Mar 2

Mar 2:1 And having-had-came-into unto-furthered into to-a-Kafarnaoum through of-dayednesses it-was-heard to-which-a-one in unto-a-house it-be.

Mar 2:2 And they-were-led-together much as-also lest-if-to-a-one to-space-unto lest-then-also to-the-ones toward to-the-one to-a-portaledness, and it-was-speaking-unto unto-them to-the-one to-a-forthee.

Mar 2:3 And they-cometh bearing toward to-it to-loosed-beside-belonged-of to-being-lifted under of-four.

Mar 2:4 And lest abling to-have-beared-toward unto-it through to-the-one to-a-crowd they-off-shielded-to to-the-one to-a-shielding to-which-of-whither it-was, and having-gougered-outthey-slacketh-unto to-the-one to-a-krabattos to-which-of-whither the-one loosed-beside-belonged-of it-was-being-situated-down.

Note: to-a-shielding : used to refer to protective coverings, not to the military object.

Note: to-a-krabattos : an oak weaved cot.

Mar 2:5 And having-had-seen, the-one an-Iêsous, to-the-one to-a-trust of-them, it-fortheth unto-the-one unto-loosed-beside-belonged-of, Creationee, they-be-sent-off of-thee the-onesun-adjustings-along-unto.

Mar 2:6 They-were then-also ones of-the-ones of-letterers-of thither sitting-down and fortheeing-through-to in unto-the-ones unto-hearts of-them,

Mar 2:7 To-what-one the-one-this of-which-unto-the-one it-speaketh-unto? It-ill-declareth-unto. What-one it-ableth to-send-off to-un-adjustings-along-unto if lest one the-one a-Deity?

Mar 2:8 And straight having-had-acquainted-upon, the-one an-Iêsous, unto-the-one unto-a-currenting-to of-it, to-which-a-one [unto-the-one-this] they-forthee-through-to in unto-selves, it-fortheth [unto-them], To-what-one to-the-ones-these ye-forthee-through-to in unto-the-ones unto-hearts of-ye?

Mar 2:9 What-one it-be more-goodly-felled? To-have-had-said unto-the-one unto-loosed-beside-belonged-of, They-be-sent-off of-thee the-ones un-adjustings-along-unto? Or to-have-had-said, Thou-should-rouse [and] thou-should-have-lifted to-the-one to-a-krabattos of-thee and thou-should-tread-about-unto?

Note: to-a-krabattos : an oak weaved cot.

Mar 2:10 So then-also ye-might-have-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one to-a-being-out-unto it-holdeth, the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-mankind, to-send-off to-un-adjustings-along-untoupon of-the-one of-a-soil, it-fortheth unto-the-one unto-loosed-beside-belonged-of,

Mar 2:11 Unto-THEE I-forth, Thou-should-rouse, thou-should-have-lifted to-the-one to-a-krabattos of-thee and thou-should-lead-under into to-the-one to-a-house of-thee.

Note: to-a-krabattos : an oak weaved cot.

Mar 2:12 And it-was-roused and straight having-lifted to-the-one to-a-krabattos it-had-came-out in-toward-from of-all, as-also to-stand-out to-all and to-reckon-to to-the-one to-a-Deity[to-forthing] to-which-a-one, Unto-the-one-this not-then-also-whither-also we-saw.

Note: to-a-krabattos : an oak weaved cot.

Mar 2:13 And it-had-came-out unto-furthered beside to-the-one to-a-sea, and all the-one a-crowd it-was-coming toward to-it, and it-was-veer-veerating to-them.

Mar 2:14 And leading-beside it-had-seen to-a-Leueis to-the-one of-the-one of-an-Alfaios to-sitting-down upon to-the-one to-a-finish-purchaselet, and it-fortheth unto-it, Thou-should-path-along-unto unto-me. And having-had-stood-up it-pathed-along-unto unto-it.

Mar 2:15 And it-becometh to-situate-down to-it in unto-the-one unto-a-housing-unto of-it. And much finish-purchasers and un-adjusted-along they-were-situating-up-together unto-the-one unto-an-Iêsous and unto-the-ones unto-learners of-it; they-were too-thus much and they-were-pathing-along-unto unto-it.

Mar 2:16 And the-ones letterers-of of-the-ones of-Faris-belonged having-had-seen to-which-a-one it-eat-belongeth with of-the-ones of-un-adjusted-along and of-finish-purchasers, they-were-forthing unto-the-ones unto-learners of-it, To-which-a-one with of-the-ones of-finish-purchasers and of-un-adjusted-along it-eat-belongeth?

Mar 2:17 And having-heard, the-one an-Iêsous, it-fortheth unto-them [to-which-a-one], Not to-an-affording-of they-hold, the-ones force-holding, of-an-en-curer, other the-ones unto-wedge-wedged holding; not I-had-came to-have-called-unto to-course-belonged, other to-un-adjusted-along.

Mar 2:18 And they-were the-ones learners of-an-Iôanês and the-ones Faris-belonged non-eating-of and they-cometh and they-forth unto-it, Through to-what-one the-ones learners of-an-Iôanês and the-ones learners of-the-ones of-Faris-belonged they-non-eat-of, the-ones then-also thine [learners] not they-non-eat-of?

Mar 2:19 And it-had-said unto-them, the-one an-Iêsous, Lest they-ableth, the-ones sons of-the-one of-an-en-briding, in unto-which the-one bride-belonged with of-them it-be to-non-eat-of? To-which-a-which to-a-while they-hold to-the-one to-bride-belonged with of-them not they-ableth to-non-eat-of.

Mar 2:20 They-shall-come then-also, dayednesses, which-also-ever it-might-have-been-lifted-off off of-them the-one bride-belonged, and to-the-one-which-also they-shall-non-eat-of inunto-the-one-thither unto-the-one unto-a-dayedness.

Mar 2:21 Not-then-also-one to-a-casting-upon-to of-a-tatter of-un-fulled it-seweth-upon upon to-an-apparelet to-past-belonged, if then-also lest it-lifteth to-the-one to-an-en-filling-to off of-it, the-one fresh, of-the-one of-past-belonged, and worsinged-of a-severing-to it-becometh.

Mar 2:22 And not-then-also-one it-casteth to-a-wine to-new into to-leatherns to-past-belonged; if then-also lest it-shall-en-burst, the-one a-wine, to-the-ones to-leatherns, and the-one a-wine it-be-destructed-off and the-ones leatherns[; other to-a-wine to-new into to-leatherns to-fresh].

Mar 2:23 And it-had-became to-it in unto-the-ones unto-sabbaths to-traverse-through-of through of-the-ones of-whorleed-belonged-unto, and the-ones learners of-it they-firsted to-a-way to-do-unto pulling to-the-ones to-cobs.

Mar 2:24 And the-ones Faris-belonged they-were-forthing unto-it, Thou-should-have-had-seen to-what-one they-do-unto unto-the-ones unto-sabbaths which not it-be-out.

Mar 2:25 And it-fortheth unto-them, Not-then-also-whither-also ye-had-acquainted-up to-what-one it-did-unto, a-Daueid? Which-also to-an-affording-of it-had-held and it-hungered-unto, it and the-ones with of-it?

Mar 2:26 [Unto-whither] it-had-came-into into to-the-one to-a-house of-the-one of-a-Deity upon of-an-Abiathar of-a-first-sacreder-of and to-the-ones to-adjustations of-the-one of-a-placing-before it-had-devoured to-which not it-be-out to-have-had-devoured if lest to-the-ones to-sacreders-of, and it-gave and unto-the-ones together unto-it unto-being?

Note: to-adjustations : used to refer to a processed food staple, most frequently a loaf of bread.

Mar 2:27 And it-was-forthing unto-them, The-one a-sabbath through to-the-one to-a-mankind it-had-became and not the-one a-mankind through to-the-one to-a-sabbath;

Mar 2:28 as-also Authority-belonged it-be the-one a-Son of-the-one of-a-mankind and of-the-one of-a-sabbath.

Mar 1 Mar 3