Eno 17

Eno 17:1 And having-had-taken-beside to-me into to-a-one to-an-occasion they-had-led-off, in unto-which the-ones being thither they-become as a-fire blazing, and which-also-ever they-might-determine they-be-manifested as-if mankinds.

Eno 17:2 And they-had-led-off to-me into to-gloom-seeinged to-an-occasion and into to-a-jutteedness of-which the-one a-head it-was-tracking-off-unto into to-the-one to-a-sky.

Eno 17:3 And I-had-seen to-an-occasion of-the-ones of-lighters and to-the-ones to-en-placements of-the-ones of-stars and of-the-ones of-thunders, and into to-the-ones to-air-depthinged, to-which-of-whither a-bow of-a-fire and the-ones casteednesses and the-ones placements of-them and the-ones gleamings-along all.

Eno 17:4 And they-had-led-off to-me unto-lest-whilst of-waters of-lifing-unto and unto-lest-whilst of-a-fire of-a-sinkeeing, which it-be and holding-beside to-all to-the-ones to-sinkeeings of-the-one of-a-sun.

Eno 17:5 And I-had-came unto-lest-whilst of-a-river of-a-fire, in unto-which it-circuiteth-down, the-one a-fire, as a-water and it-floweth into to-a-sea to-great of-a-sinkeeing.

Eno 17:6 I-had-seen to-the-ones to-great to-rivers, and unto-lest-whilst of-the-one of-great of-a-river and unto-lest-whilst of-the-one of-great of-a-dimmeedness I-down-ever-a-oned-unto, and I-had-came-off to-which-of-whither all a-flesh not it-treadeth-about-unto.

Eno 17:7 I-had-seen to-the-ones to-winds of-the-ones of-hazes to-the-ones to-pour-belonged-to and to-the-one to-a-pouring-out of-the-one of-depthed-along of-all of-waters.

Eno 17:8 I-had-seen to-the-one to-a-becutteeing-to of-the-one of-a-soil of-all of-the-ones of-rivers and to-the-one to-a-becutteeing-to of-the-one of-depthed-along.

Eno 16 Eno 18