3 Corinthians

(Papyrus Bodmer 10 III-IV CE)

3Co 1:0 παυλος κορινθ[ι]οις περ[ι] σαρκος.

A-Paulos unto-Korinthos-belonged about of-a-flesh.

3Co 1:1 παυλος ο δεσμ[ι]ος <χρυ> <ιηυ> τοις εν κορινθω αδελφοις εν πολλοις ων αστοχημασι χαιρειν.

A-Paulos the-one bindee-belonged of-Anointed of-an-Iêsous unto-the-ones in unto-a-Korinthos unto-brethrened, in unto-much being unto-un-belineatings-to, to-joy.

Note: unto-un-belineatings-to : i.e. not having fallen in line.

3Co 1:2 ου θαυμαζω η ουτως ταχεως τα του πονηρου προτρεχει δογματα οτι ο <κς> <χρς> εις ταχειαν ποιησηται την ελευσιν αθετουμενος απο των παραχαρασ[σ]οντων τα λογ[ι]α αυτου.

Not I-marvel-to or unto-the-one-this, unto-quick the-ones of-the-one of-en-necessitated it-circuiteth-before, thinkings-to, to-which-a-one Authority-belonged Anointed into to-quick it-shall-do-unto to-the-one to-a-coming un-placing-unto off of-the-ones of-paling-beside to-the-ones to-fortheelets of-it.

Note: of-paling-beside : paling as in a pointed implement; here used to refer as "re-striking" words to change them.

3Co 1:3 εγω γαρ εν αρχη παρεδωκα υμιν α και παρελαβον υπο των προ εμου αποστολων γενομενων τον παντα χρονον μετα <ιηυ> <χρυ> οτι ο <κς> ημων <χρς> <ιης> εκ μαρ[ι]αςεγεννηθη εκ σπερματος <δαυιδ> <πνς> αγειου απο ουρα[νο]υ παρα του <πρς> αποσταλεντος εις αυτην [ι]να εις κοσμον προελθη και ελευθερωση πασαν σαρκα δια της ιδιας σαρκος και[ι]να εκ νεκρων ημας εγειρη σαρκ[ι]κους ως [εαυτον τυπον εδειξε] και οτι ο <ανπς> υπο του <πρς> αυτου επλασθη διο και απολλ[u]μενος εζητηθη ινα ζωοποιηθη δ[ι]α της υιοθεσιας.

I too-thus in unto-a-firsting I-gave-beside unto-ye to-which and I-had-taken-beside under of-the-ones before of-ME of-setees-off of-having-had-became to-the-one to-all to-a-while withof-an-Iêsous of-Anointed, to-which-a-one the-one Authority-belonged an-Iêsous out of-a-Maria it-was-generated-unto out of-a-whorling-to of-a-Dauid, of-a-currenting-to of-hallow-belonged off of-a-sky beside of-the-one of-a-Father of-having-had-been-sent-off into to-it, so into to-an-orderation it-might-have-had-came and it-might-have-en-freed to-all to-a-fleshthrough of-the-one of-private-belonged of-a-flesh and so out of-en-deaded to-us it-might-have-roused to-flesh-belonged-of as to-self to-a-strke it-en-showed, and to-which-a-one the-onea-mankind under of-the-one of-a-Father of-it it-was-fashioned, through-to-which and being-destructed-off it-was-sought-unto, so it-might-have-been-life-done-unto through of-the-oneof-a-son-placing-unto.

Note: to-self to-a-strke it-en-showed : the manuscript reads EAUTON TUPON EN TUPON EDEICE, a homeoteleuton scribal error for EAUTON TUPON EDEICE, here corrected.

3Co 1:4 επει γαρ ο <θς> ο των ολων ο παντοκρατωρ ο ποιησας τον ουρανον και την γην απεστειλε πρωτοις ιουδ[ai]οις προφητας εις το απο των αμαρτιων αποσπασθηναι.

Upon-if too-thus the-one a-Deity of-the-ones of-whole the-one an-All-Securer the-one having-done-unto to-the-one to-a-sky and to-the-one to-a-soil it-set-off unto-most-before unto-Iouda-belonged to-declarers-before into to-the-one off of-the-ones of-un-adjustings-along-unto to-have-been-off-drawn-unto.

3Co 1:5 εβουλετο γαρ τον οικον <ισρλ> σωσαι.

It-was-purposing too-thus to-the-one to-a-house of-an-Israêl to-have-saved-to.

3Co 1:6 μερ[ι]σας ουν απο του <πνς> του <χρυ> επεμ[ψ]εν εις τους προφητας οιτεινες την απλανη θεοσεβιαν εκηρυσσον χρονοις πολλοις ... θελων ειναι [d]ιεχειριζετο αυτους και τηνπασαν σαρκα <ανπν> προς ηδονην εδεσμευεν.

Having-portioned-to accordingly off of-the-one of-a-currenting-to of-the-one of-Anointed it-volleyed into to-the-ones to-declarers-before which-ones to-the-one to-un-wanderinged to-a-deity-revering-unto they-heraldered unto-whiles unto-much ... determining to-be, it-was-handing-through-to to-them, and to-the-one to-all to-a-flesh of-a-mankind toward to-a-pleasuring it-was-binding-of.

Note: unto-much ... determining to-be : the elipsis is placed here to indicate a primitive omission in the manuscript; the manuscript reads POLLOIS QELWN uninterrupted; perhaps"unto-much. The-one en-necessitated to-a-Deity determining to-be,"

3Co 1:7 ο <θς> ο παντοκρατωρ δικ[ο]ς ων και μη βουλομενος ακυρωσαι το ιδιον πλασμα κατεπεμ[ψ]ε <πνα> δια πυρος εις μαρ[ι]αν την γαλ[ι]λ[ai]αν ινα δι ης σαρκος απολλυμενηςενεπολ[ι]τευετο ο πονηρος δια ταυτης νικηθεις ελεγχθη το μη ων <θς>.

The-one a-Deity the-one an-All-Securer course-belonged being and lest purposing to-have-un-en-authoritied to-the-one to-private-belonged to-a-fashioning-to, it-volleyed-down to-a-currenting-to through of-a-fire into to-a-Maria to-the-one to-a-Galilaia-belonged, so through of-which of-a-flesh of-destructing-off, it-was-citizening-in-of, the-one en-necessitated,through of-the-one-this having-been-mull-belonged-of it-might-have-been-trialed to-the-one lest being a-Deity.

3Co 1:8 τω γαρ ιδιω σωματι <χρς> <ιης> πασαν εσωσε σαρκα ινα δικ[ai]οσυνης ναον εν τω ιδ[ι]ω σωματι αναδειξη, εν ω ημεις ηλευθερωμεθα.

Unto-the-one too-thus unto-private-belonged unto-an-en-capsuling-to Anointed an-Iêsous to-all it-saved-to to-a-flesh so of-a-course-belongingedness to-a-temple in unto-the-one unto-private-belonged unto-an-en-capsuling-to it-might-have-en-showed-up, in unto-which we we-had-come-to-be-en-freed.

3Co 1:9 ουκ εισιν ουν τεκνα δικεοσυνης αλλα τεκνα οργης οιτ[ι]νες την <θυ> προνοιαν ανακοπτουσ[ι]ν λεγοντες μη ειναι τον ουρανον και την γην και παντα τα εν αυτοις του <πρς> εργα.

Not they-be accordingly creationees of-a-course-belongingedness other creationees of-a-stressing, which-ones to-the-one of-a-Deity to-an-en-mulling-before-unto they-fell-up forthing lestto-be to-the-one to-a-sky and to-the-one to-a-soil and to-all to-the-ones in unto-them of-the-one of-a-Father to-works.

3Co 1:10 κατηραμενην γαρ του οφεως πιστιν εχουσιν ουστινας αποτρεπεσθε και απο της διδασκαλειας αυτων αποφευγετε οι δε υμιν λεγουσιν αναστασις ουκ εστιν σαρκος εκεινοις ουκεστιν αναστασ[ι]ς οιτινες τον ουτως ανασταντα απ[ι]στουσιν.

To-being-down-cursed-unto too-thus of-the-one of-a-snake to-a-trust they-hold; to-which-ones ye-should-turn-off, and off of-the-one of-a-veer-veerating-of of-them ye-should-have-had-fled-off; which then-also unto-ye they-forth, A-standing-up not it-be of-a-flesh; unto-the-ones-thither not it-be a-standing-up, which-ones to-the-one unto-the-one-this to-having-had-stood-up they-un-trust-unto.

3Co 1:11 ου τε γαρ ανδρες κορινθ[ι]οι οιδασ[ι] τον επ[ι] του πυρου σπορον η των αλλων σπερματων οτι γυμνα βαλλετ[αι] εις την γην και συνφθαρεντα κατω ηγερθη εν θεληματι <θυ> ενσωμα[ti] και ημφιεσμενα.

Not also too-thus men Korinthos-belonged they-had-come-to-see to-the-one upon of-the-one of-a-wheat to-a-whorlee or of-the-ones of-other of-whorlings-to to-which-a-one stripped it-be-casted into to-the-one to-a-soil and having-had-been-degraded-together down-unto-which it-be-roused in unto-a-determining-to of-a-Deity, in unto-an-en-capsuling-to and to-being-en-put-around.

3Co 1:12 ωστε ου μονον το σωμα εγειρετε το βληθεν αλλ πολλοστον ορθον ηυλογημενον.

As-also not to-stayeed the-one an-en-capsuling-to it-be-roused the-one having-been-casted, other to-mucheth to-straight-jutted to-having-had-come-to-be-goodly-fortheed-unto.

3Co 1:13 [ε]ι δε δει ημας και απο των σπερμα [τ]ων μη ποιεισθαι την παραβολην [οι]δατε οτι ιωνας ο αμαθιου υιος [ινα] εις ν[ι]νε[υ]η μη κηρυξη εις κη[τος] καταπεποτε και μετα τρ[eι]ςημερας [κ]αι τρ[eι]ς νυκτας εκ του κατωτατου [α]δου επηκουσεν ο <θς> προσευχομενου ιωνα και ουδεν αυτου διεφθαρη ουτε ερξ· ουτε βλεφαρον.

If then-also it-bindeth to-us and off of-the-ones of-whorlings-to lest to-do-unto to-the-one to-a-casting-beside, ye-had-come-to-see to-which-a-one an-Iônas the-one of-an-Amathios a-son, so into to-a-Nineuê lest it-might-have-heraldered, into to-a-cetacean it-had-come-to-be-drank-down; and with to-three to-dayednesses and to-three to-nights out of-the-one of-most-down-unto-which of-a-hadês it-heard-upon, the-one a-Deity, of-goodly-holding-toward of-an-Iônas and not-then-also-one of-it it-had-been-degraded-through not-also a-hair, not-also an-en-viewing.

Note: en-viewings : used to refer to caused viewings or to the viewing mechanism of the eyes, i.e. eyelids.

3Co 1:14 ποσω μαλλον υμας ολ[ι]γοπ[ι]στοι τους π[ι]στευσαντας εις <χρν> <ιην> εξεγειρει ως αυτος ηγερθη.

Unto-whither-which, more-such to-ye, Little-trusted, to-the-ones to-having-trusted-of into to-Anointed to-an-Iêsous, it-rouseth, as it it-was-roused.

3Co 1:15 ει και τα ελ[ι]σαιου οστα του προφητου νεκρου βληθεντος απο των υιων <ισρηλ> επ αυτα ανεστη το σωμα του <ανπου> τι κ[αι] υμεις το σωμα και τα οστα και το <πνα> <χρυ>επ[ιρρι]φεντες εν εκεινη τη ημερα αναστησεσθε εχοντες υγιη την σαρκα.

If and to-the-ones of-an-Elisaios to-bones of-the-one of-a-declarer-before, of-en-deaded of-having-been-casted off of-the-ones of-sons of-an-Israêl upon to-them, it-had-stepped-up, the-one an-en-capsuling-to of-the-one of-a-mankind, to-what-one and ye, to-the-one to-an-en-capsuling-to and to-the-ones to-bones and to-the-one to-a-currenting-to of-Anointed having-had-been-flung-upon in unto-the-one-thither unto-the-one unto-a-dayedness, ye-shall-stand-up holding to-healthinged to-the-one to-a-flesh?

3Co 1:16 ει δε τι αλλο παραδεχεσθε κοπους μοι μη παρεχετε εγω γαρ τα δεσμα εις τας χειρας εχω [ι]να <χρν> κερδησ[ω] και τα στιγματα εν τω σωματι μο[υ] [ι]να ελθω εις την εκ νεκρωναν[ασ]τασιν.

If then-also to-a-one to-other ye-receive-beside, to-fells unto-me lest ye-should-hold-beside; I too-thus to-the-ones to-bindeeings-to into to-the-ones to-hands I-hold so to-Anointed I-might-have-gained and to-the-ones to-markings-to in unto-the-one unto-an-en-capsuling-to of-me so I-might-have-had-came into to-the-one out of-en-deaded to-a-standing-up.

3Co 1:17 και ει τις ω παρελαβε κανονι δια των μακαριων πρ[ο]φητων και του αγιου ευαγγελει[ου] μενει μισθον λημψεται.

And if a-one unto-which it-had-taken-beside unto-a-bar through of-the-ones of-bless-belonged of-declarers-before and of-the-one of-hallow-belonged of-a-goodly-leadeeerlet it-stayeth,to-a-pay it-shall-take.

3Co 1:18 ει τις παραβ[ai]νει ταυτα το πυρ εστι μετ αυτου ... [α]θεων <αννων> οιτινες τε[χν]ημα [τα] εχ[ι]δνων εισ[ι]ν ους αποτρεπεσθε εν τη του <κυ> δυναμει και εστω μεθ υμων [ει]ρηνη.

If a-one it-steppeth-beside to-the-ones-these, the-one a-fire it-be with of-it ... of-un-deitied of-mankinds which-ones a-crafting-to of-vipers they-be to-which ye-should-turn-off in unto-the-one of-the-one of-Authority-belonged unto-an-ability, and it-should-be with of-ye a-joinifying.