Eno 1

Eno Title It-serfed-before-of then-also and unto-the-ones-these, seventh off of-an-Adam a-Henôch.

Eno 1:1 A-forthee of-a-goodly-fortheeing-unto of-a-Henôch, down-as it-goodly-fortheed-unto to-forthed-out to-course-belonged which-ones they-shall-be into to-a-dayedness of-an-arming-up to-have-lifted-out to-all to-the-ones to-en-enmitied, and they-shall-be-saved-to course-belonged.

Eno 1:2 And having-had-taken-up to-the-one to-a-casting-beside of-it it-had-said, a-Henôch; A-mankind course-belonged it-be, a-seeeeing out of-a-Deity unto-it having-had-come-to-be-opened-up it-was; holding to-the-one to-a-seeeeing of-the-one of-hallow-belonged and of-the-one of-a-sky. It-en-showed unto-me, and of-hallow-belonged-fortheed of-hallow-belonged I-heard I, and as I-heard beside of-them to-all and I-had-acquainted I surveiling-unto; and not into to-the-one now to-a-becomedness I-was-en-mulling-through-unto, other upon far-unto-which to-being I I-speak-unto.

Eno 1:3 And about of-the-ones of-forthed-out now I-forth and about of-them I-had-taken-up to-the-one to-a-casting-beside of-me. And it-shall-come-out, the-one hallow-belonged of-methe-one great, out of-the-one of-a-housing-down of-it,

Eno 1:4 and the-one a-Deity of-the-one of-an-age upon to-a-soil it-shall-tread-unto upon to-the-one to-a-Seina to-a-jutteedness and it-shall-be-manifested out of-the-one of-a-casting-in-beside of-it, and it-shall-be-manifested in unto-the-one unto-an-ability of-the-one of-a-force-holding of-it off of-the-one of-a-sky of-the-ones of-skies.

Eno 1:5 And they-shall-be-feareed-unto all and they-shall-trust-of, the-ones watched, and they-shall-song to-hidened-off in unto-all unto-the-ones unto-extremitied of-the-one of-a-soil; and they-shall-be-shake-belonged all the-ones extremitied of-the-one of-a-soil, and it-shall-take to-them, a-tremblee and a-fearee great, unto-lest-whilst of-the-ones of-acrossments of-the-one of-a-soil.

Eno 1:6 And they-shall-be-shake-belonged and they-shall-fall and they-shall-be-loosed-through jutteednesses lofteed-of, and they-shall-be-en-low-belonged-to mounds lofteed-of of-the-one to-have-had-been-flowed-through to-jutteednesses, and they-shall-have-been-melted as a-cell off of-looked-toward of-a-fire in unto-a-blaze.

Note: a-cell : used to refer to the various things of a celled structure, wax honeycombs, encaustic paintings, etc.

Eno 1:7 And it-shall-be-severed-through-to the-one a-soil to-a-severing-to burstings, and all which-a-which it-be upon of-the-one of-a-soil it-shall-destruct-off, and a-separating it-shall-be down of-all.

Eno 1:8 And with of-the-ones of-course-belonged to-the-one to-a-joinifying it-shall-do-unto, and upon to-the-ones to-forthed-out it-shall-be a-keeping-together and a-joinifying, andupon to-them it-shall-become a-besectionateedness, and they-shall-be all of-the-one of-a-Deity, and to-the-one to-a-goodly-thinking-unto it-shall-give unto-them and to-all it-shall-goodly-forthee-unto and of-all it-shall-ever-a-one-take; and it-shall-holler-run-unto unto-us, and it-shall-be-manifested unto-them a-light and it-shall-do-unto upon to-them to-a-joinifying;

Note: a-besectionateedness : a sectionating off from peril, affliction, misery, distress, predicament, etc.

Eno 1:9 to-which-a-one it-shall-come together unto-the-ones unto-myriads of-it and unto-the-ones unto-hallow-belonged of-it, to-have-done-unto to-a-separating down of-all, and it-shall-destruct-off to-all to-the-ones to-un-reveringed, and it-shall-trial to-all to-a-flesh about of-all of-works of-the-one of-an-un-revering-of of-them of-which they-un-revered-unto andof-stiffened of-which they-spoke-unto of-forthees, and about of-all of-which they-spoke-down-unto down of-it, un-adjusted-along un-reveringed.

Note: Jud 1:14-15 NT reads Thou-should-have-had-seen, it-had-came, Authority-belonged, in unto-hallow-belonged unto-myriads of-it, to-have-done-unto to-a-separatingdown of-all, and to-have-trialed to-all to-the-ones to-un-reveringed about of-all of-the-ones of-works of-an-un-revering-of of-them of-which they-un-revered-unto and about of-all of-the-ones of-stiffened of-which they-spoke-unto down of-it, un-adjusted-along un-reveringed.

PsS 18 Eno 2