Act 3

Act 3:1 A-Petros then-also and an-Iôanês they-were-stepping-up into to-the-one to-sacred upon to-the-one to-an-houredness of-the-one of-a-goodly-holding-toward to-the-one to-ninth,

Act 3:2 and a-one a-man lame out of-a-hollowing-unto of-a-mother of-it firsting-under it-was-being-carried-to, to-which they-were-placing down to-a-dayedness toward to-the-one to-a-portaledness of-the-one of-sacred to-the-one to-being-forthed to-Hour-belonged of-the-one to-appeal-unto to-a-besectionatingedness beside of-the-ones of-traversing-into-of into to-the-one to-sacred,

Act 3:3 which having-had-seen, a-Petros, and an-Iôanês, to-pending to-go-into into to-the-one to-sacred it-was-entreating-unto to-a-besectionatingedness to-have-had-taken.

Act 3:4 Having-stretched-along-to then-also, a-Petros, into to-it, together unto-the-one unto-an-Iôanês, it-had-said, Thou-should-have-viewed into to-us.

Act 3:5 The-one then-also it-was-holding-upon unto-them toward-thinking-unto to-a-one beside of-them to-have-had-taken.

Act 3:6 It-had-said then-also, a-Petros, A-silverlet and a-goldlet not it-firsteth-under unto-me. To-which then-also I-hold to-the-one-this unto-thee I-give; in unto-the-one unto-a-naming-to of-an-Iêsous of-Anointed of-the-one of-Nazôra-belonged thou-should-tread-about-unto.

Act 3:7 And having-squeezed-to to-it of-the-one of-right-belonged of-a-hand it-roused to-it; beside-to-an-affording-to then-also they-were-en-stabled the-ones steppings of-it and the-ones ankles,

Act 3:8 and jumping-out it-had-stood and it-was-treading-about, and it-had-came-into together unto-them into to-the-one to-sacred treading-about-unto and jumping and lauding-untoto-the-one to-a-Deity.

Act 3:9 And it-had-seen, all the-one a-people, to-it to-treading-about-unto and to-lauding-unto to-the-one to-a-Deity,

Act 3:10 they-were-acquainting-upon then-also to-it to-which-a-one the-one-this it-was the-one toward to-the-one to-a-besectionatingedness sitting-down upon unto-the-one unto-Hour-belonged unto-a-Gate of-the-one of-sacred, and they-were-repleted of-a-stupor and of-a-standing-out upon unto-the-one unto-having-had-come-to-step-together unto-it.

Act 3:11 Of-securing-unto then-also of-it to-the-one to-a-Petros and to-the-one to-an-Iôanês it-had-circuited-together, all the-one a-people, toward to-them upon unto-the-one unto-a-standedness unto-the-one unto-being-called-unto of-a-Solomôn, stupored-out.

Note: unto-a-standedness : used to refer to columns or columned structures.

Act 3:12 Having-had-seen then-also, the-one a-Petros, it-was-separated-off toward to-the-one to-a-people, Men Israêleites, To-what-one ye-marvel-to upon unto-the-one-this, or unto-us to-what-one ye-stretch-along-to as unto-private-belonged unto-an-ability or unto-a-goodly-revering-of unto-having-had-come-to-do-unto of-the-one to-tread-about to-it?

Act 3:13 The-one a-Deity of-an-Abraam and of-an-Isaak and of-an-Iakôb, the-one a-Deity of-the-ones of-fathers of-us, it-reckoned-to to-the-one to-a-child of-it to-an-Iêsous, to-which ye indeed ye-gave-beside and ye-denied-unto down to-looked-toward of-a-Peilatos, of-having-separated of-the-one-thither to-loose-off;

Act 3:14 ye then-also to-the-one to-hallow-belonged and to-course-belonged ye-denied-unto, and ye-appealed-unto to-a-man to-a-slayer-of to-have-been-granted-to unto-ye,

Act 3:15 to-the-one then-also to-first-led of-the-one of-a-lifing ye-killed-off, to-which the-one a-Deity it-roused out of-en-deaded, of-which we witnesses we-be.

Act 3:16 And unto-the-one unto-a-trust of-the-one of-a-naming-to of-it, to-the-one-this to-which ye-surveil-unto and ye-had-come-to-see it-en-stabled, the-one a-naming-to of-it, andthe-one a-trust, the-one through of-it, it-gave unto-it to-the-one to-a-whole-lotting-unto to-the-one-this off-in-ever-a-one of-all of-ye.

Act 3:17 And now, Brethrened, I-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one down to-an-un-en-mulling-unto ye-practiced, as-very and the-ones firsting of-ye;

Act 3:18 the-one then-also a-Deity to-which it-leadeeered-down-before through of-a-becutteeing-to of-all of-the-ones of-declarers-before to-have-had-trekked to-the-one to-Anointed of-it it-en-filled unto-the-one-this.

Act 3:19 Ye-should-have-en-mulled-with-unto accordingly and ye-should-have-beturned-upon toward to-the-one to-have-been-smeared-along-out of-ye to-the-ones to-un-adjustings-along-unto,

Act 3:20 unto-which-whither ever they-might-have-had-came, times of-a-breathing-up, off of-looked-toward of-the-one of-Authority-belonged, and it-might-have-set-off to-the-one to-having-had-come-to-be-handed-before-to unto-ye to-Anointed to-an-Iêsous,

Act 3:21 to-which it-bindeth to-a-sky indeed to-have-received unto-whilst of-whiles of-a-standing-down-off of-all of-which it-spoke-unto, the-one a-Deity, through of-a-becutteeing-to of-the-ones of-hallow-belonged off of-an-age of-it of-declarers-before.

Act 3:22 A-Môusês indeed it-had-said to-which-a-one, To-a-declarer-before unto-ye it-shall-stand-up, Authority-belonged the-one a-Deity, out of-the-ones of-brethrenedof-ye as to-ME; of-it ye-shall-hear down to-all to-which-a-which ever it-might-have-spoke-unto toward to-ye.

Act 3:23 It-shall-be then-also all a-breathing which-a-one ever lest it-might-have-heard of-the-one of-a-declarer-before of-the-one-thither it-shall-be-destructed-out-of out of-the-one of-a-people.

Act 3:24 And all then-also the-ones declarers-before off of-a-Samouêl and of-the-ones of-held-down which-a-which they-spoke-unto and they-leadeeered-down to-the-ones to-dayednesses to-the-ones-these.

Note: of-held-down : used to refer to a subsequence.

Act 3:25 Ye ye-be the-ones sons of-the-ones of-declarers-before and of-the-one of-a-placement-through of-which the-one a-Deity it-had-placed-through toward to-the-ones to-fathers of-ye, forthing toward to-an-Abraam, And in unto-the-one unto-a-whorling-to of-thee they-shall-be-goodly-fortheed-unto all the-ones fatherings-unto of-the-one of-a-soil.

Act 3:26 Unto-ye to-most-before having-stood-up, the-one a-Deity, to-the-one to-a-child of-it, it-set-off to-it to-goodly-fortheeing-unto to-ye in unto-the-one to-beturn-off to-each off of-the-ones of-en-necessitatings-unto [of-ye].

Act 2 Act 4