵ*)] παραβαινουσιν ℵc.a (-σι) V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:16 καθοπλισώμεθα τοιγαροῦν τῇ τοῦ θείου λογισμοῦ παθοκρατίᾳ.

We-might-have-implemented-down-to unto-the-one-too-thus-accordingly unto-the-one of-the-one of-deity-belonged of-a-fortheeing-to-of unto-a-trek-securing-unto.

Note: unto-the-one ... unto-a-trek-securing-unto in 02 : to-the-one ... to-a-trek-securing-unto in 01.

13:16 την του θ. λ. παθοκρατιαν ℵV* (-τειαν Va)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:17 οὕτως παθόντας ἡμᾶς Ἀβραὰμ καὶ Ἰσαὰκ καὶ Ἰακὼβ ὑποδέξονται, καὶ πάντες οἱ πατέρες ἐπαινέσουσιν.

Unto-the-one-this to-having-had-trekked to-us an-Abraam and an-Isaak and an-Iakôb they-shall-receive-under, and all the-ones fathers they-shall-laud-upon-unto.

Note: Unto-the-one-this in 02 : + too-thus in 01.

Note: to-having-had-trekked in 02 : to-having-had-died in 01.

13:17 ουτως (-τω ℵ)] + γαρ ℵV | παθοντας] θανοντας ℵV | Ισακ ℵ* (Ισαακ ℵc.a, c.b)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:18 καὶ ἑνὶ ἑκάστῳ τῶν ἀποσπωμένων αὐτῶν ἀδελφῶν ἔλεγον οἱ περιλειπόμενοι Μὴ καταισχύνῃς ἡμᾶς, ἀδελφέ, μηδὲ ψεύσῃ τοὺς προαποθανόντας.

And unto-one unto-each of-the-ones of-being-off-drawn-unto of-them of-brethrened they-were-forthing, the-ones being-remaindered-about, Lest thou-might-shamen-down to-us, Brethrened, lest-then-also thou-might-have-falsified to-the-ones to-having-had-died-off-before.

Note: to-having-had-died-off-before in 02 : + of-us to-brethrened in 01.

13:18 αποσπωμενων] + ων V* (improb V1) | αυτων] αυτω ℵ* (-των ℵc.a) | αδελφω A | μηδε] μη V | προαποθανοντας] + ημων αδελφους ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:19 Οὐκ ἀγνοεῖτε δὲ τὰ τῆς ἀνθρωπότητος φίλτρα, ἅπερ ἡ θεία καὶ πάνσοφος πρόνοια διὰ τῶν πατέρων τοῖς γεννωμένοις ἐμέρισεν, καὶ διὰ τῆς μητρῴας φυτεύσασα γαστρός·

Not ye-un-en-mull-unto then-also to-the-ones of-the-one of-a-mankindness to-en-careeings, to-which-very the-one deity-belonged and all-wisdomed an-en-mulling-before-unto through of-the-ones of-fathers unto-the-ones unto-being-generated-unto it-portioned-to, and through of-the-one of-en-mothered having-planted-of of-a-stomach;

Note: of-a-mankindness in 02 : of-a-brethrenness in 01.

Note: of-the-ones in 02 : omit in 01.

13:19 ανθρωποτητος] αδελφοτητος ℵ | incep πανσοπ. ℵ* (πανσοφ. ℵ1) | των πατ.] om των ℵ | γαστρος] incep α ℵ* (improb ℵ1)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:20 ἐν ᾗ τὸν ἴσον ἀδελφοὶ κατοικήσαντες χρόνον, καὶ ἐν τῷ αὐτῷ χρόνῳ πλασθέντες, καὶ ἀπὸ τοῦ αὐτοῦ αἵματος αὐξηθέντες, καὶ διὰ τῆς αὐτῆς ψυχῆς τελεσφορηθέντες,

in unto-which to-the-one to-samed brethrened having-housed-down-unto to-a-while, and in unto-the-one unto-it unto-a-while having-been-fashioned, and off of-the-one of-it of-a-rushering-to having-been-largened, and through of-the-one of-it of-a-breathing having-been-finish-beareed-unto,

13:20 χρονω] χρονων V*

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:21 καὶ διὰ τῶν ἴσων ἀποτεχθέντες χρόνων, καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν αὐτῶν γαλακτοποτοῦντες πηγῶν, ἀφ' οὗ συντρέφονται ἐναγκαλισμάτων φιλάδελφοι ψυχαί·

and through of-the-ones of-samed having-been-creationed-off of-whiles, and off of-the-ones of-them milk-drinkationing-unto of-pitchings, off of-which they-be-nourished-together of-armings-in-to brethren-cared breathings;

Note: of-which in 02 : of-which in 01.

13:21 γαλακτοποτουντες (-ποουντ. A* ποτ. A1)] γαλακτοτροφουντες ℵ* (γαλακτοποτ. ℵc.a) γαλα ποτισθεντες V | ου] ων ℵV | συνστρεφονται ℵ | εναγκαλισματων ℵV (? -μα των ℵ*)] εν αγκαλαις ματων V* (αἱ[ματων] Va) | φιλαδελφων ℵ* (-φοι ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:22 καὶ αὔξονται σφοδρότερον διὰ συντροφίας καὶ τῆς καθ' ἡμέραν συνηθείας καὶ τῆς ἄλλης παιδίας καὶ τῆς ἡμετέρας ἐν νόμῳ θεοῦ ἀσκήσεως.

and they-be-largened to-more-vehemented through of-a-nourishing-together-unto and of-the-one down to-a-dayedness of-a-beplaceeing-together-of and of-the-one of-other of-a-childing-unto and of-the-one of-ours in unto-a-parcelee of-a-Deity of-a-holdening-along.

13:22 συντροφιαν ℵ | συνηθιας ℵ | παιδειας V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:23 οὕτως δὴ τοίνυν καθεστηκυίας τῆς φιλαδελφίας συνπαθούσης, οἱ ἑπτὰ ἀδελφοὶ συνπαθέστερον ἔσχον τὴν πρὸς ἀλλήλους ὁμόνοιαν.

Unto-the-one-this then unto-the-one-now of-having-had-come-to-stand-down of-the-one of-a-brethrened-caring-unto of-trekking-together-unto, the-ones seven brethrened to-more-trekkinged-together they-had-held to-the-one toward to-other-to-other to-an-along-en-mulling-unto.

Note: to-the-one toward to-other-to-other to-an-along-en-mulling-unto in 02 : toward to-other-to-other in 01.

13:23 συνπαθουσης της φιλαδελφιας ℵ συμπαθους της φιλ. V | την προς αλληλους ομονοιαν] προς αλληλους ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:24 νόμῳ γὰρ τῷ αὐτῷ παιδευθέντες, καὶ τὰς αὐτὰς ἐξασκήσαντες ἀρετάς, καὶ τῷ δικαίῳ συντραφέντες βίῳ, μᾶλλον ἐφ' αὑτοὺς ἤγαγον.

Unto-a-parcelee too-thus unto-the-one unto-it having-been-childed-of, and to-the-ones to-them having-holdened-along-out-unto to-meritings, and unto-the-one unto-course-belonged having-had-been-nourished-together unto-a-dureeation, more-such upon to-themselves they-had-led.

Note: upon to-themselves they-had-led in 02 : to-selves they-were-excessing-off-unto in 01.

13:24 συστραφεντες ℵ* (συντραφ. ℵc.a) | εφ (επ A) αυτους ηγαγον] εαυτους ηγαπων ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:25 ἡ γὰρ ὁμοζηλία τῆς καλοκἀγαθίας ἐπέτεινεν αὐτῶν τὴν πρὸς ἀλλήλους ὁμόνοιαν·

The-one too-thus an-along-craving-unto of-the-one of-a-seemly-and-excessed-placing-unto it-was-stretching-upon of-them to-the-one toward to-other-to-other to-an-along-en-mulling-unto;

Note: of-a-seemly-and-excessed-placing-unto (KALOKAGAQIAS) : from KALOS and the crasis KAI+AGAQIA.

Note: to-an-along-en-mulling-unto in 02 : pr. to-a-goodly-en-mulling-unto and in 01.

13:25 αυτων] ω sup ras A1 αυτω ℵ | αλληλους A1 | ομονοιαν] pr ευνοιαν και ℵ ευνοιαν V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:26 σὺν γὰρ τῇ εὐσεβείᾳ ποθεινοτέραν αὐτοῖς κατεσκεύαζεν τὴν φιλαδελφίαν.

together too-thus unto-the-one unto-a-goodly-revering-of to-more-yearn-belonged-to unto-them it-was-down-equipping-to to-the-one to-a-brethrened-caring-unto;

Note: it-was-down-equipping-to in 02 : they-were-down-equipping-to in 01.

13:26 συν γαρ τη ευσεβεια] sup ras pl litt A1 + ομολογισμος V | ποθεινοτεραν] pr την ℵ | αυτοις] εαυτοις ℵc | κατεσκευαζον ℵ | την φιλαδ.] improb την ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 13:27 ἀλλ' ὁμοίως καίπερ τῆς φύσεως καὶ τῆς συνηθείας καὶ τῶν τῆς ἀρετῆς ἠθῶν τὰ τῆς ἀδελφότητος αὐτοῖς φίλτρα συναυξόντων, ἀνέσχοντο διὰ τὴν εὐσέβειαν τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς οἱ ὑπολελιμμένοι τοὺς καταικιζομένους ὁρῶντες μέχρι θανάτου βασανιζομένους.

other unto-along-belonged and-very of-the-one of-a-spawning and of-the-one of-a-beplaceeing-together-of and of-the-ones of-the-one of-a-meriting of-beplaceednesses to-the-ones of-the-one of-a-brethrenness unto-them to-en-careeings of-largening-together, they-had-held-up through to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of to-the-ones to-brethrened, the-ones having-had-come-to-be-remaindered-under, to-the-ones to-being-un-resembled-down-to, seeeeing-unto unto-lest-whilst of-a-death to-being-abraded-to.

Note: unto-along-belonged in 02 : unto-along in 01.

13:27 ομοιως] ομως ℵ | καιπερ] και περι V | συνηθιας ℵ | συναυξαντων ℵ* (-ξοντ. ℵc.a) συναυξανοντων V | ευσεβιαν ℵ | υπολελιμμενοι] υπολειπομενοι ℵ (-λιπ.) V | τους 2°] το sup ras A1 | καταικιζομενους] κατοικτιζ. ℵ | μεχρι] pr και V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:1 προσέτι καὶ ἐπὶ τὸν αἰκισμὸν ἐποτρύνοντες, ὡς μὴ μόνον τῶν ἀλγηδόνων περιφρονῆσαι αὐτούς, ἀλλὰ καὶ τῆς τῶν ἀδελφῶν φιλαδελφίας παθῶν κρατῆσαι.

Toward-if-to-a-one and upon to-the-one to-an-un-resembling-to-of urgening-upon, as lest to-stayeed of-the-ones of-paineeings to-have-centered-about-unto to-them, other and of-the-one of-the-ones of-brethrened of-a-brethrened-caring-unto of-trekkeednesses to-have-secured-unto.

14:1 επι τον αικ.] επ εκ. V* (επ αικ. Va) | εποτρυνοντες] υπομενοντες V | της των αδ. φιλαδ.] των φιλαδ. V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:2 Ὦ βασιλέως λογισμοὶ βασιλικώτεροι καὶ ἐλευθέρων ἐλευθερώτεροι·

Oh of-a-ruler-of fortheeings-to-of more-ruler-belonged-of and of-en-freed more-en-freed;

14:2 βασιλεως] βασιλεων ℵV seq βασι in ℵ* (improb ℵ1)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:3 ὦ ἱερᾶς καὶ ἐναρμόστου περὶ τῆς εὐσεβείας τῶν ἑπτὰ ἀδελφῶν συμφωνίας.

oh of-sacred and of-lifted-along-in-of about of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of of-the-ones of-seven of-brethrened of-a-sounding-together-unto.

14:3 om ω A | εναρμοστους A | της ευσεβειας] της ιερας ℵ* τ. ευσεβιας ℵ1 την της ευσεβειας V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:4 οὐδεὶς ἐκ τῶν ἑπτὰ μειρακίων ἐδειλίασεν, οὐδὲ πρὸς τὸν θάνατον ὤκνησεν·

Not-then-also-one out of-the-ones of-seven of-youth-belonged-of it-dire-belonged-unto, not-then-also toward to-the-one to-a-death it-hesitated-unto;

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:5 ἀλλὰ πάντες, ὥσπερ ἐπ' ἀθανασίας ὁδὸν τρέχοντες, ἐπὶ τὸν διὰ τῶν βασάνων θάνατον ἔσπευδον.

other all, as-very upon of-an-un-deathing-unto to-a-way circuiting, upon to-the-one through of-the-ones of-abradants to-a-death they-were-hastening.

14:5 om δια V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:6 καθάπερ γὰρ χεῖρες καὶ πόδες συμφώνως τοῖς τῆς ψυχῆς ἀφηγήμασιν κινοῦνται· οὕτως οἱ ἱεροὶ μείρακες ἐκεῖνοι ὡς ὑπὸ ψυχῆς ἀθανάτου τῆς εὐσεβείας πρὸς τὸν ὑπὲρ αὐτῆς συνεφώνησαν θάνατον.

Down-to-which-very too-thus hands and feet unto-sounded-together unto-the-ones of-the-one of-a-breathing unto-leadings-off-to they-be-moved-unto; unto-the-one-this the-ones sacred youths the-ones-thither as under of-a-breathing of-un-deathed of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of toward to-the-one over of-it they-sounded-together-unto to-a-death.

Note: too-thus in 02 : omit in 01.

Note: hands in 02 : pr. the-ones in 01.

Note: feet in 02 : pr. the-ones in 01.

14:6 om γαρ ℵV | χειρες] pr αι ℵV | ποδες] pr οι ℵV | συμφωνως] + ως V | εκεινοι ως] νοι ως sup ras A1 | ως] ωσπερ V | om υπο V | αθανατου] pr της V | ευσεβειας (-βιας ℵ)] + κινουμενοι V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:7 ὦ πανάγιε συμφώνων ἀδελφῶν ἑβδομάς· καθάπερ γὰρ ἑπτὰ τῆς κοσμοποιίας ἡμέραι περὶ τὴν εὐσέβειαν,

Oh All-hallow-belonged of-sounded-together of-brethrened a-seven; down-to-which-very too-thus seven of-the-one of-an-orderation-doing-unto dayednesses about to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of,

14:7 εβδομαδας ℵ* (-μας ℵc.a) | ευσεβιαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:8 οὕτως περὶ τὴν ἑβδομάδα χορεύοντες οἱ μείρακες ἐκύκλουν, τὸν τῶν βασάνων φόβον καταλύοντες.

unto-the-one-this about to-the-one to-a-seven chorusing-of, the-ones youths they-were-en-circling, to-the-one of-the-ones of-abradants to-a-fearee loosing-down.

14:8 ουτω ℵ* (-τως ℵc.a) | τον των] των των V* (τον των Va)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:9 νῦν ἡμεῖς ἀκούοντες τὴν θλίψιν τῶν νεανιῶν ἐκείνων, φρίττομεν· οἱ δὲ οὐ μόνον ὁρῶντες, ἀλλ' οὐδὲ μόνον ἀκούοντες τὸν παραχρῆμα ἀπειλῆς λόγον, ἀλλὰ καὶ πάσχοντες, ἐκαρτέρουν καὶ τοῦτο ταῖς διὰ πυρὸς ὀδύναις.

Now we hearing to-the-one to-a-pressing of-the-ones of-new-belongings of-the-ones-thither, we-shudder; the-ones then-also not to-stayeed seeeeing-unto, other not-then-also to-stayeed hearing to-the-one beside-to-an-affording-to of-a-poising-off to-a-forthee, other and trekking, they-were-more-securing-unto and to-the-one-this unto-the-ones through of-a-fire unto-anguishes.

Note: they-were-more-securing-unto in 02 : they-were-more-securing-in-unto in 01.

14:9 εκαρτερουν] ενεκαρτερου̅| ℵ | ταις δια πυρος] ταις του πυρος ℵ* ταις δια τ. π. ℵc.a ταις δι|πυρος V* (δια π. V*)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:10 ὧν τί γένοιτο ἐπαλγέστερον; ὀξεῖα γὰρ καὶ σύντομος ἡ τοῦ πυρὸς οὖσα δύναμις ταχέως διέλυσε τὰ σώματα.

Of-which what-one it-may-have-had-became more-pained-upon? Sharp too-thus and cut-together the-one of-the-one of-a-fire being an-ability unto-quick it-loosed-through to-the-ones to-en-capsulings-to.

14:10 γενοιτο] pr αν ℵc.a | επανγελτερον ℵ* επαλγεστερον ℵc.a | ουσα η του πυρος ℵ | διελυσε] διελευσε (sic) A διελυεν ℵ διελυε V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:11 Καὶ μὴ θαυμαστὸν ἡγεῖσθε εἰ ὁ λογισμὸς περιεκράτησεν τῶν ἀνδρῶν ἐκείνων ἐν ταῖς βασάνοις, ὅπου γε καὶ γυναικὸς νοῦς πολυτροπωτέρων ὑπερεφρόνησεν ἀλγηδόνων.

And lest to-marveled-to ye-should-lead-unto if the-one a-fortheeing-to-of it-secured-about-unto of-the-ones of-men of-the-ones-thither in unto-the-ones unto-abradants, to-which-of-whither too and of-a-woman an-en-mulling-of of-more-much-turned it-centered-over-unto of-paineeings.

14:11 ο λογισμος] om ο V | περιεκρατησε ℵ | τοις βασ. ℵV | γυναικων V* (-κος Va) | υπερεφρονησεν] περιεφρονησεν V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:12 ἡ μήτηρ γὰρ τῶν ἑπτὰ νεανίσκων ὑπήνεγκεν τὰς ἐφ' ἑνὶ ἑκάστῳ τῶν τέκνων στρέβλας.

The-one a-mother too-thus of-the-ones of-seven of-new-belongings-of it-beared-under to-the-ones upon unto-one unto-each of-the-ones of-creationees to-wrenchings.

14:12 υπηνεγκεν (υφ. ℵ*)] εκινων υπ. ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:13 θεωρεῖτε δὲ πῶς πολύπλοκός ἐστιν ἡ τῆς φιλοτεκνίας στοργή, ἕλκουσα πάντα πρὸς τὴν τῶν σπλάγχνων συνπάθειαν·

Ye-should-surveil-unto then-also unto-whither much-braided it-be the-one of-the-one of-a-creationee-caring-unto an-affectioning, hauling to-all toward to-the-one of-the-ones of-bowels to-a-trekking-together-of;

14:13 παντα] απαντα V | σπλαγχνων (παγχν. A* σπλ. Aa?)] pr τεκνων ℵ | συνπαθιαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:14 ὅπου γε καὶ τὰ ἄλογα ζῷα ὁμοίαν τὴν πρὸς τὰ ἐξ αὐτῶν γεννώμενα συνπάθειαν καὶ στοργὴν ἔχει τοῖς ἀνθρώποις.

to-which-of-whither too and the-ones un-fortheed lifing-unto to-along-belonged to-the-one toward to-the-ones out of-them to-being-generated-unto to-a-trekking-together-of and to-an-affectioning thither unto-the-ones unto-mankinds.

Note: toward in 02 : into in 01C1.

14:14 οπου] incep om ℵ* (οπ. ℵ1) ομου V | αλογα] αλλα V | την προς] εις ℵ* την εις ℵc.a | συμπαθιαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:15 καὶ γὰρ τῶν πετεινῶν, τὰ μὲν ἥμερα κατὰ τὰς οἰκίας ὀροφοιτοῦντα προασπίζει τῶν νεοττῶν·

And too-thus of-the-ones of-flying-belonged-to, the-ones indeed dayed down to-the-ones to-housings-unto jut-frequenting-unto it-sparreth-along-before-to of-the-ones of-nestlings;

Note: dayed : day being used in the sense of being a time of rest and calm in nature.

14:15 οροφυτουντα ℵ οροφοιοτωντα V (οροφοφ. Syr ut vid) | προσασπιζει ℵ* (προασπ. ℵc.a) | νεοτων A*V* (νεοττ. AaVa)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:16 τὰ δὲ κατὰ τὰς κορυφὰς ὀρέων καὶ φαράγγων ἀπορρῶγας καὶ δένδρων ὀπὰς καὶ τὰς τούτων ἄκρας νοσσοποιησάμενα ἀποτίκτει, καὶ τὸν προσιόντα κωλύει·

the-ones then-also down to-the-ones to-crests of-jutteednesses and of-chasms to-en-burstings-off and of-en-treeings to-apertures and to-the-ones of-the-ones-these to-extremitied having-nestling-done-unto it-creationeth-off, and to-the-one to-being-toward it-preventeth;

Note: to-the-ones {1st} in 02 : omit in 01.

14:16–17 κωλυει δε ℵ* (κωλυει ει δε ℵc.a)

14:16 τας κυρυφ.] om τας ℵV | φαραγγων] ραγγ. sup ras Aa? | απορωγας V* (απορρ. Va) | εννοσσοποιησομενα ℵ* (-ποιουμενα ℵc.a) | κωλυει] αποκωλυει V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:17 εἰ δὲ καὶ μὴ δύναιντο κωλύειν, περιιπτάμενα κυκλόθεν αὐτῶν ἀλγοῦντα τῇ στοργῇ, ἀνακαλούμενα τῇ ἰδίᾳ φωνῇ, καθ' ὃν δύναται τρόπον βοηθεῖ τοῖς τέκνοις.

if then-also and lest they-may-able to-prevent, flying-about circled-from of-them paining-unto unto-the-one unto-an-affectioning, calling-up-unto unto-the-one unto-private-belonged unto-a-sound, down to-which it-ableth to-a-turn it-holler-runneth-unto unto-the-ones unto-creationees.

Note: to-which it-ableth to-a-turn in 02 : to-which it-ableth in 01.

14:16–17 κωλυει δε ℵ* (κωλυει ει δε ℵc.a)

14:17 δυναιτο ℵ* (-ναιντο ℵc.a) | περιπταμενα ℵ* (περιειπτ. ℵc.a) | αργουντα ℵ* (αλγ. ℵc.a) | τη στοργη] pr και V | καθ ον δυναται τροπον βοηθει] καθ ο δυναται βοηθι (-θιν ℵc.a) ℵ | δυνατι A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:18 καὶ τί δεῖ τὴν διὰ τῶν ἀλόγων ζῴων ἐπιδεικνύναι τὴν πρὸς τὰ τέκνα συνπάθειαν;

And what-one it-bindeth to-the-one through of-the-ones of-un-fortheed of-lifelets to-en-show-upon to-the-one toward to-the-ones to-creationees to-a-trekking-together-of?

Note: to-the-one {2nd} in 02 : omit in 01C1.

14:18 την δια των ℵc.a AV] δια την των ℵ* | om την 2° ℵc.a, c.b | συμπαθιαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:19 ὅπου γε καὶ μέλισσαι περὶ τὸν τῆς κηρογονίας καιρὸν ἐπαμύνονται τοὺς προσιόντας, καὶ καθάπερ σιδήρῳ τῷ κέντρῳ πλήσσουσι τοὺς προσιόντας τῇ νοσσιᾷ αὐτῶν, καὶ ἐπαμύνονται ἕως θανάτου.

To-which-of-whither too and honeyeresses about to-the-one of-the-one of-a-cell-becoming-unto to-a-time they-heeden-upon to-the-ones to-being-toward, and down-to-which-very unto-an-iron unto-the-one unto-a-prick they-smit to-the-ones to-being-toward unto-the-one unto-a-nestling-unto of-them, and they-heeden-upon unto-if-which of-a-death;

Note: honeyeresses : used to refer to bees.

Note: they-smit : the Active form of PLHSSW (to-smit) requires an explanation, while the Passive form to-be-smitten is commonly understood. smit is the obsolete form that yielded smitten, which carries over into the Greek and it's meaning is in the sense of converging into a smiting.

Note: they-heeden-upon {2nd} in 02 : they-heeden-off in 01.

14:19 επαμυνονται 2°] απαμυνουσιν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 14:20 ἀλλ' οὐχὶ τὴν Ἀβραὰμ ὁμόψυχον τῶν νεανιῶν μητέρα μετεκίνησεν ἡ συμπάθεια τέκνων.

other unto-not to-the-one of-an-Abraam to-along-breathed of-the-ones of-new-belongings to-a-mother it-moved-with-unto, the-one a-trekking-together-of of-creationees.

Note: of-new-belongings in 02 : of-new-belongings-of in 01.

Note: the-one a-trekking-together-of in HS : unto-the-one unto-a-trekking-together-of in 02 : Paradigm (a-trekking-together-unto/unto-a-trekking-together-unto) in 01.

14:20 την] τη ℵ* (την ℵc.a) | νεανισκων ℵ | τη συμπαθεια A συμπαθια ℵ συμπαθεια V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:1 Ὦ λογισμὲ τέκνων παθῶν τύραννε, καὶ εὐσέβεια μητρὶ τέκνων ποθεινοτέρα.

Oh Fortheeing-to-of of-creationees, of-trekkeednesses Tyrant, and Goodly-revering-of, unto-a-mother of-creationees more-yearn-belonged-to.

15:1 ευσεβια ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:2 μήτηρ δυεῖν προκειμένων, εὐσεβείας, καὶ τῆς ἑπτὰ υἱῶν σωτηρίας προσκαίρου κατὰ τὴν τοῦ τυράννου ὑπόσχεσιν·

A-mother of-two of-situating-before, of-a-goodly-revering-of, and of-the-one of-seven of-sons of-a-savioring-unto of-timed-toward down to-the-one of-the-one of-a-tyrant to-a-holdening-under;

15:2 μητηρ] ηρ (in μη̅ρ̅) sup ras Aa | ευσεβιας ℵ | προσκαιρους A προσκαιρου ℵc.aV | υποσχεσιν] προσχεσι̅| (ρ sup ras quasi prius esset τυραννουποσχ.) ℵ1 (vid), c.b

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:3 τὴν εὐσέβειαν μᾶλλον ἠγάπησεν τὴν σώζουσαν εἰς αἰώνιον ζωὴν κατὰ θεόν.

to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of more-such it-excessed-off-unto to-the-one to-saving-to into to-the-one to-aged-belonged to-a-lifing down to-a-Deity.

Note: to-aged-belonged in 02 : to-age-belonged in 01.

15:3 ευσεμιαν (sic) ℵ* (ευσεβ. ℵc.a (vid)) | ηγαπησας ℵ* (-σεν ℵc.a) | σωζουσαν] ζωσαν ℵ | αιωνιαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:4 Ὦ τίνα τρόπον ἠθολογήσαιμι φιλότεκνα γονέων πάθη, ψυχῆς τε καὶ μορφῆς ὁμοιότητα εἰς μικρὸν παιδοχαρακτῆρα θαυμάσιον ἐναποσφραγίζον[τα], μάλιστα διὰ τὸ τῶν πατέρων τοῖς γεννηθεῖσιν τὰς μητέρας καθεστάναι συνπαθεστέρας.

Oh to-what-one to-a-turn I-may-have-beplaceedness-fortheed-unto to-creationee-cared of-becomeeers-of to-trekkeednesses, of-a-breathing also and of-a-form to-an-along-belongness into to-small to-a-child-graver to-marvel-to-belonged to-sealing-off-in-to, most-such through to-the-one of-the-ones of-fathers unto-the-ones unto-having-been-generated-unto to-the-ones to-mothers to-have-had-come-to-stand-down to-more-trekkinged-together.

Note: of-becomeeers-of : the entities performing the parental function to a becomee, i.e. parents, but not necessarily biologically.

Note: to-a-child-graver in 02 : of-a-child to-a-graver in 01.

Note: to-sealing-off-in-to in 02 : we-seal-off-in-to in 01.

15:4 μορφης] η superscr, φ sup ras ℵ1 : seq ακ in ℵ* quod improb ℵ1 | παιδοχαρακτηρα] παιδος χαρ. ℵ χαρακτ. παιδος V | εναπεσφραγιζο̅| A εναποσφραγιζομεν ℵ* -ζον ℵc.aV | το] τον A | πατέρων] παθων codd | γεννηθεισι V | μητερας] + των παθων ℵ + των πρω̅ν̅ V | συμπαθεστερας V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:5 ὅσῳ γὰρ καὶ ἀσθενόψυχοι καὶ πολυγονώτεραι ὑπάρχουσιν μητέρες, τοσούτῳ μᾶλλόν εἰσιν φιλοτεκνώτεραι.

Unto-which-a-which too-thus and un-vigor-breathed and more-much-en-became they-first-under, mothers, unto-the-one-which-the-one-this more-such they-be more-en-creationee-cared.

Note: mothers in 02 : pr. the-ones in 01.

Note: more-en-creationee-cared in 02 : more-creationee-cared in 01.

15:5 ασθενοψυχοι] ασθενεστεραν ℵ* (-ραι ℵ?) | πολυγονιμωτεραι V | μητερες] pr αι ℵV | εισι V | φιλοτεκνοτεραι Va vid

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:6 πασῶν δὲ τῶν μητέρων ἐγένετο ἡ τῶν ἑπτὰ μήτηρ φιλοτεκνωτέρα, ἥτις ἑπτὰ κυοφορίαις τὴν πρὸς αὐτοὺς ἐπιφυτευομένη φιλοστοργίαν·

Of-all then-also of-the-ones of-mothers it-had-became the-one of-the-ones of-seven a-mother more-en-creationee-cared, which-a-one unto-seven unto-swelled-beareeings-unto to-the-one toward to-them having-had-come-to-plant-of to-an-affection-caring-unto;

15:6 om πασων δε . . . φιλοτεκνωτερα ℵ* (hab ℵc.a mg inf) | επτα 2°] εν ταις Va | κυοφοριαι A* (ς superscr A1) | επιφυτευομενη] επιφερομενην ℵ* επιφυτευομενην ℵc.aV | φιλοστοργεια A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:7 καὶ διὰ πολλὰς τὰς καθ' ἕκαστον αὐτῶν ὠδῖνας ἠναγκασμένην τὴν εἰς αὐτοὺς ἔχειν συνπάθειαν,

and through to-much to-the-ones down to-each of-them to-pangs to-having-had-come-to-be-up-armed-to to-the-one into to-them to-hold to-a-trekking-together-of,

Note: to-having-had-come-to-be-up-armed-to in 02 : having-had-come-to-be-up-armed-to in 01.

15:7 ηναγκασμενη ℵV | εις] προς V | συμπαθιαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:8 διὰ τὸν πρὸς τὸν θεὸν φόβον ὑπερεῖδεν τὴν τῶν τέκνων πρόσκαιρον σωτηρίαν.

through to-the-one toward to-the-one to-a-Deity to-a-fearee it-had-seen-over to-the-one of-the-ones of-creationees to-timed-toward to-a-savioring-unto.

15:8 υπεριδεν V* (-ειδε Va)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:9 οὐ μὴν δέ, ἀλλὰ καὶ διὰ τὴν καλοκἀγαθίαν τῶν υἱῶν καὶ τὴν πρὸς τὸν νόμον αὐτῶν εὐπειθίαν, μείζω τὴν ἐν αὐτοῖς ἔσχεν φιλοστοργίαν.

Not unto-indeed then-also, other and through to-the-one to-a-seemly-and-excessed-placing-unto of-the-ones of-sons and to-the-one toward to-the-one to-a-parcelee of-them to-a-goodly-suring-unto, to-greater to-the-one in unto-them it-had-held to-an-affection-caring-unto.

Note: to-a-seemly-and-excessed-placing-unto (KALOKAGAQIAS) : from KALOS and the crasis KAI+AGAQIA.

15:9 om δε V | om και I° ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | ευπειθειαν V | μειζω] μιζον ℵ* (μιζω ℵc.a) μειζων AV | om την 3° ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | εσχεν (-χε V)] ειχεν ℵc.a, c.b

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:10 δίκαιοί τε γὰρ ἦσαν καὶ σώφρονες καὶ ἀνδρεῖοι καὶ μεγαλόψυχοι καὶ φιλάδελφοι, καὶ φιλομήτορες οὕτως, ὥστε καὶ μέχρι θανάτου τὰ νόμιμα φυλάσσοντας πείθεσθαι αὐτῇ·

Course-belonged also too-thus they-were and rationally-centeringed-of and man-belonged and great-breathed and brethren-cared, and mother-carers unto-the-one-this, as-also and unto-lest-whilst of-a-death to-the-ones to-parcelee-belonged-unto to-guardering to-be-sured unto-it;

15:10 δικαιοι] και οι ℵ* (δικ. ℵc.a) | φυλασσοντες ℵ* (-ντας ℵc.a) V | πιθεσθαι ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:11 ἀλλ' ὅμως, καίπερ τοσούτων ὄντων τῶν περὶ φιλοτεκνίαν εἰς συνπάθειαν ἑλκόντων τὴν μητέρα, ἐπ' οὐδενὸς αὐτῶν τὸν λογισμὸν αὐτῆς αἱ πανποίκιλοι βάσανοι ἴσχυσαν μετατρέψαι.

other unto-along, and-very of-the-ones-which-the-ones-these of-being of-the-ones about to-a-creationee-caring-unto into to-a-trekking-together-of of-hauling to-the-one to-a-mother, upon of-not-then-also-one of-them to-the-one to-a-fortheeing-to-of of-it the-ones all-varied abradants they-force-held to-have-turned-with;

Note: to-a-creationee-caring-unto in 02 : + to-the-one in 01.

15:11 καιπερ] και υπερ AV | φιλοτεκνιαν] pr την ℵV | συμπαθιαν ℵ συμπαθειαν V | επ] εφ ℵ υπ V | αυτης] incep αυσ ℵ* (αυτ. ℵc.a) | παμποικιλοι V | om βασανοι A | μεταστρεψαι V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:12 ἀλλὰ καὶ καθ' ἕνα παῖδα καὶ ὁμοῦ πάντας ἡ μήτηρ ἐπὶ τὸν τῆς εὐσεβείας προετρέπετο θάνατον.

other and down to-one to-a-child and of-alonged to-all the-one a-mother upon to-the-one of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of it-was-turning-before to-a-death.

15:12 της ευσεβειας (-βιας ℵ)] pr υπερ V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:13 Ὤ φύσις ἱερά, καὶ φίλτρα γονέων καὶ γονεῦσιν φιλόστοργε, καὶ τροφεία, καὶ μητέρων ἀδάμαστα πάθη.

Oh Spawning Sacred, and En-cared of-becomeeers-of and unto-becomeeers-of Affection-cared, and Nourishing-of, and of-mothers Un-prevailed Trekkeednesses.

Note: of-becomeeers-of : the entities performing the parental function to a becomee, i.e. parents, but not necessarily biologically.

15:13 γονευσιν] γεννημασι ℵ γενεσει V | αδαμαστη ℵ* (-τα ℵc.a (vid))

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:14 καθ' ἕνα στρεβλούμενον καὶ φλεγόμενον ὁρῶσα μήτηρ, οὐ μετεβάλετο διὰ τὴν εὐσέβειαν.

Down to-one to-being-en-wrenched and to-being-blazed seeeeing-unto, a-mother, not it-had-casted-with through to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of.

Note: it-had-casted-with in 02 : it-was-casting-with in 01.

15:14 μετεβαλλετο ℵV | ευσεβαιν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:15 τὰς σάρκας τῶν τέκνων ἑώρα περὶ τὸ πῦρ τηκομένας, καὶ τοὺς τῶν ποδῶν καὶ χειρῶν δακτύλους ἐπὶ γῆς σπαίροντας, καὶ τὰς τῶν κεφαλῶν μέχρι τῶν περὶ τὰ γένεια σάρκας ὥσπερ προσωπεῖα προκειμένας.

To-the-ones to-fleshes of-the-ones of-creationees it-was-seeeeing-unto about to-the-one to-a-fire to-being-melted, and to-the-ones of-the-ones of-feet and of-hands to-digits upon of-a-soil to-drawing, and to-the-ones of-the-ones of-heads unto-lest-whilst of-the-ones about to-the-ones to-edgelets to-fleshes as-very to-looking-towardlets to-being-situated-before.

Note: to-edgelets : used to refer to edges in general, particularly of axes, of person refers to the edge of the jaw, i.e. the lower jaw line, etc.

Note: to-looking-towardlets : used to refer to masks.

15:15 σπαιροντας] σπεροντα A περοντας (sic) ℵ* σπειροντας ℵc.a σπεροντας V | om και τας V | των περι] om των V | προσωτια (sic) ℵ* -πια ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:16 ὦ πικροτέρων μὲν νῦν μήτηρ πόνων πειρασθεῖσα, ἤπερ τῶν ἐπ' αὐτοῖς ὠδίνων.

Oh of-more-bitter indeed now a-mother of-necessitatees having-been-across-belonged-to, which-very of-the-ones upon unto-them of-pangs.

Note: indeed in 02 : omit in 01.

15:16 om μεν ℵV | μητηρ πονων πειρασθεισα] πονων πιραθισα μητηρ ℵ με̅ρ̅ πονων πειραθισα V | επ] εν V | ωδινων] pr δακρυων και V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:17 ὦ μόνη γύναι τὴν εὐσέβειαν ὁλόκληρον ἀποκυήσασα.

Oh Stayeed Woman to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of to-whole-lotted having-swelled-off-unto.

15:17 γυναι] pr με̅ρ̅ V | ευσεβιαν ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:18 οὐ μετέτρεψέν σε πρωτοτόκος ἀποπνέων· οὐδὲ δεύτερος εἰς οἰκτρὸν βλέπων ἐν βασάνοις· οὐδὲ τρίτος ἀποψύχων.

Not it-turned-with to-thee most-before-creationed currenting-off; not-then-also second into to-en-pitied viewing in unto-abradants; not-then-also third breathing-off.

Note: into in 02 : + to-thee in 01.

Note: not-then-also in 02 : not in 01.

15:18 πρωτοτοκος] pr ο ℵ | αποπνεων] απονεων A* (π superscr A1) om ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | δευτερον A | εις] + σε ℵV | ουδε 2°] ου ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:19 οὐδὲ τοὺς ὀφθαλμοὺς ἑνὸς ἑκάστου θεωροῦσα ταυρηδὸν ἐπὶ τῶν βασάνων ὁρῶντας τὸν αὐτὸν αἰκισμόν, καὶ τοὺς μυκτῆρας προσημειουμένους αὐτῶν τὸν θάνατον, οὐκ ἔκλαυσας.

Not-then-also to-the-ones to-eyes of-one of-each surveiling-unto to-bull-seen upon of-the-ones of-abradants to-seeeeing-unto to-the-one to-it to-an-un-resembling-to-of, and to-the-ones to-snouts to-en-signifying-before of-them to-the-one to-a-death, not thou sob-belonged.

15:19 ταυδον V* (ταυρηδ. V1) | τον αυτον] τον εαυτω ℵc.a των εαυτων V* τον εαυτ. V? | μυκτηρας] ρας sup ras Aa (seq spat 9 vel 10 lit ubi fors prius τον θανατον) | προσιμιουμενους A* προσσ. Aa | αυτων τον θαν.] τον θαν. αυτων ℵ om τον θαν. A*vid (hab Aa mg) τον θαν. εαυτων V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:20 ἐπὶ σαρξὶν τέκνων ὁρῶσα σάρκας τέκνων ἀποκεκομμένας, καὶ ἐπὶ χερσὶν χεῖρας ἀποτεμνομένας, καὶ ἐπὶ κεφαλαῖς κεφαλὰς ἀποδειροτομουμένας, καὶ ἐπὶ νεκροῖς νεκροὺς πίπτοντας, καὶ πολυάνδριον ὁρῶσα τῶν τέκνων χωρίον διὰ τῶν βασάνων, οὐκ ἐδάκρυσας.

Upon unto-fleshes of-creationees seeeeing-unto to-fleshes of-creationees to-having-had-come-to-be-felled-off, and upon unto-hands to-hands to-being-cut-off, and upon unto-heads to-heads to-having-had-come-to-be-apart-belonged-cut-off-to, and upon unto-en-deaded to-en-deaded to-falling, and to-much-manned-belonged seeeeing-unto of-the-ones of-creationees to-a-spacelet through of-the-ones of-abradants, not thou-biten-tractanted.

Note: thou-biten-tractanted : i.e., shedding tears, usually from emotional "bite"; also, leaking sap.

15:20 σαρξι V | ορωσα I°] εωρακας ℵ* (ορως. ℵc.a, c.b) | αποκεκομμενας] αποκεομενας ℵiam ante c αποκαιομ. V | χερσι V | νεκροις] νεκρους ℵ* (-ροις ℵc.a, c.b) | πιπτοντας] θαπτοντας V | χωριον] χοριον ℵ* χοριδιον ℵc.a το χωριον V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:21 οὐχ οὕτως σειρήνιοι μελῳδίαι οὐδὲ κύκνιοι πρὸς φιληκοίαν φωναὶ τοὺς ἀκούοντας ἐφέλκονται, ὦ τέκνων φωναὶ μετὰ βασάνων μητέρα φωνούντων.

Not unto-the-one-this plaitnessed-belonged membered-songings-unto not-then-also swanned-belonged toward to-a-hear-caring-unto sounds to-the-ones to-hearing they-haul-upon, oh of-creationees sounds with of-abradants to-a-mother of-sounding-unto.

Note: plaitnessed-belonged : used to refer to things to do with woven seclusion; of deceitful women with ulterior motives, of enticements, of certain birds probably in terms of camouflage, etc.

Note: oh in 02 : as in 01.

15:21 ουτω ℵ* (-τως ℵc.a) | μελωδιοι ℵ* (-διαι ℵc.a) | κυκνιοι] κυκνον V* -νων Va | ω] ως ℵV | φωνουντων] φωνου̅| (sic) A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:22 πηλίκαις καὶ πόσαις τότε ἡ μήτηρ, τῶν υἱῶν βασανιζομένων τροχοῖς τε καὶ καυτηρίοις, ἐβασανίζετο βασάνοις;

Unto-whither-stature-belonged-of and unto-whither-which to-the-one-which-also the-one a-mother, of-the-ones of-sons of-being-abraded-to unto-circuitees also and unto-burnerlets, it-was-being-abraded-to unto-abradants?

Note: unto-circuitees : used to refer to something circuited, the course or the thing designed, of wheels, hoops, mechanical rings, whirlwinds, circular tracks and boundaries, etc.

15:22 υιων] sup ras A pr επτα V | om τε ℵV | καυτηριαις ℵ* (-ριοις ℵc.a) καυ|στηριοις V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:23 ἀλλὰ τὰ σπλάγχνα αὐτῆς ὁ εὐσεβὴς λογισμὸς ἐν αὐτοῖς τοῖς πάθεσιν ἀνδρειώσας ἐπέτεινεν τὴν πρόσκαιρον φιλοτεκνίαν παριδεῖν.

Other to-the-ones to-bowels of-it the-one goodly-reveringed a-fortheeing-to-of in unto-them unto-the-ones unto-trekkeednesses having-en-man-belonged it-was-stretching-upon to-the-one to-timed-toward to-a-creationee-caring-unto to-have-had-seen-beside.

15:23 αλλα] + και V | ανδρειωσας] ανδρειως V | προσκαιρον] α sup ras Aa

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:24 καίπερ ἑπτὰ τέκνων ὁρῶσα ἀπώλειαν καὶ τὴν τῶν στρεβλῶν πολύπλοκον ποικιλίαν, ἀσπάσασα ἡ γενναία μήτηρ ἐξέλυσεν διὰ τὴν πρὸς θεὸν πίστιν.

And-very of-seven of-creationees seeeeing-unto to-a-destructing-off-of and to-the-one of-the-ones of-wrenchings to-much-braided to-a-varying-unto, having-drawn-along-to, the-one generated-belonged a-mother, it-loosed-out through to-the-one toward to-a-Deity to-a-trust.

15:24 ορωσαν V | απωλιαν ℵ | στρεβλων] incep τεκνων ℵ* (improb ℵ1) | πολυπλοκον] πολυτροπον ℵ | ασπασασα] ας απασας ℵ* (ασπασας ℵc.b) V ανασπασασα coniec Bensly versione Syr fretus | θεον] pr τον ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:25 καθάπερ γὰρ ἐν βουλευτηρίῳ τῇ ἑαυτῆς ψυχῇ δεινοὺς ὁρῶσα συμβούλους, φύσιν καὶ γένεσιν καὶ φιλοτεκνίαν καὶ τέκνων στρέβλαν,

Down-to-which-very too-thus in unto-a-purposerlet unto-the-one of-self unto-a-breathing to-dired-belonged-to seeeeing-unto to-purposers-together, to-a-spawning and to-a-becoming and to-a-creationee-caring-unto and of-creationees to-a-wrenching,

Note: to-a-wrenching in 02 : to-wrenchings in 01.

15:25 om γαρ ℵ | τη εαυτης ψυχη (-χης A)] της αυτης ψυχης ℵ* (τη εαυτ. ψυχη ℵc.a) | φασιν ℵ* (φυσιν ℵc.a) + τε ℵ | στρεβλας ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:26 δύο ψήφους κρατοῦσα μήτηρ, θανατηφόρον τε καὶ σωτήριον ὑπὲρ τέκνων,

to-two to-pebbles securing-unto, a-mother, to-death-beareed also and to-saviored-belonged over of-creationees,

15:26–27 om υπερ τεκνων . . . .σωτηριαν ℵ* (hab ℵc.a)

15:26 μητηρ] pr η V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:27 οὐκ ἐπέγνω τὴν σώζουσαν ἑπτὰ υἱοὺς πρὸς ὀλίγον χρόνον σωτηρίαν·

not it-had-acquainted-upon to-the-one to-saving-to to-seven to-sons toward to-little to-a-while to-a-savioring-unto;

15:26–27 om υπερ τεκνων . . . .σωτηριαν ℵ* (hab ℵc.a)

15:27 επεγνω] εγνω ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:28 ἀλλὰ τῆς θεοσεβοῦς Ἀβραὰμ καρτερίας ἡ θυγάτηρ ἐμνήσθη.

other of-the-one of-deity-reveringed of-an-Abraam of-a-more-securing-unto the-one a-daughter it-was-memoried-unto.

15:28 θεοσεβιας ℵ* (-σεβους ℵc.a) | κατεριας V* (καρτ. Va)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:29 Ὦ μήτηρ ἔθνους, ἔκδικε τοῦ νόμου, καὶ ὑπερασπίστεια τῆς εὐσεβείας, καὶ τοῦ διὰ σπλάγχνων ἀγῶνος ἀθλοφόρε.

Oh a-mother of-a-placeedness-belonging-to, Coursed-out of-the-one of-a-parcelee, and a-sparring-along-over-of of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of, and of-the-one through of-bowels of-a-struggling Dashed-along-beareed;

15:29 μητηρ] με̅ρ̅ V | εκδικε του νομου] εκδικητου ν. Vvid | υπερασπιστεια] υπερασπιστρια ℵVa (-αστρια V*) | ευσεβιας ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:30 ὦ ἀρρένων πρὸς καρτερίαν γενναιοτέρα, καὶ ἀνδρῶν πρὸς ὑπομονὴν ἀνδρειοτέρα.

Oh of-males toward to-a-more-securing-unto More-generated-belonged, and of-men toward to-a-staying-under More-man-belonged.

15:30 ανδρειωτερα ℵAV* (-οτερα Va)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:31 καθάπερ γὰρ ἡ Νῶε κιβωτὸς ἐν τῷ κοσμοπληθεῖ κατακλυσμῷ κοσμοφοροῦσα καρτεροῦς ὑπήνεγκεν τοὺς κλύδωνας·

Down-to-which-very too-thus the-one of-a-Noe a-box in unto-the-one unto-orderation-fullinged unto-a-down-sloshing-of-to orderation-beareeing-unto to-more-secured it-beared-under to-the-ones to-billowings;

Note: to-more-secured in 02 : unto-more-secured in 01.

Note: it-beared-under in 02 : it-was-bearing-under in 01.

15:31 Νωαι A | κοσμοπληθει] εθνοπληθει ℵ | καρτερως ℵV | υπηνεγκεν] υπεμεινεν ℵ (-μιν.) V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 15:32 οὕτως σύ, ἡ νομοφύλαξ, πανταχόθεν ἐν τῷ τῶν παθῶν περιαντλουμένη κατακλυσμῷ, καὶ καρτεροῖς ἀνέμοις ταῖς τῶν υἱῶν βασάνοις συνεχομένη, γενναίως ὑπέμεινας τοὺς τῆς εὐσεβείας χειμῶνας.

unto-the-one-this thou, the-one a-parcelee-guard, all-spaced-from in unto-the-one of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses being-bucketed-about-unto unto-a-down-sloshing-of-to, and unto-more-secured unto-winds unto-the-ones of-the-ones of-sons unto-abradants being-held-together, unto-generated-belonged thou-stayed-under to-the-ones of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of to-pour-belongings.

Note: of-the-one in 02 : pr. over in 01.

15:32 συ] + γυνη V | ανεμοις] αν λοιμοις A | συνεχομενοι V* (-νη V1 (fort)) | της ευσεβειας] pr υπερ ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:1 Εἰ δὲ τοίνυν καὶ γυνὴ καὶ γεραιὰ καὶ ἑπτὰ παίδων μήτηρ ὑπέμεινεν τὰς μέχρι θανάτου βασάνους ὁρῶσα τῶν τέκνων· ὁμολογουμένως αὐτοκράτωρ ἐστὶν τῶν παθῶν ὁ εὐσεβὴς λογισμός.

If then-also unto-the-one-now and a-woman and senior-belonged and of-seven of-children a-mother it-stayed-under to-the-ones unto-lest-whilst of-a-death to-abradants seeeeing-unto of-the-ones of-creationees; unto-being-along-fortheed-unto a-self-securer it-be of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses the-one goodly-reveringed a-fortheeing-to-of.

16:1 om και I°, 2° V | γηραια Va | υπεμεινε V | των τεκνω̅| ορωσα ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:2 ἀπέδειξα οὖν ὅτι οὐ μόνον τῶν παθῶν ἄνδρες ἐπεκράτησαν, ἀλλὰ καὶ γυνὴ τῶν μεγίστων βασάνων ὑπερεφρόνησεν.

I-en-showed-off accordingly to-which-a-one not to-alone of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses men they-secured-upon-unto, other and a-woman of-the-ones of-most-great of-abradants it-centered-over-unto.

Note: they-secured-upon-unto in 02 : they-secured-unto in 01.

16:2 ανδρες των παθων ℵV | επεκρατησαν] εκρατησαν ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:3 καὶ οὐχ οὕτως οἱ περὶ Δανιὴλ λέοντες ἦσαν ἄγριοι, οὐδὲ Μισαὴλ ἐκφλεγομένη κάμινος λαβροτάτῳ πυρί, ὡς τῆς φιλοτεκνίας περιέκαιεν ἐκείνη φύσις, ὁρῶσα αὑτῆς τοὺς ἑπτὰ υἱούς βασανιζομένους.

And not unto-the-one-this the-ones about to-a-Daniêl lions they-were field-belonged, not-then-also of-a-Misaêl being-blazed-out a-furnace unto-most-brashed unto-a-fire, as of-the-one of-a-creationee-caring-unto it-was-burn-belonging-about, the-one-thither a-spawning, seeeeing-unto of-itself to-the-ones to-seven to-sons to-being-abraded-to;

Note: of-the-one in 02 : pr. the-one in 01.

Note: of-a-Misaêl in 02 : pr. the-one in 01.

Note: the-one-thither in 02 : to-the-one-thither (EKINHN : phonetical error of EKEINHN) in 01.

Note: seeeeing-unto in 02 : to-seeeeing-unto in 01.

Note: of-itself to-the-ones to-seven to-sons to-being-abraded-to in 02 : to-itself (of-itself 01C1) unto-the-one-this unto-varied to-being-abraded-to to-the-ones to-seven to-sons in 01.

16:3 Δανιηλ] pr τον V | Μισαηλ] pr η ℵV | ως] εως A | της φιλοτ.] pr η ℵV | εκινην ℵ | ορωσα̅| ℵ | αυτης τους επτα υιους βασανιζομενους] αυτην (αυτης ℵc.a) ουτως ποικιλως βασανιζομενους τους επτα υιους ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:4 ἀλλὰ τῷ λογισμῷ τῆς εὐσεβείας κατέσβεσε τοσαῦτα καὶ τηλικαῦτα πάθη ἡ μήτηρ.

other unto-the-one unto-a-fortheeing-to-of of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of it-en-quelled-down-unto to-the-ones-which-the-ones-these and to-statured-to-the-ones-these to-trekkeednesses, the-one a-mother.

Note: to-the-ones-which-the-ones-these in 02 : pr. to-the-ones in 01.

16:4 ευσεβιας ℵ : item 13 | κατεσβεσεν ℵ om V | τοσαυτα] pr τα ℵV | η μητηρ] pr ενικησεν V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:5 καὶ γὰρ τοῦτο ἐπιλογίσασθαι, ὅτι εἰ δειλόψυχος ἦν ἡ γυνή, καίπερ μήτηρ οὖσα, ὠλοφύρετο ἂν ἐπ' αὐτοῖς· καὶ ἴσως ἂν ταῦτα οὕτως εἶπεν

And too-thus to-the-one-this to-have-fortheed-upon-to, to-which-a-one if dire-breathed it-was the-one a-woman, and-very a-mother being, it-was-mourning ever upon unto-them; and unto-samed ever to-the-ones-these unto-the-one-this it-had-said,

Note: unto-the-one-this in 02 : omit in 01.

16:5 om και γαρ τουτο . . . δειλοψ. ην V | ει δειλοψ. ην η γυνη] δ. ει η γυνη ℵ* δ. ει ην γ. ℵc.a | ωλοφυρετο (ωλυφερ. ℵ* ωλοφυρ. ℵ1)] ουκ ωλοφυρατο V | om αν 2° V | om ουτως ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:6 Ὦ μελέα ἔγωγε καὶ πολλάκις τρισαθλία, ἥτις ἑπτὰ παῖδας τεκοῦσα, οὐδενὸς μήτηρ γεγένημαι.

Oh Blackious I-too and much-oft thrice-dashed-along-belonged, which-a-one to-seven to-children creationing, of-not-then-also-one a-mother I-had-come-to-become.

Note: Blackious (MELEA) : from MELEOS; derivation uncertain, but the meaning appears to be congruent with a lack of brightness (from MELAS), foolish of intellect or miserable of feeling, but also used in a good sense as mysterious [acute] interpretation.

16:6 ουδενος] ουδε ενος ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:7 ὦ μάταιοι ἑπτὰ κυοφορίαι, καὶ ἀνόνητοι ἑπτὰ δεκάμηνοι, καὶ ἄκαρποι τιθηνίαι, καὶ ταλαίπωροι γαλακτοτροφίαι.

Oh follied-belonged seven swelled-beareeings-unto, and un-profited seven ten-monthed, and un-fruited fosterings-unto, and burden-calloused milk-nourishings-unto.

16:7 ανωνητοι A : item 9 | επτα 2°] pr αι ℵ | τιθηνιοι ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:8 μάτην ἐφ' ὑμῖν, ὦ παῖδες, πολλὰς ὑπέμεινα ὠδῖνας καὶ χαλεπωτέρας φροντίδας ἀνατροφῆς.

To-follied upon unto-ye, oh Children, to-much I-stayed-under to-pangs and to-more-harrowed to-centresses of-a-nourishing-up.

Note: to-follied in 02 : + then-also in 01.

Note: to-centresses : used to refer to the main focus, usually of thought, but also of the heart, and of authority, etc.

16:8 ματην] + δε ℵ + δ V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:9 ὦ τῶν ἐμῶν παίδων, οἱ μὲν ἄγαμοι, οἱ δὲ γαμήσαντες ἀνόνητοι, οὐκ ὄψομαι ὑμῶν τέκνα, οὐδὲ μάμμη κληθεῖσα μακαρισθήσομαι.

Oh of-the-ones of-mine of-children, the-ones indeed un-married, the-ones then-also having-married-unto un-profited, not I-shall-behold of-ye to-creationees, not-then-also a-mammy having-been-called-beside-unto I-was-bless-belonged-to.

Note: a-mammy : a term of children to their maternity (mom), or the term for a maternal maternity (grandmother), where MAMMOPATWR is the paternal maternity (grandfather).

16:9 γαμησαντες] γημαντες ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:10 ὦ ἡ πολύπαις καὶ καλλίπαις ἐγὼ γυνὴ χήρα καὶ μόνη πολύθρηνος·

Oh the-one much-childed and seemly-childed I a-woman bereaved and stayeed much-wailed;

16:10 η πολυπαις] om η V | χηρα] pr η V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:11 οὐδ' ἂν ἀποθάνω, θάπτοντα τῶν υἱῶν ἕξω τινά. ἀλλὰ τούτῳ τῷ θρήνῳ οὐδένα ὀλοφύρετο ἡ ἱερὰ καὶ θεοσεβὴς μήτηρ,

not-then-also ever I-might-had-died-off, to-burialing of-the-ones of-sons out-unto-which to-a-one; other unto-the-one-this unto-the-one unto-a-wail to-not-then-also-one it-was-mourning, the-one sacred and deity-reveringed a-mother,

16:11 τουτων ℵ* (τουτω ℵ1, c.a) | ωλοφυρετο ℵ ολοφυρατο V* ωλ. Va | θεοσεβης] + και ιερα V | ουδ ως] ως ουδε ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:12 οὐδ' ἵνα μὴ ἀποθάνωσιν ἀπέτρεπεν αὐτῶν τινα, οὐδ' ὡς ἀποθνησκόντων ἐλυπήθη.

not-then-also so lest they-might-have-had-died-off it-was-turning-off of-them to-a-one, not-then-also as of-dying-off it-was-throed-unto;

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:13 ἀλλ' ὥσπερ ἀδαμάντινον ἔχουσα τὸν νοῦν, καὶ εἰς ἀθανασίαν ἀνατίκτουσα τὸν τῶν υἱῶν ἀριθμόν, μᾶλλον ὑπὲρ τῆς εὐσεβείας ἐπὶ τὸν θάνατον αὐτοὺς προετρέπετο ἱκετεύουσα.

other as-very to-prevailed-along-belonged-to holding to-the-one to-an-en-mulling-of, and into to-an-un-deathing-unto creationing-up to-the-one of-the-ones of-sons to-a-number, more-such over of-the-one of-a-goodly-revering-of upon to-the-one to-a-death to-them it-was-turning-before petitioning-of.

16:13 εχουσα αδαμαντινον ℵ | νυν A* (noun A1) | ανατικτουσα] ανατεινουσα V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:14 Ὦ μήτηρ δι' εὐσέβειαν θεοῦ στρατιῶτι. πρεσβῦτι καὶ γυνή, διὰ καρτερίαν καὶ τύραννον ἐνίκησας, καὶ ἔργοις δυνατωτέρα καὶ λόγοις εὑρέθης ἂν ἀνδρός.

Oh a-mother through to-a-goodly-revering-of of-a-Deity Amass-belongeress. More-elderess and a-woman, through to-a-more-securing-unto and to-a-tyrant thou-mull-belonged-of-unto, and unto-works more-able and unto-forthees thou-was-found ever of-a-man.

Note: a-woman in 02 : Woman in 01.

16:14 μητηρ ℵ] πη̅ρ̅ A μη̅ρ̅ V | ευσεβιαν ℵ : item 17, 23 | θεου] + μητηρ και ευσεβους στρατιας ℵ* (improb ℵc.a) + μη̅ρ̅ και ευσ. στρατηγιας V | στρατιωτη V | πρεσβυτι] και πρεσβυτη V | γυνη] γυναι ℵV | και τυραννον] τον τυρ. V | ενιμησας] pr νικη V | αν ανδρος] αν|δρος ℵ αν|δρειος V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:15 καὶ γὰρ ὅτε συνελήμφθης μετὰ τῶν παίδων, εἱστήκεις τὸν Ἐλεάζαρον ὁρῶσα βασανιζόμενον, καὶ ἔλεγες τοῖς παισὶν ἐν τῇ Ἐβραΐδι φωνῇ

And too-thus which-also thou-was-taken-together with of-the-ones of-children, thou-had-come-to-have-stood to-the-one to-an-Eleazaros seeeeing-unto to-being-abraded-to, and thou-was-forthing unto-the-ones unto-children in unto-the-one unto-an-Ebra-belonging unto-a-sound,

16:15 εστηκεις A ιστ. ℵV* (ειστ. Va) | ελεγε̅| ℵ* (ελεγες ℵc.a) | improb εν ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:16 Ὦ παῖδες, γενναῖος ὁ ἀγών· ἐφ' ὃν κληθέντες ὑπὲρ τῆς διαμαρτυρίας τοῦ ἔθνους, ἐναγωνίσασθε προθύμως ὑπὲρ τοῦ πατρίου νόμου.

Oh Children, generated-belonged the-one a-struggle; upon to-which having-been-called-unto over of-the-one of-a-witnessing-through-unto of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to, ye-should-have-struggled-in-to unto-passioned-before over of-the-one of-fathered-belonged of-a-parcelee.

Note: of-fathered-belonged in 02 : of-en-fathered in 01.

16:16 ο αγων] om ο ℵ | πατρωου ℵVa

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:17 καὶ γὰρ αἰσχρὸν τὸν μὲν γέροντα τοῦτον ὑπομένειν τὰς διὰ τὴν εὐσέβειαν ἀλγηδόνας, ὑμᾶς δὲ τοὺς νεωτέρους καταπλαγῆναι τὰς βασάνους.

And too-thus to-en-shamed to-the-one indeed to-a-senior to-the-one-this to-stay-under to-the-ones through to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of to-paineeings, to-ye then-also to-the-ones to-more-new to-have-had-been-smitten-down to-the-ones to-abradants.

Note: to-more-new in 02 : to-new-belongings-of in 01.

16:17 υπομενειν] υπομιναι ℵ | νεωτερους] νεανισκους ℵV | καταπληγηναι ℵ* (-πλαγ. ℵc.a) | τους βασ. ℵ* (τας β. ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:18 ἀναμνήσθητε ὅτι διὰ τὸν θεὸν τοῦ κόσμου μετελάβετε, καὶ τοῦ βίου ἀπελαύσατε·

Ye-should-have-been-memoried-up-unto to-which-a-one through to-the-one to-a-Deity of-the-one of-an-orderation ye-had-taken-with, and of-the-one of-a-dureeation ye-should-have-reveled-off;

16:18 αναμνησθητε] + δε ℵ | οτι] δια incep ℵ* διοτι ℵ1, c.a | απελαυσετε ℵ απηλαυσατε V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:19 καὶ διὰ τοῦτο ὀφίλετε πάντα πόνον ὑπομένειν διὰ τὸν θεόν.

and through to-the-one-this ye-debt to-all to-a-necessitatee to-stay-under through to-the-one to-a-Deity.

16:19 οφειλε| V* οφειλετε Va | πονον υπομενειν] υπομιναι π. ℵ π. υπομειναι V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:20 δι' ὃν καὶ ὁ πατὴρ ἡμῶν Ἀβραὰμ ἔσπευδεν τὸν ἐθνοπάτορα υἱὸν σφαγιάσαι Ἰσαάκ, καὶ τὴν πατρῴαν χεῖρα ξιφηφόρον καταφερομένην ἐπ' αὐτὸν ὁρῶν οὐκ ἔπτηξεν.

Through to-which and the-one a-father of-us an-Abraam it-hastened to-the-one to-a-placeedness-belonging-to-father to-a-son to-have-slaughter-belonged-to to-an-Isaak, and to-the-one to-en-fathered to-a-hand to-sword-beareed to-bearing-down upon to-it seeeeing-unto not it-flutterered.

16:20 διο ℵ* (δι ον ℵc.a) | εσπευδον V | τον] τιν V* (τον V1) | Ισακ ℵ* (Ισαακ ℵc.a) | πατρωα ℵ* (-αν ℵc.a) πατρωον V | om ορων ℵ | επηξεν ℵ* (επτηξεν ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:21 καὶ Δανιὴλ ὁ δίκαιος εἰς λέοντας ἐβλήθη· καὶ Ἁνανίας καὶ Ἀζαρίας καὶ Μισαὴλ εἰς κάμινον πυρὸς ἀπεσφενδονήθησαν, καὶ ὑπέμειναν διὰ τὸν θεόν.

And a-Daniêl the-one course-belonged into to-lions it-was-casted; and a-Hananias and an-Azarais and a-Misaêl into to-a-furnace of-a-fire they-were-off-slung-unto, and they-stayed-under through to-the-one to-a-Deity.

16:21 Αννανιας A | απεσφενδονισθησαν V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:22 καὶ ὑμεῖς οὖν τὴν αὐτὴν πίστιν πρὸς τὸν θεὸν ἔχοντες, μὴ χαλεπαίνητε·

And ye accordingly to-the-one to-it to-a-trust toward to-the-one to-a-Deity holding, lest ye-might-harrow;

Note: ye-might-harrow in 02 : ye-should-harrow in 01.

16:22 χαλεπαινετε ℵV* (-νητε Va)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:23 ἀλόγιστον γὰρ εἰδότας εὐσέβειαν μὴ ἀνθίστασθαι τοῖς πόνοις.

to-un-fortheed too-thus to-having-had-come-to-see to-a-goodly-revering-of lest to-ever-a-one-stand unto-the-ones unto-necessitatees.

16:23 ειδοτες V | ανθιστασθαι] αντιτασσεσθαι ℵ ανιστασθε Va

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:24 Διὰ τούτων τῶν λόγων ἡ ἑπταμήτωρ ἕνα ἕκαστον τῶν υἱῶν παρακαλοῦσα ἔπεισε μᾶλλον ἀποθανεῖν, ἢ παραβῆναι τὴν ἐντολὴν τοῦ θεοῦ·

Through of-the-ones-these of-the-ones of-forthees the-one a-sevened-mother to-one to-each of-the-ones of-sons calling-beside-unto it-sured more-such to-have-had-died-off or to-have-had-stepped-beside to-the-one to-a-finishing-in of-the-one of-a-Deity;

16:24 επταμητηρ ℵc.a sed statim repos -τωρ | επεισεν ℵ | om αποθανειν A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 16:25 ἔτι δὲ καὶ ταῦτα ἰδόντες ὅτι διὰ τὸν θεὸν ἀποθανόντες ζῶσιν τῷ θεῷ, ὥσπερ Ἀβραὰμ καὶ Ἰσαὰκ καὶ Ἰακὼβ, καὶ πάντες οἱ πατριάρχαι.

if-to-a-one then-also and to-the-ones-these having-had-seen to-which-a-one through to-the-one to-a-Deity having-had-died-off they-life-unto unto-the-one unto-a-Deity, as-very an-Abraam and an-Isaak and an-Iakôb, and all the-ones father-belonged-firsters.

Note: having-had-seen in 02 : having-had-come-to-see in 01.

Note: having-had-died-off in 02 : dying-off in 01.

16:25 ετι] οτι ℵc.a επει V | ιδοντες] ειδοτες ℵV | οτι] οτι οι ℵ* οποι ℵc.a | δια] pr οι V | αποθανοντες] αποθνησκοντες ℵV | Ισακ ℵ* (Ισαακ ℵc.a) | παντες οι πατρ.] οι λυποι (λοιπ. Va) πατρ. V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:1 ἔλεγον δὲ καὶ τῶν δορυφόρων τινὲς ὡς ὅτε ἔμελλεν καὶ αὐτὴ συλλαμβάνεσθαι πρὸς θάνατον, ἵνα μὴ ψαύσειέν τι τοῦ σώματος αὐτῆς, ἑαυτὴν ἔρριψεν κατὰ τῆς πυρᾶς.

They-were-forthing then-also, and of-the-ones of-shank-beareed ones, As which-also it-was-pending, and it, to-be-taken-together toward to-a-death, so lest it-may-have-touched, a-one, of-the-one of-an-en-capsuling-to of-it, to-self it-flung down of-the-one of-a-fireness.

Note: as which-also in 02 : to-which-a-one as in 01.

Note: a-one in 02 : a-one in 01.

17:1 ως οτε] οτι ως ℵ* οτι οτεν ℵc.aV | συλλαμβ,. και αυτη ℵV | τι] τις ℵV | αυτης] εαυτης A | ερειψε ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:2 Ὦ μήτηρ σὺν ἑπτὰ παισὶν καταλύσασα τὴν τοῦ τυράννου βίαν, καὶ ἀκυρώσασα τὰς κακὰς ἐπινοίας αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἐπιδείξασα τὴν τῆς πίστεως γενναιότητα.

Oh a-mother together unto-seven unto-children having-loosed-down to-the-one of-the-one of-a-tyrant to-a-dureeatedness, and having-en-un-authoritied to-the-ones to-wedge-wedged to-en-mullings-upon-unto of-it, and having-en-showed-upon to-the-one of-the-one of-a-trust to-a-generated-belongness.

Note: having-en-showed-upon in 02 : having-en-showed in 01.

17:2 με̅ρ̅ Va | om και I° ℵ | επιδειξασα] δειξασα ℵ (διξ.) V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:3 καθάπερ γὰρ σὺ στέγη ἐπὶ τοῦ στύλου τῶν παίδων γενναίως ἱδρυμένη, ἀκλινῶς ὑπήνεγκας τὸν διὰ τῶν βασάνων σεισμόν.

Down-to-which-very too-thus thou a-shielding upon of-the-one of-a-pillar of-the-ones of-children unto-generated-belonged being-seateed, unto-un-clined thou-beared-under to-the-one through of-the-ones of-abradants to-a-shaking-to-of.

Note: unto-un-clined in 02 : un-clininged in 01C1.

17:3 στεγη συ V | του στυλου] τους στυλους ℵστυλους V | ϋδρυμενη A | ακλινη ℵ* ακλινης ℵc.aV | om δια V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:4 θάρρει τοιγαροῦν, ὦ μήτηρ ἱερόψυχε, τὴν ἐλπίδα τῆς ὑπομονῆς γενναίως ἔχουσα πρὸς θεόν.

Thou-should-brave-unto unto-the-one-too-thus-accordingly, oh a-mother Sacred-breathed, to-the-one to-a-droved-sureeing of-the-one of-a-staying-under unto-generated-belonged holding toward to-a-Deity.

Note: thou-should-brave-unto (QARREI) : a later phonetic variant of QARSEI, having the same meaning.

Note: unto-generated-belonged in 02 : to-step-step-belonged in 01.

Note: to-a-Deity in 02 : pr. to-the-one in 01.

17:4 μητηρ] με̅ρ̅ V | τη A* (την A1) | γενναιως] βεβαιαν ℵV | θεον] pr τον ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:5 οὐχ οὕτω σελήνη κατ' οὐρανὸν σὺν ἄστροις σεμνὴ καθέστηκεν, ὡς σὺ τοὺς ἰσαστέρους ἑπτὰ παῖδας φωταγωγήσασα πρὸς τὴν εὐσέβειαν ἔντιμος καθέστηκας θεῷ, καὶ ἐστήρισαι ἐν οὐρανῷ σὺν αὐτοῖς.

Not of-which-unto-the-one a-moon down to-a-sky together unto-en-starrings solemn it-had-come-to-stand-down, as thou to-the-ones to-same-starred to-seven to-children having-light-led-unto toward to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of valued-in thou-had-come-to-stand-down unto-a-Deity, and thou-had-come-to-be-stablished-to in unto-a-sky together unto-them.

17:5 ουχ ουτω] ουχ ουτως bis scr ℵc.a (improb 2° ℵc.a) ουτως V* ουχ ουτ. V1 | συν I°] εν ℵ* (συν ℵc.a) | ισαστετους ℵV] εις αστερας A | om επτα V | ευσεβιαν ℵ : item 7 (2°) | καθεστηκας] εστηκας V | θεω] θω (sic) ℵ | εν ουρανω συν αυτοις] εν (συν ℵc.a) αυτοις εν ουρανοις ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:6 ἦν γὰρ ἡ παιδοποιία σου ἀπὸ Ἀβραὰμ τοῦ παιδός.

It-was too-thus the-one a-child-doing-unto of-thee off of-an-Abraam of-the-one of-a-child.

Note: of-a-child in 02 : of-a-father in 01.

17:6 παιδος] πρ̅ς̅ ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:7 Εἰ δὲ ἐξὸν ἡμῖν ἦν, ὥσπερ τινός, ζωγραφῆσαι τὴν τῆς ἱστορίας σου εὐσέβειαν, οὐκ ἂν ἔφριττον οἱ θεωροῦντες μητέρα ἑπτὰ τέκνων δι' εὐσέβειαν ποικίλας βασάνους μέχρι θανάτου ὑπομείνασαν;

If then-also being-out unto-us it-was, as-very of-a-one, to-have-life-scribed-unto to-the-one of-the-one of-an-en-accounting-unto of-thee to-a-goodly-revering-of, not ever they-were-shuddering, the-ones surveiling-unto, to-a-mother of-seven of-creationees through to-a-goodly-revering-of to-varied to-abradants unto-lest-whilst of-a-death to-having-stayed-under?

17:7–8 ουκ αν εφριττον . . . και γαρ αξιον ην sup ras et in mgg Aa (om ουκ αν εφριττον . . . ευσεβειαν (2°) A*vid)

17:7 ωσπερ] ως επι ℵ*V ωσπερ επι ℵc.a | ιστοριας σ. ευσεβειαν] ευσεβειας (-βιας ℵ) σ. ιστοριαν ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:8 καὶ γὰρ ἄξιον ἦν καὶ ἐπὶ αὐτοῦ τοῦ ἐπιταφίου ἀναγράψαι καὶ ταῦτα τοῖς ἀπὸ τοῦ ἔθνους εἰς μνείαν λεγόμενα

And too-thus deem-belonged it-was and upon of-it of-the-one of-a-buriagelet-upon to-have-scribed-off and to-the-ones-these unto-the-ones off of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to into to-a-memorying-of to-being-forthed,

17:7–8 ουκ αν εφριττον . . . και γαρ αξιον ην sup ras et in mgg Aa (om ουκ αν εφριττον . . . ευσεβειαν (2°) A*vid)

17:8 επι] επ ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:9 Ἐνταῦθα γέρων ἱερεύς, καὶ γυνὴ γεραιά, καὶ ἑπτὰ παῖδες ἐγκεκήδευνται διὰ τυράννου βίαν, τὴν Ἐβραίων πολιτίαν καταλῦσαι θέλοντος.

In-unto-the-ones-these a-senior a-sacreder-of, and a-woman senior-belonged, and seven children they-had-come-to-be-regarded-in-of through of-a-tyrant to-a-dureeatedness, to-the-one of-Ebra-belonged to-a-city-belonging-unto to-have-loosed-down of-determining.

17:9 ενταυθα] ενταυθοι ℵc.a (sed statim repos -θα) V (ενταυθ οι sic V* -θοι Vpost 1) | ιερευς και γυνη γεγαια lin subduct adfec Aa? | και I°] + συν αυτω V | επτα] incep ε ℵ* (_ ℵ1) | ενκεκηδευται V* εγκεκηδευντ. Va (vid) | τυραννου βιαν] τυραννον ℵ* (τυραννου β. ℵc.a) | την Εβρ. πολιτιαν] των Εβρ. την πολιτειαν V | θελοντες A θελοντας ℵ* (-τος ℵ1) θελησαντος V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:10 οἳ καὶ ἐξεδίκησαν τὸ ἔθνος εἰς θεὸν ἀφορῶντες, καὶ μέχρι θανάτου τὰς βασάνους ὑπομείναντες.

Which and they-coursed-out-unto to-the-one to-a-placeedness-belonging-to into to-a-Deity off-seeeeing-unto, and unto-lest-whilst of-a-death to-the-ones to-abradants having-stayed-under.

Note: to-a-placeedness-belonging-to in 02 : to-a-becomeedness in 01.

17:10 εθνος] γενος ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:11 ἀληθῶς γὰρ ἦν ἀγὼν θεῖος ὁ δι' αὐτῶν γεγενημένος.

Unto-un-secludinged too-thus it-was a-struggle deity-belonged the-one through of-them having-had-come-to-be-became.

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:12 ἠθλοθέτει γὰρ τότε ἀρετὴ δι' ὑπομονῆς δοκιμάζουσα· τὸ νῖκος ἐν ἀφθαρσίᾳ ἐν ζωῇ πολυχρονίῳ.

It-was-dashed-along-placing-unto too-thus to-the-one-which-also, a-meriting, through of-a-staying-under having-assessed-to to-the-one to-a-mull-belongeedness-of in unto-an-un-degrading-unto in unto-a-lifing unto-much-while-belonged.

Note: in unto-an-un-degrading-unto in 02 : into to-an-un-degrading-unto of-it in 01.

17:12 ηθλοτει (sic) A | νικος] + αυτης V | εν αφθαρσια] εις αφθρσιαν αυτης ℵ* αφθαρσια ℵc.a om ℵc.b εις αφθαρσιαν V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:13 Ἐλεαζὰρ δὲ προηγωνίζετο· ἡ δὲ μήτηρ τῶν ἑπτὰ παίδων ἐνήθλει· οἱ δὲ ἀδελφοὶ ἠγωνίζοντο·

An-Eleazar then-also it-was-struggling-before-to; the-one then-also a-mother of-the-ones of-seven of-children it-was-dashing-along-in-unto; the-ones then-also brethrened they-were-struggling-to;

17:13 om δε I° ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | προηγωνιτο ℵ* (προηγωνιζετο ℵc.a) | om επτα ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) | αδελφοι] pr επτα ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:14 ὁ τύραννος ἀντηγωνίζετο· ὁ δὲ κόσμος καὶ ὁ τῶν ἀνθρώπων βίος ἐθεώρει·

the-one a-tyrant it-was-ever-a-one-struggling-to; the-one then-also an-orderation and the-one of-the-ones of-mankinds a-dureeation it-was-surveiling-unto;

17:14 ο τυραννος αντ. evan in V ad fin col | om ο 3° V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:15 θεοσέβεια δὲ ἐνίκα, τοὺς ἑαυτῆς ἀθλητὰς στεφανοῦσα.

a-deity-revering-of then-also it-was-mull-belonging-of-unto, to-the-ones of-self to-dashers-along en-wreathing.

17:15 θεοσεβια ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:16 τίνες οὐκ ἐθαύμασαν τοὺς τῆς ἀληθείας νομοθεσίας ἀθλητάς; τίνες οὐκ ἐξεπλάγησαν;

What-ones not they-marveled-to to-the-ones of-the-one of-an-un-secluding-of of-a-parcelee-placing-unto to-dashers-along? What-ones not they-had-been-smitten-out?

17:16 αληθειας] θειας ℵ (θιας) V | νομοθεσιας (-σια ℵ* -σιας ℵ1)] pr θεοσεβειας V | αθλητες ℵ* (-τας ℵ1) | τινες 2°] + δε ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:17 Αὐτός γέ τοι ὁ τύραννος καὶ ὅλον τὸ συνέδριον αὐτῶν ἐξεθαύμασαν αὐτῶν τὴν ὑπομονήν,

It too unto-the-one the-one a-tyrant and whole the-one a-seatlet-together of-them they-out-marveled-to of-them to-the-one to-a-staying-under,

Note: to-a-seatlet-together in 02 : to-a-purposelet-together in 01.

Note: of-them {1st} in 02 : omit in 01.

17:17 συνεδριον] συμβουλον ℵV | om αυτων I° ℵV | εθαυμασαν ℵ* (εξεθ. ℵc.a) | υπομονην] pr αρετην και την ℵ pr αρετην και V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:18 δι' ἣν καὶ τῷ θείῳ νῦν παρεστήκασιν θρόνῳ, καὶ τὸν μακάριον βιοῦσιν αἰῶνα·

through to-which and unto-the-one unto-deity-belonged now they-had-come-to-stand-beside unto-a-throne, and to-the-one to-bless-belonged they-en-dureeate to-an-age;

17:18 δι ην . . . αιωνα lin subduct adfec Aa?

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:19 καὶ γάρ φησιν ὁ Μωσῆς Καὶ πάντες οἱ ἡγιασμένοι ὑπὸ τὰς χεῖράς σου.

and too-thus it-declareth, the-one a-Môsês, And all the-ones having-had-come-to-be-hallow-belonged-to under to-the-ones to-hands of-thee.

Note: a-Môsês in 02 : a-Môusês in 01.

17:19 Μωυσης ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:20 καὶ οὗτοι οὖν ἁγιασθέντες διὰ θεὸν τετίμηνται οὐ μόνον οὖν ταύτῃ τῇ τιμῇ, ἀλλὰ καὶ τῷ δι' αὐτοὺς τὸ ἔθνος ἡμῶν τοὺς πολεμίους μὴ ἐπικρατῆσαι,

And the-ones-these accordingly having-been-hallow-belonged-to through to-a-Deity they-had-come-to-be-valuated-unto not to-stayeed accordingly unto-the-one-this unto-the-one unto-a-valuation, other and unto-the-one through to-them to-the-one to-a-placeedness-belonging-to of-us to-the-ones to-war-belonged lest to-have-secured-upon-unto,

Note: accordingly {2nd} in 02 : omit in 01.

17:20–22 ου μονον . . . αμαρτιας lin subduct adfec Aa?

17:20 ουτοι] αυτοι ℵ | om δια θεον ℵ* hab δια τον θν̅ ℵc.a | om ουν 2° ℵV | om τω V* hab το V1 (vid) (τω Va) | τω δι αυτους· A | επικρατησας A

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:21 καὶ τὸν τύραννον τιμωρηθῆναι καὶ τὴν πατρίδα καθαρισθῆναι·

and to-the-one to-a-tyrant to-have-been-value-warded-unto and to-the-one to-a-fathering to-have-been-cleansed-to;

17:20–22 ου μονον . . . αμαρτιας lin subduct adfec Aa?

17:21 τιμωρηθηναι] pr καταισχυνθηναι και V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:22 ὥσπερ ἀντίψυχον γεγονότας τῆς τοῦ ἔθνους ἁμαρτίας· καὶ διὰ τοῦ αἵματος τῶν εὐσεβῶν ἐκείνων καὶ τοῦ ἱλαστηρίου θανάτου αὐτῶν, ἡ θεία πρόνοια τὸν Ἰσραὴλ προκακωθέντα διέσωσεν.

as-very to-ever-a-one-breathed to-having-hath-had-come-to-become of-the-one of-the-one of-a-placeedness-belonging-to of-an-un-adjusting-along-unto; and through of-the-one of-a-rushering-to of-the-ones of-goodly-reveringed of-the-ones-thither and of-the-one of-sectionater-belonged of-a-death of-them, the-one deity-belonged an-en-mulling-before-unto to-the-one to-an-Israêl to-having-been-en-wedge-wedged-before it-saved-through-to.

Note: of-a-death in 02 : pr. of-the-one in 01.

17:20–22 ου μονον . . . αμαρτιας lin subduct adfec Aa?

17:22 ωσπερ] + γαρ V | γεγονας ℵ* (-νοτας ℵc.a) | δια] της ℵ* (δια ℵc.a) | θανατου] pr του ℵ | προκακωθεντα τον Ισ̅λ̅

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:23 πρὸς γὰρ τὴν ἀνδρίαν αὐτῶν τῆς ἀρετῆς καὶ τὴν ἐπὶ ταῖς βασάνοις αὐτῶν ὑπομονὴν ὁ τύραννος ἀφιδὼν Ἀντίοχος ἀνεκήρυξεν τοῖς στρατιώταις αὐτοῦ εἰς ὑπόδιγμα τὴν ἐκείνων ὑπομονήν·

Toward too-thus to-the-one to-a-manning-unto of-them of-the-one of-a-meriting and to-the-one upon unto-the-ones unto-abradants of-them to-a-staying-under the-one a-tyrant having-had-seen-off, an-Antiochos, it-heraldered-up unto-the-ones unto-amass-belongers of-it into to-a-showing-under-to to-the-one of-the-ones-thither to-a-staying-under;

17:23 ανδρειαν V | την 2°] της A | om αυτων 2° ℵ | αφιδων] ιδων V | ανεκηρυξεν ο Αντιοχος ℵ ανεκ. Αντ. V | υποδειγμα V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 17:24 ἔσχεν τε αὐτοὺς γενναίους καὶ ἀνδρείους εἰς πεζομαχίαν καὶ πολιορκίαν· καὶ ἐκπορθήσας ἐνίκησεν πάντας τοὺς πολεμίους.

it-had-held also to-them to-generated-belonged and to-man-belonged into to-an-afoot-battling-unto and to-a-city-fenceeing-unto; and having-ravaged-out-unto it-mull-belonged-of-unto to-all to-the-ones to-war-belonged.

17:24 om και ανδρειους V | εκπορθουντας V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:1 Ὦ τῶν Ἀβραμιαίων σπερμάτων ἀπόγονοι παῖδες Ἰσραηλεῖται, πείθεσθε τῷ νόμῳ τούτῳ, καὶ πάντα τρόπον εὐσεβεῖτε·

Oh of-the-ones of-Abram-belonged of-whorlings-to Became-off Children Israêl-belongers, ye-should-be-sured unto-the-one unto-a-parcelee unto-the-one-this, and to-all to-a-turn ye-should-goodly-revere-unto;

18:1 Αβρααμιθιων ℵ* Αβρααμιαιων ℵc.a | Ισδραηλιται ℵ Ισραηλιτ. V | πιθεσθε ℵ* -θαι ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:2 γινώσκοντες ὅτι τῶν παθῶν δεσπότης ἐστὶν ὁ εὐσεβὴς λογισμός, καὶ οὐ μόνον τῶν ἔνδοθεν ἀλλὰ καὶ τῶν ἔξωθεν πόνων·

acquainting to-which-a-one of-the-ones of-trekkeednesses a-bind-doer it-be the-one goodly-reveringed a-fortheeing-to-of, and not to-stayeed of-the-ones in-then-also-which-from other and of-the-ones out-unto-which-from of-necessitatees;

18:2 εστιν δεσποτης ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:3 ἀνθ' ὧν διὰ τὴν εὐσέβειαν προιέμενοι τὰ σώματα τοῖς πόνοις ἐκεῖνοι, οὐ μόνον ὑπὸ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ἐθαυμάσθησαν, ἀλλὰ καὶ θείας μερίδος κατηξιώθησαν.

ever-a-one of-which through to-the-one to-a-goodly-revering-of sending-before to-the-ones to-en-capsulings-to unto-the-ones unto-necessitatees, the-ones-thither, not to-stayeed under of-the-ones of-mankinds they-were-marveled-to, other and of-deity-belonged of-a-portion they-were-en-deem-belonged-down.

Note: sending-before in 02 : having-sent-before in 01.

18:3 ευσεβιαν ℵ | προεμενοι ℵ | θαυμασθησαν A* (εθ. A1) | θειας] pr της V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:4 καὶ δι' αὐτοὺς εἰρήνευσεν τὸ ἔθνος, καὶ τὴν εὐνομίαν τὴν ἐπὶ τῆς πατρίδος ἀνανεωσάμενος, ἐκπεπολιόρκηκε τοὺς πολεμίους.

And through to-them it-joinified-of, the-one a-placeedness-belonging-to, and to-the-one to-a-goodly-parceleeing-unto to-the-one upon of-the-one of-a-fathering having-en-newed-up, it-had-come-to-city-fencee-out-unto to-the-ones to-war-belonged.

Note: having-en-newed-up in 02 : having-en-newed-up in 01.

Note: it-had-come-to-city-fencee-to in 02 : they-had-come-to-ravage-unto in 01.

18:4 συνομιαν (sic) V1 fort | την 2°] τη ℵ* fort | om επι V | ανανεωσαμενοι ℵV | εκπεπολιορκηκε] εκπεπορθηκαν ℵ*V εκπεπολιορκηκαν ℵc.a

(169-164 B.C.)

4Ma 18:5 καὶ ὁ τύραννος Ἀντίοχος καὶ ἐπὶ γῆς τετιμώρηται, καὶ ἀποθανὼν κολάζεται· ὡς γὰρ οὐδὲν οὐδαμῶς ἴσχυσεν ἀναγκάσαι τοὺς Ἰεροσολυμίτας ἀλλοφυλῆσαι, καὶ τῶν πατρίων ἐθνῶν ἐκδιαιτηθῆναι,

And the-one a-tyrant an-Antiochos and upon of-a-soil it-had-come-be-value-warded-unto, and having-had-died-off it-be-strictured-to; as too-thus to-not-then-also-one unto-not-then-also-any it-force-held to-have-up-armed-to to-the-ones to-Ierosolumites to-have-other-tribed-unto, and of-the-ones of-father-belonged of-placeedness-belongings-to to-have-been-out-through-appealed-unto,

Note: to-have-been-out-through-appealed-unto : refers to being imposed into a [new/changed] way of life.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:5 γης] pr της V | τετιμωρηται] ετειμωρειτο V* (ετιμ. Va) | εθνων] om ℵ εθων V | εκδιαιτηθηναι] εκζητηθηναι ℵ

(168-164 B.C.)

4Ma 18:6 τότε δὴ ἀπάρας ἀπὸ τῶν Ἰεροσολύμων ἐστρατοπέδευσεν ἐπὶ Πέρσας. Ἔλεγεν δὲ ἡ μήτηρ τῶν ἑπτὰ παίδων καὶ ταῦτα ἡ δικαία τοῖς τέκνοις

to-the-one-which-also then having-had-lifted-off off of-the-ones of-Ierosoluma' it-foot-amassed-of upon to-Persians. It-was-forthing then-also, the-one a-mother of-the-ones of-seven of-children, and to-the-ones-these, the-one course-belonged, unto-the-ones unto-creationees,

Note: then in 02 : omit in 01.

Note: it-foot-amassed-of in 02 : it-amassed-of in 01.

Note: the-one course-belonged in 02 : to-the-ones to-en-course-belongings-to in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:6 om δη ℵV | εστρατοπεδευσεν] εστρατευσεν ℵ | Περσας] περας ℵ* (Περσ. ℵc.b) | om επτα ℵ | om παιδων V | η δικαια] τα δικαιωματα ℵ ιδια V

(208-169 B.C.)

4Ma 18:7 ὅτι Ἐγὼ ἐγενήθην παρθένος ἁγνή, καὶ οὐχ ὑπερέβην πατρικὸν οἶκον· ἐφύλασσον δὲ τὴν ᾠκοδομημένην πλευράν.

to-which-a-one, I I-was-became a-maiden pure, and not I-had-stepped-over to-father-belonged-of to-a-house; I-was-guardering then-also to-the-one to-having-had-come-to-be-house-built-unto to-a-sidedness.

Note: and not in 02 : not-then-also in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:7 εγεννηθην V | και ουχ] ουδε ℵ om και V | ωκοδομουμενην A οικοδομουμενην ℵ οικοδομημενην V

(208-169 B.C.)

4Ma 18:8 οὐ διέφθειρέν με λυμεὼν τῆς ἐρημίας φθορεὺς ἐν πεδίῳ· οὐδὲ ἐλυμήνατό μου τὰ ἁγνὰ τῆς παρθενίας λυμεὼν ἀπάτης ὄφις· ἔμεινα δὲ χρόνον ἀκμῆς σὺν ἀνδρί.

Not it-degraded-through to-me, a-slagger of-the-one of-a-solituding-unto, a-degrader-of in unto-a-footinglet; not-then-also it-slagged of-me to-the-ones to-pure of-the-one of-a-maidening-unto, a-slagger of-a-delusion, a-snake; I-stayed then-also to-a-while of-an-apexing together unto-a-man.

Note: Not it-degraded-through in 02 : Not-then-also it-degraded in 01.

Note: of-the-one {1st} in 02 : omit in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:8 ου διεφθειρεν] ουδε εφθιρεν ℵ | της ερημιας] τ sup ras A? (seq spat 4 litt) om της ℵV | απατης A*ℵc.bV] απατηλος Aa? απατητης ℵ* (εμειν A* (α superscr Aa?)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:9 τούτων δὲ ἐνηλίκων γενομένων ἐτελεύτησεν ὁ πατήρ. μακάριος μὲν ἐκεῖνος· τὸν γὰρ τῆς εὐτεκνίας βίον ἐπιζητήσας, τὸν τῆς ἀτεκνίας οὐκ ὠδυνήθη καιρόν·

Of-the-ones-these then-also of-stature-belonged-in-of of-having-had-became it-finished-of-unto, the-one a-father. Bless-belonged indeed the-one-thither; to-the-one of-the-one of-a-goodly-creationeeing-unto to-a-dureeation having-sought-upon-unto, to-the-one of-the-one of-an-un-creationeeing-unto not it-was-anguished-unto to-a-time;

Note: a-father in 02 : + of-them in 01.

Note: having-sought-upon-unto in 02 : having-lifed-upon-unto in 01C1.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:9 ενηλικων] ενικων (sic) A | πατηρ] + αυτων ℵV | μεν] δε ℵ* (μεν ℵc.a) | επιζητησας] επιζησας ℵc.aV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:10 ὃς ἐδίδασκεν ὑμᾶς, ἔτι ὢν σὺν ἡμῖν, τὸν νόμον καὶ τοὺς προφήτας.

which it-was-veer-veerating to-ye, if-to-a-one being together unto-us, to-the-one to-a-parcelee and to-the-ones to-declarers-before.

Note: unto-us in 02 : unto-ye in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:10 ημιν A(vid)V] υμιν ℵ | om και ℵ* (hab ℵ1 (vid), c.a) V

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:11 τὸν ἀναιρεθέντα Ἅβελ ὑπὸ Κάιν ἀνεγίνωσκεν δὲ ἡμῖν, καὶ τὸν ὁλοκαρπούμενον Ἰσαάκ, καὶ τὸν ἐν φυλακῇ Ἰωσὴφ·

To-the-one to-having-been-sectioned-along-up-unto to-a-Habel under of-a-Kain it-was-acquainting-up then-also unto-us, and to-the-one to-being-whole-en-fruited to-an-Isaak, and to-the-one in unto-a-guardery to-an-Iôsêf;

Note: then-also in 02 : also in 01.

Note: unto-us in 02 : unto-ye in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:11 δε] τε ℵV | ημιν] υμιν ℵ | Ισακ ℵ* (Ισαακ ℵc.a)

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:12 ἔλεγεν δὲ ἡμῖν τὸν ζηλωτὴν Φινεές, ἐδίδασκεν δὲ ὑμᾶς τοὺς ἐν πυρὶ Ἁνανίαν καὶ Ἀζαρίαν καὶ Μισαήλ·

it-was-forthing then-also unto-us to-the-one to-a-craver to-a-Finees, it-was-veer-veerating then-also to-ye to-the-ones in unto-a-fire to-a-Hananias and to-an-Azarias and to-a-Misaêl;

Note: unto-us in 02 : unto-ye in 01.

Note: then-also {2nd} in 02 : also in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:12 ημιν] υμιν ℵ | τον ζηλωτην] pr και V | δε 2°] τε ℵV | υμας] ημας V | τους εν πυρι] pr και V | om και 2° ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:13 ἐδόξαζεν δὲ καὶ τὸν ἐν λάκκῳ λεόντων Δανιήλ, ὃν καὶ ἐμακάριζεν·

it-was-reckoning-to moroever and to-the-one in unto-a-reservoir of-lions to-a-Daniêl, to-which and it-was-blessing-to;

Note: and {2nd} in 02 : omit in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:13 δε] τε V | ον evan nisi potius erasum est in A | om και 2° ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:14 ὑπεμίμνησκεν δὲ ὑμᾶς τὴν Ἠσαίου γραφὴν τὴν λέγουσαν Κἂν διὰ πυρὸς διέλθῃς, φλὸξ οὐ κατακαύσει σε.

it-was-memorying-under then-also to-ye to-the-one of-an-Êsaias to-a-scribing to-the-one to-forthing, And-ever through of-a-fire thou-might-have-had-came-through, a-blaze not it-shall-burn-belong-down to-thee.

Note: to-the-one {1st} in 02 : pr. and in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:14 δε] τε V | υμας] ημας V | την I°] pr και ℵ | Ησαια ℵ* (Ησαιου ℵc.a) | τον λεγοντα ℵ* (την λεγουσαν ℵc.a) | διελθης] εισελθης ℵ* προσελθης ℵc.a

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:15 τὸν ὑμνογράφον ἐμελῴδει ἡμῖν Δαυεὶδ τὸν λέγοντα Πολλαὶ αἱ θλίψεις τῶν δικαίων.

To-the-one to-a-hymn-scriber it-was-member-songing-unto unto-us, to-a-Daueid, to-the-one to-forthing, Much the-ones pressings of-the-ones of-course-belonged.

Note: to-the-one {2nd} in 02 : omit in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:15 εμελωδει] in εμελωδι (sic) rescr ι Aa? | η μεν A*vid (ημιν A?) | τον λεγ.] om τον ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:16 τὸν Σαλομῶντα ἐπαροιμίαζεν ἡμῖν τὸν λέγοντα Ξύλον ζωῆς ἐστιν πᾶσιν τοῖς ποιοῦσιν αὐτοῦ τὸ θέλημα.

To-the-one to-a-Solomôn it-was-which-belonging-beside-to unto-us to-the-one to-forthing, A-wood of-a-lifing it-be unto-all unto-the-ones unto-doing-unto of-it to-the-one to-a-determining-to.

Note: to-a-Solomôn in 02 : to-a-Solômôn in 01.

Note: unto-us in 02 : unto-ye in 01.

Note: to-the-one {2nd} in 02 : omit in 01.

Note: unto-all in 02 : omit in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:16 Σαλωμωντα ℵ Σολομωνα V | παροιμιαζεν ℵ | ημιν] υμιν ℵ | τον λεγοντα] om τον ℵ| om πασιν ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:17 τὸν Ἰεζεκιὴλ ἐπιστοποιεῖτο τὸν λέγοντα Εἰ ζήσεται τὰ ὀστᾶ τὰ ξηρὰ ταῦτα;

To-the-one to-an-Iezekiêl it-was-trust-doing-unto to-the-one to-forthing, If it-shall-life-unto the-ones bones the-ones dried the-ones-these?

Note: it-was-trust-doing-unto in 02 : it-was-trust-doing-unto in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:17 επιστοποιει ℵ

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:18 ᾠδὴν μὲν γάρ ἣν ἐδίδαξεν Μωσῆς οὐκ ἐπελάθετο τὴν διδάσκουσαν Ἐγὼ ἀποκτενῶ, καὶ ζῇν ποιήσω.

To-a-song indeed too-thus to-which it-veer-veerated, a-Môsês, not it-had-secluded-upon to-the-one to-veer-veerating, I I-shall-kill-off, and to-life-unto I-shall-do-unto.

Note: a-Môsês in 02 : a-Môusês in 01.

Note: to-the-one to-veer-veerating in 02 : veer-veerating to-the-one to-forthing in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:18 εδιδασκεν ℵ | Μωυσης ℵ | την διδασκουσαν] διδασκων την λεγουσαν ℵV

(169-168 B.C.)

4Ma 18:19 Αὕτη ἡ ζωὴ ὑμῶν καὶ ἡ μακαριότης τῶν ἡμερῶν.

The-one-this the-one a-lifing of-ye and the-one a-blessed-belongness of-the-ones of-dayednesses.

Note: a-blessed-belongness in 02 : an-en-longness in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:19 υμων] ημων V | μακαριοτης] μακροτης ℵ ματης (sic) V

(168-164 B.C.)

4Ma 18:20 Ὦ πικρᾶς τῆς τότε ἡμέρας, καὶ οὐ πικρᾶς, ὅτε ὁ πικρὸς Ἑλλήνων τύραννος πῦρ φλέξας λέβησιν ὠμοῖς, καὶ ζέουσι θυμοῖς ἀγαγὼν ἐπὶ τὸν καταπέλτην καὶ πάλιν τὰς βασάνους αὐτοῦ τοὺς ἑπτὰ παῖδας τῆς Ἀβραμίτιδος,

Oh of-bitter of-the-one to-the-one-which-also of-a-dayedness, and not of-bitter, which-also the-one bitter of-Hellên' a-tyrant to-a-fire having-blazed unto-cauldrons unto-raw, and unto-boiling unto-passions having-had-led upon to-the-one to-an-aegiser-down and unto-furthered to-the-ones to-abradants of-it to-the-ones to-seven to-children of-the-one of-an-Abram-belongeress,

Note: to-an-aegiser-down : refers to a goat skin sling, i.e. a kind of catapult.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:20 πικρας I°] πικρα A | οτε] οτι ℵ | ο πικρος] om ο ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) V | Ελληνων] + ω̅| ℵ* (improb ℵc.a, c.b) pr τας επι τας επι (sic) V* (improb επι τας V?) | Αβρααμειτιδος ℵ

(168-164 B.C.)

4Ma 18:21 τὰς τῶν ὀμμάτων κόρας ἐπήρωσεν, καὶ γλώσσας ἐξέτεμεν, καὶ βασάνοις ποικίλαις ἀπέκτεινεν.

to-the-ones of-the-ones of-beholdings-to to-shearagings it-en-besided, and to-tongues it-cut-out, and unto-abradants unto-varied it-killed-off.

Note: to-shearagings : refers to the iris/pupil because of its multi-sheared look; also, a female, as a sprout 16 yrs. and over before bearing children.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:21 τας (sup ras Aa) των ομμ. κορας] και των ομμ. τας κ. ℵ pr και V | επηρωσεν ℵ1 (incep λ ante επ. ℵ*)] επληρωσεν ℵV | γλωσσα̅| ℵ* (γλωσσας ℵc.a) | ποικειλοις A

(168-164 B.C.)

4Ma 18:22 ὑπὲρ ὧν ἡ θεία δίκη μετῆλθεν καὶ μετελεύσεται τὸν ἀλάστορα.

Over of-which the-one deity-belonged a-coursing it-had-came-with and it-shall-come-with to-the-one to-an-un-secluder.

Note: to-an-un-secluder in 02 : + to-a-tyrant in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:22 αλαστορα] + τυραννον ℵ

(168-164 B.C.)

4Ma 18:23 οἱ δὲ Ἀβραμιαῖοι παῖδες σὺν τῇ ἀθλοφόρῳ μητρὶ εἰς πατέρων χῶρον συναγελάζονται, ψυχὰς ἁγνὰς καὶ ἀθανάτους ἀπειληφότες παρὰ τοῦ θεοῦ·

The-ones then-also Abram-belonged children together unto-the-one unto-dashed-along-beareed unto-a-mother into of-fathers to-a-spacement they-be-herded-together-to, to-breathings to-pure and to-un-deathed having-hath-had-come-to-take-off beside of-the-one of-a-Deity;

Note: to-a-spacement in 02 : to-a-chorus in 01.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:23 Αβρααμιαιοι ℵ | αθλοφορω] + αυτων V | εις] ει ℵ* (εις ℵc.a) | χωρον] χορον ℵ | συναγελαζονται] ευαγγελιζονται ℵ* (συναγ. ℵc.a) | αθανατους Aaℵc.aV] αθλοφορους ℵ*A*fort (νατους sup ras) | του θεου] om του ℵ* (hab ℵc.a) V

(168-164 B.C.)

4Ma 18:24 ᾧ ἡ δόξα εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. ἀμήν.

unto-which the-one a-reckonedness into to-the-ones to-ages of-the-ones of-ages. Amên.

18:5–24 multa paene evanuere in A

18:24 om των αιωνων V

Subscr Μακκαβαιων ℵAV