Joh 15

Joh 15:1 I I-be the-one a-vine the-one un-secluded-belonged-to, and the-one a-Father of-me the-one soil-worked it-be;

Joh 15:2 to-all to-a-branching-to in unto-ME lest to-bearing to-a-fruit it-lifteth to-it, and to-all to-the-one to-a-fruit to-bearing it-cleanseth to-it so to-a-fruit to-more-beyond it-might-bear.

Joh 15:3 Which-then ye cleansed ye-be through to-the-one to-a-forthee to-which I-had-come-to-speak-unto to-ye;

Joh 15:4 ye-should-have-stayed in unto-ME, and-I in unto-ye. Down-as the-one a-branching-to not it-ableth to-a-fruit to-bear off of-self if-ever lest it-might-stay in unto-the-one unto-a-vine, unto-the-one-this not-then-also ye if-ever lest in unto-ME ye-might-stay.

Joh 15:5 I I-be the-one a-vine, ye the-ones branchings-to. The-one staying in unto-ME and-I in unto-it the-one-this it-beareth to-a-fruit to-much to-which-a-one of-spaced of-ME not ye-able to-do-unto to-not-then-also-one

Joh 15:6 If-ever lest a-one it-might-stay in unto-ME, it-was-casted out-unto-which as the-one a-branching-to and it-was-dried, and they-leadeth-together to-them and into to-the-one to-a-fire they-casteth and it-be-burn-belonged.

Joh 15:7 If-ever ye-might-have-stayed in unto-ME and the-ones utterings-to of-me in unto-ye it-might-have-stayed, to-which if-ever ye-might-determine ye-should-have-appealed-untoand it-shall-become unto-ye;

Joh 15:8 in unto-the-one-this it-was-reckoned-to the-one a-Father of-me so to-a-fruit to-much ye-might-bear and ye-might-have-had-became unto-ME learners.

Joh 15:9 Down-as it-excessed-off-unto to-me, the-one a-Father, and-I to-ye I-excessed-off-unto, ye-should-have-stayed in unto-the-one unto-an-excessing-off unto-the-one unto-mine.

Joh 15:10 If-ever to-the-ones to-finishings-in of-me ye-might-have-kept-unto, ye-shall-stay in unto-the-one unto-an-excessing-off of-me, down-as I of-the-one of-a-Father to-the-ones to-finishings-in I-had-come-to-keep-unto and I-stay of-it in unto-the-one unto-an-excessing-off.

Joh 15:11 To-the-ones-these I-had-come-to-speak-unto unto-ye so the-one a-joyedness the-one mine in unto-ye it-might-be and the-one a-joyedness of-ye it-might-have-been-en-filled.

Joh 15:12 The-one-this it-be the-one a-finishing-in the-one mine, so ye-might-excess-off-unto to-other-to-other down-as I-excessed-off-unto to-ye;

Joh 15:13 to-greateninged-of of-the-one-this to-an-excessing-off not-then-also-one it-holdeth, so a-one to-the-one to-a-breathing of-it it-might-have-had-placed over of-the-ones of-cared of-it.

Joh 15:14 Ye cared of-me ye-be if-ever ye-might-do-unto to-which I I-finish-in unto-ye.

Joh 15:15 Not-if-to-a-one I-forth to-ye to-bondees, to-which-a-one the-one a-bondee not it-had-come-to-see to-what-one it-doeth-unto of-it, the-one authority-belonged; to-ye then-also I-had-come-to-utter to-cared, to-which-a-one to-all to-which I-heard beside of-the-one of-a-Father of-me I-acquainted-to to-ye.

Joh 15:16 Not ye to-me ye-forthed-out, other I I-forthed-out to-ye, and I-placed to-ye so ye ye-might-lead-under and to-a-fruit ye-might-bear and the-one a-fruit of-ye it-might-stay, so to-which-a-one ever ye-might-have-appealed-unto to-the-one to-a-Father in unto-the-one unto-a-naming-to of-me it-might-have-had-given unto-ye.

Joh 15:17 To-the-ones-these I-finish-in unto-ye so ye-might-excess-off-unto to-other-to-other.

Joh 15:18 If the-one an-orderation to-ye it-hateth-unto, ye-should-acquaint to-which-a-one to-ME to-most-before of-ye it-had-come-to-hate-unto.

Joh 15:19 If out of-the-one of-an-orderation ye-were, the-one an-orderation ever to-the-one to-private-belonged it-was-caring-unto; to-which-a-one then-also out of-the-one of-an-orderation not ye-be, other I I-forthed-out to-ye out of-the-one of-an-orderation, through to-the-one-this it-hateth-unto to-ye, the-one an-orderation.

Joh 15:20 Ye-should-memory-stayee-of of-the-one of-a-forthee of-which I I-had-said unto-ye, Not it-be a-bondee greateninged-of of-the-one of-authority-belonged of-it; if to-ME they-pursued, and to-ye they-shall-pursue; if to-the-one to-a-forthee of-me they-kept-unto, and to-the-one to-yours they-shall-keep-unto.

Joh 15:21 Other to-the-ones-these to-all they-shall-do-unto into to-ye through to-the-one to-a-naming-to of-me, to-which-a-one not they-had-come-to-see to-the-one to-having-volleyedto-me.

Joh 15:22 If lest I-had-came and I-spoke-unto unto-them, to-an-un-adjusting-along-unto not they-were-holding; now then-also to-a-manifesting-before not they-hold about of-the-one of-an-un-adjusting-along-unto of-them.

Joh 15:23 The-one to-ME hating-unto and to-the-one to-a-Father of-me it-hateth-unto.

Joh 15:24 If to-the-ones to-works lest I-did-unto in unto-them to-which not-then-also-one other it-did-unto, to-an-un-adjusting-along-unto not they-were-holding; now then-also andthey-had-come-to-seeee-unto and they-had-come-to-hate-unto and to-ME and to-the-one to-a-Father of-me.

Joh 15:25 Other so it-might-have-been-en-filled the-one a-forthee the-one in unto-the-one unto-a-parcelee of-them having-had-come-to-be-scribed, which-a-one, They-hated-unto to-meto-a-giftedness.

Joh 15:26 Which-also-ever it-might-have-had-came, the-one called-beside, to-which I I-shall-volley unto-ye beside of-the-one of-a-Father, the-one a-currenting-to of-the-one of-an-un-secluding-of which beside of-the-one of-a-Father it-traverseth-out-of, the-one-thither it-shall-witness-unto about of-ME;

Joh 15:27 and ye then-also ye-witness-unto, to-which-a-one off of-a-firsting with of-ME ye-be.

Joh 14 Joh 16